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Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210

Circular Letter No.4232/Add.12

17 August 2021

To: All IMO Members

Intergovernmental organizations
Non-governmental organizations in consultative status

Subject: Communication from the Government of Ukraine

The Government of Ukraine has sent the attached communication, dated 16 August 2021, with
the request that it be circulated by the Organization.


ANNEX Circular Letter No.4232/Add.12
Annex, page 1

60 Нойапс Park.
W11 3SJ, Lопсlоп
UПltеd Кlпgdоm
Embassy оЕ Ukraine
тп the United Kingdom +44 20 77276312
+44 20 7792 1708 (fax)
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland етЬ gb@mfa gov ua

Ref. 6124/23-327/2- 01. ()g

The Embassy of Ukraine to the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland presents its
compliments to the Secretariat of the International
Maritime Organization and has the honour to
transmit herewith the official letter of
Мг. Oleksandr KUBRAKOV, Minister for
Infrastructure of Ukraine, dated 28.07.2021
Nг.2758/4б/14-21 оп additional measures adopted
Ьу Ukraine in response to COVID-19 pandemic,
including the extension of validity of seafarers'
The Ukrainian Side kindly asks the IMO Secretariat
to disseminate the attached information among
I МО МетЬег States, international organizations
which have concluded agreements of cooperation
with the I МО and non-governmental organizations
in consultative status with the I МО.

16' August 2021

London SE1 7SR ua
пр-т Перемоги, 14, м. Кшв, 01135, 14, Регепюпу ауе., Kyiv, 01135, Ukraille
тел.: (+38044) 351-40-96, 351-40-01, te1: (+38 044) 351-40-96, 351-40-01,
факс: (+38 044) 351-48-45 [ах: (т38 044) 351-48-45
Ечпай: miу@шtlJ.gоv.uа E-rnail: шiу@rntll.gоv.uа
сайг: www.П1LU.gоv.lIа WEB: www.шtll.gоv.uа
код згiдно з €ДРПОУ 37472062 код зпдно з €ДРПОУ 37472062

Н. Е. Mr. Kitack Lim

S ecretary -General
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment, Prince's, London
SEl 7SR, United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Lim!

Оп behalf of the Ministry of InfТastructure of Ukraine 1 WOll1d like to express ош

profound respect to the International Maritime Organization.
Given the current situation and the introduction of restrictive measures to prevent
t11e spread ofCovid-19 in the world and Ukraine; and considering that тапу companies
аге ипаЫе to secure timely crew changes, [п addition to the letters of the Ministry of
Infrastructure of Ukraine N2 890/46/14-20 of 235( March 2020, N2 5021/46/10-20
of 13S( April 2020, N2 1635/46/14-20 of 285( Мау 2020, N2 12951/46/10-20
of 17th of September 2020, N2 4144/46/14-20 of 085t Desember 2020 and
NQ 2196/46/14-21 of 18th of June herewith we inform уои ofthe measures adopted and
enforced Ьу Ukrail1e with regard to the validity of seafarers' qualification documents,
issued оп behalf of Ukrаiпе to seafarers, w110 аге currently оп voyage or ashore.
We would Ье very gratefi.Il in the Secretariat сiгсulаtеs tl1is letter among аlllМО
Member States.
Let те avail гпузе.Г of this оррогшппу to renew to У о г Ехсеl1епсу апо the
Inteгnational Maritime Organization assurances of ту h' est сопsidегаtiоп and
express hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Attachment: Меавцгев Adopted and Enforce

Minister Огеквалст KUВRAKOV

" . Mykola Melnyk +38044 351 44 80

311111111111111111111111111111 N22758/46/14-21 вiд 28.07.202\

---_.__ ._- _.- _.- - - -_._--_. -- ....

Аппех to the letter of the Ministry of
Infrastructure of Ukraine
Dated О{ J_J)dI
Х!! J.f 51,!!;6 /11; . с11


in гевропае ТО COVID-19
1. Flag State
Sinee the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak, it has Ьееоmе inereasingly diffieult
to aeeess statutory surveys. Furthermore, several shipyards аге ипаЫе to
accommodate vessels, [ог both booked and routine surveys requiring dry docking.
In view of these ехсерпопа! спсшпатапсез, itl cases where зцгсеуогв, auditors
ало/от flag state inspectors аге ипаЫе to сопсцст routine surveys, audit ог
inspeetions due to COVID-imposed тевшсцопв, the State Serviee for Мапшпе апё
River Тгапвроп ofUkraine will сопзшег геоцезгвfor ехгепэюп/ровтропегпепт under
foree majeure ог unforeseen exeeptional eircumstanees оп а case Ьу case basis.
ТЬе same approach will Ье followed for the vessels operating оп the Danube

Н. Port State Control

No restrietions аге applied.

Ш. Validity of Seafarer's Certificates

Extension of the validity of seafarers' doeu111ents beyond their expiry date:
1.1 Certifieates of Сотпретепсу and Certificates of Proficiency of зеатагегэ,
who аге сштепцу ONBOARD.
ТЬе validity of Ukrainian Certifieates of Сотпретепсу (СоС) and Certificates
ofProfieieney (СоР) of веатагегв, who are сuпепtlу ONВOARD, that expired оп or
after 15t March 2020 or later and саппот Ье renewed due to exeeptional спсшпвгапсез
reslllting fют COVID-19 outbreak, аге now extended ппп! 31 sl Deeember 2021
from the date of expiry in case the following геошгешептв аге met:
Flag State ofthe vessel recognizes зцсп an extension;
Seafarer's Employment Agl'eement (SEA) should Ье extended for the
same репос and оп the загпе terms and eonditions.
Additional appeals to the Ukrainian аuthшitiеs аге пот required.
At the same шпе, shipowners/operators should only inform the relevant state
аuthшitiеs of Ukraine about еасЬ case of ехтепвюп of seafarers' егпргоугпегп
аgгеешепts via, Sueh notification
should include: паше of the shipowner/operator, паше and IMO number of the
vessel, full пате and position of the seafarer, всаппео copies ог details of the
seafarer's documents and а сору ofthe SEA extension.

Sucl1 ап extension does not require апу верагате official confirmation.

1.2. Certificates of Сотпретепсу апd Certificates of Proficiency of seafarers,
who аге сштепtlу ASHORE.
'Пте validity of Ukrainian Certificates of Сотпретепсу (СоС) and Сегtifiсаtеs
of Ргойстепсу (СоР) of seafarers, who аге сuпепtlу ASHORE, that expired оп ог
after 1 st January 2021 or [атег агк! сапnоt Ье гепессес due to exceptional
сiгсшnstапсеs resulting from COVID-19 outbreak, аге now extended until
31 st Decembel' 2021 from tlle date of expiry in case tlle following геquiгеmепts Ю'е
1) having approved seagoing service, performing functions арргорпате to the
сегtifiсаtе held for а репос of at least twelve months in total during the preceding
five years, ог three month in total during the ргесеопц; six гпоптп immediately prior
to revalidating, ог
2) having completed approved seagoing service, репоппшя functions
appropriate to the certificate held for а period of not less than three months in а
supemumerary capacity, or [п а lower officer rank тпап that for which the certificate
held is valid immediately prior to taking ир the rank for which it is valid;
3) having а valid medical certificate to the Regulatiol1 1/9 of the
STCW Convention 1978.
Such ап ехтепзюп does not require апу верагате official сопйппацоп.
At the same time, shipowners/operatOl's should 0111y inform the relevant state
authorities of Ukraine via, аоош
еасЬ Ukrainian seafarer with wllOJn ан employment совпаст has Ьееп сопсludеd.
Such поtifiсаtiоп should iпсludе: пате of the shipowner/operator, пате апd IMO
пшпоег ofthe vessel, full пате and position ofthe seafarer, асаплес copies or details
ofthe веатагег'в documents.

1.3, Medical certificates

Based оп paragraph 6 of the Regulatiol1 1/9 of the STCW Сопvепtiоп 1978,
seafarers гпау woIk without а valid medical certificate expires uпtil the next port of
саН where а medical practitioner recognized Ьу the Рапу of the STCW Сопvепtiоп
1978 is availaы,' provided that:
1) the репос of such permission cloesnot exceed three months:
2) the seafarers concemed is in роззевзюп of ап ехрiгеd medical certificate
during the terms ofvalidity ofthe current SEA

1.4, Seafarers' Identity Dосuтепt.

ТЬе validity of Ukrаiпiап SеаfШ'егs Identity Dосшnепts оп board vessels,
which expire оп or апег 1 st March 2020 is now extended until 31 st December 202l
from the date of expiry.

1.5. Seafarers who аге ashore, and whose Seafal"er's Identity Documents or
Medical Certificates have expired or will soon expire, we recommend revalidate


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