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Restorative Dentistry

Biomechanical criteria for evaluating

prefabricated post-and-core systems:
A guide for the restorative dentist
Charles T. Smith, DDS*/NotTnan J. Schuman, DDS*^¡^AValetha Wassoti, DDS***

Selecting the optimum prefabricated post-and-core system can be a complex and imprecise exercise for the
restorative dentist. First, no single prefabricated post-and-core system fits all situations. Second, the vast
number of post-and-core components currently on the market complicates the selection process. Finally,
useful biomechamcal criteria for evaluating prefabricated post-and-core components are difficult to quantify.
The prefubriciited poit-and core system consists of three components: the post, a core material, anda luting
cement. Each combination of component types is a potential system alternative. This article presents useful
biomechanicat criteria, based on current restorative guidelines, for evaluating the basic components of any
prefabricated post-and-core system. (Quintessence Int I998;29;3O5-3I2)

Key nords: biornechanicjl criteria, posl-and-oore system, prefabricated post

Mouton published his design of a gold crown with a

Clinical relevance gold post that was to be inserted into the root canal.^
Use of the ""pivot crown,"' a wooden post fitted to an
Biomechanical criteria for evaluating prefabricated artificial crown and to the canal of the root, was com-
system components will enable the restorative den- mon practice during the mid-1800s.- Also during this
tist to (¡) make an informed choice among the period, the "Richmond crown." a post-retained crown
many components currently available and (2) struc- with a porcelain facing, was developed to function as a
ture components already on hand to create alterna- bridge ret ai n er.-
tive systems. After severai decades of use, one-piece post crowns
were eventualiy replaced by the cast post and core,
made as a separate entity from the crown. This two-step
technique provided improved marginal adaptation and
he use of prefabricated posts and plastic filling
T materials to fabricate post-and-core systems was
introduced in the 1960s.' However, post-and-core sys-
did not limit the path of insertion for the crown solely to
the long axis of the tooth. In addition, an unserviceable
restoration could be replaced without having to remove
tems have been in use in dentistry for more than 250 the post,-"
years.- In 1728, Pierre Fauchard described the use of Studies show that restored, endodonticaliy treated
"tenons," which were metal posts screwed into the roots teeth that receive timely, definitive, restorative treat-
of teeth to retain his prostheses.' In 1746. Claude ment have significantly greater longevity than do nonre-
stored teeth.'' " It is also well documented that minimal-
" Associate Professor, Department of ProsthtidoiMics, Division of Fixed ly damaged endodonticaliy treated teeth may be
Prosthodontics, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Coilege of Den- restored conservaliveiy and do not require a post and
tistiy, Memphis, Tennessee.
core or a crown.•^"-'- However, most teeth selected for
»'Associate Professor, Deparlment of Biologic and Diagnostic
Sciences, tjniversity of Tennessee, Memphis, College of Dentislry,
endodontic treatment have already sustained some
Memphis, Tennessee.
degree of coronal damage from trauma, caries, and/or
*•" Associate Professor. Departmeni of General Dentistry, tJniversity of prior restorative procedures.^'' The added loss of tooth
Tennessee. Memphis, College of Dentistry, Memphis. Tennessee. structure from endodontic procedures, followed by
Reprinl requests: Dr Charleü T Smith, University of Tennessee, reduction for a crown preparation, usually leaves insuf-
Memphis, Coilcge of Dentistry, 875 Union Avenue. Memphis, Tennessee ficient support for a crown.'-* Typically, a core founda-

Quintessence International 305

/^ G lass-ionomer

/^ Poiycarboxyiate

(Core mate ri a i s) /• Zinc phosphate (Luting cements)

A /* Resin-based B

• w~' • ^ ~~
Glass- Resin Amaigam
ionomer composite • Parailei, threaded

• Parallel, smooth-sided

• Parallel, serrated (Prefabricated posts)

• Tapered, threaded ^

' Tapered, smooth-sided

' Tapered, serrated

F i g 1 Alternative prefabricated post-and-core systems utiiizing materials avaiiabie in 1997.

Potential aiternatives = (A x B x C): potentiai aiternatives = ( 3 x 4 x 6 ) ; total = 72.

tion made of plastic filling materials is used to replace The objective of a post-and-core system is to pro-
this lost tooth structure and provide support for the vide the retention for a crown that would normally be
crown. However, when there is not enough sound tooth gained from sound coronal tooth structure.-* •' The noted
structure remaining to provide retention for a core, a systems analyst, Thomas H- Athey,'-* defines a system
post and core is needed. as any set of components working together for the
When a post and core is required, the restorative den- overall objective of the whole. Narrowly defined, the
tist may choose a custom-cast post-and-core system or a prefabricated post-and-core system consists of just two
prefabricated system. With the custom- components: a metal post and a core of plastic filling
cast post-and-core system, a post is customized to fit the material. However, the system's objective cannot be
cana], and both post and core are ca,st as a single unit. met without a lufing cement to enhance retention and
With the prefabricated post-and-core system, the canal to aid in creating a seal along the canal. Posts, regard-
is enlarged to fit the configuration of the selected post, less of shape and surface configuration, are inserted
and the core is made by adding a plastic filling material. with a luting cement. Therefore, a prefabricated post-
Custom-cast posts are indicated in teeth with ellipti- and-core system consists of three components; (1) pre-
cal or excessively Hared canals, while prefabricated fabricated post, (2) plastic core material, and (3) luting
posts function best in teeth with small circular canals.^ cement.
The custom post and core is almost always more con- By considering the various forms or types each
servative of remaining tooth structure, prompting component could take, all available potential system
Morgaño'-' to recommend its use whenever a post-and- designs or alternatives are developed.'•• There are six
core system is indicated. However, the prefabricated classes of posts, three classes of plastic filling materi-
post-and-core requires fewer appointments and is a less als, and four classes of luting agents (cements) com-
complex procedure. According to Shillingburg et al," monly used for prefabricated post-and-core compo-
the prefabricated post-and-core system is the tnost nents.''•"•'^ Therefore, each combination of component
widely used system. types is a potential system alternative (Fig 1).

306 Voiume 29, Number 5,

Obviously, few restorative dentists would find it
practical to have on hand every conceivable system
component. The challenge for the restorative dentist is
to select the most appropriate components to meet the
overall system objective. The restorative dentist must be
able to make an informed choice from among the many
components currently available and to structure compo-
nents already on hand to create alternative systems.
Selecting the optimum prefabricated post-and-core
system can be a complex and imprecise exercise for the
restorative dentist. First, no single prefabricated post-
and-core system fits every situation. Second, the vast
number of post-and-core components currently on the
market (many supported only by in vitro laboratory
results without direct clinical correlation) cotnplicates
the selection process. Third, and most important, useful,
specific biomechanical criteria for evaluating prefabri-
cated post-and-core components are not readily avail-
able to the restorative dentist.
Biomechanical criteria tailored to the overall system
objectives are essential if the restorative dentist is to
make a successful choice among components and, ulti- Fig 2 The post iength (PL) should be equal to the anatomic
crown (AC), or two thirds the iength of the root, with 4 to 5 mm of
mately, system designs. This article presents biome- apical gutta-percha seai (AS) remaining.
chanical criteria, based on current prosthodontic and
restorative guidelines, for evaluating the basic compo-
nents of any prefabricated post-and-core system.

Biomechanica) criteria to geometry (shape and configuration) or by the method

of retention.'"''(see Fig 1).
According to Anusavice,'^ the selection of dental materi- Posts thai are retained primarily by surface threads
als for clinical use is based on (1) biocompatibiiity. (2) that mechanically engage the dentin are considered
physicochemical properties, (3) handling characteristics, active, while those that do not contact the canal wall
(4) esthetics, and (5) economy. However, only biocom- but rely on cement for retention are considered passive.*
patibiiity, physicochemical properties, and handling Active, or threaded, posts are more retentive than the
characteristics are directly related to success or failure of passive-fitting posts, and parallel-sided posts are more
the prefabricated post-and-core systems."" For brevity retentive than tapered posts. Standlee et al," in their
and clarity, these three areas are grouped into the single definitive study on post retention, demonstrated that (1)
overall category of biomechanics. A review of post-and- parallel-sided, threaded posts are more retentive than
core systems was conducted to deteiinine objectives and parallel-sided, serrated posts, and (2) that parallel-sided
optimum standards for each component. The selected posts are more retentive than tapered, smooth posts.
biomechanical criteria are specific aspects of the compo- Because active posts depend on tlireads that engage
nent objectives. This approach ensured that criteria the dentin, they create more stress during installation and
selected would be based on sound restorative principles loading than do other designs." Pretapping post chan-
and tailored to the overall system objectives. nels, limiting the number of post threads, and "backing
off' one tum, are some of the techniques used to reduce
Prefabricated posts stress with active posts. The tapered self-threading post
creates the greatest stress of all existing post designs.*
The primary objective of every post is to provide reten- Passive tapered posts are self-vetiting and create little
tion for the core,' Post retention is influenced by the stress during installation. However, tapered posts,
canal contour; post size, shape, and surface configura- whether active or passive, have high potential for wedg-
tion; and the luting agenfii'-^^ (Fig 2). The shape and ing during loading.'"'"' In contrast, the parallel-sided,
surface configuration of the post have a pivotal effect on serrated post with a vent distributes stress more evenly
retetition."'' Prefabricated posts are classified accorditig than any other design.^""

Quintessence international 307

strength Corrosion resistance Retention
1 Cobalt-ohromium 1. Titanium
2 Sta in i es s sleel 1. Active parallel-Elded
2. H ig h-platinum 2. Aotive tapered
3 Titanium 3. Coba it-chromium
4. High-piatinum 3. Passive parailei-sided
4. Stainless steei 4. Passive lapered
5 Brass 5. Brass


Stress Safety Conservation

1. Passive tapered 1 Passive tapered
1. Passive paral i el-sided 2 Passive pa ral i ei-sided
2. Passive parailei-sided
S. Passive tapered
3. Aclive pa ral i el-sided 3. Aclive tapered
3. Active parallel-sided
4. Active tapered 4. Active parailei-sided
4. Active tapered

Fig 3 Application of selected biomechanical entena to evaiuste prefabricated posts.

Post selection is guided by both external root contour of either cobalt-chromium-molybdenum or stainless
and the shape of the prepared canal,** The more closely steel,* Both stainless steel and brass exhibit low corro-
the post selected fits the canal (in size and shape), the sion resistance,'' Platinum-gold-palladium, titanium, and
less likely the potential for canal preparation that results cobalt-molybdenum incorporate the best combination
in perforation of the root.''-^ Tapered posts conform well of strength and corrosion resistance,•'•^•''•^ According to
to end odontic ally prepared canals and are more conserv- Jacobi and Shillingburg,'^ brass is the least desirable
ative of tooth structure,^ alloy because of its low strength and low corrosion re-
Conventional prefabricated posts are made of stain- sistance. Also, nickel-containing alloys should he
less steel, titanium and its alloys, platinum-gold-palla- avoided in nickel-sensitive patients,''
dium, chromium-containing alloys, and brass.•'•' In summary, the optimum prefabricated post is made
Recently introduced nonmetallic posts, especially the of bigh strengtb, corrosion-resistant materiai, possesses
carhon fiber-epoxy post, show promise,--^-'' However, good retentive and stress distribution characteristics,
metal posts are proven over time and continue to domi- and is capable of being installed with minimal risk of
nate the market. either perforation and/or loss of tooth structure,-"-^ 8,17-23,27
Post stiffness (modulus of elasticity) and post corro- Consequently, the criteria for prefabricated posts are (})
sion are major considerations in the selection of metal strength, (2) corrosion resistance, (3) retention, (4)
posts,•'•^•"•-'' Titanium alloys are the most corrosion resis- stress distribution, (5) safety, and (6) conservation of
tant. However, titanium's strength is much less than that tooth structure (Fig 3).

308 Voiume 29, Number 5

Core mute rials been reported that the cernent layer provides a buffer
zotie that contributes to uniform stress distribution
The core provides retention and resistance form for the between the post and canal wall,^" According to Cohen
final restoration, Amalgatn, resin cornposite, and glass- et al," normal occlusal forces create micromovement
ionomer are u,sed to bnild cores for prefahricated post- of a cemented post, resulting in disintegration of the
and-core systems,'*' Atnalgam is relatively easy to man- cement and the concentration of stress at the apical end
ipulate and has high compressive strength and low of the root overtime.
tnicroleakage characteristics. Amalgam is also suffi- Zinc phosphate, glass-ionomer, polycarboxylate, and
ciently abrasion resistant to ,serve as an interim restora- resin-based cements (resin composite, unfilled resin, and
tion if the casting is delayed. However, its .setting titne dentin bonding agents) are the more commonly utihzed
and lack of adhesion to tooth structure are disad- post luting cements. Zinc phosphate cement exhihits
vantages,-'''" Although fast-setting amalgam (high-cop- high cotnpressive strength, adequate film thickness, and
per amalgam) exhibits sufficient compressive strength to ease of use,"^"* However, high ,solubility and inability to
allow preparation within I hotir of placement, tensile bond to tooth structure are distinct disadvantages,''^**
strength is low. regardless of copper content,-" Relatively Glass-ionomer cement exhihits adhesion to enamel
thin cores of amalgam are highly susceptible to fracture.-'' and dentin, equals zinc phosphate in retention, and is
Reports on the efficacy of dentin bonding agents used cariosiatic,^''-" However, susceptibility to moisture con-
with amalgam are varied. In two recent clinical studies, tamination during setting is a distinct disadvantage,'^
Mahler et•àVreported no difference in bond strengths of The recently introduced resin-reinforced glass-ionomer
bonded and unbonded amalgam, while Belcher and cement is growing in popularity. However, its useful-
Stewart-"' evaluated restorations for retention and found ness as a post cement is yet to he determined becaase it
an amalgam adhesive to be clinically effective, Donald et has not been documented,''™ Polycarboxylate bonds
al,^- in a laboratory study, concluded that the use of adhe- chemically to tooth structure and stainless steel but
sive honding with amalgam cores increases resistance to not to gold,'''^ Its low compressive strength, high vis-
amalgam fracture. cosity and soluhility, and shorter working time are
Amalgam bonding systems are improving; however, disadvantages,-'"
they are not currently equal to composite honding Resin composite cement can be bonded to dentin by
systems,-'' Resin composite (including reinforced com- use of dentin bonding agents and to enamel through
posite) has adequate strength, honding capahilities, and acid-etching teehniques. Resin composite cements, or
rapid setting,-^-'"' '•• However, a tendency for microieak- adhesive resins, that incorporate the phosphonate,
age and low dimensional stahility are its disadvantage.s,-"^ hydroxyethyl methacrylate, or 4-methacryloxyethyl
Glass-ionomer (including silver-reinforced glass- trimellitate anhydride adhesion systems are stronger
ionomer) exhibits true adhesion to tooth structure, fluo- than conventional cements,''*" Studies have shown
ride release, and low thermal coefficient of thermal that removal of the smear layer and the use of unfilled
expansion. However, its inherent lack of strength and resin produces a more retentive hond than zinc phos-
hrittleness are significant disadvantages,-! " ' - " Recently phate cement,-"- Additionally, resin-hased cements are
introduced resin-reinforced glass-ionomer restorative virtually insoluble in oral fiuids'''; however, excessive
materials are easy to place, set on command, and resist film thickness and lack of uniform manipulation tech-
early moisture contamination; however, they are weaker niques are problem areas,-"-"
than resin composite and exhibit inadequate strength for Microleakage is an important consideration in eval-
load-bearing simations.^*"" uating luting cements"" and restorative success,''''
In summary, the optimum prefabricated core material Microleakage beneath crowns has been indicated as a
is an easily placed, rapid-setting, high-strength, dimen- cause of endodontic failure.™^' However, the role of
sionally .stable material with minimum marginal leakage luting cement in preventing mieroieakage along the
and an effective bonding mechanism/-^""" The corre- post canal is not well documented, Fogel-'- studied the
sponding criteria for core materials are (!) ease of use, microleakage of posts luted with {1} zinc phosphate
(2> setting time, ¡3) strength, (4) dimensional stahility, cement, (2) polycarhoxylate cement, (i) resin compos-
(5) microleakage, and (6) honding mechanism (Fig 4), ite, and (4) dentin bonding agents and found none
capable of achieving a fluid-tight seal.
Luting cemetits Although a leak-proof luting agent has not heen
demonstrated, the relative resistance of various luting
Posts are cemented into canals to enhance retention and agents to microleakage should be considered. Accord-
to aid in creating a seal along the canal,-" Also, it has ing to McLean,""^ glass-ionotner cemetits exhibit better

Quintessence Internalional 309

Smith et al

Ease of use Setting time Strength!

1. Resin composite 1. Resin composite 1. Amalgam

2. Giass-ioriomer 2. Resin composite
3. Giass-lonomer 3. Amalgam 3. Glass-ionomer

^ ^ ~.

Core materials

Dimensions i Bonding
Micro îakage mechanism
1. Amalgam 1. Resin composite
2. Glass-ionomer 2. Giass-ionomei
3, Resin composite 3. Resin composite 3. Amalgam

Fig 4 Appiioation of seiected biomeohanicai criteria to evaluate core materiais for prefabri-
cated post-and-core systems.

long-term resistance to microleakage than do dentin Conclusion

bonding agents. However, an in vitro microleakage
study of luting agents found resin-based cement ¡adhe- An evaluation of system components is necessary before
sive cement) to be the most resistant to microleakage an informed decision can he made on which system to
followed hy glass-ionomer, zinc phosphate, and polycar- implement. The relative impoitance of the biomechani-
hoxylate cements." Tjan et al-" reported that resin com- cal criteria to individual clinicians will vary. However,
posite cores {retained hy a prefahricated post cemented the criteria are applicable to any prefabricated post-and-
with a resin composite) treated with various honding core system and are essential to an informed .selection.
systems exhihited significantly reduced microleakage.
In summary, the optimum cement for a prefahricated References
post exhibits high strength, low fiim thickness, low solu-
bility, adequate honding ability, ease of manipulation, and 1. Fredrick DR. An appliculion of tlic dowei and composite resin
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310 Volume 29, Number 5

Smith et ai

Strength Film thickness Solubility

1 Resin-based 1. Zinc phosphatB 1, Resin-based

2 Zinc phospiiate 2. Poiycarboxyiate 2, G lass-ionomer
3. G i ass-ionomer 3. Glass-ionomer 3, Zinc ptiosphate
4. Poiycarboxyiate 4. Resin-based 4. Poiycarboxyiate

Luting cements

Bonding Ease ot use Microleakage

1. Zinc phosphate 1. Resin-based
t. Resin-based

3. Pûiycarboxylate 3. Poiycarboxyiate 3. Zinc phosphate

4. Resin-based 4. Poiycarboxyiate
4. Zinc pbospbate

Fig 5 Appiication of seiected biomechanicai cnteria to evaluate [jting cements for prelabri-
cated posts.

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312 Voiume 29, Number 5. 1993

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