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A Brief History of Theory and

4 Research on Impression Formation

James S. Uleman and Laura M. Kressel


Why do we view people as we do? What is scientifically tractable, in that view? How did subjective con-
cepts such as traits become legitimate “objects of perception”? Thorndike, Asch, and Cronbach were
critical. This chapter traces Asch’s legacy to the present and describes the strange independence of
research on accuracy from social cognition. Impressions’ internal organization (not accuracy) became the
foundation of research on the Big Two (warmth and competence), facial trait dimensions, and morality’s
unique status. Associative memory structures and schemata provided the language. The unique impact
of negative information is reviewed, along with behaviors’ diagnosticity and how the morality and com-
petence domains differ. The chapter highlights the importance of goals in shaping impressions, of forming
impressions without goals (spontaneously), and of stages in forming spontaneous trait inferences. It also
notes the importance of social cognitive transference, perceptions of persons and groups, and concep-
tions of persons as moral agents and objects.
Key Words: accuracy, competence, diagnosticity, goal, impression, morality, spontaneous,
subjective, unconscious, warmth

Hindsight is 20/20, they say derisively. It can- Understanding impression formation has prob-
not isolate causes or predict the future. There are no ably been a human concern ever since our ancestors
control groups, and who’s to say it could not have had the metacognitive realization that impressions
been otherwise. We are experimental social psychol- do form and are not simply reflections of some real-
ogists, plagued by counterfactuals and mistrustful ity out there—ever since, putting aside naïve real-
of post hoc explanations. So take this brief selective ism and assumed similarity, one person gestured
history with a large grain of salt. or grunted to another, “How could you possibly
Also note that any history of impression forma- believe that about them?” Rossano (2007) argued
tion is, in part, a history of how we have viewed our- that as long ago as the Upper Paleolithic (late Stone
selves. More than most topics in this handbook, it Age; 45,000 to 10,000 b.c.e.), our species showed
has been affected by widespread practices in how we unusual levels of cooperation and social organiza-
(the broad culture and/or the scientific community) tion, and that the development of religion (ances-
describe people. We take the long view and focus tor worship, shamanism, and belief in animal and
broadly on early history, rather than exclusively on natural spirits) supported this by providing “perma-
the most recent developments. We sketch how the nent social scrutiny.” Inherent in this were theories
research community came to believe in the things (stories) about what these spirits were like, and how
we study as “impression formation,” and provide a they could be pleased, appeased, or offended. Such
few interesting stories and ideas along the way. theories must have existed about people as well.


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Disagreements about impressions, in these egalitar- mind . . . the Baining of Papua New Guinea . . . rarely
ian societies, would have raised questions about the comment on reasons for actions, even their own . . .
processes of impression formation—the topic of Bimin-Kuskusmin . . . and the Ommura . . . —both of
this chapter. Papau New Guinea—and the Kaqchikel Maya . . . are
other cultures that are said to view the mind as
Diversity of Conceptions of Persons unknowable and unimportant” (p. 13). Lillard
People’s descriptions of others are remarkably guesses that members of these cultures have concepts
diverse and have changed over time. This diversity about mental states, but regard them as so private or
arose because, unlike the perception of objectively unknowable that they are absent from conversations,
measurable physical properties (e.g., how visible including discussions of fault and justice.
light’s wavelengths relate to perception of color), We usually assume that mental events (desires,
person “perception” is not about physically objective intentions, beliefs) cause actions, but this view is
reality. Modern psychology regards the properties not universal. Cultural differences associated with
we “see” in others as largely inferred, assumed, felt, individualism and collectivism (including the lat-
and/or enacted (e.g., Uleman, Saribay, & Gonzalez, ter’s greater sensitivity to situations) are well known
2008). What we “see” has been wondrously diverse (Kitayama, Duffy, & Uchida, 2007). Many peoples
across time, culture, and subculture. credit gods, spirits, dead ancestors, witches, and
Lillard (1998) provides an overview and numer- ghosts with causing people’s actions. The Salem
ous examples, focused on theories of mind. The witch trials in North America were only 320 years
Quechua people in the Andes believe each person ago (see also LeVine, 2007).
consists of two selves: the everyday self and the self
of altered states of consciousness as when dream- Natural History of Human Nature
ing or drunk (Carpenter, 1992). Despite the con- How did we arrive at the conceptions of per-
tentious history of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, it sons that we now “see”—from our prehistoric
is now clear that language affects multiple cognitive past through the time of Homer’s gods and heroes
processes (e.g., Hardin & Banaji, 1993). Thus, the (800–900 b.c.e.), through Galen’s (about 150 a.d.)
absence in English of an equivalent to the Hindu four temperaments (sanguine, choleric, melan-
emotion of lajya (shyness + shame + embarassment) cholic, and phlegmatic) based on bodily humors,
or the Japanese behavior of amae (to depend and and ancient Roman and Judeo-Christian concep-
presume upon another’s benevolence) affects these tions of persons as codified in their contrasting
language communities’ impressions of other people. laws and codes of conduct, through the Middle
Instead of speaking of the mind, the Philippines’ Ages (fifth–15th centuries) dominated by Roman
Illongot speak of rinawa, which “unites concerns for Catholic beliefs about God and salvation, to the
thought and feeling, inner life and social context, European Renaissance (14th–17th centuries) with
violent anger, and such desirable consequences as its renewed emphasis on observation, nature, and
fertility and health” (Rosaldo, 1980, p. 26, quoted the individual? This is largely a Western history
in Lillard, 1998). One’s rinawa can depart dur- because modern science only arose in the West.
ing sleep, and it gradually leaves one over a life- A detailed description is beyond the scope of this
time. Other living things (e.g., plants) also have chapter. But Robinson (1995) provides an account
rinawa, so it resembles the force vitale or vitalisme of of the history of thought about human nature in
18th-century Western thought. Rinawa also resem- the West, based on ideas from philosophy, art, reli-
bles the ancient Greeks’ concept of psuche (soul), gion, literature, politics, and science, with particular
but the ancient Greeks also spoke of thymos (which emphasis on discrepancies between humanistic and
produced action) and noos (which produced ideas scientific conceptions. Political thought based on
and images) as additional parts of the “mind” (from various conceptions of human nature can be traced
Snell, 1953, in Lillard, 1998). In Japanese, there is from Plato (about 400 b.c.e.) through Machiavelli
no clear separation between mind and body, and a (1469–1527 a.d ). And Baumeister (1987) pres-
variety of terms (kokoro, hara, seishim, and mi) refer ents an interesting overview of how conceptions of
to various aspects of the mind-body (Lebra, 1993). the self have changed from the late Middle Ages to
Lillard (1998) describes many peoples who “view the present, with the rise of self-consciousness, the
the mind as unknowable and unimportant.” The Victorian imposition of repression and resulting
“Gusii prefer to discuss overt behavior, and they hypocrisy, and the consequent modern emphasis
avoid talking about intentions and other aspects of on unconscious processes.

54 A Brief History of Theory and Research on Impression Formation

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Even today there is little consensus on the nature Thurstone’s study was that he borrowed methods
of human nature. Anyone who has taught Milgram’s from psychophysics without simultaneously assum-
(1974) work on obedience is confronted with the ing the existence of a physical attribute to which to
question of whether people are basically morally relate psychological judgments” (Dawes & Smith,
good or evil. Pinker (2002) organizes his book 1985, p. 513). These and related developments
on human nature around three still-controversial (such as factor analysis) freed empirical psycholo-
themes: whether innate traits exist, whether essen- gists from the “brass instruments” approach that so
tially good human nature is corrupted by society, dominated the early part of the century, and put the
and whether we have souls that allow choice uncon- study of subjective phenomena on a sound scientific
strained by biology. Behavioral economics has chal- footing. If you can measure it with rigorous quanti-
lenged classical economics’ acceptance of homo tative methods, then it must be real. The widespread
economicus, the view that people are naturally ratio- use of these methods—in government, education,
nal and narrowly self-interested (e.g., Henrich et al., and industry—increased acceptance of the reality
2004). There is disagreement about whether or not that they measured, and helped separate it in most
people have free will, with Wegner (2005) among people’s minds from supernormal phenomena.
others contending that they do not, and Nahmias With the help of logical positivism, what was not
(2005) disputing this. Much depends on how “free measured faded into ephemera, or migrated to other
will” is defined (see Baer, Kaufman, & Baumeister, scholarly fields.
2008; Dennett, 2011). It is no accident that conceiving of personality in
Given this diversity of viewpoints on human measurable terms preceded research on impression
nature, it is remarkable that a science of impression formation. In fact, just as social psychology arose at
formation emerged at all. the intersection of sociology and psychology, sus-
tained research on impression formation depended
Early Research on Impression Formation on developments in both social and personality
Social psychology arose within both psychology psychology. Uleman and Saribay (2012) argue that
and sociology, each tradition producing their first the study of initial impressions “bring together per-
textbooks in 1908 (McDougall and Ross, respec- sonality and social psychology like no other field
tively). F. H. Allport’s textbook, Social Psychology of study—‘personality’ because (1) impressions are
(1924), focused more on empirical studies than had about personalities, and (2) perceivers’ personalities
earlier texts, and included a section on “reactions affect these impressions; and ‘social’ because (3) social
to persons as stimuli.” Empirical studies in social cognitive processes of impression formation, and
psychology had begun appearing in sufficient num- (4) sociocultural contexts have major effects on
ber that the following year, the Journal of Abnormal impressions” (p. 337). Thus, the study of impression
Psychology changed its title to Journal of Abnormal formation depends on developments in many areas,
and Social Psychology. The most interesting report some of them surprising at first glance, such as scaling
that year was from the $5,000 Award Committee, and factor analysis, and the widespread acceptance of
offering this sum “to any person claiming to produce measures that make concrete the unobservable.
supernormal material phenomena . . . under rigid Social psychology was becoming more experi-
laboratory conditions and by recognized scientific mental. Murphy and Murphy published their
methods, in full light . . . ” (Shapley et al., 1925). No Experimental Social Psychology text in 1931, and
award was made, and Mr. Houdini’s unusual abilities Newcomb was added as an author in 1937, contrib-
were apparently never required. What is remarkable uting sections on measuring both personality and
is that less than 100 years ago, American psycholo- attitudes. It was also becoming more applied, with
gists gave any credence at all to such supernormal the deepening worldwide Great Depression of the
conceptions of persons. If impression formation was 1930s; military adventurism in the Far East, Spain,
to be studied, there was still little stable consensus and Ethiopia; and World War II in the early 1940s.
on what these impressions were about. American social psychology benefited from an influx
Meanwhile, real progress was being made in the of European immigrants (e.g., Fritz Heider in 1930,
measurement of subjective phenomena such as per- and Kurt Lewin in 1932) who were influenced less
sonality characteristics and attitudes. Likert (1932) by American behaviorism and more by German
scaling was introduced, and Thurstone (1928) gestalt psychology. Work on impression formation
developed the method of paired comparisons for gained practical importance as government and
measuring attitudes. “The revolutionary aspect of industry programs expanded in the war effort, and

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better ways were sought to place the right workers strong belief that people (judges) differ in their
in the right jobs. Clinical and actuarial assessment ability to perceive others accurately. Although sub-
of skills and personality were among the urgent sequent research largely concluded that it does not
problems of the day. And impression formation was exist in any strong form, the intuition persists and
central to this. supports contemporary efforts to isolate the char-
There are several good histories of social psy- acteristics of socially sensitive judges (e.g., Mayer,
chology, including those by Jones (1985), Zajonc Roberts, & Barsade, 2008).
(1999), and Ross, Lepper, and Ward (2009). Jones The other two articles with more than 50 citations
(1985, pp. 71–72) has an interesting discussion of sidestep the accuracy conundrum by focusing almost
the incompatibility of S-R psychology with social entirely on the judge. Heider’s (1944) paper is charac-
psychology, particularly social as practiced by Lewin teristically theoretical and lacks data. Under headings
and Festinger. Jones frequently mentions impres- such as “persons as origins” and “the relations between
sion formation as a moderator or mediator, if not causal units and the properties of their parts,” he
the focus of investigation. This characterized his uses gestalt principles of perceptual organization to
own research as well (e.g., Jones, 1990) and reminds develop some of the central ideas that became attribu-
us that the study of impression formation, isolated tion theory. The other article was the classic paper by
from the urgencies of particular social situations Asch (1946), to which we return below.
and goals, can become a pallid and lifeless affair. Two lines of research with more than 50 cita-
Jones (1985) also discusses “the rise of subjectivism tions surfaced in the 1950s. Tajfel’s (1959) paper
in the 1930s and 1940s,” particularly its impor- became important for research on social categoriza-
tance in legitimizing Lewin’s approach. “W. K. Estes tion and social identity, which remained a distinctly
[a student of Skinner’s and pioneer in mathemati- European line of research for several decades. Even
cal learning theory] . . . found Lewinian field theory though social identity and ingroup/outgroup status
incapable of a priori prediction and lacking in have important effects on impression formation (see
functional relationship statements that could be Tajfel, 1969, 1970), Tajfel does not appear in the
anchored in measureable stimuli and observable name index of Schneider, Hastorf, and Ellsworth’s
responses” (p. 84). And so it is. Nevertheless, the (1979) text on person perception. He makes only
enterprise prospered. two minor appearances in the first edition of Fiske
and Taylor’s (1984) text on social cognition, in
Research on Impression Formation discussions of schemata. These were lean years for
Before Social Cognition European social psychology. To aid its recovery,
To take advantage of the hindsight that the European Association for Social Psychology
PsycINFO (now ProQuest) citation counts afford, was founded in 1966 with American support, and
we examined them for publications through 1980 Henri Tajfel (née Hersz Mordche, 1919–1982) was
that are retrieved by the key words impression for- central in this effort.
mation, person perception, social cognition, or social The other papers concerned accuracy in person
perception. There were only three articles with more perception. Bieri (1955) investigated the role of
than 50 citations before 1950, and they reflect the judges’ cognitive complexity. Taft (1955) reviewed
diversity of traditions that contributed to research research on five prominent ways to identify good
on impression formation. The earliest, by Thorndike judges, discussed several factors that led to incon-
and Stein (1937), is in the burgeoning psychomet- sistent research results, and counted “motivation
ric tradition noted above. Some 17 years earlier, (to make accurate judgments)” as probably the
Thorndike had suggested that there are three types most important of these. The number of combina-
of intelligence: abstract, mechanical, and social tions of tasks and criteria and judges’ cognitive and
(“the ability to understand and manage people”). motivational characteristics was daunting and pre-
Thorndike and Stein (1937) reviewed the most cluded any clear conclusions. Two other papers—
widely used measures of the day. They found that by Cronbach (1955) and Gage and Cronbach
their social intelligence measure correlated poorly (1955)—presented trenchant criticisms of accuracy
with other such measures and was hardly distinct research. This diverted research away from accuracy
from abstract intelligence. This raised the questions for decades, encouraged research on attributions
of whether such a trait can be measured solely with because they usually sidestepped accuracy, and laid
paper-and-pencil tests and of whether it even exists. the foundation for modern accuracy research. We
This existence question contradicts the recurring pick up this thread below.

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During the 1960s, four trends can be seen. First, 1970), they have the virtues of ubiquity and of natu-
accuracy disappeared as a prominent research topic. rally linking to the literature on attitudes.
Although occasional studies concerned real people, Fourth, Norman Anderson’s work (1965, 1971,
research increasingly employed artificial stimuli 1974, 1981) on predicting evaluative impressions from
for which traditional “accuracy” had no meaning. linear combinations of traits’ valences, and on order
Second, attribution theory and other cognitive effects, achieved considerable prominence. Linear
approaches developed rapidly. The cognitive revo- functions certainly provide good first approxima-
lution came to social psychology and merged with tions for many things, and are clear and tractable. But
its gestalt tradition. Attributions developed as a Anderson’s models assumed that the evaluative mean-
separate research tradition. Motivational and func- ings of individual traits are invariant and unaffected
tional approaches receded in importance and were by context—an assumption already contradicted by
often at odds with cognitive ones (e.g., Bem, 1967). considerable research. His work was challenged; a
“Information” (colloquially, rather than in the sense spirited controversy ensued (e.g., Anderson, 1971;
of Shannon & Weaver, 1949) became the coin of Hamilton & Zanna, 1974); and the field lost interest
the realm (e.g., Jones, Davis, & Gergen, 1961). in his models. But the controversy nicely illustrates
Interest surged in schemata (or schemas) of all kinds, the difference between models that predict outcomes
including stereotypes. Kuethe (1962) recast gestalt with some precision and models that also represent
unit formation ideas in terms of social schema and the processes involved. In resolving this controversy
response sets and biases, and demonstrated again in favor of meaning change, the field moved deeper
the strong effects of perceivers’ schemata on “per- into analyzing processes, setting the stage for the sov-
ception.” Crowne and Marlowe (1960) developed ereignty of social cognition (Ostrom, 1984).
their measure of social desirability response bias, to
make measures of self-perceptions more accurate. Updating Enduring Research
And De Soto, London, and Handel (1965) exam- Traditions from Pre-1970
ined the use of spatial schemata in solving linear The papers discussed above are widely cited
syllogisms, as when better and worse are placed on because they continue to inspire research and gener-
a vertical axis. They made the very gestalt-like sug- ate new insights. We briefly trace their influence,
gestion “that the linear ordering is a preeminent and its evolution into the social cognition of impres-
cognitive good figure” (p. 513). sion formation, by picking up three major threads.
Third, the field confronted the problem of pro-
liferating dependent variables. The terms in which Asch and the Focus on Traits
one conceives of others are innumerable. Rosenberg, Asch’s (1946) classic paper, although in the
Nelson, and Vivekananthan (1968) tackled this gestalt tradition, cut through the many theoretical
problem in the most widely cited paper of the decade. complexities of impression formation by offering
They used multidimensional scaling to analyze the a simple experimental paradigm and focusing on
co-occurrence of trait terms in participants’ descrip- traits. Asch presented participants with fictional tar-
tions of 10 acquaintances, and then multiple regres- get people described in lists of traits and asked them
sion to interpret the resulting dimensions. (Twenty to form impressions, sometimes in brief sketches and
years earlier, without computers to do the calcula- sometimes on bipolar scale ratings. Results enabled
tions, this research would have been prohibitively him to identify some traits (warm, cold) as central
laborious.) They identified two dimensions: good– (vs. peripheral) in that they had more effect on the
bad intellectual (e.g., scientific vs. foolish) and good– overall impression and on the meanings of other
bad social (e.g., honest vs. unhappy), both evaluative traits. He also discussed order effects (“primacy,” in
but in distinct ways. Evaluation emerged as the pre- which the first items in the list affect impressions
ferred dependent variable in other work. Parducci more; and “recency,” in which the last items affect
(1968) found context effects for evaluative ratings impressions more) and halo effects (in which the
of misdeeds, from “not particular bad” to “very evil.” evaluation associated with some traits spreads to oth-
Byrne, London, and Reeves (1968) found that a ers). He argued that impressions have structure and
stranger’s attractiveness was more affected by atti- that the meanings of their elements (traits) depend
tudinal similarity than physical attractiveness, sup- on which other elements are present. Anticipating
porting his similarity theory of attraction. Although future research, he wondered whether similar prin-
evaluations miss much of the meaning of traits and ciples govern impressions of groups (e.g., entitativ-
other descriptive terms (see especially Peabody, ity) or relationships. As important as Asch’s ideas

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were, the paradigm pioneered in his paper is just pair such as polite–blunt that is not ordinarily central
as important. It initiated the experimental study of can be made central by tapping impressions on
impression formation, focused on traits and their scales that correlate highly with it. This correlational
combinations, and still inspires research. approach to the organization of traits was extended
Luchins (1948) soon offered many criticisms, by Rosenberg et al. (1968). Zanna and Hamilton
perhaps best summed up this way: “To begin with (1972) showed that trait descriptions could change
discrete traits, to take the processes involved in the impression ratings on one dimension without affect-
formation and growth of impressions of people out ing the other. Industrious vs. lazy affected ratings on
of their natural milieu, and to neglect personal and only the intellectual dimension, whereas warm vs.
social influences may achieve experimental neat- cold affected the social dimension.
ness, but at the expense of understanding of every- Orehek, Dechesne, Fishbach, Kruglanski, and
day judgments of people” (p. 325). Others took Chun (2010) obtained evidence that this structure
these criticisms as empirical challenges and began depends on perceivers’ beliefs about traits’ unidirec-
building on the paradigm, enriching the stimuli tional implications for other traits. They showed that
and focusing on differences among perceivers. For implications between traits are unidirectional rather
example, Jones (1954) had navy recruits listen to than bidirectional as correlational or co-occurrence
mock interviews with a platoon leader, form writ- analyses assume; that individual differences in these
ten impressions, and then rate him on 30 traits. beliefs mediate such effects; that manipulating
The interviews portrayed either a forceful or pas- these beliefs changes these effects; and that they are
sive leader. Among other findings, “authoritarians reduced under cognitive load when the stimuli are
seem to be more insensitive . . . to the psychological blurry. These results are inconsistent with the bidi-
and personality characteristics of others” (p. 126). rectional links in most current associative models of
In another dissertation study, Gollin (1954) found impression formation.
“that the formation of an impression of the person-
ality of another is a function not only of the charac- recent extensions of asch
teristics of the person being observed, but also . . . of Recently the Asch paradigm was employed in
the underlying perceptual-cognitive organizing pro- two research programs that Asch (1908–1996)
cess in the observer” (p. 76). Students watched film would have enjoyed. Williams and Bargh (2008)
clips of a woman behaving promiscuously in two added to the growing evidence that bodily experi-
clips and kindly in three clips, so they had to resolve ence can unconsciously affect behaviors and cogni-
inconsistencies. Those who “simplified” rather than tions. They had participants form impressions of a
“aggregated” or “related” impressions from the clips target person described by the same list of traits that
made more extreme evaluative ratings. Asch (1946) used, but without the traits warm or
Decades later, Asch (and Zukier, 1984) returned cold. Participants incidentally held either a warm or
to trait stimuli to explore the many ways in which a cold cup of coffee before making their ratings. The
inconsistencies are resolved. They characterized warm or cold cup had the same effect on impres-
targets with pairs of inconsistent traits and asked sions as Asch demonstrated with traits 62 years ear-
participants to describe the targets and explain the lier. Participants were completely unaware of these
traits’ interrelations. Participants did this easily and effects, suggesting that awareness of some stimuli’s
exhibited seven “modes of resolution,” including relevance (or irrelevance) for the task at hand is not
enabling, means–ends, cause–effect, and inner– required for trait centrality effects.
outer relations. Asch and Zukier noted that more The second research program concerns Trope and
“elementaristic” approaches to impression forma- Liberman’s (2010) construal level theory (CLT) of
tion (e.g., Anderson, 1981) cannot accommodate the effects of psychological distance. CLT holds that
these findings. Formally describing and predict- more distant stimuli are processed more abstractly.
ing the many ways that inconsistent elements can Based on the ideas that schema-driven processing is
be combined to form impressions still remains a more abstract than piecemeal processing and that
challenge. the primacy effect is schema based, Eyal, Hoover,
Fujita, and Nussbaum (2011) found primacy effects
trait centrality for temporally distant targets and among partici-
What makes warm–cold central? Wishner (1960) pants primed to think abstractly. When targets were
found that central traits are those that correlate temporally near or participants were primed to think
highly with the other traits that are assessed. Thus, a concretely, recency effects occurred. McCarthy and

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Skowronski (2011b) examined the effect of psy- a close linkage between self- and other-perception.
chological distance on the impact of warm–cold on Fourth, . . . people, unlike objects, change when they
impressions. Because Asch (1946) argued that this are with different interaction partners” (p. 14).
impact depends on abstract configurational think- There is more. Kenny’s (2004) PERSON “model
ing, they manipulated spatial distance in Study 1a can explain the low level of consensus in person per-
and temporal distance in Study 1b. In both studies, ception, the fact that consensus does not increase
the effect of warm–cold was greater the more dis- with greater acquaintance, the strong stability of
tant the target was. Thus, “looking at old paradigms interpersonal judgment, the overconfidence effect,
through the lens of new theories and knowledge will and the fact that short-term judgments are some-
continue to produce fruitful results” (p. 1306). times as accurate as long-term judgments” (p. 265),
among other things. Kenny, West, Malloy, and
Cronbach and the Question of Accuracy Albright (2006) discussed the general advantages and
Cronbach published his classic paper in 1955 disadvantages of componential analyses of interper-
on accuracy in impression formation and how it sonal perception. Kenny and West (2010) presented
should be measured, using an elegant ANOVA-like “new measures of assumed similarity and self-other
analysis of the multiple processes that contribute to agreement using the Social Relations Model [which,
accuracy. For example, it was well known by then based on a meta-analysis,] seem to be relatively inde-
that people usually assume that others are similar to pendent of [several potential] moderators” (p. 196).
themselves. So if they actually are, their impressions And West and Kenny (2011) described a general
will be accurate; otherwise, not. The paper decom- model for measuring truth (accuracy) and bias (“any
posed both accuracy and assumed similarity scores. systematic factor that judgments are being attracted
It showed how accuracy can be decomposed into toward, besides the truth,” p. 360). Meanwhile, the
independent contributions from judges’ assump- intuition persists that there exist both good judges
tions or knowledge about (1) the general level of (Christiansen, Wolcott-Burnam, Janovics, Quirk,
traits among targets, (2) the differences among trait & Burns, 2005; Mayer et al., 2008) and social intel-
levels across targets, (3) the differences among tar- ligence (Weis & Süß, 2007) that somehow trump
gets across traits, and (4) the unique standing of the statistical interactions among perceiver, target,
particular targets on particular traits. Apparently, and task and provide simpler answers to this com-
“assumed similarity” can be similarly decomposed. plex problem of accuracy in person perception.
Cronbach’s analysis might have led to further Models that take accuracy criteria into account
studies on accuracy, but it did not. Instead, it are relevant to process questions. Simulation theory
seemed to discourage further research on the prob- (Perner & Kühberger, 2005; Saxe, 2005) holds that
lem because of its complexity. Thus, the question perceivers infer characteristics of others by imagin-
of accuracy in person perception essentially disap- ing themselves in the same situation, interrogating
peared from the research agenda until Kenny and their knowledge of themselves in that situation,
Albright (1987) revived it 30 years later. It is beyond and adjusting for known self–other differences to
the scope of this chapter to describe what followed, derive characterizations of others. Errors in the first
except to say that Kenny, his models, his colleagues, step of imagining oneself in another situation arise
and the desk-top computer have put the study of from “the empathy gap” (Van Boven & Lowenstein,
accuracy in person perception back on solid theo- 2003), and errors occur in perceiving self–other dif-
retical and methodological ground. Kenny (1994) ferences (e.g., Pronin, Gilovich, & Ross, 2004).
presented his basic social relations model, which Oddly, such accuracy research does not fall within
disentangles “three fundamentally different types of traditional “social cognition,” which is typically
perceptions: other-perception, self-perception, and unconcerned with accuracy or interactions between
meta-perception” (p. 15). This requires a research real people (see also Funder, 1995; Gill & Swann,
design in which many participants act as both per- 2004; and Ickes, 2009). The research designs, stim-
ceivers and targets so that perceiver, target, and inter- uli, dependent variables, and statistical analyses are
action effects can be distinguished. He pointed out too different, even though both traditions rely heav-
that person perception differs from object perception. ily on trait concepts and ratings, and both examine
“First, person perception is two-sided: Each person processes (cognitive and interpersonal, respectively).
is both perceiver and target. Second, . . . perceivers Although the divergence in these lines of research
attempt to read the minds of targets and engage in made advances in each possible, they will have to be
what is called ‘meta-perception.’ Third, . . . there is reunited in the future.

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Rosenberg and the Organization It was inspired by developments in cognitive psy-
of Impressions chology at about this time (e.g., Anderson & Bower,
Rosenberg et al. (1968) identified two relatively 1973; Collins & Quillian, 1969).
independent evaluative dimensions underlying trait
impressions. Do these dimensions reflect the under- fundamental dimensions
lying structure of personality and behavior (realism), of social judgment
or merely perceivers’ theories about what things go Judd, James-Hawkins, Yzerbyt, and Kashima
together (idealism)? Such theories are known as (2005) have dubbed the warmth and competence
implicit personality theories (Rosenberg & Sedlak, dimensions of Rosenberg et al. (1968) as funda-
1972; Schneider, 1973). Passini and Norman (1966) mental (or the “Big Two,” in homage to the Big
had shown that trait ratings of complete strangers Five personality dimensions) because they keep
yield the same structure (the “Big Five”) as rating of reappearing in impressions of both individuals
well-known others, suggesting that semantic struc- and groups. They form the basis for the stereotype
ture, rather than actual co-occurrences, is respon- content model (SCM; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu,
sible. Sorting this out has not been easy because it 2002) and its more recent elaboration, the Behaviors
depends on distinguishing sources of biases from from Intergroup Affect and Stereotypes (BIAS) map
accuracy, the very issues that Cronbach (1955) and (Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2007). In these models,
Kenny (1994) grappled with and that West and impressions of group members vary along the two
Kenny (2011) address directly in their truth and dimensions of competence, predicted by social
bias model. There is no general answer because in status, and warmth, predicted by low social com-
each specific circumstance, the influences of truth petition with perceivers. The low-low quadrant con-
and bias depend on relations between behavioral tains such groups as the homeless and poor, toward
or self-report criteria and perceivers’ prior theo- whom people feel contempt and resentment; and
ries, goals, attention and memory, communications the high-high quadrant contains professionals and
among perceivers in acquiring new information, ingroup members, toward whom people feel pride
and so forth. For example, Anderson and Shirako and admiration. The low-competence, high-warmth
(2008) had people negotiate with each other over quadrant describes the elderly, who elicit pity and
several weeks to discover how much actual behavior sympathy, whereas the other ambivalent quadrant
predicted negotiating reputation. “Individuals’ rep- (high-low) contains the wealthy, the “top 1%,” who
utations were only mildly related to their history of elicit envy and jealousy. The BIAS map (Cuddy et
behavior. However, the link between reputation and al., 2007) relates all this to behaviors toward stereo-
behavior was stronger for . . . individuals who were typed groups, with characteristic emotions medi-
more well-known and received more social attention ating relations between stereotypes and behaviors.
in the community. In contrast, for less well-known Talaska, Fiske, and Chaiken’s (2008) meta-analysis
individuals, their behavior had little impact on showed that emotions predict discrimination twice
their reputation. The findings have implications for as well as stereotypes. Groups in the low-low quad-
psychologists’ understanding of reputations, per- rant are less likely to elicit the medial prefrontal
son perceptions in larger groups, and the costs and cortex activity that is characteristic of “mentalizing”
benefits of social visibility” (p. 320) about others, suggesting that dehumanization and
Ignoring issues of accuracy, however, as most becoming the target of atrocities is more likely for
impression formation research has done, there are such groups (Harris & Fiske, 2009).
surprising regularities in the underlying structure In comparative judgments of social groups, these
of people’s judgments of others. We note three of two dimensions have a compensatory relationship
them here. The first follows directly from the think- so that, for example, learning that a group is high on
ing behind Rosenberg et al. (1968) and is based on competence lowers estimates of warmth (Yzerbyt,
correlations or co-occurrences among rating scales. Provost, & Corneille, 2005). There is a “tendency to
The second builds on the generic gestalt concept differentiate two social targets in a comparative con-
of “schemata,” organized structures that affect how text on the two fundamental dimensions by con-
knowledge is interpreted and remembered (e.g., trasting them in a compensatory direction” (Kervyn,
Bartlett, 1932). The third derives from British asso- Yzerbyt, Judd, & Nunes, 2009, p. 829). Aaker, Vohs,
ciationism and conceives of impression structures in and Mogilner (2010) have extended this to impres-
terms of interconnected nodes in associative mem- sions of companies. They showed that firms with
ory networks and the connections between them. Internet addresses ending in dot-com are seen as

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more competent but less warm than dot-org firms, (2011) found that when forming global impres-
and that perceptions of competence drive purchas- sions, participants preferred morality information
ing decisions. In contrast, Abele and Bruckmueller to both sociability and competence information
(2011) found that for person perception, warmth about other people, and this preference changed for
information is preferentially processed. other goals. Perceivers were also most likely to use
Two similar dimensions turn up in inferences of a disconfirming strategy in verifying morality traits.
personality from faces. Todorov, Said, Engel, and Therefore, these two (or three) fundamental
Oosterhof (2008) asked for personality trait impres- dimensions provide one way to describe the relatively
sions from a wide range of computer-generated faces stable (and conditionally invoked; Garcia-Marques
with neutral expressions. They found that “trait infer- et al., 2010) semantic space within which impres-
ences can be represented within a 2D space defined sions of persons and groups can be located. But this
by valence/trustworthiness and power/dominance kind of structure is relatively static and unrelated to
evaluation of faces . . . . based on similarity to expres- the dynamics of information processing. This is not
sions signaling approach or avoidance behavior and true of the next two approaches.
features signaling physical strength, respectively”
(p. 455). Stewart et al. (2012) found that partici- associative memory networks
pants took longer to consciously see untrustworthy Social psychologists appropriated this idea from
and dominant faces and that this delay was longer cognitive psychologists (e.g., Anderson & Bower,
for trusting perceivers, pointing to unconscious eval- 1973; Collins & Quillian, 1969), for whom per-
uation of faces on these social dimensions. formance on various memory tasks is an essential
How ubiquitous is this two-dimensional orga- tool for uncovering the structures and processing
nization of person information? Is it specialized of mental representations. (You cannot really talk
for and used only for social perception, or is it less about processes separate from structure because
conditional? Garcia-Marques et al. (2010) used the they depend on each.) These networks describe
Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) false recogni- mental structures as nodes (concepts) connected by
tion paradigm to study this. Participants heard lists links that transmit activation (and sometimes inhi-
of 10 traits from one of the four quadrants, mixed bition) among nodes. Nodes become linked to each
with six nontraits, and were asked to either form an other when they are activated together (contiguity),
impression of the person or memorize the list. After thereby building up a structure of associated con-
a 10-minute distracter, they performed a recogni- cepts. Memory performance (errors, reaction times,
tion test of 43 items, including 20 critical lures that etc.) is a function of such structures and how they
had not been heard, five from each quadrant. The are used. Unlike the Big Two, these structures are
DRM paradigm typically finds high false recogni- dynamic and built to change. Smith (1998) provides
tion for words conceptually related to study words. an excellent overview of ways of thinking about
This effect was higher for those under impression mental representations and memory, including
instructions than under memory instructions, sug- associative memory networks; and see Chapters 10
gesting “that different encoding goals can lead to and 11 of this volume for others.
the activation of somewhat different semantic struc- The notion that concepts activated in semantic
tures” (pp. 565–566). memory play a role in person perception has been
Two dimensions may be too few because “moral- around at least since Bruner (1957) outlined how
ity” is especially important for ingroup perception. activation increases a concept’s accessibility (i.e.,
Leach, Ellemers, & Barreto (2007) pointed out its likelihood of being used to process incoming
that warmth includes both sociability and morality information.) Higgins, Rholes, and Jones (1977)
and found morality is more important than com- demonstrated this in their classic study of the fic-
petence or sociability in affecting ingroup evalua- tional Donald. Participants for whom “reckless”
tions and group-related self-concept. Furthermore, (versus “adventurous”) was unobtrusively activated,
“identification with experimentally created . . . and and who then read an ambiguous description
preexisting . . . in-groups predicted the ascription of of Donald’s actions to which either concept was
morality, but not competence or sociability, to the applicable, were more likely to characterize him in
in-group” (p. 234). These two aspects of warmth— terms of the primed trait. Both frequent and recent
morality and sociability—seem to play different concept use (activation) increases accessibility for
roles in the perception of both individuals and subsequent information processing, with effects
groups. Brambilla, Rusconi, Sacchi, and Cherubini of recent activation decaying more quickly than

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those of frequent activation (Higgins, Bargh, & Klein and Loftus (1990) provided evidence that
Lombardi, 1985). superior recall under impression formation may
Concept nodes are linked in associative networks, be due, not to more inter-item links, but rather to
and activation (and inhibition) spreads from one more semantic elaboration of the items themselves.
node to others. Such structures have been used to And of course other organizational structures are
describe many aspects of semantic memory (e.g., possible, depending on the perceiver’s goals and the
Anderson & Bower, 1973). Hastie and Kumar information itself. Sedikides and Ostrom (1988)
(1979) used such a model to describe how people did a meta-analysis of studies that asked partici-
organize information about others in memory. Their pants to form impressions of multiple unfamiliar
participants formed impressions and remembered targets accompanied by other information (hobbies,
information about a small number of targets. Each hometowns, etc.) that might be used to organize this
target was described first by eight synonyms of a trait, information in memory. Based on clustering in free
setting up an expectation, and then by many behav- recall, they concluded that “person categories are no
iors. Most were consistent with the trait, but some more preferred than nonperson categories . . . [and]
were inconsistent, and some were neutral. Contrary seem not to hold a privileged position in the organi-
to what simple schema (e.g., Bartlett, 1932) and zation of social information” (p. 263).
prototype theories (Cantor & Mischel, 1977) would Associative network models are powerful because
predict, the proportion of free recall was better for they can make many precise predictions, including
inconsistent than consistent behaviors, and this serial-position effects (how the order of studied items
effect was greater for shorter inconsistent lists. affects likelihood of recall), recall and recognition
To account for these results, Hastie and Kumar times, and clustering in free recall. Even though the
(1979) proposed that participants constructed hier- full power of associative network models has seldom
archical network structures with the person node been exploited by social psychologists, such gen-
(e.g., James Bartlett) at the top, linked to several eral frameworks—with traits connected to targets,
“organizing principles” such as traits (honest, deceit- behaviors connected to traits, and spreading activa-
ful) below that, each of which is linked in turn to tion among them—remain common in social cog-
the several behaviors (returned a lost wallet, cheated nitive theories of impression formation. Hastie and
at poker) below that. Then recall occurs by start- Kumar’s (1979) model was among the first to exem-
ing at the top target node, traversing descending plify the ideal of a fully explicit cognitive structure
links with probabilities equal to the inverse of the with mechanical (non-anthropomorphic) procedures
number of links from that node, and reading out for employing it. However, its precise and explicit
behaviors that have not yet been recalled. This alone nature limited applications because it only applies
cannot account for the superior recall of inconsis- to a circumscribed set of conditions. Furthermore,
tent behaviors because there are fewer inconsistent social (vs. cognitive) psychologists are relatively dis-
trait–behavior links. But they also proposed that interested in detailed modeling of particular cogni-
inter-item links among behaviors occur whenever tive processes and in testing them with parametric
the items are surprising or novel and require elabo- studies. Many social psychologists needed a way to
ration or explanation. This produces more links to talk about knowledge structures and their operation
inconsistent items, increasing their likelihood of at a more general level, while avoiding such “prema-
recall (see Figure 5.6 in Hastie, 1980). ture” precision. Schemata fill the bill.
This general cognitive structure was invoked by
Hamilton, Leirer, and Katz (1980) to explain their schemata
finding that people recall more behavioral informa- Schemata are organized knowledge structures that
tion about target persons if they acquire it under an summarize experience and/or information about
impression formation than under a memory goal. particular objects (the self-schema, stereotypes) or
The information about each target could be orga- events (the restaurant and birthday party scripts).
nized around a few traits, and because forming an They are typically richer, more complex, and more
impression requires organizing information, this is vaguely specified than associative networks built up
what impression formation (as opposed to memory) node by link by node. They’re often referred to as
participants did by creating inter-item links. This “top-down” rather than “bottom-up” because they
affected not only the amount of free recall but also influence processing of current information rather
the degree to which the recalled items were clus- than describe how these structures are built up. They
tered by trait. usually operate outside of consciousness and affect

62 A Brief History of Theory and Research on Impression Formation

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the direction of attention at encoding, the interpre- contributions by Ostrom, Pryor, and Simpson;
tation of ambiguous events, inferences about things Hastie; Taylor, and Crocker; Hamilton; Wyer,
not directly observed including causality, and retrieval and Srull; McArthur (née Zebrowitz); Ebbesen;
cues and processing strategy. They vary in accessi- M. Snyder; M. Ross; R. M. Krauss; and Higgins,
bility, depending on their frequency and recency of Kuiper, and Olsen. The first issue of Social Cognition
use (Higgins, 1996). Schemata may be primed, pro- hit the stands in 1982, under Dave Schneider’s edi-
vided, directly assessed, or simply assumed. Much torship. So 1980 was a watershed year. The distinc-
social cognition research on impression formation is tive social cognition emphases on understanding
conceptualized in terms of schemata. processes rather than merely outcomes, and on the
For example, in a study designed to show that use of memory and response time measures to do
traits function as prototypes, Cantor and Mischel so, had been established.
(1977) developed four stimulus targets based on pre- It is beyond the scope of this chapter to trace
testing trait adjectives for their perceived likelihood all the important lines of research addressing
of describing an introvert or extravert (prototypes). impression formation; and some have already been
Then participants read descriptions of an introvert, sketched. Furthermore, many of other the chapters
an extravert, and two unrelated targets under mem- of this handbook address topics that include sec-
ory instructions, each containing about 40 traits. tions on impression formation, including at least
Their recognition memory for traits was tested, Chapters 6 (on, attribution theory), 7 (on attitudes,
and their confidence in recognizing each item was for implicit and explicit evaluations of others), 9
rated. Even though participants showed consider- (on facial processing, for how faces provide infor-
able accurate recognition memory, their confidence mation on traits, group membership, and affect), 10
in “recognizing” introvert- or extravert-related but (on mental representation, for the variety of ways in
nonpresented trait foils was elevated when the trait which person information can be represented), 11
list suggested (or explicitly mentioned) introversion (on implicit representation), and 13 (on behavior
or extraversion. That is, the lists primed introvert, productions, for interpreting others’ behaviors, as
extravert, or neither, and these schemata guided well as Chapters 5 and 27 (on prejudice and stereo-
subsequent recognition performance, leading to typing, for an aspect of impression formation that
schema-consistent errors. Andersen and Klatzky has burgeoned into its own extensive literature). In
(1987) examined whether introverted and extra- fact, we often contend that impression formation is
verted “social stereotypes” (i.e., types, such as brain, “about everything” in social psychology, so also see
politician, and comedian) are associatively richer and Chapters 29 (on relational cognition), 34 (on social
more distinctive than trait prototypes. They found cognitive neuroscience), 36 (on social cognitive
support for this idea in cluster analyses of trait sort- development), 37 (on cross-cultural psychology),
ing data, number of features generated to traits 38 (on personality), 39 (on behavioral economics),
versus types, and the structure of their associations. and 41 (on political psychology).
Instead of trying to be encyclopedic, we sketch
Some Major Topics in Social Cognitive major developments since 1980 on several topics
Studies of Impression Formation not likely to be treated elsewhere in this volume: the
By 1980, social cognition had emerged as a dis- dominance of negative information in impression
tinctive approach to issues in social psychology, and formation; effects of goals on forming impressions,
impression formation was at its center. Some of including forming impressions without impression
this was presaged by Wegner and Vallacher’s (1977) formation goals (spontaneous trait inferences); and
Implicit Psychology, but neither of them had the posi- then briefly, effects of significant others on per-
tion or the students at the time to power a move- ceiving strangers (social cognitive transference);
ment. In 1980, Person Memory (Hastie, Ostrom, forming impressions of people and groups; and
Ebbesen, Wyer, Hamilton, & Carlston, 1980) was the perception of people as moral agents and as
published by the group of scholars who were central human beings.
in shaping the social cognition approach. It was the
year after Wyer and Carlston’s (1979) groundbreak- Negativity Effects
ing book and theory, focused largely on impression negative items have more weight
formation. The following year, the first Ontario In early work on Anderson’s (1965, 1974) infor-
Symposium (Higgins, Herman, & Zanna, 1981) mation integration, weighted averaging model,
appeared, devoted to social cognition and with the meanings of traits on some (usually evaluative)

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dimension that described a target were averaged than poor performance (which is negative) is of low
to predict the overall impression. One finding was ability because anyone can have a bad day, whereas
that negative (and extreme) traits were given greater immoral behavior (negative) is more diagnostic of
weight in the average, so that a –5 (dishonest) and a morality than is moral behavior (positive) because
+1 (polite) produced a –3 rather than a –2. Several even evil people can act good. Thus, behavior diag-
models attempted to explain this, in terms of stimu- nosticity is not independent of domain or valence.
lus values. Skowronski and Carlston (1989) outline
all these models clearly, along with their failings. personality domain effects
Expectancy-contrast theories assume that stimuli Wojciszke, Brycz, and Borkenau (1993) docu-
for impressions are evaluated relative to a standard mented differences between positivity and negativity
that is moderate and positive, and that this produces biases in the ability and morality domains, by vary-
contrast effects (more extreme evaluations) for the ing behavioral extremity. Participants read about
stimuli. Such standards (e.g., adaptation levels) do targets who performed four behaviors, all either
exist, but they should already be incorporated into in the ability or morality domain, and all either
the original evaluations of the individual stimulus moderate or extreme. They found that in terms of
items (traits). Frequency-weight theories assume trait inferences and global evaluations, “extremely
that more costly (Jones & McGillis, 1976) or more evaluative information results in negativity effects
novel (Fiske, 1980) behaviors are more informative whereas moderately evaluative information results
and hence weighted more heavily. Although there is in positivity effects” (p. 332). There were two main
some support for these theories, there is also research effects and no interaction. And ratings were posi-
indicating that cost and novelty do not completely tive for ability but negative for morality. Their find-
account for the greater weight of negative (and ings link to Skowronski and Carlston (1989) in that
extreme) behaviors. Finally, range theories (e.g., more extreme behaviors were more prototypical for
Wyer, 1973) predict impressions from the overlap relevant traits. But their larger claim is that these
in the range of (usually evaluative) implications of two main effects “reflect the goals and interests
the behaviors or traits. Unfortunately, these theories of perceivers. . . . If they [others] are not compe-
break down when there are three or more cues. tent . . . they [perceivers] can usually turn to someone
Skowronski and Carlston (1989) offered their else. . . . In contrast, perceivers are more affected by
own “category diagnosticity approach,” which states the immoral than moral behavior of other persons
that cues (traits, behaviors, etc.) have more weight because immoral behavior may threaten perceivers’
if they are more diagnostic of the dimension or well-being . . . ” (p. 333). Therefore, domain and per-
category of judgment. Diagnosticity is defined in ceivers’ potential outcomes are crucial. Immorality
terms of reducing uncertainty in choosing among in others is more harmful than competence is ben-
responses or categories, consistent with Shannon eficial, so the result is a bias toward negativity. This
and Weaver (1949) definition of information. This focus on the consequences of behaviors for perceiv-
definition, coupled with the observation that nega- ers, as a determinant of target ratings, is supported
tive (and extreme) behaviors are generally more and elaborated by Vonk (1996, 1998).
diagnostic, produces negativity effects. Note that
diagnosticity reflects perceivers’ implicit theories of processing differences
relations between cues and judgments, which may There are also important valence differences
or may not be captured by cue properties alone, in early stages of information processing. Pratto
such as how novel or ambiguous or counternorma- and John (1991) found that negative information
tive the cues are. Critically, the diagnosticity of cues automatically attracts attention more than positive
depends on their meaning in the context of particu- information and leads to higher incidental memory
lar judgment tasks and is not inherent in any invari- (free recall). They measured the capture of atten-
ant property of the cues in isolation. Skowronski tion by asking subjects to name the colors in which
and Carlston (1989) cite considerable evidence trait words were printed. Subjects were significantly
supporting this formulation, including Reeder and slower to name colors for negative traits (23 milli-
Brewer’s (1979) work on how schemata for judg- seconds across three studies) because negative traits
ing ability and morality differ, with a positivity captured more of their attention. This was unrelated
bias more common for ability and a negativity bias to traits’ extremity or base rates. Although not tested
more common for morality. Superior performance here, these automatic effects might well contrib-
(which is positive) is more diagnostic of high ability ute to negativity effects in impression formation,

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especially when subjects do not have an impression in that negativity increases more rapidly with
formation goal and when impressions are memory approach in space or time; they dominate equally
based. Such effects differ from those based on diag- positive events when information is integrated (seen
nosticity because they are insensitive to extremity, clearly in impression formation); and they are more
which usually correlates with diagnosticity. differentiated and complex. This last feature is seen
Processing differences were also found by Abele in the 20 languages Rozin, Berman, and Royzman
and Bruckmueller (2011), but based on domain (2010) surveyed, in that negative events are more
rather than valence. After Wojciszke et al.’s (1993) likely to be lexicalized and are described by marked
emphasis on perceivers’ outcomes, they pos- rather than unmarked adjectives.
ited that of the Big Two domains noted above— Compelling as this generality is, it is unclear
agency (competence) and communion (including how much these negativity effects are based on
morality)—communal traits would be processed the same processes. After all—as with assimilation
more readily. They used a pool of 112 traits rated and contrast effects—dividing phenomena into
on valence, agency, and communion, and balanced dichotomous categories such as positive and nega-
for frequency in German. Communal traits were tive is almost guaranteed to combine outcomes with
recognized faster than agency traits in a lexical deci- diverse origins. Yet negativity in all its varieties is
sion task, and were categorized faster by valence widespread. The search for unifying processes, more
than agency words, independent of valence. Forty specific than general appeals to evolutionary sur-
behaviors implying helpful and friendly (for com- vival, will continue.
munal) and competent and determined (for agency)
were probed for their trait implications; responses Goals: Conscious and Nonconscious,
were faster for communal behaviors, and this was Present and Absent
also unaffected by counterbalanced valence. Finally, Goals have top-down effects on a wide variety of
participants freely described a fellow student. psychological processes (see Chapter 23) and impres-
Communal traits were used more frequently than sion formation is no exception. They create expec-
agency traits and occurred earlier in the descrip- tancies, make relevant concepts selectively active or
tions. This “preferential processing” of communal inactive, shape interpretations and memories, entail
information is functional because communal traits standards of comparison, and so forth. In an early
have greater potential to help or harm perceivers symposium at Harvard University on person per-
and to signal approach or avoidance. It is also con- ception, Jones and Thibaut (1958) emphasized the
sistent with De Bruin and Van Lange’s (2000) dem- importance of situations, roles, and goals for impres-
onstration that people select communal over agency sion formation. They described value maintenance,
information to find out about a future interaction causal-genetic, and situation-matching goals as
partner, and spend more time reading the commu- each producing its unique “inferential set.” Cohen
nal information. (1961) looked at goals’ effects on the resolution
of inconsistent trait information. Those presented
generality of negativity with trait lists and given the goal of conveying their
Negativity effects are quite general. Klein (1996) impressions to others were more likely to ignore
showed that negative personality traits were more inconsistent information and form extreme impres-
predictive of overall evaluations and voting behavior sions. Hoffman and colleagues examined effects of
than positive traits. And negativity effects go beyond goals on how others are construed from behaviors.
impression formation. Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Hoffman, Mischel, and Mazze (1981) showed that
Finkenauer, and Vohs (2001) and Rozin and memory and empathy goals favored construal in
Royzman (2001) offered wide-ranging surveys of goal terms, whereas impression formation and pre-
the ways in which negative information dominates diction goals favored trait terms. Hoffman, Mischel,
positive. Baumeister et al. (2001) reviewed research and Baer (1984) showed that verbal (vs. nonverbal)
on relationships, emotions, learning and memory, communication goals make perceivers more likely
neuroscience, the self, health, and so forth. Rozin to use trait constructs.
et al. (2001) were even broader, drawing on liter- Hilton and Darley (1991) summarized the effects
ary, historical, religious, and cultural material. of a variety of interpersonal goals on impression
They note four ways in which negative events have formation. They distinguish between action and
more weight. Negative events are more potent than assessment “sets,” and within assessment, they dis-
equally positive events; they have steeper gradients, tinguish between effects of global and circumscribed

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sets. Not surprisingly, different sets have different not among those with such goals. Thus, chronic egal-
effects. One influential example concerns power, itarian “goals are activated and used preconsciously
defined and manipulated in various ways. Fiske to prevent stereotype activation, demonstrating both
initially looked at effects of powerlessness, that is, the controllability of stereotype activation and the
being dependent on others for desirable outcomes implicit role of goals in cognitive control” (p. 167).
(Erber & Fiske, 1984; Neuberg & Fiske, 1987), Moskowitz, Li, and Kirk (2004) demonstrated
and followed up with studies of effects of power how nonchronic goals that one temporarily adopts,
and dominance in producing biased perception and but then from which one consciously disengages,
inequality (Goodwin, Operario, & Fiske, 1998). can continue to operate preconsciously. They call
Since then, studies of effects of power, powerless- this “implicit volition,” and it represents another
ness, and differential status on impression forma- instance of nonconscious goals. Although most of
tion have multiplied, adding to a still-developing the work on conscious and nonconscious control of
and complex picture (e.g., Overbeck & Park, 2006; the effects of beliefs and expectancies on impression
Vescio & Guinote, 2010; see also Chapter 28). formation has occurred in the context of stereotyp-
ing (because controlling stereotypes is both desir-
nonconscious goals able and problematic), the nonconscious activation
Much of the early work manipulated goals and control processes it delineates are more broadly
explicitly, or put participants into situations in applicable to impression formation. (For much more
which they were presumed to have various goals. on inhibiting or counteracting the effects of beliefs
But the number of possible goals is innumerable, and expectations, especially stereotypes, on impres-
and simply describing effects of various classes of sion formation; see Chapter 5).
goals—from Jones and Thibaut’s (1958) through
Hilton and Darley’s (1991) to Fiske’s (2004) clas- impressions without goals;
sifications, to say nothing of McDougall’s (1908) spontaneous trait inferences
teleological instincts—can be tedious and arbitrary, Srull and Wyer (1979) were interested in the con-
unless one is interested in particular goals. However, ditions under which traits are inferred from behav-
the study of goals’ effects on impression formation iors. They posited that such inferences required,
took a whole new turn with the advent of modern among other things, the goal of forming an impres-
approaches to unconscious goals (see Chapter 23; sion. Winter and Uleman (1984) doubted this. They
see also Dijksterhuis & Aarts, 2010). presented a set of trait-implying sentences to par-
Using priming methods, Bargh (1990) and his ticipants who were merely asked to memorize them.
colleagues showed how to activate specific goals Cued recall results indicated that trait inferences did
without participants’ awareness, thereby avoiding occur, and other tests showed that participants were
effects of demand characteristics and participants’ unaware of inferring them. These unintended and
theories of goals’ effects. In contrast to primed unconscious inferences were dubbed spontaneous
semantic concepts, primed goal effects persist over trait inferences (STIs). Subsequent studies showed
time unless and until the goal is satisfied, and also that they occur under other goal instructions, such
differ in other ways. In a now-classic demonstration, as identifying the gender of each pronoun in the
Chartrand and Bargh (1996) showed that impres- sentences, or judging whether you would do the
sion formation and memorization goals could be behaviors described. These and other goals affect the
primed unconsciously and that these unconscious likelihood of STIs, even as they remain unintended
goals had the same effects on memory for person and unconscious (Uleman & Moskowitz, 1994).
information—in both amount and clustering in Although most STI research has used verbal descrip-
free recall—that Hamilton et al. (1980) showed for tions of behavior, visual presentations also support
conscious goals. them (Fiedler, Schenck, Watling, & Menges, 2005).
Moskowitz, Gollwitzer, Wasel, and Schaal (1999) And not surprisingly, individual differences play a
were interested in the ways that chronic egalitarian role. Participants who differ in authoritarianism
goals may inhibit the activation of stereotypes. They also differ in their inferences (Uleman, Winborne,
first established that those with and without chronic Winter, & Shechter, 1986), and those high on the
egalitarian goals had the same knowledge of stereo- personal need for cognition are more likely to make
types. Then they showed that priming these stereo- STIs (Moskowitz, 1993).
types reduced response times to stereotype features Other inferences occur spontaneously, including
among those without chronic egalitarian goals, but causes, goals, beliefs, counterfactuals, and values (see

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Uleman, Saribay, & Gonzalez, 2008, pp. 335–336, interdependent self-concepts. Using stimulus mate-
for a review), all with clear implications for impres- rial affording both trait and situation inferences, they
sion formation. Furthermore, Ham and Vonk (2003) found that priming had no effect on spontaneous
have shown that traits and situations can be inferred activation or binding of traits or situations. But it
simultaneously, as when “John gets an A on the test” did affect explicit inferences. Priming independence
implies both smart and easy. These inferences are likely increased explicit trait relative to situation inferences,
inputs to conscious attributional and impression for- whereas priming interdependence did not.
mation processes. Trait inferences from behaviors can In a series of studies of the effects of unconscious
also become erroneously associated with informants goals on STI, Rim, Min, Uleman, Chartrand, and
rather than actors (Skowronski, Carlston, Mae, & Carlston (2012) primed an affiliation goal, with-
Crawford, 1998), in which case they are called spon- out participants being aware of the prime’s effects.
taneous trait transferences (STTs). That is, if I tell you Using a lexical decision STI task, they found that
that John is smart, I am more likely to be judged as primed participants took longer to recognize non-
smart later. An interesting research literature explores trait concepts, relative to participants not so primed.
the processing differences between STIs and STTs This “goal shielding” thereby focused attention
(Carlston & Skowronski, 2005). on affiliation relevant concepts, namely traits, and
Are STIs about actors or merely their behaviors? left other concepts relatively inaccessible. In a sec-
Some of the paradigms used to detect STIs (e.g., ond study, they used the false recognition STI task
lexical decision, and probe reaction time) merely and found that affiliation priming bound positive
detect concept activation, and results from the traits to actors more than negative traits. Thus, the
cued recall paradigm were ambiguous with regard unconscious affiliation goal produced goal shielding
to reference. These paradigms were not developed (which was insensitive to trait valence) at the activa-
to detect relations between actors and trait con- tion stage, and trait binding that was sensitive to
cepts. This changed with Carlston and Skowronski’s trait valence at the binding stage. This suggests that
savings-in-relearning paradigm (Carlston & the well-known positivity bias in affiliation is due to
Skowronski, 1994). In it, participants “familiarlized selective binding of positive inferences to actors and
themselves” with photo–behavior pairs. Then after not to selective activation of positive traits.
some intervening tasks, they studied pairs of photos The “stages” approach to STI and impression
and traits, some of which reflected the STIs presum- formation in general can become quite complex. In
ably made earlier and some of which were novel. the Rim et al. (2012) work referred to above, there
When tested on these paired associates, learning was are three stages: unconscious goal activation, selec-
better for the pairs reflecting initial STIs than for tive focusing on traits (vs. nontraits), and selective
the other pairs. This “savings” shows that STIs are binding of positive traits. If these feed into subse-
about actors because the savings is specific to trait– quent explicit inferences, a fourth stage is added.
actor pairs. Todorov and Uleman (2002) used a Recent work by Ferreira et al. (2012) throws light
false recognition paradigm to make the same point. on the transition to this last stage by identifying an
They had participants study photo–behavior pairs “inference monitoring process” that is engaged by
for a subsequent memory test, and after some delay, conscious impression formation goals. This process
presented photo–trait pairs and asked whether the produces “awareness and monitoring of otherwise
traits had appeared in the sentences with the pho- unconscious inferences “ . . . so they can be “used
tos. (Some of the sentences contained traits, and toward attaining conscious goals” (p. 2). Evidence
others did not.) False recognition rates were higher for this process came to light in a series of studies
when implied traits were presented with the photos that addressed the following paradox. Hamilton et
about whom the traits were implied than with other al. (1980) found clustering in free recall when target
familiar photos. behaviors were learned under impression forma-
Recently, researchers have recognized that para- tion but not memory instructions, suggesting that
digms tapping trait activation and trait binding to trait-based clusters only formed under impression
actors tap separable stages of the impression formation formation. But Winter and Uleman (1984) found
process. First, trait concepts are activated by behav- that people infer traits even under memory instruc-
iors, and then they are bound to the actor. Finally, tions. So why was there no such clustering by traits
explicit trait inferences may (or may not) occur. This in Hamilton et al. (1980) under memory instruc-
is illustrated in two lines of research. Saribay, Rim, tions? The inference monitoring process provides a
and Uleman (2012) primed either independent or tentative answer.

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Finally, consider automatic processes, their role and the other usual features of impressions, but also
in STI, and their definition. Much of the initial for a wide range of the perceivers’ other responses
work on STI in the mid-1980s sought to examine to strangers, including emotions, aspects of the per-
whether or not it is automatic, according to the ceivers’ self-concepts (relational selves) when with
criteria delineated by Bargh (1994) 10 years later: the significant other, and perceivers’ behaviors.
awareness, intention, efficiency, and control. STI Thus, social cognitive transference engages a wider
is clearly unconscious, unintended, and relatively range of dependent variables and extends the usual
(but not completely) efficient. But it is subject to definition of an “impression” (see Andersen, Reznik,
at least indirect control, as noted above (e.g., Rim & Glassman, 2005).
et al., 2012; Uleman & Moskowitz, 1994). Part
of the problem is that Bargh’s four criteria do not impressions of persons and groups
always covary; thus, “automatic” in this sense in How is impression formation of persons similar
not a unitary concept (see Chapter 12). It also has to and different from impressions of groups, and
the disadvantage that any task shown to be auto- how are these related? This is an old set of ques-
matic, even in part, becomes viewed as beyond tions related to stereotyping (e.g., Rothbart, 1978)
conscious control. This has been particularly true that has acquired new life in research by Hamilton,
of research on stereotyping (e.g., Bargh, 1999), but Sherman, and colleagues on group entitativity, that
it occurs elsewhere too. The solution is to abandon is, group cohesion, longevity, impermeability of
the dichotomous and mutually exclusive defini- boundaries, and so forth (e.g., Lickel, Hamilton, &
tions of automatic and controlled processes and to Sherman, 2001). In an interesting connection with
adopt a model and procedures that recognize that STIs, Crawford, Sherman, and Hamilton (2002)
both automatic and controlled processes operate showed that spontaneously inferred traits about one
in almost any task of sufficient complexity to be of member of a group are generalized to other group
interest to social psychologists. Jacoby’s (1991) pro- members if the group is high in entitativity, but not
cess dissociation procedure (PDP) does this. It was otherwise.
used to examine STI first by Uleman, Blader, and
Todorov (2005), and most recently by McCarthy people as moral agents and objects
and Skowronski (2011a). These results show that Judging people on a moral dimension has long
STI involves both automatic and controlled pro- been recognized as a high priority of perceivers.
cesses, operating together. Thinking of automatic What is less clear is how targets’ morality is judged,
and controlled as a dichotomy is less useful than that is, what constitutes morally good and bad
conceiving of them as independent processes that behavior, and when judgments based on behaviors
both contribute to social cognition. (or group membership, etc.) affect perceptions of
There is much more to STIs (as well as the other targets’ temporary states of mind or enduring traits.
topics we have touched on). A more complete ver- To what degree are these judgments cognitive versus
sion of the STI story was recently published by affective or emotional? To what extent are the infer-
Uleman, Rim, Saribay, and Kressel (2012). ence processes conscious or nonconscious, deliber-
ate or spontaneous, automatic and controlled, or
Other Topics post hoc justifications? And who is accorded the
These are only a few topics illustrating the social status of a moral agent, rather than being dehu-
cognitive approach to impression formation. Here manized? The social cognitive approach to impres-
are three others that we might have covered more sion formation (along with, e.g., experimental
fully, had there been more space. philosophy, social neuroscience, and developmen-
tal psychology) are contributing much to address-
social cognitive transference ing and refining such questions. A quick overview
Rather than conceiving of impressions as formed of some recent viewpoints in this area is provided
from observations of behavior and inferences of by Gray, Young, and Waytz’s (2012) target article
traits, this work takes existing conceptions of sig- and reactions to it.
nificant others as the starting point for forming
impressions of strangers. If a stranger shares some The Future of Social Cognition and
features with a significant other, additional features Impression Formation
of the significant other are assumed or extrapolated Social cognition is an experimental approach to
onto the stranger. This holds for traits, evaluations, understanding our thoughts (conscious and not)

68 A Brief History of Theory and Research on Impression Formation

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