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Rabia Bibi

Roll No. 201360268

My Childhood Memory

As a child, I grew up in a home that was quite supportive and kind. I grew up with

three siblings, with whom I spent a lot of my time playing together. I have fond memories of

the games that we used to enjoy together. In the past, we used to spend a lot of time in the

park with our sports equipment, especially during the evenings. Our daily activities included

a variety of sports, such as football on certain days, followed by cricket on others. These

childhood memories of going to the park and having a good time are really valuable to me.

In addition, the smell of my grandmother's biryani is something I recall strongly. I

used to help my mother make biryani whenever she was in the kitchen. As Grandma worked

her magic, combining rice and spices to create exquisite biryani, we used to be amazed. Even

now, whenever I think back on this incident, I can smell her biryani in my head.

Most significantly, this instance occurred on a picnic with my family, which I vividly

recall. We spent the day at the zoo and had a terrific time. While we were at the zoo, my

mother prepared delectable treats for us to snack on. My father snapped a slew of photos on

that particular day. When I look at these images, the memory comes back to me so vividly

that it feels as if it happened only yesterday. As a result, my childhood memories occupy a

particular place in my heart and provide me with delight when I'm feeling down or depressed.

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