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Examination Card 15

1.Translate text 15A from English into Ukrainian in writing and comment on
rendering scientific terms.
Australian student confirms that giant plasma tubes
are floating above Earth
  Astronomers have for the first time captured visual evidence of the existence of
tubular plasma structures in the inner layers of the magnetosphere surrounding the
Earth. “For over 60 years, scientists believed these structures existed but by imaging
them for the first time, we’ve provided visual evidence that they are really there,” Cleo
Loi of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) and the
School of Physics at the University of Sydney said.
The region of space around the Earth occupied by its magnetic field, called the
magnetosphere, is filled with plasma created by the atmosphere being ionised by
sunlight. The innermost layer of the magnetosphere is the ionosphere, and above that is
the plasmasphere. They are embedded with a variety of strangely shaped plasma
structures, including the tubes. “We measured their position to be about 600 km above
the ground, in the upper ionosphere, and they appear to be continuing upwards into the
plasmasphere. This is around where the neutral atmosphere ends, and we are
transitioning to the plasma of outer space,” Loi said.

2. Translate text 15B from English into Ukrainian in writing and comment on
rendering stylistic devices.

Barack Obama
Official Announcement of Candidacy for US President

Delivered 10 February 2007, Springfield, Illinois

Hello Springfield! […]I am so grateful to see all of you. […] Let me begin by
saying thanks to all you who've traveled, from far and wide, to brave the cold today. I
know it's a little chilly -- but I'm fired up.
You know, we all made this journey for a reason. It's humbling to see a crowd like
this, but in my heart I know you didn't just come here for me. You ...came here because
you believe in what this country can be. In the face of war, you believe there can be
peace. In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of a politics that
shut you out, that's told you to settle, that's divided us for too long, you believe that we
can be one people, reaching for what's possible, building that more perfect union. […]
Тhis campaign can't only be about me. It must be about us. It must be about what we
can do together. This campaign must be the occasion, the vehicle, of your hopes, and
your dreams. It will take your time, your energy, and your advice to push us forward
when we're doing right, and let us know when we're not. This campaign has to be about
reclaiming the meaning of citizenship, restoring our sense of common purpose, and
realizing that few obstacles can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for

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