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Explain the statements from the following philosophers. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. “I think therefore I am” – Rene Descartes

Descartes conclude that he can be certain he exist because he thinks. Descartes also
conducted for a statement that could not be doubt. He found that he could not doubt that he
existed, as he was the one doing the doubting I the first place. He also conclude that the only
indubitable knowledge is that he is a thinking thing. We draw from premises, make decisions,
and solve problems everyday that is we are thinking.

2. “ The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates

Socrates means that an unexamined human life is deprived of the meaning and purpose
of existence. To become fully human means to use our highly developed faculty of thought to
raise our existence above that of mere beasts.

3. “ He who is not a good servant will not be a good master “. – Plato

It means if you do not understand how to give, then you will only take. This is a sure fire
away to be a bad leader.


Choose one philosopher whose concept of the self is closely related to your own notion or life
experience. Explain the reason of your choice. The essay should not be less than 100 words.

Socrates, according to his quotes “ the unexamined life is not worth living” it says that the
human life is deprived of the meaning and purpose of existence.

In our life ,we believe that living a life where you live under rules of others, in a continuous
routine without examining what you actually want out of it is not worth living. In Socrates quotes
that all lives that are not unexamined don’t have a purpose and should not be lived in unreasonable
and simply not true. Because for me there is a lot that contributes a persons happiness and well-being
besides examining their lives such as the life experiences we had in our life, being with family, things
to be thankful for, memories, and reaching success in life. Everything that makes us happy and a
happy life we had should most definitely be lived whether its examined or not.

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