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After this lesson, you will be able to:

Talk about your favourite movie
In order to achieve the objective, you will study
Vocabulary: words for movies
Grammar: I can‟t stand/ can‟t take
Listening for inferences
Look at the picture and answer the questions.
Word explanation
Let’s watch trailers of
the three movies.
After watching the trailers, answer these
1) What actor/ actress appear in all the three

2) Which movies seem to be more interesting

to you? Why?
Let‟s watch trailer of Titanic.
Let‟s watch trailer of Blood Diamond.
Let‟s watch trailer of The Great Gatsby.
Answer the questions.

1) Which actor/ actress appear in all the three


Leonardo DiCaprio Kate Winslet Djimon Hounsou

2) Which movies seem to be more interesting

to you? Why?

Unit 2- Preview
Movies and Entertainment

Blockbluster /ˈblɒkbʌstə/ (n), (a):

thành công vang dội,(phim/truyện) bom
tấn. (Titanic is a blockbluster movie-
titanic là một phim bom tấn)
Ill-fated: /ˌɪlˈfeɪ.tɪd/ (a) xấu số
unlucky and unsuccessful, often resulting in
death (Theill-fated ocean liner
Titanic: con tàu Titanic xấu số)
sink/„siɳk/(v): chìm
the liner is sinking: con tàu đang chìm

Scene /„si:n/(n) cảnh tượng, quang cảnh

(the scene of a sinking liner: cảnh tượng
của chiếc thuyền đang chìm)

criminal/'kriminl/(n): tội phạm

(an ex-criminal (n) một người đã
từng là tội phạm

Trade /treid/ (n), (v): thương mại, mua bán

(diamond trade (n) mua bán kim cương

Sit on the edge of your seat (phrase):

very excited and interested in something because
you want to know what happens next
This film will keep you on the edge of
your seat.

An adaptation: phỏng theo ( is a play or movie based on a book)

(Last year he starred in the film adaptation of Bill
Cronshaw's best-selling novel.)

Mysterious /mɪˈstɪə.ri.əs/ (a): bí ẩn

a mysterious millionaire

Tragedy /ˈtrædʒ.ə.di/ (n): bi kịch

The film ends in tragedy.
Which movie stars DiCapro with Kate Winslet?
a. Blood Diamond c. The Great Gatsby
b. Titanic
Which movie is set in Sierra Leone?
a. Blood Diamond c. The Great Gatsby
b. Titanic
Which movie is194 minutes long?
a. Blood Diamond c. The Great Gatsby
b. Titanic
Who plays Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby?

a. Carey Mulligan c. DiCaprio

b. Winslet d. Hounsou
Talk about the movies you‟ve seen.
Pair work
U li would you like to see?
Which ones
You have 5 minutes.
Group work Discuss the questions with two partners.
You have 5 minutes.

Where do you like to see movies:

at home or in a movie theater?

Watch at home Watch in the theater

Pros (reason) (reason)

Cons (reason) (reason)

Group work Share your preferences with the class.
You have 2 minutes.
a Unit 2- Preview
Photo story
A bunch of babies….
A bunch of grapes

„A bunch of‟ means

a. A lot of
b. A few of
c. None of
I missed the bus

„I missed‟ means
a. „I could catch the bus‟
b. „I couldn‟t catch the bus‟
c. „I loved the bus‟
„I‟ve heard….‟ means
a. No one told me about….
b. People said ….
c. I don‟t know ….
„Frankly‟ means
a. Surprisingly
b. To tell you the truth
c. Unfortunately
I can‟t stand

You say this when

a. You really like something.
b. You are in the mood for doing something
c. You really hate something
It‟s my treat

You say this to suggest that

a. You‟ll pay
b. Someone else will pay
c. You don‟t want to pay
Photo story
After you listen, answer the subsequent questions:

1. Does Anny like violent movies?

2. Does Peter like annimated movies?

3. What movie do Peter and Anny agree on?

Photo story Read and double-check your answers:
 

Focus on language

Find synonyms in the conversation

1. I’ll pay.” 1. It’s my treat.

2. “really don’t like” 2. can’t stand/ I can’t take
3. “To tell the truth, ...” 3. Frankly,
4. “a lot of” 4. a bunch of
5. “I didn’t see ...” 5. I missed
6. “They say ...” 6. I’ve heard
Infer meaning

Find synonyms in the conversation

1. a noun that has the

same meaning as
“movie” film
2. two different adjectives
that are related to violent,
“fighting” or “killing”
3. an adjective that spectacular
means “really great”
Think and explain Answer each question.

Explain your answer with a sentence from the Photo Story.

1. What actor does Anna like? 3. What movie does Anna suggest?
DiCaprio Ice Age
How do you know? How do you know?
Peter says, “You are a big
Well, there‟s Ice-Age.
She says, …………………………..
Dicaprio fan”.
2. Did Anna see Gangs of 4. Who is going to pay for

New York? No. popcorn? Peter

How do you know? How do you know?

Nope, I haven‟t.
She says, ………………………….. I‟ll get the popcorn.
Peter says, …………………………..
Pair work Talk about your favorite movie.
You have 5 minutes.

• What‟s your favorite movie?

• Why do you like it?
Unit 2- Lesson 1
Apologize for being late
After this lesson, you will be able to:
Apologize for being late.
In order to achieve the objectives, you will study
Vocabulary: Explanations for being late
Grammar: The Present Perfect: for and since ; Other uses.
Listening for inferences

Unit 2- Lesson 1
The present perfect: for and since; Other uses.
Pair work What is the difference between
“since” and “for “?

• I‟ve been here since eight o‟clock.

• I‟ve been here for ten minutes.

Work in pairs.
Compare “since” and “for"
You have 3 minutes
The present perfect tense: for and since; Other uses.

• Go to the board.
• Give instruction to the class about “since” and “for”.
• You have 2 minutes.
The present perfect tense: for and since
Grammar The present perfect tense: for and since;
Other uses.

• Use since with a specific time or date in the past.

• Use for to describe a period of time.

How long have you been here?

I‟ve been here since eight o‟clock. (a time in the past)

I‟ve been here for ten minutes. (a period of time)

Grammar Thepresent

Other uses:

• With always: I‟ve always wanted to see Car planet

• With ordinals, superlatives, only:

This is the third time I‟ve seen Ping Pong.

It‟s the best movie I‟ve ever seen.

My husband has only seen it once.

Grammar The present perfect tense: for and since;
Other uses.

Other uses:
• With lately, recently, just

Have you seen a good movie recently/lately?

I‟ve just seen The Beach - what a great movie?

• With still, so far:

You still haven‟t seen Tomato.

Babies? I‟ve seen it three times so far.

Grammar The present perfect tense: for and since;
Other uses.

The placement of the adverbs

• Always, only, just: between have + Past Participle

• Lately, recently: at the end of the sentence in the present perfect

• Still: before have + Past Participle

• So far: before have + Past Participle or at the end of the sentence

Grammar practice Look at Exercise A on page 16.

Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

I‟ve been a big fan of Peneslope Cruz

(1 for/since) more than five years. I‟ve followed
her career (2 since/so far) I was in high school.
That means I‟ve watched every movie she‟s
made (3 for/since) 1988, except for Volver. I
(4 yet/ still) haven‟t seen that one, but I plan to see it soon.
I‟ve (5 still/ always) loved Penelope‟s work. I‟ve (6 since/ always)
been the first person in line at the theater when her movies open.
Of the movies Penélope has made (7 lately/always), the most
interesting to me is Nine. I think it‟s the (8 best/ still) movie she‟s
made (9 so far/ still). I‟ve (10 always/ already) seen it five times!
Pair work Take turns asking and answering
the following questions.

Use the present perfect in all your answers. You have 5 minutes.

1. Is there a movie you‟ve always wanted to see?

2. Have you seen any good movies recently?
3. What‟s the best movie you‟ve ever seen?
4. What‟s the worst movie you‟ve ever seen?
5. How many movies have you seen so far this month?
6. Have you ever seen a move more than once?

Unit 2- Lesson 1
Apologies for being late

Oversleep /'ouvə'sli:p/ (v): ngủ quên

Overslept /'ouvə'slɛpt/ (past tense)

miss /„mis/ (v): nhỡ, lỡ (tàu, xe...)


Get a taxi /get ə 'tæksi/ (v): bắt xe taxi


Find a parking space (v): tìm được chỗ đỗ/đậu xe


Get stuck in traffic /get stʌk in ˈtrafɪk/ (v): bị kẹt xe, tắc đường
Vocabulary Listen and repeat.
Pair work Have you ever made up an explanation
for being late?

Think of two other explanations for being late.

You have 5 minutes.
Listening comprehension Look at Exercise C on page 17.
Before listening Try to guess what may be
the explanation.

The possible explanations:

• I overslept.
• I missed the bus.
• I couldn‟t get a taxi.
• I couldn‟t find a parking
• I got stuck in traffic.
Listening comprehension Look at Exercise C on page 17.

Listen to the conversations. Complete the sentences, using

the Vocabulary.

1. Ted‟s late because he…………………….. .

couldn‟t find a parking space.

2. Maude probably……………………………………….. .

are stuck in traffic. .

3. They‟re going to be late because they………………………………

missed the bus

4. First they…………….………………. couldn‟t get
. Then they probably ……………… .
a taxi.
Pronunciation Reduction of h

Notice how the sound /h/ often disappears in present perfect

questions. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat

1. How long have you waited?.

2. Where have you been?

3. What has he heard about the film?

4. When did he buy the tickets?

5. What‟s her favorite movie?

6. Who‟s his favorite star?

Conversation model Read and listen to someone
apologize for being late.

A: Have you been here long?

B: For about ten minutes.
A: Sorry I‟m late. I got stuck in traffic.
Did you get tickets?
B: Yes. But the 8:00 show for The Love Boat is sold out.
I got tickets for Paradise Island. I hope that‟s OK.
A: That‟s fine. How much do I owe?
B: Nothing. It‟s on me.
A: Well, thanks! Next time it‟s my treat.
Rhythm and intonation Listen again and repeat.

A: Have you been here long? (rising intonation)

B: For about ten minutes.

A: Sorry I‟m late. I got stuck in traffic.
Did you get tickets?
B: Yes. But the 8:00 show for The Love Boat is sold out.
I got tickets for Paradise Island. I hope that‟s OK.
A: That‟s fine. How much do I owe? (falling intonation)

B: Nothing. It‟s on me.

A: Well, thanks! Next time it‟s my treat. (stress my)
Pair work Apologize for being late and give an

Based on the conversation model, use your

own information.
You have 5 minutes.
A: Have you been here long?
B: For …….
A: Sorry I‟m late. I ………….. Did you get tickets?
B: Yes. But ……………………..I hope that‟s OK.
A: …………………….
Pair work
Pair work Role-play your conversation.
You have 2 minutes.
Summary Unit 2 – Movies and Entertainment
Preview - Lesson 1

Apologize for being late.

Vocabulary: Explanations for being late
Grammar: The Present Perfect: for and since ; Other uses.

Listening inferences
Unit 2
Movies and Entertainment Lessons 2 & 3
After this lesson, you will be able to:

Discuss preferences for movie genres

In order to achieve this objective, you have to acquire

Vocabulary: movie genres and adjectives to describe movies
Would rather + base form
Would like to + base form
Skill: listening for main ideas and inferences
Watch the video
Of all the films, which one have you ever seen?
What genre is each film?
Unit 2- Lesson 2
Discuss preferences for movie genres

Unit 2- Lesson 2
Discuss preferences for movie genres
Look at the photos on page 18.

an action film /ən 'ækʃn film/ (n): phim hành động

Look at the photos on page 18.

a horror film /ə 'hɔrə film/ (n): phim kinh dị

Look at the photos on page 18.

a science-fiction film /ə 'saiəns 'fikʃn film/ (n): phim khoa học

viễn tưởng
Look at the photos on page 18.

an animated film /ən 'ænimeitid film/ (n): phim hoạt hình

Look at the photos on page 18.

a comedy /ə 'kɔmidi/ (n): phim hài

Look at the photos on page 18.

a drama /ə 'drɑ:mə/ (n): phim tâm lý xã hội, kịch

Look at the photos on page 18.

a documentary /ə 'dɔkju'mentəri/ (n): phim tài liệu

Look at the photos on page 18.

a musical /ə 'mju:zikəl/ (n): phim ca nhạc

Look at page 18 in your text book.
What genre is each film?

a comedy

a drama
What genre is each film?

a science-fiction film

a musical
What genre is each film?

an action film

a documentary
What genre is each film?

an animated film

a horror film
Pair work What‟s your favorite movie for each genre?

Work in pairs.
Compare your favorite movies
You have 5 minutes.

“My favorite animated

film is Shrek”
Listen to the conversations about the movies.

Write the genre for each movie.

Then circle the movie if the people decided to see.
Movie Genre
1. The Bottom of the Sea
2. Tango in Tap Shoes
3. The Ant Who Wouldn’t Die
4. Chickens Never Wears Shoes
5. Goldilocks Grows Up
6. The Equalizer
7. Twelve Angry Women
8. City Under the Sea
Before Listening
Read the movie titles and guess their genres

Movie Genre
1. The Bottom of the Sea
2. Tango in Tap Shoes
3. The Ant Who Wouldn’t Die
4. Chickens Never Wears Shoes

5. Goldilocks Grows Up
6. The Equalizer
7. Twelve Angry Women
8. City Under the Sea
Listening Comprehension
Listen to the conversations carefully

Write the genre for each movie.

Then circle the movie if the people decided to see.

Movie Genre
1. The Bottom of the Sea documentary
2. Tango in Tap Shoes musical
3. The Ant Who Wouldn’t Die horror film
4. Chickens Never Wears Shoes comedy
5. Goldilocks Grows Up animated film
6. The Equalizer action film
7. Twelve Angry Women drama
8. City Under the Sea science fiction
Listening Comprehension
Listen to the conversations carefully

Write the genre for each movie.

Then circle the movie if the people decided to see.

Movie Genre
1. The Bottom of the Sea documentary
2. Tango in Tap Shoes musical
3. The Ant Who Wouldn’t Die horror film
4. Chickens Never Wears Shoes comedy
5. Goldilocks Grows Up animated film
6. The Equalizer action film
7. Twelve Angry Women drama
8. City Under the Sea science fiction

Unit 2- Lesson 2
Discuss preferences for movie genres

Use would like + V0 to politely express or ask about wants.

I‟d like to go to the movies

Would she like to see The Dancer?
What would your friends like to do?

We „d like to see a comedy.

State preferences with would rather/ would rather not

and the base form of a verb.

She‟d rather see a less violent film

We‟d rather not see a horror film

Use than with would rather to contrast preferences

I‟d rather rent a movie than go to the theater

They‟d rather go to a Woody Allen film than

a Martin Scorsese film.

Would you rather see Casablanca or Wall E?
Which would they rather see – a comedy or a drama?
What would you rather do – see a play or a movie?

Short answer
Would you rather stay home?
Yes, we would. NOT Yes, we‟d rather.
Would you like to see a movie? No, we‟d rather not.
We‟re too busy

Be careful!
Don‟t use to after would rather.
NOT He‟d rather not to see a comedy
GRAMMAR Do the exercise Grammar Practice on page 19.
You have 5 minutes.
Complete each response, using „d rather or „d rather not and
expressing a different preference.

1. A: “I like/ I‟d like to see Star Wars X again.” Would you? It‟s at
the CineMax
B: Actually, I‟d rather/ I‟d rather not. Let‟s stay at home.

2. A: Do you like/ Would you like to stream something on TV?

B: Yes, I‟d like. I would.

3. A: What would you rather see/ to see: a science fiction film

or a comedy?
B: Me? I‟d rather/ I rather see a science fiction movie.
GRAMMAR Do the exercise Grammar Practice on page 19.
You have 5 minutes.
Complete each response, using „d rather or „d rather not and
expressing a different preference.

4. A: There‟s a musical and a horror movie on TV. Would/ Does

your husband rather see the horror movie?
B: Yes, he would rather/ he would.

5. A: My sister would like to/ would like go to the movies on

B: Great. I would/ I would like, too.
Practice the conversations in Exercise A.
PAIR WORK You have 3 minutes.

Take turns reading the items.

Be sure to put stress on “Actually”
You have 3 minutes.

“I’d love to see a drama tonight.”

Actually, I’d rather see an action film
CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen to people discuss
their movie preference
A: What would you rather do: stay
home or stream a movie or go to the
B: I‟d rather go out. Is that OK?
A: Sure! Would you rather see Horror
City or Love in Paris?
B: Are you kidding! I can‟t stand horror
movies, and tell you the truth, I‟m not
that big on love stories.
A: Well, how about a documentary?
The Great Wall of China is playing, too.
I‟ve heard it‟s great.
B: That works for me!
CONVERSATION MODEL Comprehension check

1. Does the woman want to stream a

movie or go to the theater?
Go to the theater
2. Does the woman like horror
No, she can‟t stand them
3. What do people agree to do?
See a documentary
CONVERSATION MODEL Describing preferences

I love ___________s.
______s are great.
______s are my favorite.

I can take them or leave them.

______s are OK.

I‟m not that big on ___________s.

I don‟t like ______________s.
I can‟t stand ____________s.
CONVERSATION MODEL Rhythm and intonation

Repeat each line chorally.

• Pause after see
• Use rising intonation with a classic
• Use falling intonation with a new release.

Language chunks
What would you….? Whatwouldyou….?
What about a…? Whatabouta…?
Rhythm and Intonation
Listen again and repeat

A: What would you rather see – a classic or a new release?

B: It doesn‟t matter to me. You choose.

A: Well, what would you say to a documentary?

B: Hmm. To tell you the truth. I‟m not that big on documentaries.

A: What about a comedy?

B: That works for me.

ROLE PLAY Discuss preferences for movie genres

• Personalize the Conversation Model.

• Use your own preferences in movie genres.
• You have 5 minutes.

Be sure to recycle this language

It‟s on me.
Actually, _________.
It‟s my treat
Frankly, __________.
I‟m sorry I‟m late
I‟mnot that big on ______s
Have you been here long?
I can‟t stand _________s.
Have you seen ………?
I missed it
ROLE PLAY Discuss preferences for movie genres
ROLE PLAY Discuss preferences for movie genres

Go to the board
You have 2 minutes
• Do the exercises in Lessons 3 & 4- Unit 2 on

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