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I have decided to create a short film and a music video. This project target audience is towards 5-12. I
decided to choose a young demographic to really challenge myself as I have never made something
before that isn’t for my own age group; Furthermore, I think this will push me to better my editing
skills as I plan to really focus on this aspect of production. I have chosen to do a music video because I
am yet to do one and I believe that the story telling skills I have developed over the last year will allow
me to show my idea through filmmaking and song. I have practice in making shorter productions, so I
know I’ll be able to evaluate what is best for my video, also in my final major project last year I learnt
to cut to the beat of the sounds I was using as well as using filming techniques to make these
transitions smoother: therefore, I think I am prepared to this medium for the first time. These skills I
can transfer into filming my short film.

Project Concept
I aim to engage my viewers, educate them and make them happy from watching my two productions.
For my short film I will research how animals are used as characters, so that the dog in my production
will have the emotional impact I want it to have; I also want to research child development, especially
with how they make friends as this will help me build the relationship between the two.
For my music video I plan to research why we have the ‘male’ and ‘female’ ideologies pushed onto
children and the issues that can be raised by this. In general, as research goes I will look at children’s
entertainment to widen my knowledge. I plan on using my camera and borrowing a microphone and
lights from the creative media department. I am going to focus on using different types of lighting in
both my production as there will be no dialogue to focus on, so its all about the image; this will also
help me to focus on colour.

I will be evaluating this project weekly by writing a blog discussing my progress. I believe that I can
produce a successful weekly blog as I have much practice doing this in past units, so I can improve my
work as I go. I will also include an overall evaluation in which I will discuss what went well in the
production and what areas I can improve on. I will send out a survey to my peers and the people of my
target audience to fully understand how well I did, ready for my final major project.

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