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Parent/ AD Meeting

August 26th, 2019

Website: Buy your Season Passes
Website: Register for NCAA
(info can be found under “Links”)
(this website is going through a major upgrade…so possible
headaches for now…but hopefully a great resource soon!
ISD194 Transportation Procedures

Most sports receive One-Way transportation to all events

The Eligibility Form serves as the travel home consent/waiver

Team Members will ride bus to the event- no exceptions

(District Policy)

Individual Booster clubs may pay for return bus.

Coach will dismiss following the event- and athletes may ride
home with persons with valid drivers license as directed by
individual parents.
District Shuttle Bus Schedule: Seasonal

The seasonal schedule can be found on our website.

ELIGIBILITY- Enrollment Requirements

• A student must be fully enrolled in school and in good standing

(in grades 7-12)

• All Athletes are eligible for 12 consecutive semesters (7th – 12th)

and must be under the age of 20

• Athletes must have all Eligibility Forms & Fees turned in to participate

• Sports Physicals are due every 3 years (you don’t have to wait the full 3 years)

• An expiring Sports Physical will lock the ‘Fee Pay’ system and will not
allow you to register.
…Speaking of Sports Physicals…
From your Infinite
Campus Portal

Select “More”

Select “Health” Tab

Your Last Physical Date

will show up
• Are you new to LNHS this year?
** ALL Transfer Students need to be cleared through AD’s Office **

All students who move to a new school in MN are considered ineligible for VARSITY
COMPETITION for one year unless one of the following credentials are met:

1. The students moves in prior to the 1st day of 9th Grade

2. The family physically moves to a new attendance area (note: not just rents a residence)

3. A court-ordered transfer takes place

4. A student w/ divorced parents, both w/ legal physical custody (a one time move is allowed)

5. A move from out-of-state.

Ineligible means no Varsity Competition for 1 Calendar Year.
ELIGIBILITY- Academic Requirements

Minnesota State High School League

To be eligible, a student must be making satisfactory progress toward the school’s

requirement for graduation.

• Coaches have access to each players grades and attendance.

• Failure at a marking period results in academic probation.

– Student meets with teacher to develop a plan and timeline to address the “F”

– Weekly progress report- Teachers, Coach, AD, and Parent must sign.

– If student is not back on track after two weeks, they will be ineligible until the
next marking period.
ELIGIBILITY- Attendance Requirements

The Base Rule:

“Students must be in school all day to participate.”

Exceptions to the Rule:

#1. In rare situations, if a student does not feel well in the
morning, but is able to arrive before the start of 4th period
(with a note), they may participate that evening.

…But it does not work the other way…if a student leaves school
because they get ill throughout the day, for their benefit and the safety
of others around them, they may not participate that evening.
ELIGIBILITY- Attendance Requirements
The Base Rule:
“Students must be in school all day to participate.”

Exceptions to the Rule:

#2. PRE-Excused Absences;
ex: doctor, dentist, funeral, college visit.

Bring a Parent Note to Lisa Heilman in the Activities Office in the morning.
A Doctor’s Note must return with the student!
*if the student returns during school-bring to the Attendance Office
*if the student returns after school- bring directly to coach.

**For any absences that do not involve a Dr’s note, but you feel could be excused,
please check with the Activities Office in advance.
ELIGIBILITY- Attendance Requirements

The Base Rule:

“Students must be in school all day to participate.”

NOT an Exception to the Rule:

…No sleeping-in the morning after a game/event!

…Too sick to come to school= too sick to play!

ELIGIBILITY- Chemical Violations
The Base Rule:
“Students shall not USE, CONSUME,

Tobacco, E-CIGs, alcohol, drugs,

or related paraphernalia.
* This rule applies all 12 months of the year *
Eligibility Violations- The Consequences

1st Violation:
Student will be ineligible for 25% of the number of regular
season contests. As a team member during ineligibility, athlete must
attend practices, meet team and coaches expectations, and complete the

2nd Violation:
Ineligible for 50% of regular season contests.

3rd Violation:
Ineligible for one calendar year.
My beliefs on Coach Communication

1. I believe that everyone deserves feedback…which may be given in

different ways.

1. I believe that HS sports should give students a chance to learn to advocate

for themselves.

2. I believe that our coaches care for our kids…a lot. When differences of
opinion or breakdowns in communication exist I encourage you to default
to believing in the ‘best intent’.

3. I believe that e-mail is a great vehicle to share “housekeeping-type” items

& bits of good news…it is not good for complaints or bad news. This is
best done verbally with timely 2-way commincation where intent is more

4. I believe that the AD does not have adequate background to get into
playing time discussions.

5. I believe that there is a time and place for parents to meet with coaches.
Chain of Communication
1st- Athlete should talk with their Direct Coach

2nd- Athlete, Direct Coach & Head Coach (together)

3rd- Athlete, Coach & Parent (together)

4th- Athlete, Coach, Parent and AD (together)

Focus will be on the wellbeing of the student & the good of the team.
Youth Sport Today…Headlines
Athletic Trainer
Heather Bartz MAT, LAT, ATC
Cell: (651) 470-0368
Office: (952) 232-3646

AT Room Hours:
M-F 2:30-5:30pm
Athletic Trainer… Things to note:
• Heather needs a copy of paperwork from ANY
visit to a health care provider if it impacts their
ability to participate in their sport
– Ex. doctor, chiropractor, urgent care, ER visit, etc.

• Legally, Heather is responsible for having written

documentation on file for any and all injuries or
illnesses that impact your child’s physical health
and/or ability to compete safely
– PLEASE send it with your child to give to Heather after school if
you see any health care provider for: x-ray, injury evaluation,
surgery, general medical conditions (mono, appendix, flu, etc)
Updated Concussion Protocol
• If an athlete receives an impact to the head AND exhibits
signs/symptoms suggestive of concussion they will be
immediately removed from play for evaluation
– Signs/symptoms: headache, pressure in head, neck pain, light/noise sensitivity, balance issues,
dizziness, nausea, confusion, irritability, more emotional, etc.
– Mechanisms: blow to head and/or face by an opponent/projectile/ground and whiplash

• Outcomes of Evaluation:
1. Return to play that day
2. Removed from play for rest of day
3. Referred to ER for immediate care (RED FLAGS present)
** Concussion will not be diagnosed same day – 24 hours will be given before evaluation**
Results of Same Day Evaluation…

1. Return to play same day: Symptoms resolve within minutes and athlete
must pass the RED FLAG evaluation, cranial nerve eval, and balance testing to RTP.

2. Removal from play same day: they are displaying ANY signs/symptoms
that last more than 5 minutes OR does not pass balance testing, cranial nerve testing,
etc the athlete will be removed from the rest of that day's activities
- No exceptions!
- They will be instructed to follow up with the AT the next day for a full concussion

3. Referral for immediate medical care: If RED FLAG symptoms are

present and need further medical care than what can be provided by AT staff
– RED FLAGS: loss of consciousness, suspected neck fracture, dramatically worsening
symptoms, abnormal vital signs, confusion, disorientation, amnesia, inabilaity to
pass cranial nerve evaluation
Concussion RTP Protocol
• STEP 1: Rest • STEP 4: Resume sport specific activity
– No strenuous activity until – Non-contact drills, running,
symptoms return to baseline strength training, position-specific
(modifying school as needed)
• STEP 2: Light aerobic exercise
• STEP 5: Full sport activity & Clearance
– 15-20 minutes of biking,
walking, elliptical under AT – Must be cleared by AT or
supervision (stretching and physician before full contact
balance training are acceptable activity
as well) – Will check in post-practice to
• STEP 3: Harder aerobic exercise determine if activity aggravated
– 20-30 minutes of intense cardio symptoms
under supervision of AT
(resume strength training and
walk through sport-specific • If symptom free through step 5, the
activities are appropriate) athlete will be cleared to participate
in the next game/event with their
Athletic Trainer… Final Notes:
• Heather will be calling/emailing home more this
year – She notices that a lot seems to get lost in
translation between her - student - coach -

When I will call:

- Concussion diagnosis
- If an injury occurs that needs immediate medical attention
When I will email:
- If I think the child needs to be seen by a physician for an injury, but
not urgently
Eligibility- Point of Emphasis

Guilty by Association
“…you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with”
Eligibility- Point of Emphasis

Social Media & Bullying

Eligibility- Point of Emphasis

Code of Conduct Violations

Racial, Religious, or Sexual Harassment
Violence, Bullying & Hazing
Stealing, Lying & Cheating

Violations in any of these areas can result in consequences in your sport

Participation is a privilege accompanied by a responsibility

Don’t stand by quietly – be the change!

Final Thoughts:
Cancellations to Scheduled Contests
Cancelations due to weather are posted after noon and are
updated on the SSC website as soon as any change is

Please select the “Notify Me” tab on the SSC website

Information would come through your sport’s individual email
group/ social media accounts…. In other words, ‘check with
your coach’.

Follow Activities on Twitter in two places

1. General Information; @LNHSPanthersAD
2. Sport-Specific Information; Official Team Twitter
Final Thoughts:
Trying a NEW Sport or Activity…

Refunds can be requested for Registration Fees:

Quit- Written request by the day after the first competition.
Cuts- The day after rosters have been announced
Final Thoughts:
Social Media

Parents: Ask the head coach if you can be your

team’s Twitter Reporter.
Parent/ AD Meeting
August 26th, 2019

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