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Her journey.

Once upon a time, there lived a queen who was

given the responsibility to learn and survive
without a knight in shining armor for 10 months
in an unknown forest.
This was her quest to test on whether she could
rule her own kingdom. When the first sunrise
greeted her, she thought to herself
subconsciously, “Bawi nalang sa next life” with
denial of what was happening.
This was her unrequited love. She loves music but
music seems to be blind on her feelings. It was
quite an embarrassment for her to voice out lyrics
when she skipped singing lessons as a child.
Luckily, the forest critters (classmates, teacher,
etc.) were not judgmental…well at least, not out
loud and were very supportive on her quest.
Certain melodies still remained on her mind as
she moved forward. Music was therapeutic for her ARTS ARC
and served as her healing potion. Being able to use colors, lines, and shapes as a
way to communicate was quite problematic for
the queen. Expressing her thoughts on various
types of art was definitely a headache for her.
She knows that being a perfectionist and a
procrastinator at the same time was never a
good mixture for a painting, especially since
she has to balance the quality and time spent.
Other than that, art became her sense of sight
PHYSICAL EDUCATION ARC on the blinding quest.

If this was a person, she would consider it as a

frenemy. Her body was in pain on each training
to make a good film and was convinced that
she’s not as graceful as the swan lake princess
in terms of dancing. She actually likes to dance
and would willingly want to improve. Though
improvement is still unseen, the queen did
gained confidence which was essential in
showing emotions through movements.
She would have failed this task if sleeping and
eating schedules were supposed to be consistent.
Physical, mental and emotional health were one
of her outmost priorities but she didn’t really act
like these were important. That was her final
task, knowing what’s worth keeping and
sacrificing for the sake of a better future. She
definitely struggled and had plenty of tears to
make a river that could potentially even hydrate
herself. Her quest was ending, and even though
learning will not end on her quest, she
wholeheartedly believed and realized her worth a
little bit more.

After a few more sunrises, sunsets and midnights, her quest will
finally meet its end. It will be bitter-sweet. MAPEH taught her
countless of lessons, and even though she could potentially have
already forgotten half of it, the journey made her stronger and


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