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893 Written questions

1. Is Wernickes arrestable?

2. SE of Nifedipine?

3. A 0-2 yr old is in what Paiget stage?

4. In a tonsellectomy, what days are most important post op?

5. Atrial- Fib is?

6. Fundal height is not palpable until week?

7. S/S of hiatal hernia are?

8. Perfect Glasgow Coma Score?

9. Functional Psychotics have WHAT

10. Lanoxin (digoxin) toxic level?

11. What does Phosgine Chloride Cause

12. During the third stage of labor and delivery (placental delivery) you do what two things?

13. All psych medications cause what?

14. SE of Cervidil?

15. If your are pressurizing for drawing up insulin you?

16. Best indicator of kidney function?

17. Discharge teaching for a laminectomy?

18. Calcium below what is a medical emergency?

19. What do you use to treat Cyanide Poisoning?

20. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) norm?

21. What defects have left to right shunts and are acyanotic?

22. Botulism is

23. Hemothorax removes

24. Tocolytics do what to labor?

25. What post-op complication do you watch for with a cervical laminectomy?

26. What are the four types of functional psychosis?

27. Hyperprexia is?

28. What is manipulation?

29. Antabuse onset and duration is?

30. NPH duration?

31. In Peds always give?

32. Patients taking Zoloft should NOT take what?

33. Milia is?

34. Crutches always move with what leg?

35. 7 Hallucinatory Words

36. What is toddler (1-3 yr.) play characterized by?

37. The best psych answers

38. Diabetes is also what?

39. What is the second best toy for a 9-12 month old?

40. Is bubbling in the water seal intermittently good?

41. When measuring crutches, don't pick

42. "QRS" refers to?

43. Moderate lochia is?

44. What is the name of the disease for hypothyroidism?

45. RBC norm?

46. Treatment for hypothyroidism?

47. Withdrawal of an upper causes everything to go?

48. What is the best toy for a toddler (1-3 yr.)?

49. Lanoxin(digoxin) is for?

50. Thoracic =

51. If kinking in the tube is present you?

52. Use the odd numbered gait when?

53. Get cooling blankets to shut off

54. If my patient is underventilating I should choose?

55. What is flight of ideas?

56. Pre-op cervical laminectomy's most important assessment is?

57. If you have no idea what a drug is check to see if it is ___. If it is, pick a _______ SE.

58. What should you monitor with Zoloft use?

59. If you have a lab thats high and you don't know why pick?

60. Caput Succedaneum

61. In order to pick a psych answer, the patient must be

62. What is Hegars sign?

63. O2 sat below 93 you?

64. Pneumothorax removes

65. QOD

66. Cervical =

67. Ruptured membranes

68. If being asked about a surgery and the length of time for restrictions your default answer should be?

69. Liquid meds in math calculations

70. If asked how to treat A-fib first you?

71. Lithium toxicity

72. Hgb norm?

73. For a preschooler ____ meal a day is ok!!!

74. Switching from Heparin to Coumadin must?

75. Which insulin works the fastest?

76. Which Insulins and peaks for hypoglycemia?

77. Bicarb (HCO3) norm?

78. MAOI's treat?

79. Extremity assessment post partum should check?

80. NPH is not so fast and

81. How do you treat morning sickness? (1st trimester)

82. If a patient with hypothyroidism is NPO for surgery you still give them what?

83. If a diabetic is unconscious

84. Latent phase is?

85. Antidote for Heparin is?

86. Lochia color rubra?

87. Oxytocics do what to labor?

88. Asystole
89. The SE for phenothiazines are? (ABCDEFG)

90. High baseline variability?

91. What is the best toy for a 6-9 month old?

92. Treatment for low blood sugar in type I diabetes?

93. If you're being questioned over a drag and drop and you're given an option that would require a doctors order assume that you
have that order. But if an option is to call the doctor, you call first then give.

94. Dilantin is an?

95. ANF and BNP=

96. How quickly does Heparin work?

97. HOLD

98. Is it normal to be slightly anemic during pregnancy?

99. When picking answers ask yourself ?

100. What is word salad?

101. In electrolyte questions, pay attention to:

102. Sodium is ok if abnormal unless what occurs?

103. What shouldn't you give in psych?

104. 3 treatments for dumping syndrome?

105. Low bowel surgery

106. Heparin is what pregnancy class?

107. Dilation is?

108. BNP is a good indicator of what?

109. What is Hepatic Encephalopathy also called?

110. Station is?

111. As a nurse when, what and how do you teach a child in the concrete operations stage?

112. Freezing insulin does what?

113. Priorities, in Order

114. Benzo's have what in the name?

115. For Peds when in doubt call it?

116. N/I for restraints?

117. What are the 4 potentially life threatening arrythmias?

118. What is a somatic delusion?

119. If the pH is up it is?

120. If O2 sensor line is disconnected you?

121. What is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?

122. When talking about arrythmias the word 'bizarre" means?

123. #1 Priority in Type 1 diabetes

124. PO2 70-77 you?

125. Probable/presumptive signs of pregnancy are?

126. Mustard Gas The Chemical Agent causes

127. What two drugs can increase blood sugar?

128. What is a grandiose delusion?

129. If the pH is down it is?

130. To treat denial you need to?

131. Does a pneumonectomy get a chest tube?

132. What are the four Tricyclic antidepressants you need to know?
133. Effacement is?

134. Engagement is?

135. What do you monitor in Coumadin?

136. Every psych patient is a

137. For injections an IM needle must be?

138. Hgb level in the third trimester?

139. TID

140. The rule of ABC"s doesnt work in what area of health?

141. Prolapsed cord / Variable decelerations, do you turn them on their left side?

142. How do you confront?

143. Must not take Benzo's for longer than?

144. V-tach is?

145. What defects have right to left shunts and are cyanotic?

146. On nclex, when drying hands

147. Normal Hgb level in women is?

148. N/I for Delirium Tremens?

149. S/S of Hyperthyroidism?

150. Regular insulin is

151. Patient Positioning after Chest Surgery

152. Examples of Psychosis of dementia:

153. Adolescents (12-18 yr.) "play" is?

154. What should you work on with a toddler (1-3 yr.) ?

155. Hep A

156. Erythema toxicum neonatorum is?

157. Post Op thyroidectomy risks 12-48 hrs for Total Thyroidectomy?

158. For a prioritization question the most important information is?

159. So hypokalemia... pick symptoms consistent with what?

160. Make sure your answer is

161. BNP norm?

162. If a patient is psychotic, should you force them to do things?

163. Teach a patient taking Antabuse to avoid what?

164. What do you do if a patient with psychosis of dementia is having a hallucination or illusion?

165. pH norm?

166. What do you do if another staff member is placing the patient in physical or psychological harm?

167. If the potassium is high (5.4-5.9 high but still within the 5's) you?

168. Low sodium levels in lithium

169. How can you diffirentiate between illusions and hallucinations?

170. In a patient with suspected shock, how should you position them?

171. If client exercises more they need?

172. Is bubbling in the suction control chanber continuously good?

173. If the WBC is low it is called?

174. On top of alcohol a patient taking Antabuse should also avoid what other 7 things?

175. Best indicator of CHF

176. Cephalohematoma

177. What is the second best toy for a 6-9 month old?
178. Tricyclic's do what to the mood?

179. Tx Protocol for Bipolar

180. How can Coumadin be given?

181. Hiatal hernia is?

182. When you get a select all that apply question, do NOT ask

183. In psych should you give guarantees?

184. Manic

185. Stage 3 Pressure Ulcer

186. What are the 6 arrythmias for NCLEX in order for prioritization?

187. Major doses of phenothiazines are?

188. So without B1 what happens?

189. Tranquilizers shouldn't be taken?

190. What is Addison's Disease?

191. Do not give what type of pain medication to a women in labor if the medication is likely to peak when the baby is born?

192. What are phenothiazines?

193. Droplet precautions are for what 2 diseases?

194. SE of Pitocin?

195. If my pH is up my potassium (K+) is ?

196. Be concerned about PVC's if? ( rule of 6's)

197. Good prenatal care= dr apt ______ times a month weeks 36 to birth

198. If two answers say the same thing

199. If a drug has the word _____ behind it, it means long IM form for noncompliance?

200. NPH onset?

201. Monitor what with aminoglycoside use?

202. PVC

203. In a vented client respiratory acidosis means the vent may be too?

204. Type II diabetics need how many calories a day?

205. What is the only insulin safe to give at bedtime?

206. Only change an answer

207. For a laminectomy what incision has the most drainage/bleeding?

208. Anthrax spreads by

209. What is another word for aminoglycoside?

210. Milia

211. For prioritization the question will give what 4 pieces of information?

212. Pain

213. Boards try to trick you with the words

214. What group of drugs is the most commonly tested on the NCLEX?

215. Graves disease treatment options are? (3)

216. Type II diabetics need how many feedings a day?

217. Aminoglycoside route of administration?

218. Clot busters end in what?

219. Elevated Hemoglobin?

220. Hemangiomas is?

221. What do you do in a Chemical Attack?

222. For Aminoglycosides, think:

223. QD

224. How many chest tubes (And Where) for post-op chest surgery?

225. S/S of dumping syndrome are?

226. What are the two types of Thyroidectomys?

227. Do you sedate a patient with hypothyroidism?

228. Humalog onset?

229. Pts with Adrenal cortex diseases must have

230. Dilantin therapeutic level?

231. Antidepressants work?

232. If a patient has psychotic depression

233. Small pox

234. If you don't know if a blood glucose is high or low, pick

235. Dry yours hands from...?

236. Remember is PSYCH if you are asked to Prioritize, Don't forget

237. The one Aminoglycoside that doesn't end in Mycin?

238. If you don't know what causes an acid base balance, pick

239. Atrial Flutter

240. Make sure to decide if the question is asking what ___ the phenomenon OR what ___ from it.

241. CO2 is the 50's you?

242. How long does it take for Antabuse to get out of the system so they can drink Alcohol again?

243. What is the #1 nursing diagnosis for a patient taking phenothiazines?

244. Theophylline

245. The second stage of labor is?

246. Rule out these words in psych

247. What do you teach patients taking phenothiazines?

248. If crutch is not 30*, what will happen?

249. If in OB its low or late you?

250. Hyperbilirubinemia

251. Prozac causes what?

252. Number 1 intervention for Lithium toxicity?

253. Tx Protocol for Schizophrenia

254. For a cervical laminectomy they can never?

255. Heparin does not

256. What is the first thing you do in a Med-Surg situation?

257. What is the purpose of Chest Tubes?

258. Calcium Channel Blockers are like what for the heart?

259. At what Piaget stage can you teach a skill like how to draw up insulin?

260. When picking answers, narrow it down to two, then ask yourself

261. Lie is?

262. What are the three types of delusions?

263. Regular insulin duration?

264. Potassium norm?

265. How do you assess duration of a contraction?

266. Teaching 12-15 year olds?

267. Lithium toxic SE?

268. Hct norm?

269. Can Zoloft be taken in the evening?

270. All congenital heart defects have what?

271. Piagets sensory motor stage is characterized by?

272. Hgb under 8 you?

273. What is the 2nd best toy for a 0-6 month old?

274. Ventricular Tachycardia

275. 2nd/3rd trimester weight gain?

276. "P" refers to?

277. Overdose of an upper causes everything to go?

278. Overdose/Intoxication:

279. Hypomania

280. If you give aminoglycosides PO, do you have to worry about side effects?

281. What do you use to clamp a chest tube and why?

282. What are you at risk for following a Total Thyroidectomy?

283. The uterus should be like what after delivery?

284. How do you give Betamethasone?

285. What is codependency?

286. Can the faucet have handles for handwashing?

287. Category B

288. Cushing's patients with an adrenalectomy need what?

289. How should you prioritize labs?

290. Nere push what electrolyte?

291. O2 sat norm?

292. A 7-11 yr old is in what Piaget stage?

293. What 4 things are always considered unstable?

294. A psychotic person has

295. Hemangiomas

296. Humalog peak?

297. What is neologisms?

298. What is dependency?

299. So if you suspect DKA, what should you ask?

300. What is Kernicterus?

301. What position are your hands in for scrubbing?

302. Small doses of phenothiazines are?

303. What post-op complication do you watch for with a thoracic laminectomy?

304. NMS has what associated with it?

305. Type II diabetes?

306. Withdrawal:


308. The peak in insulin is a risk for what?

309. Type I diabetes (IJK)?

310. For Peds when in doubt pick?

311. Creatinine norm?

312. Hemorrhagic Illnesses (Like Ebola)

313. If Prozac is BID give at what times?

314. Benzodiazepines are ?

315. Regular insulin onset?

316. What is a lamina?

Reason for laminectomy?

317. A 12-15 yr old is in what Piaget stage?

318. RSV

319. What are the five uppers?

320. Beware of Foamites

321. If platelets are below 40,000 you?

322. What is the BEST thing to do if the water seal breaks?

323. If PH normal

324. Never select an answer on a SATA

325. S/S of Cushing's Syndrome?

326. What is the saying that can be used to help remember Baclofen(Lioresil,Flexiril)?
327. Whenever a time is mentioned after a medication is given, like "a pt received morphine. One half hour later, the patient wants to

328. Use the even numbered gaits when weakness is?

329. Plague spreads by

330. Teach diabetics who are sick to?

331. Crutches should be how many fingerwidths below the armpit?

332. Regular insulin peak?

333. Airborne precautions are for what 4 diseases?

334. Describe a 4 point gait?

335. The ACE of spades answer for nutrition is to either pick ____ or _____.

336. What side do you hold the cane?

337. Not all psych patients are

338. If my pH is down my potassium (K+) is?

339. Cephalohematoma is?

340. What 4 things do you do if a chest tube comes out?

341. Humulin 70/30 is what?

342. With an Epidural, give what after delivery?

343. Post partum assessment should include what?

344. When you get a select-all that apply question, ask yourself:

345. In the pre interaction phase the nurse will?

346. So what do you do and in what order for the second stage?

347. For a Sub-total Thyroidectomy you are at risk for what?

348. Lumbar =

349. HHNK S/S?

350. Contact precautions are used for what 4 types of diseases?

351. How do you treat prolapsed cord? 911!! OB emergency

352. How many chest tubes (and where) for a Unilateral Pneumohemothorax ?

353. INR monitors?

354. All aminoglycosides end in?

355. Lithium toxic level?

356. What is Trousseaus sign?

357. As a nurse when, what and how do you teach a child in the pre-operational stage?

358. How do you assess the intensity of a contraction?

359. When a client is sick what does it do to there blood sugar?

360. If in doubt in ABGs, always pick

361. If platelets are below 90,000 you?

362. Nursing diagnoses must

363. What sort of play do preschoolers (3-6 yr.) prefer?

364. Every alcoholic goes through what withing 24 hours after cessation?

365. Patients with Psychosis of Dementia

366. Lochia color serosa?

367. What do you do if the patients disconnected tube is on the floor?

368. Severe Acidosis means what?

369. If you don't know an answer

370. What are the 6 arrythmias you are tested over on the NCLEX?
371. In routine care, do you ever clamp a chest tube?

372. Violent Clients

373. Primary symptom of Wernickes?

374. How many chest tubes (and where) for bilateral Pneumothorax?

375. Nageles rule for calculating a due date is?

376. Don't treat all Psych patients

377. MAOI's are the?

378. Best answer for a type 2 diabetic?

379. How do you treat painful back labor?

380. What is Goodells sign?

381. Zoloft decreases metabolism and can cause?

382. Biochemical Attack, what do you do?

383. how to sterile glove

384. What is diabetes mellitus ?

385. What makes a patient unstable? (7)

386. Allow adolescents to be in each others rooms unless?

387. Supra means?

388. What interventions do you do for all other OB complications? (LION)

389. What is the #1 post-op answer for the NCLEX?

390. What are the 4 types of insulin?

391. How do you treat type II diabetes? (DOA)

392. What are Elixirs?

393. Never put anything in YOUR scope of practice

394. Psych Needs, In order

395. Remember for walkers that you

396. Diabetes S/S?

397. Tricyclic SE? (Elavil starts with E so they go through E ABCDE)

398. What pregnancy class is Coumadin?

399. Why do you draw TAP levels?

400. Can the sink have handles for scrubbing?

401. High pressure alarms are triggered when?

402. Do you give advice in psych?

403. Treat Anthrax with

404. For Peds when in doubt pick the?

405. If variable its?

406. If the pH is under 6 you?

407. When do you draw a IV peak level?

408. Neomycin and Kanmycin are used for what?

409. High blood sugar in type II aka hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic, non-ketotic coma (HHNK) is the same as?

410. Low pressure alarms are triggered when?

411. If you see the words "During the initial interview"

"Upon admitting the patient"
"On admission"
"At your first few meetings with"
"While assessing"
"On the day of admission"
"While FORMULATING nursing diagnoses"

412. Hypothyroidism is the same as saying?

413. S/S of Addison's Disease?

414. Gullian Barre

415. Is Wernickes preventable?

416. First thing to do in thyroid storm is?

417. Then ask yourself:

418. How long can you clamp a chest tube?

419. Where do you remove PPE?

420. Downers are?

421. What are the 4 things you do 4 times an hour for the 4th stage of labor?

422. Withdrawal of a downer causes everything to go?

423. What is the best rule out of all 4 for prioritization?

424. Wheezes are heard, what would you give?

425. Chemical Agents

426. If the potassium is over 6 you?

427. High sodium levels in lithium

428. Why is manipulation easier to treat then dependency/codependency?

429. When going up the stairs or down the stairs with crutched remember?

430. Ebola (Hemorrhagic Fever) Precautions

431. To treat AsystolE you give?

432. Transition phase is?

433. What is Wernickes (Korsakoffs) Syndrome?

434. What is the best toy for a 9-12 month old?

435. What are the 2 lethal arrythmias?

436. When drawing up insulins its?

437. Should you massage a pressure sore if it won't blanch?

438. If you know what a particular drug does pick a SE in the ______ body system.

439. Presentation is?

440. If the pH is down my patient will show signs and symtoms of?

441. Cushings Syndrome treatment?

442. The fundus is palpable at the naval at week?

443. When should you give Prozac?

444. Low pressure alarms are normally caused by?

445. Describe a 2 point gait?

446. INR therapeutic level?

447. All adrenal cortex disorders start with?

448. If water is present in the dependant loops you?

449. If fluid resuscitation is used in shock, there will be

450. What makes a patient stable? (7)

451. Contact precautions have what 5 things?

452. If the question says "systemic disease" when it comes to crutches

453. Plague patients die by

454. What is Baclofen(Lioresil, Flexeril)?

455. Elderly patients need to take what amount of Haldol?

456. Early decelerations?

457. What is the H1AC diagnosis level?

458. What is the goal of patients dementia/organic brain syndrome?

459. How do you treat back pain in pregnancy? (2nd and 3rd trimester)

460. Anthrax looks like

461. Low fetal heart rate is ?

462. If the pH and the BiCarb are both in the same direction then it is?

463. You can use alcohol based solution when?

464. Benzo SE? (ABCD)

465. NEVER set limits on

466. Variable decelerations?

467. Hepatic Encephalopathy is caused by?

468. Most second generation tranquilizers have what in them?

469. What three things should you ask yourself when choosing appropriate toys for kids?

470. If the pH is up my patient with show signs and symptoms of?

471. Zoloft(Sertraline) is a?

472. The third stage of labor is?

473. Stage 1 Pressure Ulcer

474. If an elderly patient OD's on Haldol what are they at risk for?


(Don't delegate to LPN)

476. What causes Psychotic Delirium?

477. Platelets norm?

478. What do you do if you kick over the collection bottle?

479. While on Lithium you must monitor the level as well as what?

480. BUN norm?

481. How often do you have to draw a WBC for a patient taking a second generation tranquilizer?

482. Acrocyanosis is?

483. If client exercises less they need?

484. Good prenatal care= dr apt ________ a month weeks 28-36

485. Toxic bilirubin level?

486. Dumping syndrome is?

487. Do not use the following words in your thought process:

488. S/S of upper use?

489. Diabetes complications, in order of priority:

490. Asystole is?

491. Hyperbilirubinemia is?

492. What two things should you work on with a preschooler (3-6 yr.) ?

493. Pt just had gastric surgery...acting drunk and in shock with ABDOMINAL distress... Think?

494. High fetal heart rate?

495. Mongolian spots are?

496. SE of Betamethasone?

497. Pneumohemothorax

498. MAOI SE?

499. What is aversion therapy?

500. If the potassium is below 3.5 you?

501. Lochia color alba?

502. Lithium decreases?

503. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (AKA high blood sugar in Type I diabetes) is caused by what 3 things?

504. Nevus/Nevi is?

draw him!

506. Normal weight gain for pregnancy?

507. Overdose of a downer causes everything to go?

508. Pre-op thoracic laminectomy's most important assessment is?

509. Where do you put on PPE?

510. Example of presenting reality positively:

511. Example of an illusion?

512. Symptom of Wernickes Korsakoffs syndrome?

513. What are the three reasons that cause low blood sugar in type I diabetes?

514. How long do you wash for handwashing?

515. Benzodiazepines are considered

minor __________?

516. Rule out

517. Elderly patients on Haldol

518. Erhythema Toxicum Neonatorum

519. What do you monitor if on Heparin?

520. What causes angina?

521. What are the three phases of labor?

522. 3 Major Symptoms of Botulism

523. Definition of Denial

524. When giving a Calcium Channel Blocker you hold and notify if?

525. Is Psychotic Delirium permanent?

526. Post Op Thyroidectomy risks 1st 12 hrs?

527. Upper withdrawal looks like

528. If a child has O2 is use what type of toys can't be used?

529. Describe swing through?

530. For a prioritization question what 2 pieces of information do not matter?

531. What is a delusion?

532. Best indicator of aminoglycoside toxicity?

533. What do you use for hand scrubbing?

534. Hyperthyroidism (AKA graves disease) is the same as saying?

535. Excessive lochia is?

536. Aminophylline toxic level?

537. When talking about arrythmias the word "chaotic" means?

538. How do you give Survanta?

539. A two point restraint is?

540. If asked a question and your patient is critical remember to always STAY with the patient!!

541. To treat V-fib you ?

542. Is bubbling in the water seal continuously good?

543. When do you use scrubbing?

544. ACE of spades answer for OB?

545. Ventricular Fibrillation

546. Anthrax death occurs from?

547. The fourth stage of labor is?

548. All congenital heart defects that are trouble start with a ?

549. After week 12 you can subtract 9 to get appropriate weight gain.
(Think 9months)

550. Calcium Channel Blockers

551. What toy is good for an immunosuppressed patient?

552. Antacids should not be given?

553. Mongolian Spots

554. Tie breakers when deciding which patient needs interdisciplinary care more

555. If it has "thro" in it you?

556. Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer

557. Atrial Fibrillation

558. How often do you monitor during labor?

559. Plague is not longer commutable when?

560. What 2 newborn variations are you most likely to be tested on for the NCLEX?
561. A Basilar chest tube is placed?

562. If a patient is on drug A for 10 yrs. and the doctor adds drug B which drug dose needs to be lowered?

563. What routes can you give Heparin?

564. Replace the word exercise with?

565. Magnesemias do the opposite of the prefix plus all what?

566. For walkers remember you?

567. Thyroid storm treatment?

568. Never choose _______ as a food for children.

569. What is preschooler (3-6 yr.) play characterized by?

570. How do you treat type I diabetes? (DIE)

571. If an answer seems right

572. Treatment for HHNK is?

573. For a laminectomy what incision site is more painful?

574. In airborne precautions it is ok to remove what piece of PPE outside of the room?

575. What is the rule for Natremias?

576. Pick the answer that is more

577. When deciding whether to redirect or reassure

578. Good prenatal care = dr apt _______ times a month until week 28

579. S/S of low blood sugar are?

580. After 72 hours of alochol withdrawal a small minority may get?

581. What are the S/S of serotonin syndrome?

582. For Heparin, Ask:

583. If mucus is present you?

584. When do you wash your hands?

585. SIADH is

586. If the question has "appear" in psych, it is

587. Gift giving in psych

588. DABDA

589. All K+ wasting diuretics end in?

590. N/I for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?

591. Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer

592. What is the first thing you assess in a Med-Surg situation?

593. Lithium therapeutic level?

594. What 4 things do you do if the water seal breaks on a chest tube?

595. Piagets formal operations stage can be taught like?

596. Pt has chest pain when lying down and indigestion

597. What happens if a person on Antabuse ingests alcohol?

598. Truest most valid sign of labor is?

599. If S2 is louder is the heart sound

600. Cushing Syndrome is the oversecretion of?

601. Remember RUN yourself in the GRAVE

602. What is an illusion?

603. Do not Delegate to an UAP

604. Oxytocics used for PP Hemorrhage:

605. What are the two oxytocic's?

606. What position are your hands for handwashing?

607. PPE contains?

608. Elevated bilirubin level?

609. A 3-6 yr old is in what Piaget stage?

610. Hep B

611. Vernix caseosa is?

612. Patients who need rehabilitation

613. Tx Protocol for Depression

614. If the fundus is not above the naval the baby is not?

615. When using the even gaits what one is for severe and what one for mild problems?

616. Clozaril(Clozapine) is what?

617. Tranquilizers work?

618. The first stage of labor is?

619. To treat supraventricular arrythmias you give?

620. What post-op complication do you watch for with a lumbar laminectomy?
621. Treatment for low blood sugar in Type II is the same as Type I low blood sugar treatment.

622. What side do you advance the cane with?

623. Stages of desensitization

624. What do you not delegate to a family member?

625. Symptoms of cushings are side effects of what?

626. Patients that do NOT need interdisciplinary care

627. High pressure alarms are caused by what three types of obstructions?

628. Who uses Swing Through?

629. PVC is?

630. Contractions should be no longer then ____ and no closer then_____.

631. Baclofen(Lioresil, Flexeril) SE?

632. Vernix Caseosa

633. Piagets pre-operational stage is characterized by?

634. When changing the dose of Prozac for a young adult you must monitor for?

635. Surgeons are using cadaver from bone banks. Why?

636. PO2 below 60 you?

637. What is the Nurse's role in Chemical Decontamination?

638. S/S of downer use?

639. Never pick infection within

640. Calcium Channel Blockers treat what? (the 6 A's)

641. DKA S/S?

642. Vitamin B1 helps breakdown?

643. What should you teach a patient taking Baclofen(Lioresil, Flexeril)?

644. All chemical agents require only soap and water except for Sarin, which requires

645. SVT - Subventricular Tachycardia

646. Anesthesia (total loss) is to paresthesia (partial loss) as

647. Aminoglycosides are given PO for what two reasons?

648. Antidepressants can be taken?

649. Tx Protocol for Anxiety Disorder

650. Benzo's can also be used for what 5 other reasons?

651. Five types of hallucinations?

652. Frequency of administration for aminoglycosides?

653. Calcium Channel Blocker side effects? (the 2 H's)

654. Don't be tempted to answer a question based on your ___ instead of your____

655. If kernicterus and opisthotonos are occuring you?

656. Don't suction unless

657. Which exception to the rule of congenital heart defects doesn't start with a T?

658. How do you assess frequency of contractions?

659. Are patients with Delirium Tremens a danger to themselves or others?

660. How do you treat manipulation?

661. If the WBC is low you should?

662. This test is not about you.

663. Clozaril(Clozapine) has what SE?

664. Proper order for donning PPE?

665. How long does it take for Coumadin to work?

666. Lanoxin (digoxin) therapeutic level?

667. If the tubing is disconnected you?

668. Droplet precations have what 6 things?

669. In Overdose VS Withdrawal, Ask yourself?

670. When do you draw a trough level?

671. Is Wernickes reversible?

672. S/S of a Thyroid storm are?

673. The first stage of labor has how many phases?

674. What can't children under four have?

675. Proper order for removing PPE?

676. Definition of Compensation

677. If the WBC count is high this is called?

678. What is a paranoid delusion?

679. After an amputation, for the first 24 hours, don't

680. Activity requirements/restrictions Q8H after laminectomy surgery?

681. Post Op thyroidectomy risks 12-48 hrs for Sub-total Thyroidectomy?

682. Earliest sign of an electrolyte overload is?

683. Positive signs of pregnancy?

684. To address a patient's psychological needs, they must be:

685. Warfarin, watch for?

686. What are the Category A Bio terrorism Agents?

687. DKA treatment?

688. With a Total Thyroidectomy what do they need for life?

689. Take care of your

690. What is the average dose of Haldol?

691. Type 2 diabetes will do what when in acute illness?

692. Category A Bio terrorism Agents

693. Examples of rapidly metabolizing carbs?

694. Addisons Disease treatment?

695. St. John's wort and Zoloft use can cause?

696. 90% of Calcium Channel Blockers end in?

697. Watch for opposite answers...The list will often contain a __ concept going in the ___direction.

698. What do you use in handwashing?

699. When intervening in daycare, look for task that is

700. At birth if the mother was addicted to a substance always assume the newborn is?

701. Pre-op lumbar laminectomy's most important assessment is?

702. Re-direction IS

703. In psych choose the answer that reflects the _______ and not the _______ they said.

704. Can Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome kill you?

705. If another staff member is doing something illegal you?

706. Kalemias do the same as the prefix except for the what?

707. If two answers are opposite

708. 1 fingerwidth is how many cm's?

709. Always teach a pregnant women to pee how often from day of pregnancy to 6 weeks post partum?

710. Kayexelate does what?

711. What is the best indicator of CHF?

712. Active phase is?

(The other phases can be figured out)

713. When you get a select all that apply question, ask yourself:

714. Definition of dumping syndrome?

715. What is the saying to help remember the four defects of Tetrology of Fellot?

716. Cholinergic, Parasympathetic effects cause?

717. V-fib is?

718. What are the four defects of Tetrology of Fellot?

719. What are the two tocolytics?

720. A non psychotic person has

721. Late decelerations?

722. Permanent restrictions for a laminectomy?

723. What 5 words should you avoid when answering a question about toys for a child under 9 months old?

724. To treat V-tach you give? (If it starts with V you use..)
725. If my patient has prolonged gastric vomiting or suction I choose?

726. Humalog duration?

727. SE for Terbutaline?

728. What lab is the best indicator for long term blood sugar maintenance?

729. If you don't know what a drug is and you are being asked which lab is important.... you need to remember?

730. What is Chvosteks sign?

731. PVC's fall on what wave of the previous beat?

732. Category C. Not very Lethal

733. 3 treatments for hiatal hernia is?

734. Phenothiazines end in?

735. Epstein's Pearls

736. Teaching, 7-11 year olds?

737. What is the antidote for Coumadin?

738. Aminophylline therapeutic level?

739. For a laminectomy what incision site has the highest risk for infection?

740. If you don't know a drug in the question...

741. NPH peak?

742. Hgb level in first trimester?

743. If it is not lung or prolonged vomiting or suctioning I choose?

744. Transverse Lie?

745. NPH insulin all have a what in them?

746. Pressurizing insulin

747. To decrease K+ you give?

748. Deconoate means?

749. 3 H's of Plague

750. Hypothyroidism S/S?

751. Haldol has the SE?

752. What is ideas of reference?

753. What is the length for hand scrubbing?

754. Large doses of phenothiazines are ?

755. Tularemia

756. 1st trimester weight gain?

757. First question to ask if the low pressure alarm sounds

758. What is Chadwicks sign?

759. With humalog when do you give it?

760. In a vented client respiratory alkalosis means the vent setting may be too?

761. When do you draw a IM peak level?

762. Dilantin toxic level?

763. Empathy question have?

764. So hypocalemia.. pick symptoms consistent with what?

765. If ICP is increased

766. If your pt is acidotic and you need to pick a symptom

767. What is the best toy for a 0-6 month old?

768. Chest tubes after a surgery or trauma assumes it's a?

769. What are the two long term problems from diabetes?

770. To avoid a severe hypertensive crisis patients taking MAOI's must avoid all foods with?

771. Re directing is NOT

772. The second stage of labor and delivery is all about?

773. Before measuing ABGs you should check what?

774. When prioritizing, always use Maslow + ABCs

775. #1 Priority in type 2 =

776. CO2 in the 60's (respiratory failure) you?

777. Sarin, the Nerve Agent, Causes

778. Acrocyanosis

779. Calcemias do the opposite of the prefix plus all what?

780. For injections SUBQ needles must have?

781. Cyanide The Chemical Agent Causes

782. What are the two neonatal lung medications?

783. Toxic effects of aminoglycosides?

784. What are the four rules of prioritization?

785. 4 point gait for what?

786. Hgb level in second trimester?

787. What do you do if the patients disconnected tube is on the chest?

788. If the BUN is elevated check for?

789. OD

790. Family can only do what you ____ them for the patient?

791. Kussmal Respirations

792. If you see the words

"During the therapeutic interview"
"While implementing the care plan"
"While working on the care plan goals"
"During treatment sessions"
"During therapy"
"In your weekly session"
"Three days after admission"

793. What is the one circumstance that you as a nurse would support denial?

794. For a phobia, the first thing you do is

795. For a toddler pick ______ food.

796. For Hypoglycemia, Pick signs and symptoms of

797. What is the #1 nursing diagnosis for Benzo's?

798. What do you do if the A-fib is unwitnessed?

799. What raises ammonia levels the most?

800. What do you do if a staff members behavior is legal, not harmful but just inappropriate?

801. Aminoglycosides treat?

802. What is a narrowed self concept?

803. Nevus/Nevi

804. When do you draw a sublingual peak level?

805. How to measure crutches

806. For patients with OCD, you

807. Remember: 9 Months in the womb

808. Prozac is?

809. Who can sterilize my bowel?

810. Small Pox Early Detection Symptom


812. As a nurse when, what and how do you teach a child in sensorimotor stage?

813. PO2 norm?

814. Does Zoloft cause insomnia?

815. Present reality

816. CD4 norm?

817. What does wean mean?

818. If a question has a drug with "zap " in it, the answer is probably?

819. If you don't know the drug, monitor

820. 3 P's of nerve root compression (S/S) ?

821. School age (7-11 yr.) is characterized by the 3 C's, what are they?

823. What do Anti-Anginal Medications do?

824. Describe a 3 point gait?

825. Can Delirium Tremens kill you?

826. Atrail Flutter is?

827. 5 examples of psychosis of dementia?

828. An Apical chest tube is placed?

829. When the handgrip of a crutch is properly in place the elbow felxion should be?

830. With Addison's Disease you ADD what?

831. AC

832. Are patients with Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome a danger to themselves or others?

833. How do you treat dyspnea during pregnancy? (2nd and 3rd trimester)

834. How much K+ can you have per liter of IV fluid?

835. In order to suction, you must be able to hear

836. Lithium SE? (The 3 P's)

837. Most common type of hallucination?

838. Low baseline variability? (aka heart rate not changing)

839. To treat dependency/codependency you ?

840. Prozac has the same side effects as Elavil?

841. CO2 norm?

842. Patients that do need interdisciplinary care

843. What is the #1 cause of DKA?

844. What is the biggest danger with low blood sugar?

845. Straight Catheter is to a foley catheter

846. What is a hallucination?

847. How do you treat urninary incontinence during pregnancy? (1st and 3rd trimester)

848. Airborne precautions have what 9 things?

849. Is bubbling in the suction control chamber intermittently good?

850. To treat PVC's you give?

851. For Empathy Questions

852. As the pH goes so goes my patient except for?

853. When prioritizing lethal arrhythmias, if one happened 6 minutes ago and the other happened 15 minutes ago, which do you

854. Generic for Baclofen(this will be on the NCLEX)

855. In a tie never pick ___________

If the symptom involves nerve or skeletal pick__________
For any other symptom pick___________

856. Remember with sterile gloving

857. Always go

858. What is Opisthotonos?

859. The more VITAL the ORGAN

860. What is the biggest problem in abuse?

861. Pregnancy Categories

862. What are the main 6 organs in prioritized order?

863. Piagets concrete operations stage is characterized by?

864. Calcium Channel Blockers treat what Arrhythmias starting with?

865. Regular insulins all have what in them?

866. Downer Withdrawal looks like

867. WBC norm?

868. Teaching 3-6 year olds?

869. Definition of Hiatal Hernia?

870. Caput Succedaneum is?

871. PSYCH
do not receive______
do not give _______
keep the pt ________ about it
Use _______ when communicating
Put self in client's _______
choose answer that reflects

872. a list of Tyramine foods

873. Teaching 0-2 years old?

874. Boards love to make an answer

875. If you must pick a time to draw the peak, pick the highest amount of time without going over the limits

876. Sodium norm?

877. Clozaril(Clozapine) is used to treat?

878. Don't pass the buck

879. Universal s/s of an electrolyte imbalance is?

880. Stop beta blockers & calcium channel blockers if

881. As a rule in shock

882. If my patient is overventilating I should choose?

883. If S1 is louder in a heart sound

884. What is diabetes Insipidus?

885. Aminophylline is an?


887. Epsteins pearls are?

888. Knowing the location of a laminectomy is key to getting the ? right.

889. If the INR is over 4 you?

890. QID/QDS

891. If 24 hours after birth assume the baby is in?

892. If a functional psychotic is having a delusion or illusion you?

893. What two words mean the same thing as immunosuppresion?

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