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I believe that seeing our country’s current situation in a progressive or linear manner is more

accurate. The development and betterment of humanity and society is the responsibility of
mankind. We are in charge of our own fate in whatever failures or triumphs we may have; we are
responsible for everything. We must practice accountability and taking responsibility to ensure
that our country will continue to developed onward and upward.

As a citizen of my country, I am not in favor of how the government handles the pandemic we
are experiencing, and as you observe the Philippines are having the never-ending lockdown and
nothing more. Other countries are now Covid-free and already fast pacing going normal like
Canada, Thailand, Hongkong, and more countries because they act upon it before the pandemic
worsens and affects their country. These countries didn’t even wait for the vaccine or wait for the
situation itself to heal or blame God for what happened because it doesn't work like that. Amidst
this global pandemic is that the government doesn’t have a concrete plan for the country. They
just wasting the loans for unnecessary projects that will not help end the pandemic nor giving
attention to putting funds on medical institutions and apparatuses. Government should have
regulated a travel ban beforehand to prevent and control the virus to spread out. See how the one
power of action can affect the future of our country. Government should stop denying their
mistakes from their sloppy plans and, they should take responsibility, execute plans, and enforce
the action which can improve our country's situation. As famous Albert Einstein said, “The only
thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance”. 

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