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about-fordyce-spots-on-your-foreskin - Topical creams. Trichloroacetic
acid or bichloroacetic acid topical treatments can shrink or remove the
Fordyce spots. These work best in combination with laser treatment.‌

 Topical treatments: Application of topical creams that contain

trichloroacetic acid, topical Tretinoin, and oral Isotretinoin may help to
shrink or remove Fordyce spots. Tretinoin and Isotretinoin (retinoids) are
considered unsafe during pregnancy. You must tell your doctor if you
are pregnant so they may prescribe accordingly.

Some of the natural remedies that may help remove Fordyce spots include:

 Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has antimicrobial properties
along with astringent properties. The astringent properties of the apple
cider vinegar help to control the excess oil production. Mix ACV and water
in equal proportions and apply on the spots twice a week.
 Garlic: It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help to
eradicate bacteria from the bloodstream. Consuming garlic daily may help
to destroy the bacterias and maintain oral hygiene. For this, take crushed
garlic cloves and blend them with water. Add lemon juice for flavor.
 Coconut oil: Dry and dehydrated skin can result in excess secretion of
sebum. Coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer to treat dry skin and
prevent excess sebum production. Apply coconut oil directly to the spot or
mix with lavender oil to apply.
 Jojoba oil or argan oil: Argan and jojoba oil are rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin
E is effective against various skin infections or skin conditions. Mixing
both these oils and applying them on the spot may be helpful to treat
Fordyce spots.

Avalie o uso de pomadas de prescrição médica. Algumas evidências sugerem que um

desequilíbrio hormonal, causado pela puberdade, pela gravidez ou pela menopausa, pode
causar ou contribuir para o surgimento dos grânulos de Fordyce assim como pode contribuir
para o surgimento da acne.[6] Por conta disso, algumas pomadas normalmente utilizadas no
tratamento da acne e outros problemas de pele podem surgir efeito no tratamento dos
grânulos. Converse com o dermatologista quanto ao uso tópico de glicocorticoides, retinoides,
clindamicina, pimecrolimus ou peróxido de benzoíla.

 A pomada de clindamicina é bastante útil no tratamento de glândulas sebáceas

inflamadas, apesar de ser raro que os grânulos de Fordyce inchem.
 No caso das mulheres jovens, o uso de contraceptivos orais pode reduzir ou eliminar os
grânulos, assim como tais medicamentos também impactam a acne.
 A ablação a laser CO2 normalmente é combinada com o uso de ácidos esfoliantes
tópicos como os tricloroacéticos e bicloroacéticos. [7]

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