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Received 7 December 2016

Received in revised form 22 March 2017 Accepted 13 April 2017
Available online 24 April 2017


Tea Metabolomics Taste


1. Introduction

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is one of the most widely consumed bev- erages worldwide (Harbowy & Balentine, 1997), due to its taste, flavor,
and many beneficial health effects. Components such as cat- echins, theanine, amino acids and caffeine that are abundant in tea are strongly
associated with and contribute to the quality of tea (Graham, 1992; Le Gall, Colquhoun, & Defernez, 2004). In general, amino acids,
especially theanine, are responsible for the ‘‘umami” or ‘‘brothy” tea-taste (Ekborg-Ott, Taylor, & Armstrong, 1997); whereas, the taste of
catechins and caffeine in tea contributes to its astringent properties (Chen, Zhao, Guo, & Wang, 2010). There- fore, the quality of tea can be
classified based on taste or biofunc- tional activity, which are attributed to theanine and catechins, respectively. For example, Gyokuro (C.
sinensis var. Yabukita) is grown in the shade to improve the delicate taste of infusion; hence, tea products made from Gyokuro, i.e.,
‘‘MATCHA” in Japan, contain higher levels of theanine and lower levels of catechins and caffeine than other tea products (Horie, Mukai, &
Kohata, 1997). However, epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG), the major catechin in tea, is

⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (J.S. Park), (Y.-

S. Hong).

0308-8146/! 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Recently, we selected three tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivars that are rich in taste, epigallocatechin-3-O- gallate (EGCG) and epigallocatechin-3-O-(3-O-methyl)-
gallate (EGCG300Me) and then cultivated them through asexual propagation by cutting in the same region. In the present study, proton nuclear magnetic
resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomics was applied to characterize the metabotype and to understand the metabolic mechanism of these tea cultivars
including wild type tea. Of the tea leaf metabolite vari- ations, reverse associations of amino acid metabolism with catechin compound metabolism were found
in the rich-taste, and EGCG- and EGCG300Me-rich tea cultivars. Indeed, the metabolism of individual cat- echin compounds in the EGCG300Me-rich cultivar
differed from those of other tea cultivars. The current study highlights the distinct metabolism of various tea cultivars newly selected for cultivation and the
important role of metabolomics in understanding the metabolic mechanism. Thus, comprehensive metabotyping is a useful method to assess and then develop a
new plant cultivar.

Fenolik  2D dengan apa

2D Toksi

1. Cari logbook
2. Analisis semua senyawa
3. Analisis per varietas
4. Keterangan yg paling lengkap
5. Anova pakai data yg sudh ditransform

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