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Jounuil of Clinical Periodonlology I9S3: 10: 266-276

Key words: Attached i;ingive! - deiuiil ploquc - giii^ivitt.-,.

Accepted for publication )a\y I, iyS3

Plaque-induced gingival inflammation in

the absence of attached gingiva in dogs

DepartmenI of Periodonlology, School of Dentistry, University of Goihenburg, Gothenburg. Sweden

Abstraei. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of plaque iniection on gingival uniis
(1) with or without support of attached gingiva and (2) with different hcighl of the aiiachment
apparatus. 7 beagle dogs were used. Prior to the initiation of the study 4 different types of
"dentogingival" units had been established in each dog by the use of e\cis.ional andgraltingprocedures,
namely (!) normal non-operated free gingival units supported by a wide zone of attached gingiva and
normal height of the attachment apparatus. {2) regenerated free gingival units supported by looseiy
attached alveolar mucosa and normal height of the attachment appaiatu.s, (3) regenerated free gingival
units supported by loosely attached alveolar mucosa and reduced height ofthe attachment apparatus
and |4) regenerated free gingival units supported by a wide zone of attached gingiva and reduced height
ofthe supporting apparatus. A baseline examination involved assessments of plaque, gingivitis, gingiva!
exudate, probing depth, clinical attachment level, position of the "soft tissue margin" and width of
attached gingiva. Following this examination 2 of the dogs were .scheduled for biopsy and sacrificed. The
remaining 5 dogs were for 40 days placed on a diet regimen which allowed plaque accumulation. The
elinica! examination was repeated and biopsies sampled at the end of this period. F^ollowing preparation
the biopsy material was subjected lo hisiometric and morphometric analysis. The results showed that the
free gingiva which regenerated following surgical excision of the entire gingiva or foiiowing soft tissue
grafting, was in most respects, clinically as well as hi.stologically, simiiar to the "normal" free gingiva.
The data obtained after 40 days oi' plaque accumulation did not reveal any differences between the
various "dentogingival" uniis regarding size and apicai extension of the infiltrated portion of the
connective tissue. It was concluded that a free gingivat unit which is supported by loosely attached
alveolar mucosa is not more susceptible to inflammation than a tree gingival unit which is supported by a
wide zone of attached gingiva.

Much attention has been focused on the ques- would facilitate the introduction of microor-
tion whether a free gingival unit supported by a ganisms into the gingiva! crevice resulting in a
zone of at tched gingiva serves a.s a more effective thin subgingival bacterial plaque". On the other
barrier against plaque infection Ihan a unit hand, experiments in humans by Miya.satoet al.
supported by loosely attached alveolar mucosa. (1977) and Dorfman & Kennedy (i98i), in
In 1972, Lang & Loe presented data fronn a which no tooth cleaning measures were exer-
clincial examination of a group of dental stu- cised for 21-25 days, showed that nosignificant
dents who had been subjected to supervised differences were observed with respect to devel-
piaquecontroi measuresfor aperlodof 6weeks. opment of clinical signs of inflammation
The results showed that in areas with less than 1 between areas with presence or absence oi'
mm ofatJachedgingiva, inflammation persisted attached gingiva. The exclusive tise, however, of
despite optima] plaque control. The authors clinical parameters to determine the degree of
suggested that "a movable gingival margin inflammatory response in the marginal soft

tissue to plaque may not be sufficient since side), the teeth were subjected to daily me-
severai studies have shown that clinical and ticulous plaque control during the entire pre-
histologica! parameters describing degree of paratory period. In one of these "normal" jaw
gingivitis do not always agree (e.g. Zaehrisson quadrants the entire zone of the keratinized and
1968, Listgarten & Ellegaard 1973, Schroeder et attached gingiva was excised at an interval
al. 1973, Lindhe et al. 1978). Furthermore, coinciding with grafting in the experimental
difficulties inherent in the interpretation of data side, while the gingiva in the remaining "nor-
obtained from clinical assessment of inllamma- mal" jaw quadrant was left unoperated. A
tion in areas with different width of the zone ol' clinical examination performed after 4 months
keratinizecl gingiva were recently demonstrated of healing, during which meticulous plaque
by Wennstrom et al, (1982). In a clinical and control measures had been exercised in aH jaw
histological study in beagle dogs it was shown quadrants, revealed the presence of 4 different
that free gingival units in areas with dilTerent types of "dentogingival" units in each dog,
width of keratinized gingiva responded to namely:
plaque formation by an inflammatory reaction,
the location and extension of which did not Type I: Normal, non-operated gingival units
from a histological point of view vary with the with wide zones of keratinized and attached
width of the keratinized gingiva. although the gingiva and with normal height of the sup-
clinical signs of inflammation were more pro- porting apparatus [N-Control), i,c. the jaw
nounced in areas with a narrow zone of keratin- quadrant in the control side where the gingiva
ized gingiva. was left unoperated,
The purpose of the present experiment was to
evaluate, using both clinical and histological Tvpc 2: Regenerated gingival units with a
parameters, the effect of plaque infection on narrow zone of keratinized gingiva, but without
gingival units with or without support of at- attached gingiva, and with normal height of the
tached gingiva and with different height of the supporting apparatus (N-Excised), i,e, the jaw
attachment apparatus. quadrant in the control side where the entire
zone of keratinized and attached gingiva had
Material and Methods been excised,
The maxillary and mandibular second, third
and fourth premolars (^UP^^M) ^'""^ ^^^ man- 7ype 3: Regenerated gingivai units with a
dibular first molars (iMi) in 7 female beagle narrow zone of keratinized gingiva, but without
dogs were used. Before the initiation of the attached gingiva, and with reduced height of the
present study, ihe dogs had been subjected to a supporting apparatus {PB-Fxeised}. i.e. the un-
42()-day preparatory period in order to establish grafted jaw quadrant of the experimental side.
"dentogingival" units with different clinical
characteristics,. Hence, in the right side of the Type 4: Regenerated gingival units with wide
faws (experimental side), a 6-month period of zones of keratinized and attached gingiva, and
periodontal tissue breakdown was fallowed by with reduced height of the supporting appara-
surgical excision of the entire zone of the tus {FB-Grafted), i.e. the grafted jaw quadrant
gingiva. After 4 months of healing with daily of the experimental side,
piaque control, a gingival graft was inserted in A detailed presentation of the design of the
one quadrant of the experimental side to regain experiment and surgical procedures used has
a zone of attached gingiva while the other been reported previously (Wennstrom &
quadrant of the experimental side was left Lindhe 1983),
ungrafted. In the left side of the Jaws (control At the end of this preparatory period (in the

present report denoted Day 0), a clinica! exam> fixed in a mixture of 5% glutaraldehyde and 4%
ination comprising the following parameters paraformaldehyde buffered to pH 7.2 with
was carried out: sodium cacodyiate (Karnovsky !965) and de-
1. Plaque Index (Pll) - according to Silness &. calcified in a mixture of 49?' glutaraldehyde, 0.!
Loe {!964}. M EDTA and 0,2 M sucrose (Warshawsky &
2. Gingivai Index (GI) - according to Loe & Moore 1965), After decalcification, the speci-
Silness (1963) and Loe (1967), mens were trimmed and divided into four 1 mm
3. Gingivai Exudate (GE) - according to the thick blocks and further processed for em-
orifice technique described by Loe & Holm- bedding in Epon. Sections were cut at 2-3/;m in
Pedersen (i965). the bucco-lingual direction and stained with
4. Probing depth (PD) - using a periodontal PAS and toluidine-blue (Schroeder 1973), 2
probe with a diameter of 0.4 mm at the tip sections from the central portion of each block
and with 1 mm gradings, were chosen for detailed microscopic examina-
5. Clinical attachment leve! (AL) - i.e, the tion.
probing depth measured from the apical Al! bistological examinations were carried
border of an amalgam filling placed in the out in the light microscope and by an individual
buccal tooth surface, wbo was not aware of tbe design and the aim of
6. Position of the gingival margin (GM) - i, e, the experiment. In the histometric analysis the
the distance between the apical border of the following distances (Fig. i) were measured (obj,
amalgam filling and the "soft tissue margin", X20, ocular XIO):
7. Width of the attached gingiva (AG)-I.e, the !. The height of the free gingiva (HEG); the
distance between the "soft tissue margin" vertical distance between the gingival mar-
and the mucogingival junction - measured gin and the apical border of the junctional
after staining the alveolar mucosa with epithelium (JE).
Schiller's iodine solution (Easske & Mor- 2. The suicus depth (SD); the distance between
genroth 1958) - minus the probing depth. the gingival margin and the most coronal
All assessments were confined to the mid- border of the junctional epithelium,
buccal part of the buccal roots of the maxillary 3. The width of the free gingiva at its base
and mandibular second, third and fourth pre- (WEG); the distance between JE and the
molars and the mandibular first molars. Im- surface of the oral epithelium (Tb).
mediately following the clinical examination, 2 4. The length of the supracrestal connective
of the 7 dogs, chosen at random, were scheduled tissue attachment (CTA); the distance be-
for biopsy and sacrificed. Tissue samples (see tween JE and the crest of the alveolar bone.
below) were obtained from ail teelh used in the 5. The apical extension of the infiltrated con-
study. nective tissue (alCT); the distance between
EoUowing the clinical examination on Day 0 the gingival margin and the apical border of
all tooth cleaning measures were abolished in the infiltrated connective tissue.
the remaining 5 dogs. The thickness of the keratin layer of the oral
After 20 and 40 days of plaque accumulation epithelium was assessed (obj. XlOO, ocular
the clinical examination was repeated. At the X iO) at 3 different location points along the free
end of the study (Day 40), biopsies were ob- gingiva (Tgn,, T™ and Tb, Fig. 1).
tained from al! experimental teeth of the 5 dogs All histometric assessments were expressed in
according to the technique originally described microns (jum),
by Schroeder et al. (1973). The tissue samples, A morphometric point-counting procedure
which included the buccal part of the tooth and (Weibel 1969, Schroeder & Munzel-Pedrazzoli
its adjacent marginal periodontal tissues, were 1973) was employed (Level I; obj, X20, Grid

Percentage distribution of Plaque and Gin-

gival Index scores 0, 1, 2 and 3 was calculated
for each type of "dentogingival" unit and dog.
Individual mean values representing each jaw



Eig, 1. Schematic drawing iilusirating the various

linear distances mea.sured in ihe histologicai sections.
SD —sulcu.s depth. alCT—apicai extension oi' the
infiltrated connective tissue, HFG —height of thefree GINGIVAL INDEX SCORES
gingiva, WFG = width of the free gitigiva, CTA =
length of the supracrestal connective tissue attach-
ment. Tgm, Tm and Tb represent the location points

where the thickness ofthe keratin layer was assessed
and .!E = lhe apicai border of the junctional epi-
Schematische Zeiehnung. die die verschiedenen linea-
ren Abstande veranschaulicht. die in den histologischen
Sehnitten vermessen wurden. SD'=SulkusUefe, alCT
= apikale Extension des infilirierten Bindegewebes,
HEG = H6he der freien Gingiva. WEG^Breite der
freien Gingiva, CTA = Hohe des bindegewebiichen At-
tachments iiber der aiveoiaren Knochenleisie. T^n,. 7™
und 7"b veranschaulichen die Beobachiungspunkle an I J Scoic 0 s?* Score I M Score 2
denen die Dicke der Keratinsehieht bestimmt wurde und Eig. 2. Mean percentage of buccal tooth surfaces with
JE=die apikale Grenze des Epiihelansalzes. Plaque Index scores 0, 1 and 2 and gingival units with
Representation sehematique illustrant les differentes Gingival Index scores 0, I and 2 on Days 0, 20 and 40
distances lineaires mesurees sur les coupes histolo- for the N-Control, N-Excised, PB-Excised and PB-
giques. SD—profondeur du siilon, aICT=elendue du Grafted units. conjonelif infilire en direction apieale, HFG —
Miitierer prozentualer Anteil bukkaler Zahnobrrfld-
hauieur de la geneive iibre. WEG=largeurde la geneive
citen mit den Plaqueindcx-Scores 0, 1 und 2 und
tibre. CTA=longueur de l'attaehe de tissu conjonctif
gingivale Einheiten mit den Gingivalindex-Scores 0, 1
au-dessus de la erete osseuse. T^m. ?'m et Tb represented
und 2 an den Tagen 0. 20 und 40 fUr N-KontroU, N-
les points de repere ou on enregislrait I'epaisseur dc la
exzidierie, PB-exzidierte und PB-iransplantierte Ein-
eouehe de keraiine et .IE= limiie apieale de l'epithelium
de Jonciion.
Poureentage moyen des faces deniaires vestibulaires
ayant les seores 0, I ei 2 pour l'lndiee de Plaque et des
P42} to determine the percentage composition sites gingivaux ayant les scores 0. 1 et 2 pour l'indice
Gingivat aux Jours 0. 20 et 40: sites normaux temoins
of the free gingiva in terms of oral epithelium
(N-Controi). sites normaux avec exeision (N-Excised),
(OE), junctional epithelium (JE), non-infil- sites de destruetion parodonlale avec excision (PB-
trated connective tissue (NCT).and connective Exeised) et sites de destruetion parodontale avee greffe
tissue infiltrated with inflammatory cells (ICT). (PB-Grafted).

quadrant were calculated for all other para- The results from the assessments of plaque
meters studied. Statistical analysis of the data (Plaque Index) and the gingivai conditions
was performed using Student's t-test and anal- (Gingival Index and Gingival Exudate) are
ysis of variance. presented in Fig. 2 and Table 1. At the start of
the study (Day 0) all buccal tooth surfaces
Results studied were free from bacterial deposits (Pil
Clinical parameters 0 = 100%). Almost all soft tissue units (98%) in
At the start of the study (Day 0) the mean width the 4 different jaw quadrants were free from
of the attached gingiva in the 4 groups of clinicai signs of inflammation. In addition, only
gingival units was: N-Control 2,7 mm (±8.8; negligible amounts of Gingival Exudate could
s.d.), N-Excised 0.2 mm (±0.2), PB-Excised 0.1 be collected (Table 1).
mm (±0.2) and PB-Grafted 3.0 mm (±1,0). The cessation of regular looth cleaning on
During the 40-day period of plaque accumula- Day 0 resulted in the accumulation of dental
tion the width of the attached gingiva did not piaque and in the development of intiaiiimation
change. in the marginal soft tissue. The amount of
plaque formed was similar in all jaw quadrants.
On Day 40 around 70-80% of the tooth sur-
Table L Amount of Gingival Exudate sampled on faces harbored visible amotints of dentai de-
Days 0, 20 and 40, Mean value (mm) and standard
deviation posits (Pll score 2, Fig. 2), The clinical signs of
Die Menge gingivalen Exsudates das cm den Tagen 0, inflammation in the marginal soft tissue, how-
20 und 40 gemessen worden ist. Mittelwert fmnij und ever, varied between the 4 groups of soft tissue
Standardabweichung units. Thus, in the 3 jaw quadrants in which the
Quantite d'ex.'iudat gingival recueilli aux Joiir.\ ft 20 marginal soft tissue had regenerated following
et 40, Valeur moyenne (mm) et ecart-type surgery there was a higher frequency of units
Units Day 0 Day 2« Dav 40 exhibiting a GI score of 2 than in the remaining
2.0 ±0.9
jaw quadrant. Around 58% of the marginal soft
N-Control 0.2±0,2
N-Excised 0,3±0,2 3,1 ±1, 2.7±I.O tissue units which lacked attached gingiva (N-
PB-Excised 0,1 ±0.2 2.7±0-7 Excised and PB-Excised) and 44% of the PB-
PB-Grafted 0.2±0.2 2.9±0,8 3.3 ±1,3 Grafted sites showed pronounced clinical signs
N-Control (N-Kontrolleinheiten. normaux temoins), of inflammation (GI score 2, Fig. 2). The
fB-Excissd (PB-exzidiertc Einheiten. destruction paro- corresponding figure for the non-operated con-
dontale avec excision), PB-Grafted (FB-transplantierle trol units (N-Control) was 24%, No statistically
Einheiten. destruction parodontale avec greffe).

Table 2. Probing depth and alterations of the position of the ".soft tissue margin" at the buccal tooth surfaces.
Mean value (mm) and standard deviation
Sondierungstiefe und Verdnderungen der Lage der" Grenze des Weichgewebes" an den bukkalen Zahnoberflachen,
Mittelwert (mm) und Standardabweichung
Profondeur de sondage et modifications de la position du ''rebord de ti.ssu mou" au niveau des faces dentaires
vestibulaires, Moyenne (mm) et ecart-type
Alterations of the position of
Probing depth the soft tissue margin
Units Day 0 Day 20 Day 40 Day 20 Day 40

N'Control !.6±0.2 1.8 ±0.3 1,9 ±0.4 -H 0,1 ±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.3
N-Excised I.3±0,2 l,7±0,3 1.7±0.2 -f 0,5 ±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.4
PB-Excised 1,7 ±0.2 2.0 ±0.1 I,9±0,l + 0.2±0,3 ±0,2±0,2
PB-Grafted 1.9±0,2 2,3 ±0,2 2,4 ±0.4 -|-O,3±0.3 ±0.5±0.3

significant differences were observed regarding No alteration of the attachment ievel was noted
the amount of Gingival Exudate between the 4 for any of the 4 groups.
groups of "dentogingival" units at the various
examination intervals (Table 1). On Day 40 the Histological analysis
mean amount of Gingival Exudate collected in The results obtained from the histometric as-
the 4 groups varied between 2.0-3,3 mm. sessments of the biopsy materiai are presented
The mean probing depth and the alterations in Table 3. The free gingiva of the non-operated
of the position of the "soft tissue margin" are control units (N-Control) was found on Day 0
presented in Table 2. As a result of the develop- to have an average height (HEG) of 1390//ra
ment of inflammation (1) the position of the and a width (WEG) of 1090 fxm. The gingivai
"soft tissue margin" shifted slightly in coronal sulcus (SD) was on the average 102/^m deep. In
direction (mean values 0,2-0,6 mm; Table 2), all sections the apical cells of the junctional
and (2) a small increase of the probing depth epithelium were located at or close to the
was observed in all 4 groups of units (Table 2). cemento-enamel junction and at a distance

Table 3. Results (in/jm) from the histometric assessmenis of the gingival tissue on Days 0 and 40, Mean value
and standard deviatioti, HFG = hcight of the free gmgiva; SD-sulcus depth; W F G - w i d t h of the tree gingiva
at its base; CTA = length of the supracresial connective tissue attachment: alCT —apical extension oi the infil-
trated connective ti.ssue, T,,™, Tm and Tb represent the location points along the oral epithelium of the free gingiva
where the thickness of ihc keratin layer was assessed
Resultate der htstometrischen Verntessungen der Gingiva an den Tagen 0 und 40 (in ftmj. Mittelweri und Stan-
datdabweichung, HIXl — Hohe der freicn Gingiva: SD = Sulkustiefe: WFG — Breite der freien Gingiva an ihrer
Basis; CTA = Hohe des bindegeweblichen Attachments iiber der alveolaren Ktiochenlei.ue: alCT—apikale
Extension des inftltrierten Bindegewebes. T^^. Tm und 7], veran.sehaulichetj die Beobachtungspunkte am oralen
Epithel der freien Gingiva. an denen die Dicke der Keratimchicht bestimmi wurde
Resultats (en fini) des mesures histometriques du tissu gingival aux .lours 0 et 40. Valeur moyenne et ecart-type.
HFG^hauteur de la gencive libte; SD=profomieur du sillon; WFG-largeur de la geneive libre a sa base:
CTA = longueur de l'attache de tissu eonjonetif au-dessus de la erete osseuse: aICT=etendue en direction
apicale du ti.-<su eonjonetif injiltre. T^^. T,n et Tt,. places le long de I'cpithcUum bueeal de la gencive libre.
representent les points de repere uii I'epai.fseur de la couehe de keratine a ete mesuree.
N-Control N-Exciscd PB-Excised PB-Grafted

Day 0
HFG 139O± 94 1078 ± 1 1 0 1417±94 1544± 83
102± 51 !22± 10 183±35 134± 68
1090±198 723± 63 780 ±87 1176±392
CTA 83!± 61 687 ± ! 46 SJ8±85 688 ±156
Keratin layer
7.3±4.5 3,5 ±0.3 3,7 ±2.3 3.9 ±2.8
T™ 17.5±4.0 1O.7±L1 11,5±1.3 18,3±L2
T. ! 9,9 ±3.8 n.6±0,3 9,8±I,1 20.8 ±5.0
Day 40
HFG !533±172 1359 ±132* 1523 ±290 1644±il8
SD 230 ±154 372 ±244 300± 78 270± 62
WFG n08±200 831± 99 738±I45 1390±2!8
CTA 834±182 768±I81 705 ±197 771±19I
arCT 760 ±38] 852 ±309 748 ±244 778± 50
alCT/HFG 0,48 ±0,20 0,62±0,]S O.51±0.17 0.47 ±0,05
significantly different from Day 0 (/'<0,05)

from the alveolar bone crest of on the average The measures describing the height ofthe free
831 /um (—the length of the supracrestai con- gingival unit (HFG) and the depth ofthe sulcus
nective tissue attachment, CTA). In most re- (SD) were in all 4 categories of gingival units
spects the dimensions ofthe free gingiva, which (Table 3) larger in the Day-40 than in the Day-0
had regenerated foiiowing the excisional or biopsies. The increase of the HFG between
grafting procedures (i.e. N-Excision, PB-Exci- Days 0 and 40 was, however, statistically sig-
sion and PB-Grafted units) were similar to nificant only for the N-Excised units (F<0.05).
those ofthe non-operated controls (N-Contro! No significant alterations were observed re-
units). The 2 jaw quadrants which had been garding the width of the free gingiva or the
subjected to the excisional procedure (N-Ex- length of the supracrestal connective tissue
cised and PB-Excised) had soft tissue units, attachment in any of the 4 categories of units.
however, which were somewhat thinner in The data obtained from the assessments ofthe
bucco-Hngual direction (WFG) than the cor- extension, in apical direction, ofthe infiltrated
responding units ofthe N-Controi and the PB- connective tissue portion (alCT) are aiso pre-
Grafted quadrants (around 750 //m vs around sented in Table 3. The apical border ofthe ICT
1100/^m). was located at a distance from the gingival
margin of, on the average, 760 ftm (N-Control),
The thickness of the keratin layer of the oral
852 fim (N-Excised), 748/im (PB-Excised) and
epithelium of the Day 0 biopsies is presented in
778//m (PB-Grafted). Calcuiated in relation to
Table 3. The keratin layer of the N-Control and
the height of the free gingiva (HFG) the iCT
the PB-Grafted units was comparatively thick
involved around 'A to % of the height of the free
(=«20 ^m), except at the gingival margin (Tgm)
gingiva (Table 3). There were no statistically
where this layer was only between 4-7/im thick.
significant differences between the 4 categories
The N-Excised and the PB-Excised units had a
of units regarding alCT.
comparatively thin keratin layer, (4-11

Table 4. Percentage volume of oral epithelium (OE), junctional epithelium (JE). non-infiltraled conneciive
tissue (NCT) and conneciive tissue infiltrated with inflammatory cells (ICT) calculated from morphomelric
analysis of ihe various gingival units on Days 0 and 40. Mean value and standard deviation
Durch morphomelrisehe Analyse der verschiedenen gingivalen Einheiten an den Versuchstagen 0 und 40 in %
berechnetes Volumen des oralen Epilhels (OE), des Epithelansatzes (JE), eles nieht-infiltrierien (NCT) und des von
Entziindungszellen infiltrierten Bindegewebes (ICT). Mittelweri und Standardabweichung
Poureentage des volumes de I'epiihelium buccal (OE), de l'epithelium de jonction (.IE), du ti.'isu conjonelif non
infilire (NCT) et du ti.isu eonjonetif infilire par les cellules infiammatoires (ICT). Le ealcul a He fait a pariir de
l'analyse morphomelrique des differents sites gingivaux aux Jours 0 et 40. Vaieur moyenne et eeart-type
Units OE JE NCT iCT No. of points counted
Day 0
N-ControJ 30.9±().3 8.3 ±2.3 60.8 ±2.7 O.]±O.] 286 ±50
N-Excised 34.7 ±7.6 9.4±0.6 55.9±8.2 0 ±0 155±34
PB-Excised 25.4 ±!,1 9.7±0.9 64.9 ±0.4 O.]±O.i 22J±33
PB-Grafted 28.8 ±2.4 7.6±].5 63.5 ±3.9 0.1 ±0.1 295 ±97
Day 40
N-Control 32.8±4.! 7.0 ±0.7 51,8 ±5.4 8.6 ±2.1 329±61 ^
N-Excised 34.4±2.3 8.4±3.0 45.2±5.2 12.0±2.6 211 ±44
PB-Excised 30.2±2.8 7.8±1.0 48.2 ±5,9 i3.8±3.5 260±72 ^^
PB-Grafted 27.6 ±4.8 6.8±1.6 54.2±6.5 n.4±2.8 419±48
» significantly different {P<0.05)
** significantly different {P<0.01)

Tabie 4 describes the percetitage composition and normal height of the attachment apparatus
of the Tree gingiva with regard to orai epithe- (N-Excised), (3) regenerated free gingival units
lium (OE), junctional epithelium (JE). non- supported by loosely attached alveolar mucosa
infiltrated connective tissue (NCT) and con- and reduced height of the attachment apparatus
nective tissue infiltrated by inflammatory cells (PB-Excised) and (4) regenerated free gingival
(ICT). The data obtained from the morpho- units supported by a wide zone of AG and
metric analysis of the Day 0 biopsies revealed reduced height of the attachment apparatus
that all 4 categories of "dentogingival" units had (PB-Grafted), The clinical examination per-
a similar composition. Thus, the free gingiva formed at the start of the present study revealed
was composed of, on the average, 25-35% OE, that almost all of the 4 categories of "dento-
8-10% JE, 56-65% NCT and only minute gingival" units were classified as being clinically
amounts of ICT. After 40 days of plaque healthy (GI score 0; Eig. 2), Only minute
accumulation all units had developed an ICT amounts of Gingival Exudate could be sampled
which occupied between 9-14% of the volume (Table I), Furthermore, the histologic analysis
of the various types of gingival units. No of the biopsy material disclosed that the free
statistically significant differences were ob- gmgiva of the 4 different types of "dento-
served in the size of ICT when comparing gingival" units was either devoid of or con-
gingival units with and without attached gin- tained only minute areas of inflammatory cell
giva or when comparing sites with normal and infiltration (Table 4), The histometric assess-
reduced height of the supporting tissues. Only ments showed that in most respects the dimen-
minor and statistically insignificant alterations sions of the free gingiva, which had regenerated
were noted in the proportions oi' OE and JE following the excisional or grafting procedures,
between Days 0 and 40, The size of the free were similar to those of the non-opprated
gingiva, determined as the number of points control units (Table 3). However, the free
counted at Level 1, was on Day 40 significantly gingiva of the 2 types of "dentogingival" units
smaller in the 2 categories of units which were which had regenerated following excision of the
devoid of attached gingiva (N-Excised and PB- gingiva (N-Excised and PB-Excised) and which
Excised) than in the 2 types of units where were supported by loosely attached alveolar
attached gingiva was present (N-Contro! and mucosa were somewhat thinner in bucco-
PB-Grafted) (Table 4), lingual direction (WFG) than those of ihe
normal control and the grafted units. In addi-
tion, the oral epithelium of the free gingiva of
Discussion these units had a comparatively thin layer of
keratin. These findings corroborate and extend
The results of the present study indicate that the observations presented by e.g. Ramfjord et a!.
capacity of a gingival unit to respond to bac- (1966), Karring et al. (1975), Freeman (S981),
terial plaque accumulation by inflammation is Wennstrom et al, (i981) and reveal that fol-
related neither to the presence or absence of lowing different surgical treatment - such as
attached gingiva (AG) nor to the height of the gingivectomy, flap and grafting procedures - a
supporting attachment apparatus. free gingiva will reform, which in most respects,
In a preparatory experiment 4 different types clinically as well as histologically, is similar to
of "dentogingival" units were established, that of a "normal" non-operated "dentogingi-
namely (1) normal, non-operated free gingivai val" unit.
units supported by a wide zone of AG and
normal height of the attachment apparatus (N- The 40 days of plaque accumulation resulted
Control), (2) regenerated Tree gingival units in development of an inflammatory lesion in all
supported by loosely attached alveoiar mucosa gingiva! units. While the amounts of plaque

formed were similar in all jaw quadrants, the Zusammeniassung

elinical signs of infiammation varied between Durch Plaque induzierte Entziindung des Zahnflei.schcs
the 4 categories of "dentogingival" units (Fig. beim Eehlen fester Gingiva bcim Hundc
2). Thus, the frequency of sites with marked Es wurde beabsichtigt, mil diesem Experiment die
Wirkung der Flaqueinfcklion an gingivalen Einlieiien
clinica! signs of gingivitis (GI score 2) was
(tj mit oder ohne Ergiinziing durch festcGingivaund
higher for the 2 types of utiits which lacked (2) bei vcrschiedener Hohe des Attachments zu beob-
attached gingiva (=58%) than for units which achten. Da.'; Experiment wurde an 7 Beagles Hiinden
were supported by such gingiva (N-Control: vorgenommen. Vor dem Beginn die.ser Studie wurden
bei jedem Hiinde durch Exzisions- und Tran.splania-
24%, PB-Grafted: 44%). This observation may
tionseingriffe "dcntogingivale" Einheilcn von 4 ver-
be interpreted to indicate that a gingival unit Bchiedenen Typen geschaffen, niimlich (I) normale,
supported by a zone of attached gingiva serves nicht operierle ireie gingivale Einheiten, die, bei nor-
as a more effective barrier against bacterial maler Hohe des Attachments, durch eine breileZone
fester Gingiva erganzi wurden, (2) regcncrierte freie
plaque infection than a gingival unit supported gingivale Einheiten, die, bei normaler Hohe des
by loosely attached alveolar mucosa. However, Attachments, durch lockere Gingiva erganzt wurden,
neither the gingival exudate measurements (3) regenerierte freic gingivale Einheilcn, die, bei
(Table 1) nor the histological analysis of size reduzierter Atlachmenthohe. durch eine breite Zone
and apical extension of the infiltrated portion of lockerer Gingiva erganzi wurden und (4) regenerierte
freie gingivale Einheiten. die, bei reduziertcm Auf-
the connective tissue (Tables 3, 4) revealed any hangeapparat. durch eine breite Zone fesler Gingiva
differences between the various "dentogingival" erganzt wurden. Eine Ausgangsuntersuchung bein-
units. The higher frequency oi GI score 2 in haltete die Beurteilung der Plaqueanlagerung, der
units without attached gingiva than in units Gingivitis, des gingivalen Exsudatea, der Sondier-
ungstiefe. des klinischen Attachmentniveaus. der La-
supported by such a tissue must, therefore, be ge der Grenze "lockeren Weichgewebes" und der
explained by differences regarding the size and Breite fester Gingiva, Nach dieser Unlersuchung
composition of the free gingiva. Thus, com- wurden 2 Hiinde zur Entnahme von Biopsien ausge-
wahlt und geopfert. An die verbleibenden 5 Hundc
pared to the gingival units supported by a zone wurde 40 Tage lang eine Diat verfuuert, die Plaque-
ofattached gingiva (N-Control and PB-Grafted) ansammlung zuiiess. Die klinisehe Untersuchung
the free gingiva of the excised units (N-Excised wurde wiederhoil und Stichproben der Biopsien am
and PB-Excised) was thinner in bucco-lingual Ende dieser Periode untersucht, Nach der Prapara-
lion wurde das Biopsiematerial histometrisch und
direction and had a thinner keratin layer of the morphometrisch analysierl. Die Resultate zeigten,
oral epithelium. dass die nach chirurgischer Exzision der Gesamt-
gingiva oder nach Wcichgewebstransplantation re-
Although the plaque accumulation period generierte Gingiva klinisch sowie histologisch in
was limited to 40 days the results of the present vieler Hinsicht der "normalen" freien Gingiva ahnel-
te. Die Daten nach 4D-tagiger Plaqueanlagerung
study indicate that a free gingival unit sup- zeigten hinsichtlich der Ausdehnung und der apikalen
ported by loosely attached alveolar mucosa is Au.sbreitung des infizierten Anteiles des Bindegewe-
not more susceptible to inflammation than a bcs keine Unierschiede zwischen den verschiedenen
"dentogitigivalcn" Einheiten, Es wurde gefolgeri, dass
free gingival unit supported by a wide zone of eine freie gingivale Einheit mit lockerer alveolarer
attached gingiva. In this respect the present Mukosa nicht entzundungsanfaiiiger ist a!s eine freie
findings corroborate clinical observations re- gingivale Einheit, die durch eine breite Zone fester
ported from similar experiments in humans Gingiva erganzl wird.
(Miyasato et al. 1977, Dorfman & Kennedy
1981). In view of these observations the use of
soft tissue grafts or other periodontal surgical
procedures with the main purpose of establish-
ing a proper zone of attached gingiva may be Inflammation gingivale causee par la plaque chez le
chien en I'absence de gencive attachee
La presente etude experimeniaie a ete entreprise dans
le but d'cvaluer I'action de rinfection par la piaque

sur des sites gingivaux (!) avec ou sans souticn de Karnovsky, M, J: (1965) A formaldehyde glutaral-
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