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(UNITS 11, 12, 13)




1. Прочитај и пополни го тоа што недостасува :


December March June September
January April July October
February May August November


2. Напиши ги на англиски речениците :

Чист зајак - (a)Clean rabbit

Паметен мајмун – (a)Clever monkey

Висока жирафа – (a)Tall giraffe

Брз лав – (a)Fast lion

Дебел нилски коњ – (a)Fat hippo

3. Напиши што означуваат сликите :

sugar bread butter onion


4. Напиши ги наредбите на англиски :

Исчисти ја собата!
Clean the room!

Не скокај!
Don’t jump!

Изеди го појадокот!
Eat the breakfast!


5. Прочитај и заокружи го точниот одговор!

He likes playing basketball / horse riding

He likes skiing / swimming

She likes playing football / gardening

6. Прочитај ги прашањата и напиши кратки одговори :
Аre lions ugly animals ?

No, they aren’t.

Can a monkey walk ?

Yes, it can.

Have horses a long body ?

Yes, they have.

Do cats eat carrots ?

No, they don’t.

Does Jane like pizza ?

No, she doesn’t.

Do giraffes live in Africa ?

Yes, they do.


7. Прочитај ги одговорите и пополни ги прашањата со следниве

прашални зборови : WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHOSE, WHEN

What’s your name ? My name’s Ann

Where is she ? She is in her bedroom

Whose book is this ? It is Tom’s

Who is he ? He is Oscar

When is your birthday ? In September /5

8. Пополни ги речениците со MANY, MUCH , A LOT во зависност
од тоа дали се работи за бројна или небројна именка!

How many apples have you got ? Not many.

How much meat have you got ? A lot.

How much butter have you got ? Not much.

How much cheese have you got ? A lot.

How many eggs have you got ? Not many,


Reading and writing

9. Прочитај го текстот и заокружи ги точните одговори!

Horses are very fast / fat animals! They’ve got big/ small body and two
big / small ears. They’ve got long/ short tail. They can run slow/ fast.
They eat vegetables/ fruits but they don’t eat meat!

10.Повторно прочитај го текстот и одговори на прашaњата!

Are horses fast animals ?

Yes, they are.

Have they got big body ?

Yes, they have.

Can they run ?

Yes, they can.

Do they eat meat?

No, they don’t.


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