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Astronomy AST1002C Hubble Constant Lab Exercise Matthew Olney

Hubble Constant and the Age of the Universe

Adapted from Astronomy Lab Manual AST-1002C for Distance Learning by Professor M.

Objectives: Graphically determine the Hubble constant and from that determine the
age of the Universe.

Background: Edwin Hubble made one of the most important discoveries of modern
astronomy in 1929 when he determined that the spectra of most galaxies were red-
shifted. Since a Doppler red shift occurs when an object is receding from the observer,
Hubble concluded that the Universe is expanding. He further discovered that the
farther away a galaxy is from us, the greater its red shift and hence it must be moving
away at a greater velocity than nearby galaxies. This is known as Hubble’s Law and
states that galaxies are receding from us at a speed that is proportional to their

This relationship between velocity and distance is written mathematically as:


v = velocity, d = distance, H = Hubble constant

The value of H, the Hubble constant can be used to determine the age of the Universe
as follows: an object that travels at a given velocity (v) for a given time (t) will cover a
distance (d) equal to its velocity multiplied by time.

d=vxt solving for ‘v’ by dividing both sides by t and cancelling gives:

v = d/t since v = H x d (Hubble’s Law, from above) then:

H x d = d/t we can cancel out the ‘d’s by multiplying both sides by 1/d

H = 1/t now solve for ‘t’ by multiplying both sides by t and cancelling, then

dividing both sides by H and cancelling (a two step process) to give:

t = 1/H or in other words the age of the Universe (t) (since it started expanding) is the

inverse of the Hubble constant.

Astronomy AST1002C Hubble Constant Lab Exercise Matthew Olney

Procedure: show your working on the worksheet otherwise you will not receive full

STEP 1 Plot the data in the table below (Data Table of Distance and Recessional
Velocities of Galaxy Clusters) on the graph paper provided. Use dots to indicate
each galaxy cluster in terms of distance and velocity (40 pts.)

STEP 2 Use a ruler or straight edge to draw a best fit line through the data points. Do
not connect the dots. A best fit line is a straight line that keeps an equal number
of data points above and below the line an equal distance. Do not use a
computer program to plot the graph and calculate the slope, do it by hand
please. (10 pts.)

STEP 3 Determine the slope of the line, this is the Hubble constant. The slope is
determined as follows: Slope = rise/run = change in velocity/change in distance
change in velocity
slope =
change in distance

To obtain the slope from your plotted line chose two locations on your line that
are far apart. Write down the velocity value and the distance value for each
location. Subtract the smaller velocity value from the larger velocity value (for
example 200 km/s minus 20 km/s = 180 km/s). This is the ‘change in velocity’.
Put that number at the top of a fraction and subtract the smaller distance value
from the larger distance value, (for example 100x10^20 minus 10x10^20 km =
90x10^20 km) and put that number on the bottom of the fraction. This is the
‘change in distance’. Divide the fraction, giving you a value for H (in my example
this would be 180 km/s/90x10^20 km = 2x10^-20, note the negative sign in front
of the exponent. The example values I have given here are just to help you – they
are not the correct values, you need to get the correct values from your graph.
Show your work and enter your answer on the answer sheet (below) (20 pts.).

Note the units – the slope = velocity (km/s)/distance (km) leaving 1/s (“per

Be careful: the distance scale on the horizontal (x) axis is in 1020 km that is 100
quintillion km!

STEP 4 Remember that the age of the Universe is 1/H so take the inverse of your value
for H (1 divided by H). This is the age of the Universe in seconds! (10 pts.)

STEP 5 Convert your answer to STEP 4 to years. Divide by the number of seconds in a
year. (10 pts.)

STEP 6 Convert your answer to STEP 5 to billions of years. (10 pts.)

Astronomy AST1002C Hubble Constant Lab Exercise Matthew Olney

Data Table of Distance and Recessional Velocities of Galaxy Clusters

Cluster Name Distance (km x 1020) Velocity (km/s)

Virgo 5.9 1150
Pegasus 20.1 3800
Pisces 20.4 5000
Cancer 24.7 4800
Perseus 30.0 5400
Coma 34.9 6700
Hercules 54.1 10300
Ursa Major I 83.4 15400
Leo 95.8 19500
Geminin 108.2 23200
Corona Borealis 108.2 21600
Bootes 200.9 39400
Ursa Major II 210.1 41000

Astronomy AST1002C Hubble Constant Lab Exercise Matthew Olney

By entering my name below, I agree to abide by all copyright regulations regarding this

Name: _________________________________________

Worksheet - Hubble's constant and the Age of the universe

STEPS 1 and 2: Do not forget to submit your hand plotted graph with best fit line.

STEP 3 Answer: The slope of the line on your graph (the Hubble constant) = (H) =
___________________________________________ 1/s

Show all work here:

STOP. Double check, because you are dividing a quite large number by an absolutely
enormous number (distance in km x 1020 remember) your answer should be a very small
number (a big negative exponent).

STEP 4 Answer: Age of the universe in seconds = 1/H = _________________________s

Show all work here:

STEP 5 Answer: Age of the universe in years = ___________________________ yrs.

Show work here:

Astronomy AST1002C Hubble Constant Lab Exercise Matthew Olney

STEP 6 Answer: Age of the universe in billions of years = _________________ billion yrs.

Show work here:

Do not forget to submit your hand drawn plot of the data with best fit line from STEPS 1 and 2.

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