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In each point 1) to 3) below here, please provide what kinds of audit opinion, is the
explanatory paragraph required or not, and provide the reasons underlying your answer. 1)
Your client is a public company that engaged in property business. Their inventory accounts
were consisted of not yet sold real estate and apartment unit; the amount was material. After
audited, you found that some real estate units were overstated unintentionally. The client
agreed to settle the problem by restating their financial statement. (5%)
Answer :
We have conducted an independent audit to company X which presents an inventory account
report with an account consisting of real estate & apartment units, based on the results of our
audit on general accounting standards to obtain audit evidence regarding the disclosure of
financial statements. An audit includes an examination, a test basis, and supporting evidence
against the financial statements presented.
The procedures established were decided at the auditor's discretion, including assessing the
risk of material misstatement in the financial statements whether due to fraud or error. In
evaluating the position of company X's inventory report, there is a presentation of a material
amount that is higher between the amount recorded in the financial statements and the
amount of realized inventory, a deviation in the determination of financial accounting
standards, the explanatory phrase in the determination of accounting standards, there is also
no inclusion of financial statements. Which supports accounting principles.
Qualified opinion
In our opinion, the exception occurs because of the paragraph basis of a qualified opinion,
from the presentation of the inventory report that we describe in the previous paragraph, the
material presentation of the financial statements of company X is not in accordance with
applicable general accounting principles.

2) When you calculated the current ratio of your client financial statement, you found that the
current asset only 10% of your client current liabilities. But all the whole financial statement
was presented according to the accounting standard. (5%)
Answer :
From the results of the audit, the independent opinion of company X based on the financial
statements states that the total assets of the total equity and liabilities of the company are
10%, which means that the total flow of the company to fulfill its operational and financing/
investment liabilities will not be carried out effectively, the asset position lancer as company
assets and assessing the company's performance to generate income provide long-term
material effects for the company.
Unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph.
In our opinion, unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraph if the quantity of the
company's current assets is limited to 10% of total liabilities, the capital flow of financial
statements is not sufficient, there is no establishment of general accounting rules for
companies with pervasive potential, reporting is not in accordance with applicable
accounting principles.

3) You found that your client was engaged in lawsuit in term of ownership dispute of non-
current asset. According your inquiry result with client’s attorney, you found that there is a
possibility that the client will loses on the future court ruling. But the client refused to
disclose this contingent even after you persuade them. (5%)
Answer :
We have conducted independent audits based on the determination of risk management and
the presentation of the company's financial statements with an opinion statement on the
financial statements based on our audit. From the audit standards of Indonesian ties in the
implementation of the audit, it includes the assessment of management estimates and
assessment of the financial statements as a whole.
As in the realization of the calculation of company assets, equity and liabilities, it was found
that one of the non-current assets was a disputed asset status, due to deviations from the
general accounting principles that had been determined because there was a non-current asset
value which was not the amount of fixed assets of the company, making the calculation of
the company's assets & liabilities. Become unbalanced and affect the company's sales
operations, because company assets are a source of determining the company's income
capital, this of course greatly affects the quantity and quality of the company's value.
Limiting the performance of auditors in order to obtain adequate assurance of the financial
statements, from the description of the position of clients who refuse to disclose contingents
even after attempts to persuade them, it means that efforts to limit the auditor's performance.
Adverse opinion
In our opinion, the inadequate audit of the financial statements and the limitations on the
performance of the auditors as described in the paragraph above, present adverse opinion in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

4. The Public Accounting Firm (KAP) is a business entity that has received permission from the
Minister of Finance as a forum for public accountants to provide services. Along with the
times, nowadays almost all KAPs not only offer audit services / check client (company)
Financial Statements but also offer non-audit services / attestation services
Do a search regarding Other Services / Non Audit Services / Attestation Services provided by
4 (four) KAP. (2 (two) big four Public Accounting Firms (KAP) and 2 (two) other KAP are
free of your choice). Then answer the following questions:
a. Mention at least 5 (five) other services are provided by each KAP that you choose!
Write in the form of a neat and systematic table matrix like the example template
below. (Please highlight for similar services)! (10%)
Answer :


Audit, Accounting, &
Audit & Assurance Audit and Assurance Audit

Cloud Consulting Consulting Consulting

Consulting Family Office Family office Family office

Deloitte Private
International Forensics International
Company Services
Risk & Advisory PwC's Academy tax

Tax Tax Wealth management Risk advisory


Wealth management

b. Briefly explain the meaning of the service and the purpose of the other service (for the
same other service does not need to be explained twice)! (10%)
Answer :
1. Deloitte Private is a service for private companies to make audit obligations an
opportunity for businesses that focus on risks, matters that are important, and
minimize work on what is less relevant.
2. Cloud, namely the transformation of the company through innovative cloud
applications that combine business intelligence, integrated business and technology
services, and a people-first approach.
3. PwC's Global Fund Advisory Platform ('GFAP') is tailored advice to address the
capital generation goals of private fund sponsors, built on PwC's transactional
capabilities, experience and resources.
4. Forensics is a technology-driven distraction that provides services by helping to build
strong strategies to protect value, build trust, and create opportunities for your
business to emerge stronger.
5. Outsourced accounting service-oriented solutions to help clients manage change, stay
compliant, and increase company profits, by offering a wide range of accounting, tax,
auditing and CPA services and can form a multidisciplinary team to meet your
diverse needs.
6. Audit & Assurance Services, which is to help the capital market system function with
greater confidence to illuminate the condition of the company and provide insights
that can inform future aspirations.
7. consulting is conveying bold ideas, empowering technology, and meaningful
experiences that create real-life corporate results through new sources of value for
8. Risk & finance advisors help organizations effectively navigate business risks and
opportunities - from strategic, reputational and financial risks to operational, cyber,
and regulatory risks - to gain a competitive advantage.
9. Family office services are an approach to helping companies customize solutions to
help meet the different internal needs of the company and anticipate potential
problems for each generation.
10. Wealth management will assist in developing plans that help achieve goals, and will
be directly involved through the entire process and will help change plans as needs

c. Which other service did you find the most of those KAPs? In your view, why is this
happening? (10%)
Answer :
In my opinion, the most other service provided by these KAPs is the family office
because of the 4 available KAPs, there are 3 KAPs in the family office. For this reason,
my opinion is why the family office is one of the most widely available services, this is
influenced by differences or different characters in the scope of the company, both
management, finance, strategy, goals and so on for that family office services will find
company value be a attentive listener & seek to understand more about the company's
unique situation and goals. So from this approach helps to tailor solutions to meet the
needs of different companies and anticipate potential problems for each generation.
Therefore, it is an important point needed by every company so that it makes family
office services one of the most important subjects of an audit service

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