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With the growth of the use of technology and the Internet in different labor fields, companies have increased
their methods, the use of technology, programs to improve the treatment of information, allow better
communication, obtaining an optimal response and performance allowing the company to be more competitive
and sustainable in the long term. The use of technology plays an important role in companies, since it has
improved information procedures and with this a more effective inventory is achieved; this is brought to the
wire with an architectural pattern, the model's view controller, and the use of Laravel Framework and Vue.js.
Which is developed in the PHP programming language, which makes the application more robust and
scalable. With the frame of reference, a support is achieved by organizing, another software project develops
and unites different mechanisms; Vue It is a progressive framework, which means that if you are using a web
application framework, it can include base libraries and an excellent and indispensable ecosystem for the
reusable growth of components; Laravel is an open source framework for developing web applications and
services with PHP without the need to install PHP, a web server or other software on the computer; PHP is a
very popular open source language, especially suitable for web development and can be embedded in HTML;
JavaScript is a great programming language that allows developers to create actions on their web pages using
this action to create small programs, create different effects and interact with our user; MariaDB is a database
management system that allows you to modify, store and extract information from a database; HTML is a
markup language used for the execution of Internet pages, it is responsible for developing a description of the
contents that look like texts and their structures, complementing said text with different objects (such as
photographs, animations, etc.); CSS This ea used to give color, background. images and textures, and
organize elements on the page; IDE is a computer application that provides a wide range of services to help
the developer or programmer, in the execution of the software; Bootstrap is a multiplatform library or it can also
be said that it is a set of open source tools for designing websites and web applications; Web services provides
robust interoperability and offers efficient communication between the server and the client, is based for easy

The development of this research project will use the software cycle method cascade (Linear Frame); Currently
there is a lot of variety in software development methodologies, and the aforementioned method will be used
for the development of the research project. Whose work proposal is based on an orderly and sequential
process where some phases will have to be followed and completed to advance to the next phase. In addition,
the technical requirements necessary for the software development to be carried out will be analyzed. These
estimates are made at the beginning of the software project within a limited time, as the development process
progresses, they are adjusted periodically. The design of the use cases and the design of the database are
carried out, as well as the architecture of the software to be encoded. Regression tests to verify the
functionality of the software. The systematization in general is a key strategy to improve business
competitiveness, since it contributes to the achievement of goals that could hardly be achieved without
software that handles these main tasks in an organization. Reducing time for information processing, saving
costs and preserving data with greater security is a concern of the day-to-day in companies. This practice
leads to the company's organizational information being rotated between different workstations, since there is
no central database, running the risk of information loss and reprocessing due to handling different files.

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