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Samantha Alvarado

Professor Halberg


6 December 2015


In a band called Motionless In White’s song titled “America”, the lyrics describe

America as the “...home of the free, the sick and depraved.” Their description of America clearly

defines the types of people who live in America. Not only does the song describe the problems of

America, but it implies that America is corrupt, and it is becoming more corrupt as each day

passes by. However, while many people seem to notice these problems, many people decide to

either leave it to the government or just brush it off of their shoulder. They expect someone else

to take care of it when no one wants the responsibility. America is slowly declining in the

economy, and not much is being done about it.

“...And we take off our clothes to pay for the bills…Oil prices are so high we can’t feed

ourselves, so we buy into fast food and occupy the will...While they’re all eating cake

up on Capitol Hill…”

The economy is so corrupt in America that people will go through desperate measures

just to earn some money to support themselves or family. Some women go as far as becoming

strippers or prostitutes to earn it. In America, life is not about being able to provide for anyone or

even helping someone in their time of need. Life in America is simply trying to stay alive and

survive while rich people live off of luxury. Most people want to live a healthier life, but the

amount of money they make only brings them to consuming fast food, which makes fast food
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places boom in money. When people apply to receive money from the welfare, some people are

rejected. The welfare can only help so many people, but they help some of the wrong people.

The wrong people, who occupy the will and spend their money on the wrong things, become

selfish with what they spend the money on while those who actually need the money still

struggle to make a living. There’s never enough money to go around for everyone, and it is the

people who actually want to support themselves and others who suffer the most from the

corruption of the economy.

“...We upload our status and beg for attention...Handing convicts fame in HD; glorified


In earlier times, people didn’t have the advanced technology that is currently taking over

America today. As technology developed, social sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

YouTube, and many more developed as well. Teenagers are beginning to think their life relies on

social media where they live a false imagination of what they think life is about rather than the

actual reality of life itself. The majority of teenagers think begging for attention is the way to live

life. People are getting so much attention for the wrong reasons, and people learn to get attention

by developing the wrong methods to receive it. Because of this, people have grown ignorant to

people and how they act is negative rather than positive. In America, ignorance is now shined

upon when it never should have been.

“...And I’m living one big nightmare; the ugly truth has a model face. Making saints out

of useless pop stars; where’s the intelligence?”

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America is corrupt place living with a mask to hide their problems as much as possible.

The fact that this is occurring shows that America wants to make themselves look like they’re

perfectly fine when, in reality, our country is in debt, declining and going crazy over the

ridiculous and important problems going on in the country. America also tries to make

themselves look like they’re good people, but they actually make mistakes all the time. They

hate to admit that they messed up in what they have done or are doing. They try to cover up their

mistakes by making the awful people look like “saints.” It’s like Donald Trump. He tries to make

himself look good when he’s already made himself look ridiculous and cruel. America thinks

about striving for perfection, or at least making it look like they have. This is when people start

asking “where’s the intelligence” just like Chris Cerulli sang in Motionless In White’s song,

“America”. There is intelligence in America, but it’s just being used towards the wrong things.

Motionless In White’s song, “America”, completely describes the ugly reality of how

America works. It touches on the main subjects of how America is corrupt and is still corrupting

today. The message is that America clearly isn’t perfect. In fact, not once has America been

perfect due to all the problems that America doesn’t seem to try and fix. It’s only a matter of

time before America becomes it’s worst. As Chris Cerulli sang, “God, save the human race.”

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