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Chapter 2: IMMUTABLE


COMP 112

— Java is an object-oriented language, which means that

it uses objects to:
1. represent data.
2. provide methods related to them.

— An object is a collection of data that provides a set of

methods. For example (Scanner).
— Strings are objects. They contain characters and
provide methods for manipulating character data.

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Primitives vs Objects

— int, double, char, and boolean are primitive types.

— When you declare a variable with a primitive type, Java
reserves a small amount of memory to store its value.

int number = -2;

char symbol = '!';
char[ ] array = {'c', 'a', 't'};

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Primitives vs Objects

— Objects are usually created with the new keyword,

which allocates memory for them.
— For convenience, you don't have to use new to create
//create a string object
¡ String word = new String("dog");
//implicitly creates a string object
¡ String word = "dog";

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Primitives vs Objects

— The Null keyword:

— Often when you declare an object variable, you assign
it to reference an object. But sometimes you want to
declare variable that doesn't refer to an object.
— In Java, the keyword null is a special value that means
"no object". You can initialize object and array
variables this way:
¡ String name = null;
¡ int[] combo = null;

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Strings are Immutable

— In java, string objects are immutable. Immutable

simply means unmodifiable or unchangeable.
— Once string object is created its data or state can't be
changed but a new string object is created.
— Example to illustrate how String is immutable:
¡ We consider the following method:

¢ used to convert the string letters into upper case.

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Strings are Immutable (Cont’d)

String name = "java programming";

String upperName = name.toUpperCase();
— The output will be
java programming
— After these statements run, upperName refers to the string
“JAVA PROGRAMMING“ but name still refers to “java

— The original name=“java Programming” is not changed because

the string is immutable or unchangeable and a creation of new
string object with uppercase letters occurs.
Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21
Wrapper Classes

— Primitive types like int, double, and char cannot be

null, and they do not provide methods. For example,
you can't invoke equals on an int:
int i = 5;
System.out.println(i.equals(5)); //compiler error

— But for each primitive type, there is a corresponding

wrapper class in the Java library. The wrapper class for
int is named Integer, with a capital I.
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(5);
System.out.println(i.equals(5)); //displays true

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Wrapper Classes

— Primitive Data types and their Corresponding Wrapper


Primitive Data Type Wrapper Class

char Character
byte Byte
short Short
long Long
int Integer
float Float
double Double
boolean Boolean

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

BigInteger Arithmetic

— BigInteger is a Java class that can represent arbitrarily

large integers. There is no upper bound except the
limitations of memory size and processing speed.
— BigInteger class is used for mathematical operation
which involves very big integer calculations that are
outside the limit of all available primitive data types.
— For example, factorial of 100 contains 158 digits in it
so we can’t store it in any primitive data type available.
— To use BigInteger, you must import
Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21
BigInteger Arithmetic

— The following code converts a long to a BigInteger:

long x = 17;
BigInteger big = BigInteger.valueOf(x);

— BigIntegers from strings can be also created. For

example, a 20-digit integer that is too big to store
using a long.
String s = "12345678901234567890";
BigInteger bigger = new BigInteger(s);

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Incremental Design

— Design Process:
That allows the programmer to divide a program into
methods while coding. The process is called
"encapsulation and generalization". The essential steps
1. Write a few lines of code in main or another method
and test them.
2. When they are working, wrap them in a new method
and test again.
3. If it's appropriate, replace literal values with variables
and parameters.

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

Incremental Design

— To apply the incremental process, a method to display

multiplication table will be designed as following:
1: Loop that displays the multiples of 2:
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
System.out.printf("%4d", 2 * i);
2: Encapsulation which wrapping the code in a method:
public static void printRow() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
System.out.printf("%4d", 2 * i);
Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21
Incremental Design

3: Generalize the method to print multiples of other

numbers by re-placing the constant value 2 with a
parameter n. This step is called generalization,
because it makes the method more general.
public static void printRow(int n) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
//generalized n
System.out.printf("%4d", n * i);
Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21
Important Definitions

— Object-Oriented: A way of organizing code and data

into objects, rather than independent methods.
— Object: A collection of related data that comes with a
set of methods that operate on the data.
— Primitive: A data type that stores a single value and
provides no methods.
— Immutable: An object that, once created, cannot be
modified. Strings are immutable by design.
— Wrapper class: Classes in java.lang that provide
constants and methods for working with primitive
Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21
Important definitions

— Design process:
A process for determining what methods a class or
program should have.
— Encapsulate:
To wrap data inside of an object, or to wrap statements
inside of a method.
— Generalize:
To replace something unnecessarily specific (like a
constant value) with something appropriately general
(like a variable or parameter).

Programming 2 COMP 112 Spring 20-21

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