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ffi stmr HEATTH soclEIY, elHnn'ffi_}

(Behred To Adv€rris.D..r No 06/202r)

This is to inlom io aU cmdidates th3i w h,ve Meiv€d doF thm expeted number
alplicatioff fo! lhe post of Cenifiare in Commilv Hedth for NGes (GNM'ts'Sc'
N;sine). Nmbw of apptcatiotr e
ldser rhan test tdkine leminals aEilable in Pama'
rlreEfde it is to infom lo candidales llsl @m for C€rtifical€ in Commuity Halth for
Nws (cNM/ Nusing) *ill b€ condlcted in nultiple batches' rn order lo tddr€s
concffi of cedidates with regad to varving diinclntv level of Qwstiotu Pa!€s for
difercnt batcles, {e will adopt scientificallv proYen starisdcal rethod of Equipercentile
Equaiing Methodolory for smling dd flalulion. his melhodoloev is also a@eF
ble in

. The daluated sores obhined bv €ach of rhe cddidates in diFffit balches
(muhple batcn*) if held will be calculated usitrg Equi-?eMntile Equling

. Scorcs up to eielt decimaL points shall be talm for ih€ purPos of calculatioN-
. Equfu*4lile EC@tnE }cthod will be Nd for shodlisting cmdidares if erus
" de con lucted in nultiple batches onlv, lf e)@s @ condeted in single baLh -
ovehll score wiu be consideed.
. Codidates @ kb* nore about the method in the IAQ\ on Equi_pdentile
I quar rns Vefiod aEilable on $e sHs B webcik htto' ''hEheallYcietvbihd'orB/
V"rqr,1\e\ 1^
(R!jesh KUD!r)
Deputy Secrctary
-cum-Incharg€ HR

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