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Week 10 – The Black Plague Worksheet

Task 1: The Black Plague – what happened?

Instructions: Watch the following video and answer the questions. Circle or highlight the TRUE or FALSE answers

The Black Death – NBC News Learn ( if the direct link doesn’t work

1. Where did the Black Plague start?

It started in southern Italy in 1347
2. Locate it on the map of Europe.

3. Circle some of the symptoms of the Black Death.

Pain Leg pain Swelling Black sores Vomiting Blood Fever Sore throat
4. How quickly did the Black Death kill people?
 Giovanni Boccaccio said that “the pestilence” killed so quickly that an infected person could have “breakfast
with friends and family --- and dinner with ancestors in paradise”
5. How did people try to protect themselves against the plague?
They tried to protect themselves by wearing long waxed gowns with goggles and beak like masks filled with
herbs to purify the air and block the stink of death and decay. But they died as well.
6. What was at least one of the effects of the spread of the Black Plague?
One of the effects of the spread was because of “trade”, many laborers died, which devastated the families, and
they couldn’t survive and caused them personal suffering.
7. What animal spread the plague?
Mice/ rats
8. “Trade spread the plague” Is this statement TRUE or FALSE
9. What did those who survive begin to question?
They began to question the authority of the bishops and the nobles.
10. By the end of the 14th century, peasant revolts led to the RENAISSANCE Is this statement TRUE or FALSE?

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