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Seminar 2


Report topics:
1. Sapir-Whorf theory of linguistic relativity; its basic postulates; its
connection with W. Humboldt’s ideas; its connection with contrastive
2. Reveal the nature and application of tertium comparationis in contrastive
linguistic studies (you may find the necessary information here:
9.11-18/174540 or else).
3. Non-equivalent lexis and its contrastive analysis.
Task 1. Consider the following information and draw taxonomic trees of
hyponymous relations within the equivalent SFs in English and Ukrainian.
Choose whatever SF you like. Conclude whether applying the SF theory helps
in contrastive studies and what theoretical and practical value it has.
Hyponymy, the relation of inclusion, is dealt with by Lyons and, with new
insight, by Cruse. Hyponymous relations can be expressed by taxonomic tree
diagrams, showing levels of generality and specificity and which words include
which in their meaning. Thus a simple tree diagram for car showing its relations
with its near neighbours might be:
car lorry van bus etc.

saloon hatchback coupe etc.

Task 2. Consider the following information and define the range of tolerance
of equivalents in English and Ukrainian, e.g. to go - іти, an arm - рука, far -
далекий. Develop the chain as far as possible. Conclude whether applying this
method helps in contrastive studies and what theoretical and practical value it
McIntosh and Firth developed the theory of compatibility of lexical units and
suggested measuring compatibility through the range of tolerance of a word.
The range of an item is the list of its potential collocates, e.g.:
strong tea cильний вітер
argument чоловік
powerful car могутній/тнє дерево

Task 3. Comprise a lexico-semantic field of XXX* denoting YYY** in English

and Ukrainian, give the lexical meanings of the words and make a conclusion
about allomorphic features of this LSG in the two languages. Define lacunas if
there are any. In your opinion, what are the means of filling in the semantic
lacunas? What factors presupposed the allomorphism in the compared LSG?
*choose any part of speech
**choose any notion or phenomenon
Seminar 3
Task 1. Comprise a lexico-semantic field of XXX* denoting YYY** in English
and Ukrainian, give the lexical meanings of the words and make a conclusion
about allomorphic features of this LSG in the two languages. Define lacunas if
there are any. In your opinion, what are the means of filling in the semantic
lacunas? What factors presupposed the allomorphism in the compared LSG?
*choose any part of speech
**choose any notion or phenomenon
The list of possible LSF can be found in the syllabus, although you can
think of other LSFs.

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