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Bitcoin’s Growing digital cash. As with any digital informa- a topic of heavy debate over the past
tion, a digital token may be reproduced few years. It is a process that makes
Energy Problem relatively easily. If this were to happen Bitcoin extremely energy-hungry by
Alex de Vries1,* in Bitcoin it would lead to inflation in design, as the currency requires a
the digital currency and devalue it rela- huge amount of hash calculations
tive to other currencies. In turn, this for its ultimate goal of processing finan-
would compromise user trust in the cur- cial transactions without intermediaries
rency.1 Nakamoto’s solution involved (peer-to-peer). We cannot observe this
‘‘timestamping transactions by hashing hashrate directly, but it is possible to
them into an ongoing chain of hash- derive this number from the observable
based proof-of-work.’’ The proof-of- difficulty and the actual time required
work was specifically said to involve to mine new blocks for the blockchain.
‘‘scanning for a value that when hashed, As per mid-March 2018, about 26 quin-
such as with SHA-256, the hash begins tillion hashing operations are per-
with a number of zero bits.’’2 The num- formed every second and non-stop by
ber of attempts to find such a hash, the Bitcoin network (Figure 1). At the
made every second, is what we call same time, the Bitcoin network is only
the hashrate. Once a node finds a processing 2–3 transactions per second
hash that satisfies the required number (around 200,000 transactions per day).
of zero bits, it transmits the block it was This means that the ratio of hash
working on to the rest of the network. calculations to processed transactions
The other nodes in the network then ex- is 8.7 quintillion to 1 at best. The pri-
press their acceptance by starting to mary fuel for each of these calculations
The electricity that is expended in the
create the next block for the blockchain is electricity.
process of mining Bitcoin has become
using the hash of the accepted block.
a topic of heavy debate over the past
The finder of the block is rewarded for Network Power Usage
few years. It is a process that makes
the efforts with a special transaction. Trying to measure the electricity
Bitcoin extremely energy-hungry by
Creators of a block are currently al- consumed by the Bitcoin mining ma-
design, as the currency requires a
lowed to send 12.5 newly created coins chines producing all those hash calcula-
huge amount of hash calculations for
to an address of their choosing. This tions remains a challenge to date. Even
its ultimate goal of processing financial
is a fixed reward that halves every though we can easily estimate the total
transactions without intermediaries
four years (210,000 blocks). On top of computational power of the Bitcoin
(peer-to-peer). The primary fuel for
the fixed reward a variable amount of network, it provides only little informa-
each of these calculations is electricity.
transaction fees is received as well. tion on the underlying machines and
The Bitcoin network can be estimated
The reward provides an incentive to their respective power use. A hashrate
to consume at least 2.55 gigawatts of
participate in this type of network. The of 14 terahashes per second can either
electricity currently, and potentially
more computational power one has, come from a single Antminer S9 running
7.67 gigawatts in the future, making
the bigger the share of all distributed on just 1,372 W, or more than half a
it comparable with countries such as
rewards that go to that miner. To keep million Playstation-3 devices running
Ireland (3.1 gigawatts) and Austria
the flow of rewards stable, the network on 40 MW (as a single Playstation-3 de-
(8.2 gigawatts). Economic models tell
self-adjusts the difficulty of hash calcu- vice has a hashrate of 21 megahashes
us that Bitcoin’s electricity consumption
lations, so new blocks are only created per second and a power use of 60 W).
will gravitate toward the latter number.
once every 10 min on average. Naka- It is also not possible to observe the
A look at Bitcoin miner production esti-
moto compared the creation of new exact number of connected devices.
mates suggests that this number could
coins in this way with gold mining The Bitcoin network is estimated to
already be reached in 2018.
(hence the term Bitcoin mining), and have around 10,000 connected nodes,
noted that ‘‘in our case, it’s CPU time but a single node in the network can
Introduction and electricity that is expended.’’ represent either one or many machines.
When Bitcoin was introduced in 2008,
Satoshi Nakamoto presented a solution The electricity that is expended in the Still, estimating the power consump-
for the double-spending problem in process of mining Bitcoin has become tion of the Bitcoin network using the

Joule 2, 801–809, May 16, 2018 ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. 801

on 33.33 MW (800 MWh per day).6 It
was reported that the facility was using
21,000 Bitcoin mining machines, which
were ‘‘almost exclusively’’ Antminer S9
machines.4 Along with 4,000 L3+ (Lite-
coin) mining machines (running at
800 W each) we would expect a total
energy use of around 32 MW, suggest-
ing a worst-case PUE of 1.25. In any
case, this facility would only be repre-
sentative of less than 1% of the global
network hashrate today. For the major-
ity of the network no information is
available at all. At this time, it therefore
cannot be ruled out that hashrate
simply does not reflect a large part
Figure 1. The Estimated Number of Terahashes per Second (Trillions of Hashes per Second)
Performed by the Bitcoin Network of the electricity consumed in Bitcoin
Source: mining.

Expected Electricity Consumption

efficiency for different hardware has network hashrate.3 These facilities are Hashrate-based approaches also offer
been a common approach for years. likely to have more power expendi- no insight in future electricity consump-
In particular, the information on the to- tures. With each of the machines gener- tion. To obtain an idea about this, we
tal network computational power can ating as much heat as a portable heater, instead can approach Bitcoin’s elec-
be used in determining a lower bound the additional electricity expenditure to tricity consumption from an economic
for Bitcoin’s electricity consumption. simply get rid of all this heat can poten- angle. Doing so is possible because
With publicly available Bitcoin mining tially be significant, depending on fac- Bitcoin can be considered a ‘‘virtual
machines achieving advertised effi- tors such as climate and chosen cooling commodity with a competitive market
ciencies of 0.098 joule per gigahash technology. of producers,’’7 as asserted by Adam
(Table 1), and the total Bitcoin network Hayes. In his paper Hayes explains
producing 26 quintillion hashes per Mining facilities tend to keep their op- that, if this is true, we expect that
second, we find that this lower bound erations behind closed doors, so little ‘‘miners will produce [hash calculations]
should be around 2.55 GW. is known about their power usage effec- until their marginal costs equal their
tiveness (PUE). Bitfury claims to have marginal product.’’ The marginal prod-
Cooling and Other Electricity Costs built a data center that achieves a uct of mining (‘‘the number of Bitcoins
Even though the previous approach is PUE of 1.02 with the help of immersion found per day on average multiplied
very useful since it provides a minimum cooling, but this has not been inde- by the dollar price of Bitcoin’’) can be
level for Bitcoin’s electricity consump- pendently verified. Certainly not every observed from the Bitcoin blockchain,
tion, it always leaves us with a very mining operation uses this cooling as it includes information on which
bare consumption estimate, first of all technology. For example, Bitmain’s blocks have been mined at what time,
because the network doesn’t contain mining facility in the Inner Mongolian as well as the included reward for
a single type of machine, but also desert (China) makes use of an evapora- each. On March 16, 2018, this marginal
because it doesn’t take cooling require- tive cooling system. This was shown by product was equal to US$15.34 million.
ments into account. A majority of the a small group of journalists who were We find this number based on an
total Bitcoin network hashrate origi- granted access to this facility in the average price of $8,351 times 1,837
nates from mining machines that fall of 2017, which was responsible coins (12.5 coins per block every
are clustered together in mining facil- for about 4%4 of the Bitcoin network 10 min on average plus 37 coins in
ities. This was observed in 2017 when hashrate at the time (6 exahashes per fees for the full day).
48 miners participated in a study by second). Unfortunately, they produced
Hileman and Rauchs. Eleven of these conflicting reports regarding the The marginal costs of mining are ex-
were designated as large mining opera- facility’s exact electricity use. Quartz pected to tend to the latter amount,
tions, and were estimated to contribute reported the facility was running on as rational agents would undertake
to more than half of the global Bitcoin 40 MW,5 while Tech in Asia reported mining while the marginal costs are

802 Joule 2, 801–809, May 16, 2018

Table 1. Examples of Recent Bitcoin ASIC Miner Machine Types $300 worth of chips per S9. Song adds
Machine Hashrate (TH/s) Power Use (W) Power Efficiency (J/GH) that chip fabrication is ‘‘generally the
Antminer S9 14 1,372 0.098 most expensive part of the miner
Antminer T9 12.5 1,576 0.126
build,’’ and uses expert judgment to
arrive at the remaining production costs
Antminer T9+ 10.5 1,332 0.127
at $200.9 On a retail price of $1,161 this
Antminer V9 4 1,027 0.257
would still imply a profit margin of
Antminer S7 4.73 1,293 0.273 56.9%. Such a margin is not uncommon
AvalonMiner 821 11 1,200 0.109 for Bitmain, which had a profit margin of
AvalonMiner 761 8.8 1,320 0.150 50% on the earlier Antminer S5 model
AvalonMiner 741 7.3 1,150 0.160
according to company co-founder Mi-
cree Zhan.8
Bitfury B8 Black 55 5,600 0.11
Bitfury B8 47 6,400 0.13
To calculate how these production
Source: Bitmain, Bitfury, and Canaan. costs compare with electricity costs it
is a prerequisite to establish the ex-
lower. At the same time, they would the retail price of an Antminer S9 is pected lifetime of an Antminer ma-
presumably decide to remove them- currently around $1,900 per machine chine. The longer the expected life-
selves from the mining pool if they (after peaking above $2,700 per ma- time, the bigger the share of
would be operating at a marginal loss. chine at the end of December 2017), electricity costs in the total lifetime
These market forces drive the industry and of course the retail price doesn’t costs will be. Knowing that the Ant-
toward an equilibrium whereby firms equal the production cost. Bitmain’s miner S9 was first sold mid-2016 and
will earn zero economic profit. profit margins, however, are not pro- remains one of Bitmain’s primary
vided by the company. We do know products almost 2 years later, we
The next step is to determine the struc- that Bitmain is able to sell the S9 at a will consider a lifetime of up to 2 years.
ture of these marginal costs in equilib- retail price of $1,200 per machine The costs of electricity are assumed
rium. Hayes argues that these are pri- and still turn in a profit, as this was to be 5 US cents per kWh on
marily made up of electricity costs, as indicative of the retail price of an S9 average, which is a conservative
hardware costs and small costs (such machine for most of 2017 (April pick based on the knowledge that
as maintenance) can be ignored. The through October). Since the retail Bitmain was already paying just
reason Hayes ignores hardware costs price of an S9 bottomed out at 4 cents per kWh for its facility in Inner
is that these represent a sunk cost $1,161 per machine at the start of Mongolia.4,6
component in each unit of mining June 2017, we can at least take this
effort, which are therefore not relevant as an upper bound for the production When combining the resulting elec-
in the decision to mine (only prospec- costs. tricity costs over a 2-year period with
tive costs are). Although true, this the production costs from before, we
seems to be something of an oversim- In April 2017, an attempt to figure find that electricity costs make up a lit-
plification, as the acquisition of new out Bitmain’s profitability was made by tle more than 70% of the total lifetime
machines will always be considered Bitcoin developer and entrepreneur costs of an Antminer S9. Using stricter
in the long run. This could be the result Jimmy Song, who looked into the pro- lifetime assumptions (Table 2), elec-
of increasing revenues, or simply duction cost of an Antminer S9 to this tricity costs continue to make up the
because machines reach the end of purpose. Song concluded that the majority of the machine’s total lifetime
their technical lifetime. production cost of an Antminer S9 was costs, so henceforth we will assume an
‘‘roughly $500.’’ To reach this figure, electricity cost share of 60%. We can
To be able to take hardware costs into Song first motivates how Bitmain is subsequently use this number to
account, we first need to put a figure likely paying its supplier Taiwan Semi- obtain a ballpark estimate for the elec-
on it. We know that, in equilibrium, conductor Manufacturing Company tricity consumption of the Bitcoin
not even Bitmain (the largest manufac- (TSMC) about $8,000 per wafer of network in an equilibrium where not
turer of new Bitcoin mining machines TSMC’s 16-nm process, from which it even Bitmain is capable of earning a
with a claimed market share of 70%8), can get 5,158 chips. Given that each profit. Assuming an electricity price of
should be able to generate a profit. S9 requires 189 chips, each wafer can 5 cents per kWh, and 60% of the mar-
However, we don’t know much about make enough chips for a little over ginal product ($15.34 million) going to
the costs of hardware other than that 27 machines. This results in almost electricity in equilibrium, we would

Joule 2, 801–809, May 16, 2018 803

Table 2. Estimated Lifetime Costs for an Antminer S9 under Various Lifetime Assumptions and a Production Cost of US$500 (Assuming Electricity
Costs 5 US Cents per Kilowatt-Hour)
Machine Expected Lifetime Estimated Production Lifetime Electricity Lifetime Electricity Total Lifetime Electricity Costs/Total
(Years) Costs (US$) Use (kWh) Costs (US$) Costs (US$) Costs (%)
Antminer S9 2 500 24,037 1,202 1,702 70.6
Antminer S9 1.5 500 18,028 901 1,401 64.3
Antminer S9 1 500 12,019 601 1,101 54.6

thus expect a total electricity con- and 27 machines per wafer, and given devices) was shut down after ‘‘not
sumption of 7.67 GW. that these production rates are main- paying for several million kilowatt-
tained throughout the year, Bitmain hours of electricity.’’14
Thanks to its simplicity, the aforemen- could produce up to 6.5 million
tioned approach became the founda- Antminer S9 machines in 2018. These Less malicious reasons for an agent
tion of the Bitcoin Energy Consumption machines would have a combined elec- to mine Bitcoin at a loss might include
Index,10 but knowing where Bitcoin’s tricity consumption of 8.92 GW. This motivations such as being able to
electricity consumption is heading exceeds the expected electricity con- obtain Bitcoin completely anony-
does not provide us a with final esti- sumption of 7.67 GW from before, mously, libertarian ideology (support-
mate for the network’s current con- which therefore seems to be within ing a payment network that does not
sumption. It is important to note that Bitmain’s production potential for rely on a central authority), or specula-
the index assumes it may currently 2018. It is worth noting that these ma- tive reasons. None of these situations
take around a year before the expected chines might not all be finalized and would be properly captured by any of
electricity consumption is actually delivered in 2018, but at the same time the discussed methods.
reached. Especially after strong price Bitmain, with a claimed market share
increases, one needs to allow for a suf- of 70%,8 is not the only contributor to Conclusion
ficient amount of time for the produc- the industry’s total production potential This paper has outlined various
tion of new hardware. this year. methods that are currently used in
determining the current and future elec-
Bitcoin Miner Production The aforementioned also marks the tricity consumption of the Bitcoin
Bitcoin miner manufacturers tend to be first time that Bitcoin miner production network. These methods tell us that
very secretive about their production has been estimated with the help of the Bitcoin network consumes at least
output, but Morgan Stanley managed upstream (chip) production numbers. 2.55 GW of electricity currently, and
to work around this problem by looking Given the ongoing secrecy of Bitcoin that it could reach a consumption of
at the TSMC instead. TSMC supplies miner manufacturers, this could prove 7.67 GW in the future, making it compa-
the chips for Bitmain, making it possible to be a valuable addition to the toolkit rable with countries such as Ireland
to come up with a chip-based produc- for substantiating trends in Bitcoin’s (3.1 GW) and Austria (8.2 GW).15 Addi-
tion potential. Specifically, Morgan electricity consumption. tionally, economic models tell us that
Stanley estimated that TSMC had or- Bitcoin’s electricity consumption will
ders from Bitmain ‘‘for 15–20k wafer- Limitations gravitate toward the latter figure. A
starts per month’’ for the first quarter Lastly, it is important to keep in mind look at Bitcoin miner production esti-
of 2018. This figure was independently that all of the methods discussed as- mates suggests that this figure could
confirmed by Ark Invest analyst James sume rational agents. There may be already be reached in 2018. With the
Wang, who wrote that ‘‘Bitmain is various reasons for an agent to mine Bitcoin network processing just
buying 20k 16 nm wafers a month’’ even when this isn’t profitable, and in 200,000 transactions per day, this
specifically (used for building the Ant- some cases costs may not play a role means that the average electricity
miner S9 and T9).11 at all when machines and/or electricity consumed per transaction equals at
are stolen or abused. In one case a least 300 kWh, and could exceed
With each 16-nm wafer capable of sup- researcher misused National Science 900 kWh per transaction by the end of
plying chips for about ‘‘27–30 Bitcoin Foundation-funded supercomputers to 2018. The Bitcoin development com-
mining rigs’’, Bitmain could produce mine $8,000–$10,000 worth of Bitcoin. munity is experimenting with solutions
around half a million of its most efficient The operation ended up costing the such as the Lightning Network to
Bitcoin mining machines per month.12 university $150,000.13 More recently, improve the throughput of the network,
Assuming 20,000 wafers per month a mining facility in Russia (with 6,000 which may alleviate the situation. For

804 Joule 2, 801–809, May 16, 2018

now, however, Bitcoin has a big prob- 15. International Energy Agency. World Energy retary Steven Chu in the US Department
Statistics 2017. 2017.
lem, and it is growing fast. publications/freepublications/publication/ of Energy. He also served as Vice Chair
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Secretary Ernest Moniz. Arun Majumdar
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10.2139/ssrn.3090174. Netherlands has published widely on the science
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2. Nakamoto, S. Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer
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3. Hileman, G., and Rauchs, M. Global devices. He is a member of the US
cryptocurrency benchmarking study. 2017. COMMENTARY National Academy of Engineering
and the American Academy of Arts
4. IEEE Spectrum. Why the biggest Bitcoin
mines are in China. 2017. https://spectrum.
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Opportunities for
5. Huang, Z., and Wong, J.I. The lives of Bitcoin
CO2 Utilization and
miners digging for digital gold in Inner
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Negative Emissions
bitcoin-mine-in-inner-mongolia/. at the Gigatonne
6. Tech in Asia. Cheap electricity made Scale
China the king of Bitcoin mining. The
government’s stepping in. 2017. https:// Arun Majumdar1,* and John Deutch2

7. Hayes, A.S. (2017). Cryptocurrency value

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8. Quartz. China’s Bitmain dominates Bitcoin

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11. Wang, J. TSMC—the world’s largest
chip factory—is all about crypto all of been a member of the faculty since
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13. Tahir, R., Huzaifa, M., Das, A., Ahmad, M.,
fessor in the Department of Mechanical of Energy. He has been a member of
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Joule 2, 801–809, May 16, 2018 ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. 805

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