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Name: Jessa Mae S.

Course Code: NCM105 (3670)

1. Answer
Fad diets are the temporary form of diets. It may work for a certain period of time and
have no long-term benefits. On the contrary, it might prove detrimental to overall health.
It is just a quick fix for people who want to lose weight without putting much
efforts(exercise). Basically, there are many fads that some people used in their diets in
which it restricts one to eat or delete certain types of food. These are the Atkins (similar
to keto), GM diet (having only 1 type of food in a day), liquid diet (or detox juice diet),
vegan diet (cutting down on all animal products, including dairy) etc. These are the fads
that are pretty effective for some however, these fads have no basis in science or
there’s no solid science-evidence behind them, somehow, they use scientific findings to
extrapolate some pretty outlandish “benefits”. They are often promoted with
exaggerated claims, such as rapid weight loss of more than 1 kg/week or improving
health by "detoxification", or even dangerous claims, such as highly restrictive and
nutritionally unbalanced food choices leading to malnutrition. There is actually no
scientific proof backing of these FAD Dieting. They are nutritionally imbalanced and
unhealthy. More like a clickbait to trigger a response from users to get up on a platform
with them. Never ends well for a user. My suggestion would be, our body needs all the
required nutrition from different type of foods. Shunning one and opting only certain
foods might take a toll on ones health. Instead of avoiding some foods, it is better to
have a balanced diet for happy and healthy living
2. Answer:
Being underweight can indeed be correlated to a lot of problems. If someone deprives
there body either of nutrients, your skin (the largest organ) suffers. The skin becomes
dry and a wound that might normally heal quickly does not. A person may begin to lose
their hair. If one becomes anemic, it can cause heart problems simply because the
heart has to work so much harder. This is not to say that anyone that is underweight is
going to have an early death. It is simply in the genetic makeup for someone to be thin.
Just remember that old saying, “you are what you eat” is true. Moreover, being
underweight can also cause several health issues, such as delayed growth and
development, potential nutrient deficiencies, low bone density, impaired immune
function, hormonal issues, such as loss of menstrual period and infertility, abnormal
thyroid function, and weakness and fatigue. Risks can also vary depending on the
reason that someone is underweight, like if it is due to malnutrition or because of an
illness. Also, the longer someone remains at a severely low body weight, the greater the
difficulty in reversing any health problems.

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