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Quarter 2 – Module 7

Creating a Literary Online Portfolio Using Multimedia forms

Most Essential Learning Competency
Create an online portfolio for the outputs produce: poetry, fiction, script, etc. applying ICT
skills/ any appropriate multimedia form.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Recognize the various multimedia forms
2. Create an online portfolio by doing any of the following:
 design a group/personal blog for poetry and fiction;
 produce a suite of poems, a full/completed short story or a script for a one-act play;
 create hypertext literature
Blogging evolves a new literary form in our modern world. It is generating postmodern
ideas that enables aspiring writers to express themselves in ways that never have been visible or
understood. It sounded the trumpet of the golden era of journalism.
Have you tried writing a poem or essay allowing others to read those or ending keeping it in
your own? It’s time to share your write ups through making an online portfolio of your work. We
call it as blog.
Blog comes in two words: Web and log. It is a log or compilation of thoughts and writing
posted on the World Wide Web. Blogging is just one of the many multimedia forms that you can
make out of your literary compilations.
Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content such as text, audio,
images, animations, or video into a single presentation.
The combination of different communicative elements such as text, images, animations, or
video into a specific presentation is called as multimedia.
Here are the basic concepts about multimedia:
Multimedia presentations can be downloaded or streamed. One can view it on stage,
projected, transmitted or played with a media player. These are characterized as analog or digital
electronic media technology.

Multimedia categories:
1. Linear active content is not dependent on the control of the viewer. An example of this is
a movie presentation.
2. Non-linear is dependent to the control of the viewer like video game or computerbased

Hypertext Literature:

People are good in reading. With the vast changes brought by technology, everything
becomes readily available with a single click. That includes your favorite literary pieces. Hypertext
attempts to share control of literature with the reader. A reader can click through a document
without conforming to any linear order the person who created the hypertext document might
have intended. The key creative problem in building literary hypertexts is delivering a satisfactory
reading experience, including tension and closure.
The hypertext way of experiencing and describing events in art is everywhere. It is an
excellent way of organizing principle for many kinds of information but attempts to capture the
accumulating narrative of fiction don't work well on the Web.
However, the many elements competing for attention, may be what makes reading literary
hypertext on a screen so difficult. Hypertext writers need tools that make it impossible for a reader
to do anything other than read the work while it's open. When a person reads a book, there is no
real distraction. When a person sees a movie or a play, the room is dark except for the stage
and/or screen and therefore he can't help but to be focused on it. To be successful, hypertexts
must be as immersive as other media.
A big part of immersion is knowing when it's over and when a reader can come up for air.
It's not the writer who creates closure in hypertexts, it's the reader.
Hypertext Literature allows readers create their own narrative and connections, regardless
of the order in which the screens are presented. Every time a person reads it, it's a different story.
The reader gets to make the decision as to when the story is over.
Things to Consider in Making Blog:
According to Thompson (2020), there are several ways on how to enhance your blog.
1. Know your audience. Before you start writing, it’s crucial that you know who your
audience is, and what they are looking for. Instead of guessing what your audience needs or wants,
try to make data-driven decisions by doing industry research and competitor analysis.
Keyword This is a free tool that you can use to see what some of the most popular
keywords searched by users in your industry are.
Twitter Advanced Search: Simply type your keyword and select the filter “questions” and it
will show you all the questions that folks in your industry are asking.
Quora: A great resource to find questions folks in your industry are asking.
SEMRush: Although it’s a paid tool, it works extremely well and allows you to spy on your
competitors and steal their best ideas.
2. Write captivating headlines. If you don’t have a compelling headline, then there’s a very
good chance that your blog post will not be read or shared. As humans, we are shallow. We judge
a book by its cover and a blog post by its title. That is why your blog post title is crucial for the
success of that article.
3. Add subheadings and shorter paragraphs to break up the page. Formatting is super
important for blog posts. There’s nothing worse than reading a blog post that is just one giant
paragraph. Most of the time people skim through the content before they actually decide to read
it, so it is recommended to break up your article with subheadings. Anything you can do to make it
easy on the user’s eyes is going to help your audience read your blog post (and take the action that
you want them to).
4. Use bullets. People tend to skim blog posts before they decide to read it. That means you
need to make sure to highlight your best information. That way, they can quickly see that your
post is worth their time. Bullet points are an excellent way to spoon-feed your audience in a way
that keeps them coming back for more.
5. Add images. The human brain processes visual content a lot faster than textbased
content. That’s why adding captivating images can help boost your engagement. Take your own
photos or create your own images.

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