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Rambo Push Daggers

Often wondered why the push daggers used by Rambo in First Blood Part 2 don’t
receive more attention. The gearing up scene in the movie is the first time they
are shown.
The boat fight scene is when we see them in action and it’s one of my favorites. I
cannot believe no one has produced replicas of these as I am sure any Rambo fan
would snatch them up. That being said I took on the task of trying to replicate
them. I started by watching video clips and taking screen shots of the few times
they are shown. I then chose the picture that showed most of the dagger, were
Rambo is on the boat pulling them out from behind his belt, the one in his left
I then resized that picture on a copy machine using my hand for scale and came
up with overall dimensions of ¼” thick by 2” wide by 3 ¾” long. I then created a
hand drawn sketch of the dagger to scale per the resized picture.
Then I created a 3D model of the dagger. You can see in the overlay of my model
to the movie dagger I am pretty spot on. I then had one 3D printed in smooth
plastic and painted it to look the part.
Some areas I did not like, I changed the transition area from the blade to the
handle and made the radius larger on the tee part of the handle. I like the way the
model looks now, but have not 3D printed one to this design.
Just before Rambo goes into action with these on the boat there is a very brief
view of both daggers. You have to be quick and lucky to stop the video to get this
shot. It clearly shows the dagger in Rambo’s right hand has eight notches, four on
each side of the blade. I never noticed it before but I think it was probably
purposely done to represent the eight members of Baker Team.

So, for the future I’ll get two more 3D printed using my revised model, file eight
notches in one, make a sheath like the one used in the movie and call the project

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