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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 1



1. show (v) reveal(v) /illustrate (v)
indicate (v)
2. increase (v) Rise (v) / Climb (v) / Grow (v)
3. increase (n) rise (n) / grow (n)
4. Decrease (v) Fall (v) / Drop (v) Decline (v) / Slip (n/v)
5. Sharp-Sharply Dramatic -Dramatically Rapid- Rapidly
Considerable- Considerably
Exponential- Exponentially
Marked- Markedly
6. Fall sharply Decrease dramatically Slide away / plunge (v)
7. Increase dramatically Soar
Increase exponentially
8. Birth rate (n) Fertility (n)
9. About (adv) Approximately (adv)
Somewhere in the vicinity of
10. Gaol (n) Prison(n)
11. Gradual- Gradually Steady-Steadily
12. Just(adv) only(adv) A negligible / A mere
13. About(adv) some(adv) Approximately(adv)
around(adv) An approximate
14. Prisoner (n) Offender (n) / Prison inmate
Convicted criminal
15. About (prep) On (prep) Concerning (prep)
16. Clear (adj) Apparent (adj) /Evident (adj)
17. Several different Various (adj)
18. Hobby (n) Pastime (n) / Leisure activity
19. Popular (adj) Widely enjoyed
20. Favorite (adj)/favourite Preferred (adj)
21. Likewise /Similarly
22. However (adv) Yet (adv)
23. On the other hand By contrast In stark contrast, however, …
24. Compare (v) Provide a comparison of
25. Level (n) Popularity (n)
Prevalence (n)
26. Clearly (adv) It is evident from the
information supplied that
27. Interestingly(adv) It is interesting to note that
28. Internet shopping Online shopping
29. Britain (n)/ The UK
30. New (adj) Recently established
31. Yearly (adv/adj) Annual (adv/adj)
32. A very different Vary greatly
33. Much (shorter) Far (shorter) Considerably (shorter)

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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 2

34. Build Establish (v)

35. Length (n) Scale (n)
36. Transport (n/v) Carry (v)
37. High education Tertiary education
38. Get (v) Receive (v)
39. Gain/receive an education
40. Gain a higher education
Attend college or university
41. In general / Overall (adv)
42. Woman (n) / Man (n) Male (n/adj) / Female (n/adj)
43. A little Marginally (adv)
44. Part of the world Region of the world
45. Conversely (adv) / By contrast
46. Percentage (n) / Rate (n)
47. Graph (n/v) Figure (n/v)
48. Kind (n) / Type (n) Form(n)
49. Different kinds Various forms
50. Conduct (v) / Perform (v)
Carry out
51. Not surprising predictable
52. Common (adj) / Popular (adj)
53. Much less popular Far less popular Considerably less popular
54. Operation (n) Procedure (n)
55. Plastic surgery Cosmetic procedure
Cosmetic surgery
56. Show (means stand for or Mark (v) Denote (v)
57. give supply
58. Stay Remain
59. According to the diagrams
The diagram given shows
60. Sit (v) Settle (v)
61. Remove (v) Absorb (v) /Filter (n/v) /Extract
62. Therefore (adv) Thus (adv) /Hence (adv)
63. Recycling company /Recycler (n)
64. Involve (v) Entail (v)
65. Part (n) Stage (n) Phase (n)
66. Then (adv) After this Subsequently (adv) /
At this point
67. Divide (v) / Separate (v)
68. Part (n) Component (n)
69. Will probably (be) likely to
70. Allow (v) Permit (v)
71. (be) located (be) placed
(be) situated
72. Middle (n) Center/centre (n)
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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 3



1. Internet
1. Change (n/v) Alter (v)
2. Affect (v) Influence (v/n) Impact (n/v) + on
Effect (n) Consequence (n)
3. Believe (v) / Feel (v) (be) convinced
4. Improve Revolutionize/ revolusionise
5. Talk to Relate to
6. Communication (n)
Contact (n/v)
7. Instead of Rather than
8. Family and friends Loved ones
9. Other countries Faraway countries
10. International business Global trade
11. In the pass In the earlier time
12. Involve (v) Entail (v)
13. (Be) available Can be accessed
14. Of course Admittedly
15. Much of A vast amount of
16. True Reliable (adj)
17. Helpful (adj) /Useful (adj)
18. Nevertheless
19. To conclude / In summary By way of conclusion
20. Reaffirm (v) /Restate (v)
Maintain (v)
2. Fast Food
21. Cheap (adj) Affordable (adj)
22. Eat (v) Consume (v)
23. Cause (n/v) (be) responsible for
Result in / Lead to
24. Harmful (adj) Detrimental (adj)
25. Firstly / First of all
26. Too much To excess
27. Opinion (n) Position (n) / View (n) Perspective (n)
28. Illness (n) / Disease (n) Ailment (n)
29. Serious health problem Major health problem
30. When we get older In later life
31. Although (conj) / While (conj)
32. In addition to this Further and more important,
though, +your idea
33. Danger (n) Risk (n)
3. International Tourism
34. Last (adj) Past (adj)

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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 4

35. International (adj) Global (adj)

36. Industry (n)/Trade (n)
37. Wealth (n) Prosperity (n)
38. Country Nation
39. Destination country
Host country
40. Travel Tourism (n) Holidaymaking (n)
41. Actually In fact
42. Bring problems / Cause problems Create difficulties
43. Create wealth Bring economic prosperity
44. Solve Resolve (v) Address (v) / Overcome (v)
45. Main (adj) Primary (adj)
46. Many Numerous Countless (adj)
47. Problem Difficulty Challenge
48. Involve with Associated with
49. Rich (adj) Wealthy (adj) Affluent (adj)
50. Overseas(adj/adv) Abroad (adj/adv)
51. Visit Holiday in
52. Poorer countries Developing countries
53. Like /Such as
54. Flood (n) Influx (n)
55. Mostly (adv) Mainly(adv)
56. And As well as
57. Not likely Highly unlikely
58. Powerful (adj) Potent (adj)
59. Sign (n) Symbol (n)
60. Power (n) Domination (n)
61. Lack of moral standards Moral decadence
62. Worrying (adj) Disturbing (adj)
63. Damage Degradation (n)
64. Especially Particularly (adv)
65. Good example Salient Example
66. Large (adj) Vast (adj)
67. Area (n) Section (n)
68. Famous (adj) World renowned
69. In recent years Over the past few decades
70. Complicated (adj) Complex (adj)
71. Certainly not By no means
72. Impossible to overcome Insurmountable (adj)
4. Immigration
73. Immigrant (n) /Newcomer (n)
74. Rule of behavior Social custom Social norm
Social rule
75. Fit in (v) Adapt (v) / Adjust (v)
76. New country Adopted country
77. Rule Law (n)
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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 5

78. Obey the law Observe the law

79. Therefor Thus
80. Important (adj) Necessary (adj) Essential (adj) /Vitally important
Absolutely pivotal
81. Make sure Ensure (v)
82. Example Instance
83. Allow Permit (v)
84. Own Possess (v)
85. Gun (n) Firearm (n)
86. Social (adj) Societal (adj)
87. Bring together Unite (v)
5. Job and gender
88. Job Occupation
89. (be) able to (be) capable of
90. Traditional Conservative (adj)
Conventional (adj)
91. Well (adv) Effectively (adv)
92. Argue Contend (v)
93. I believe I would argue
I feel I would contend
94. Generalization/ Stereotype (n)
95. Right Accurate (adj)
96. Chance Opportunity
97. Often (adv) Frequently (adv)
98. See View
99. Weak point/ Weakness (n)
100. Want Desire (v) / Wish (v)
6. Cigarette
101. Question (n/v) Issue (n)
102. Ban (v) Prohibit (v)
103. Illegal (adj) Illicit (adj)
104. Main (adj) Principal (adj)
105. Most The majority of
106. Drug abuse Substance abuse
107. Proven (adj) Irrefragable
108. Pay the bill Cover the costs
109. Expensive Costly (adj)
110. Decide (v) Determine (v)
111. I would argue that
I would suggest that
112. Need (v) Require (v)
113. Very (adv) Incredibly (adv)
7. Endangered Species
114. Try Attempt (v)
115. Save Protect Preserve (v)
116. Definitely (adv) / Certainly (adv)
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IELTS Write Right - Julian Charles Editor: Van Truong 6

117. Controversial (adj) Contentious (adj)

118. Let (v) Allow (v)
119. Die out / Disappear (v) Become extinct
120. Like (prep) Including (prep)
121. Before In the past
122. Important Vital
123. Recognize Appreciate (v)
124. Delicate (adj)/ Fragile (adj)
125. Depend on/ Rely on
126. Each other/ One another
127. Upset (v) / Disturb (v) Disrupt (v)
128. Affect (v) Impact upon
129. Come back Return (v)
130. Destroy (v) Ruin (v)
131. Predator (n)
Predatory animal
132. Maybe perhaps
133. Natural living Habitat (n)
134. Multiply (v) Reproduce (v)
135. Out of control Unchecked (adj)
136. Furthermore (conj) Further (conj)
8. Rural depopulation
137. Today These days
138. The country Rural area
139. The city Urban area
140. Poorer (adj) Less affluent
141. Attractive Appealing (adj)
142. Subsidies (v)
Provide financial incentives
143. Move Relocate (v)
9. Distance within modern families
144. Discuss (v) Explore (v)
145. Cause (n/v) Source (n) /Contributing factor
146. Recently In recent times
147. Offer / Provide
148. Chief (n/adj) /Primary (adj)
149. Traditionally (adv)/ In the past
150. Usually (adv) Typically (adv)
151. Consequently (adv)
As a result
152. More and more An increasing number of
153. Little wonder
It is unsurprising
154. Subsidy /Financial incentive
155. Choice (n) Alternative (n)
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156. Look after/ Take care of

157. Programme (n) Campaign (n/v)
158. Would prefer to Would rather
159. Stay (v) Remain (v)
160. another (adj)/ one other One further
161. Step (n) Measure (n)
162. Abovementioned
Outlined above
10. Education standards
163. Poor quality Sub-standard (adj)
164. Smack or cane Discipline (n/v)Punish (v)
165. Physical punishment Corporal punishment
166. Cause / Reason Factor (n) / Source
167. Important Crucial (adj)
168. In my view From my perspective
169. Major/ Significant (adj)
170. Important subject Core subject

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