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Influence Of Corporate Social Responsibility As Perceived By Salespeople On Their

Ethical Behaviour, Attitudes And Their Turnover Intentions

❖ Ethical issues affect everyone. The difficulty for most of us is that while there may be an official
existence of superiority, ethical issues are dilemmas, the answers to which, in a business context,
may depend on conditions and circumstances as well as moral positions. Furthermore, what may
be seen as unethical to one person may be considered normal practice to another. Individual and
business ethics is a complex area that leads to uncertainties. A salesperson doesn’t like the
behavioral content of their superior where it failed to address their concern. There’s no equity in
particular and it affects their performance as recognized to be an income source. With that said
customer retention will be affected. The ethical issues faced by the salesperson hit their
willingness to work because of the too much pressure and inhuman treatment of the higher-ups.
As it continues to foster it will hinder the companies overall transaction and even it’s brand
equity. Building customer relationship is always after a good ethical standard. It will create a
well-ventilated area for both employees and customers to breathe out. It needs to eradicate a
toxic environment to address the certain issue causing the drop out of the salesperson.

❖ Corporate social responsibility is being used by the vast majority of businesses to promote brand
awareness. It includes giving donations, creating outreach programs, and participating in tree
planting or clean-up drive activities. Businessperson thinks that aside from having a marketing
campaign, CSR is a good thing that needs to be considered not just to help the community but as
well as increase brand equity. Being part of the salesperson, a relationship is indeed a factor to
entice the buyers to opt on your firm among competitions, but can we make use of this venue to
address this issue. Even though it sounds like hitting two birds with one stone, for me it can’t
give a higher blow to the sales because clients don’t have much appreciation to those companies
who are enforcing CSR, what important to the clients is the product itself, the physical structure
is the thing that they would like to see and not merely the image of the company. They’re
dependent on how much you can offer and how quality the product is. The salesperson is not
part of the entertainment industry that focuses on the image of their talent pool, a salesperson
is selling products and not merely services like talents. CSR is not mandated to any company
unless provided by law. The company must focus on much fruitful activity and not merely on an
activity that will make the company good-looking.
❖ Creating CSR according to the article helps salesperson well-being, pride, satisfaction,
performance, and turnover intention of employees. I oppose this because we as future
employees we cannot generalize out of hundreds of respondents. They can’t represent the
majority of the employed salesperson because of its accuracy and credibility is a major concern.
As a fresh employee, time will only shape my philanthropic character, but given that I’m still
native in the business I’m on the earning side where I’m seeking for a much higher salary for
myself and my family. It does not sound selfish given that helping yourself and your family is a
good thing before you can reach out to other people.

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