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By Robert Rohde, 21 Nov 2006
Stats A reusable component
4.91 (145 votes) which extends the DataGrid
Revisions and adds functionality for
real time filtering.
Download DataGrid demo project - 357 Kb
Type Article
Comments &
Download DataGrid demo project including sample database - 874 Kb Licence CPOL
Discussions (383)
Download DataGrid source - 110 Kb First Posted 26 Mar 2005
Download DataGridView demo project - 61.4 Kb Views 568,166
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alternative version
Download DataGridView demo project including sample database - 577 Kb Bookmarked 488 times
Download DataGridView source - 102 Kb
Download Northwind sample database on MSDN - 476 Kb Win2K WinXP Win2003 C#
.NET Visual-Studio Dev ,
Note: The Visual Studio solution contains a project named GridExtensionUnitTests which requires NUnit to compile. If
you don't have NUnit then just remove it from the solution - it is not required if you just want to use the grid.

Using the code

1 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject




With the DataGrid, Microsoft has provided a very mighty grid control which has some excellent
features. With the possibility to easily add DataViews and customize visualization, the
DataGrid is for sure one of the most important controls in the .NET Framework.

This component further extends the functionality of the DataGrid by adding filtering
capabilities in an easy, automated and customizable way. The functionality goes beyond the
requirements I had in my special case. But I thought it might be a good idea to make something
sophisticated which can be used at various places.

Before reading this article, you should know the basics of working with the DataGrid. That's all
you need to use this article. To better understand the technical background, you should also be
familiar with the concepts of DataViews, RowFilter and DataGridTableStyles.

Top News

Java faces tough climb to

There are three ways of using this component: catch up to .Net

The FilterableDataGrid control can be used like any other control. It supports design Get the Insider News free each
time configuration. In order to display data, first set the DataSource property. Note that
this property (unlike the one in the original DataGrid) takes only a DataView. As a
second step a DataGridTableStyle must be added to the DataGrid which controls the Related Videos
visualization of data. Normally, the DataGrid provides default visualization, but in this
case a real table style is needed. To make the use of this control easier, I have provided
the DataGrid with some extra functionality to create the needed table styles and column
styles as and when needed. The minimum code to get the control to work is:
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//create an instance
FilterableDataGrid grid = new FilterableDataGrid(); 
//styles should be generated automatically
grid.EmbeddedGrid.AutoCreateTableStyles = true; 
//bind the data source
grid.DataSource = myDataTable.DefaultView;

That's it!

If you already have a DataGrid with all the properties set and events bound, the
exchange might get difficult. In such cases, there is another possibility to add the filtering
capabilities. Add the DataGridFilterExtender component to the form and set its Related Articles
DataGrid property to your instance of DataGrid. You will see an immediate change in
DataGridView Filter Popup
the designer which will show you some dummy filter boxes. You probably have to
Datagridview with filtering
reposition the grid a bit so that the added control fits onto the form.
If you still want the benefit of automated creation of table styles you also have the option
DataGridView with integrated
of exchanging your DataGrid with an ExtendedDataGrid. As this class derives from
filtering, sorting, and updating

2 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

DataGrid and only adds some new features there shouldn't be any problem doing this. changes to SQL
i00 BindingList with
All the three ways are shown in the included examples. DataGridView
DatGridView Filtering User
Smoothy Event Log Viewer 1.2
A Filter Dialog for a
I have put much effort in supplying good samples in the downloads. They cover most of the DataGridView
functionality of this component, so if you want to know what this grid is capable of then play
Data Pagination in
around with them. They depend on the MSAccess Northwind database which can be freely DataGridView. Bounded Mode
downloaded from Microsoft. At the top of the article you will find a direct download link to this.
Summary DataGridView
For easier usage it is also contained in one of the demo project downloads.
Eventlog Viewer
Filter DataGridView with the text
entered in TextBox in WinForms
DataGridView Copy and Paste
Changing the dropdown list
Overview subset on a DataGridView
combobox column at runtime
Internally the most important class is the GridFiltersControl. It builds up the filter criteria Toggling the States of all
and contains the filter controls (unless they are customized). Most of the functionality is placed CheckBoxes Inside a
within it. Then there is the DataGridFilterExtender which binds a DataGrid or DataGridView Column
ExtendedDataGrid to a GridFiltersControl. How the columns are filtered and what GUI Hide DataGridView columns
has to be shown is defined in the IGridFilter implementations which are created by an with no data in any row
IGridFilterFactory. The FilterableDataGrid class is finally a composition of all those Automatic WPF Toolkit
classes which allows a quick start. DataGrid Filtering
DataGridView Filter Popup
The following sections contain some more information on the classes within this component. For
A DataGridView Column
a more detailed information just look at the fully commented code or have a look into the
Show/Hide Popup
compiled help file contained in the downloads.
A Detailed Data Binding Tutorial

ExtendedDataGrid HTML Table Filter ala Excel

This class is derived from DataGrid. Its main extension is that it provides a property
AutoCreateTableStyles to automatically create table styles. This is done whenever the
DataSourceChanged event occurs and no appropriate table style is found. Furthermore, it
publishes some protected properties from the DataGrid which are normally not accessible
from outside.


This is the basic interface describing how a column can be filtered. For this it defines the GUI
elements and the textual representations of the filter criteria.

IGridFilter implementations

All the given implementations of IGridFilter derive from the abstract class
GridFilterBase, which is like all the concrete implementations located in the
GridExtensions.GridFilters namespace. When making your own filters I would
recommend using this base class as it reduces the amount of work to be done to get a working

I have provided the following implementations of the IGridFilter:


TextGridFilter can filter about every column. It uses a like criterion to filter rows
beginning with a specified text. The filter is set with a simple TextBox control.


BoolGridFilter is an implementation for boolean columns. The filter is set with a

CheckBox control with three states. The intermediate state means no filter is applied. The
other states will filter out the rows not having the specified value.

3 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject


NullGridFilter is an implementation which works on columns of any type. The filter is

set with a CheckBox control with three states. The intermediate state means no filter is
applied. The other states will filter out the rows which contain / not contain DbNull.

Implementing this one was a bit tricky as there is no direct filter expression to filter out
rows with DbNulls. The filter expression I generate for the columns look like the

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Convert(ISNULL([ColumnName], 'a§df43dj§öap'), 
            System.String) = 'a§df43dj§öap'

The weird string is just made up by me. I hope no one will use this one actually as a
value in a grid, because this would result in wrong results (it would be shown as a DbNull


The NumericGridFilter is an implementation for numeric columns. It uses a

NumericGridFilterControl which consists of a ComboBox containing * and several
comparison operators (>, =, ...) and a TextBox. When the ComboBox is set to *, the filter
behaves like a TextGridFilter. Otherwise the text in the TextBox will be converted to a
numeric value and the data source will be filtered to match the comparison criterion. If no
valid number is given this filter will filter out all the rows.


Nearly the same as the NumericGridFilter class, but it builds the filter criteria for
DateTime columns and has a DateGridFilterControl consisting of a
DateTimePicker instead of a normal TextBox control.


EnumerationGridFilter is an implementation for columns containing a list of distinct

values. The filter is set with a ComboBox control which is filled with those values. Which
values are set to the list and how to build a filter for them is defined by a customizable
IEnumerationSource implementation. I have provided two default implementations:


This implementation will get all the members of a given enumeration type and fill
the ComboBox with them. For this to work, the DataColumn must have the same
type as the enumeration type given here.


Here, a user defined mapping between the string values (which are shown in the
ComboBox) and the integer values contained in the data source can be defined.


The DistinctValuesGridFilter analyzes a column for its contained values, and fills a
ComboBox with these along with a (*) and a (null) (only if the column contains DbNull)
entry. The user can then select from any of those distinct values to filter accordingly.
Using this type of IGridFilter with large data sources might lead to a performance loss
at startup. Look into the description of the DefaultGridFilterFactory for further
explanations and restrictions.


This one is just a dummy implementation to allow switching off the filter functionality for
certain columns.


4 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

This is a simple interface which provides a method to create an IGridFilter for a specified
column. I included this interface to provide maximum flexibility. It could, for example, be used to
specify special filters for each column separately.

Instead of having to implement your own IGridFilterFactory for every special case, it is also
possible to extend an existing implementation by binding its GridFilterCreated event. It
provides information about the table, name and the type of the column for which an
IGridFilter is being created and also the instance provided by the factory. The handler of the
event can then exchange the IGridFilters for the needed columns. This is, for example, useful
when you want to define an EnumerationGridFilter with a customized
IntStringMapEnumerationSource to a special column while leaving all other columns as they

IGridFilterFactory implementations

Three implementations of this interface are provided within this component (all are located in the
GridExtensions.GridFilterFactories namespace). Another one can be found in the
samples. They not only provide how the columns are filtered but also where the filtering GUI is
located. The included implementations are:


This implementation of IGridFilterFactory will be automatically generated and used

by the FilterableDataGrid. It automatically provides valid implementations for the
various data types which can be contained in a DataTable.

The creation process consists of these steps:

If the column data type is an enumeration and HandleEnumerationTypes is set to

true, then an EnumerationGridFilter is created.
If CreateDistinctGridFilters is set to true, then it is analyzed if the column
contains less or equal distinct values than specified by MaximumDistinctValues.
If yes, then a DistinctValuesGridFilter is created. The
MaximumDistinctValues property is not only important to reduce the maximum
number of entries the ComboBox gets filled with, but also to improve performance
because the analysis of the columns data will be stopped immediately when more
values are found than specified by it, and thus the analysis doesn't have to search
through the whole data source.
If a grid filter type is specified for the data type of the column, then this one will be
created. The data type to grid filter type matching can be altered by calls to
AddGridFilter and RemoveGridFilter. Note that, only grid filter types which
implement IGridFilter and which have an empty public constructor are

With this little example, one could switch off the filter functionality for columns of
type DateTime:

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If still no filter was created, then the filter specified by DefaultGridFilterType

will be created. By default, this is the TextGridFilter. Note that, again only grid
filter types which implement IGridFilter and which have an empty public
constructor are allowed.


This implementation of IGridFilterFactory always generates NullGridFilters no

matter what column was specified.


This implementation of IGridFilterFactory always generates

DistinctValuesGridFilters no matter what column was specified.

5 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject


This implementation derives from TextBox and builds a TextGridFilter for each
column supplying itself as the TextBox to fetch the criterion from. The effect is that all
the columns are filtered by the contents of just one single TextBox. This is even possible
in several grids simultaneously. To use it just drag it onto the form with the
FilterableDataGrid or GridFilterExtender and set the FilterFactory property
via designer to this class.


This implementation is build upon the DefaultGridFilterFactory or any other

IGridFilterFactory implementation. What kind of IGridFilters are created is
determined by this inner factory but this implementation customizes the location of the
filter GUI in a layouted way - outside of the actual grid. To use it just drag it onto the form
with the FilterableDataGrid or GridFilterExtender and set the FilterFactory
property via designer to this class.


This internal class should be of no matter to you if you are only using this library. This is the
control which is placed above, beyond or within the DataGrid which is extended. It holds all the
extra controls from the current IGridFilters which have not set its UseCustomPlacement
property to true. It also contains most of the filter building logic of this component.


Now we come to the core class of the library. I have documented all the public properties and
methods very well so I won't go too far into the details here. The most important properties are:


This property has to be used to set the initial DataView. The grid is not limited to that
one. If the DataView is, for example, part of a complex DataSet, it is possible (like in the
normal DataGrid) to navigate through its relations. The only limitation (as mentioned

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

above) is that an appropriate DataGridTableStyle must exist.


With this property, the underlying grid can be accessed. With this, all the properties of the
normal DataGrid can be altered. This is not possible with the designer (here, you will
have to use the extended grid itself). The extra property AutoCreateTableStyles can
also be set here (if you are too lazy to define your own).


Use this property to specify where the filter GUI should appear.


If you want, you can specify your own implementation of the IGridFilterFactory with
this property.


This property will adjust the position of the grid depending on where the filters are
displayed. This will not work if the grid is docked in any way (anchors are fine).

All other properties can be explored by yourselves.


This control is nothing more than a UserControl which binds the ExtendedDataGrid and the
DataGridFilterExtender together. For every new filterable grid you want to create, this
should do the job without having to handle several components.

I finally made a DataGridView version of this component which is called

DataGridViewExtensions. The solution is logically a Visual Studio 2005 solution while the
DataGrid solution is still 2003. It has most of the functionality of the original component. The
missing parts and known issues are:

The highlighting is not yet contained.

NDoc documentation is not yet contained.
Because the DataGridView doesn't have a header, the corresponding value in the
FilterPosition enumeration has been removed.
Changing RightToLeft while the filters are visible will result in heavy flickering. This
shouldn't (hopefully) be a problem because I assume this property is normally not
changed while the grid is shown.
Startup performance might be bad when setting the DataSource in the constructor of the
Form/Control the DataGridView is contained in. A simple workaround is to set the
DataSource in the overridden OnLoad method after the base call.

As you can see in the history section I'm eager to extend this component with useful
features requested here. So, if anyone has further suggestions, please feel free to post
them here.

March 26th, 2005

Initial release.

March 26th, 2005

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

(Some hours later) Refactored the library so that a component can be used to easily
extend the existing grids. This will solve the problem of having to manually set the
properties and bind the events in the nested DataGrid.

March 31st, 2005 - Several enhancements and fixes were made:

The component can now work with normal DataGrids. Thus the use of the
ExtendedDataGrid is no longer necessary. The only requirement is that an
appropriate DataGridTableStyle must be created and added to the grid. For this,
the new helper class DataGridStyleCreator has been added.
New property AutoAdjustGridPosition for automated repositioning of the grid
Fixed bug in the property AutoCreateTableStyle.
Fixed bug when removing the DataGridExtender component from its assigned
Added automated change of colors of the filter GUI when the colors of the
underlying controls or the grid change.
Added handling of the CaptionVisible property of the DataGrid. This is
important as a caption is needed in some display modes.
Added handling of change events from the style collections to immediately reflect
changes in the filter GUI.

April 9th, 2005 - Some enhancements and fixes:

Added the DateGridFilterControl to allow better filtering of DateTime

Corrected some minor mistakes in my comments.
Added some attributes for (a bit) clearer design time support.

April 11th, 2005 - Some enhancements and fixes:

Added the EnumerationGridFilter to allow user friendly filtering of columns

containing enumeration types.
Fixed an error regarding criteria string building. Thanks to Juergen Posny for
pointing this out.
Moved all the IGridFilter implementations to a separate namespace
Added a ComboBox to the main form to allow the user to select what data should
be presented from the Northwind database. Also, added an enumeration type
column programmatically to show the functionality of the newly added

April 15th, 2005 - Some enhancements:

Added a property Operator to allow definition if the criteria is combined with a

logical AND or a logical OR.
Added a method ClearFilters to clear all the set filters to their initial state.

April 16th, 2005 - Some enhancements and fixes:

Corrected the wrong appearance of the filters when the RowHeadersVisible

property of the DataGrid was set to false. Thanks to Dean_DWD for pointing out
Added two properties MessageErrorMode and ConsoleErrorMode that allow
configuring the kind of output that is generated when an error occurs in the built
filter criteria.

May 14th, 2005 - Some fixes:

Corrected some bad behaviour when using AutoAdjustGridPosition with

anchored grids, which could screw up the designer in certain situations.
Corrected a special situation where a wrong filter criteria was created.

October 3rd, 2005 - Some enhancements and fixes:

Corrected typo of several ScrollBar properties. Thanks to Goyuix for pointing this
Changed the EnumerationGridFilter so that it is easier to build customized

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

value list filters. This is based on a request made by Thomas-H.

Added the GridFilterCreated event to the IGridFilterFactory class to allow
easy modifications to the filter behaviour of single classes (mainly needed for the
new functionality in EnumerationGridFilter).
Created a new startup form from where one can start three demo forms showing
most of the functionality of this component.
Minor corrections of code formatting.

November 19th, 2005 - Some enhancements and fixes:

Added strict usage of [] around the column names in the filter building process.
This should eliminate issues regarding extravagant column names.
Added a SetFilter function to IGridFilter which is basically the reverse
version of GetFilter. With the help of this, I could add the function
Get/SetFilters to both DataGridFilterExtender and FilterableDataGrid,
which can save/load the whole filter configuration. I made this based on a request
from Ken Dreyer.
To make the last point easier to implement, I changed the whole logic of building
filters by using string.Format and regular expressions, which should make the
whole process a bit cleaner.
Added some unit tests to automatically test the new Get/SetFilters functions.
Added an event FilterChanged so that one can get a notification whenever the
filter criterion is changed (by the extender not the DataView itself).

December 7th, 2005 - Version 2.0:

I've made so many changes that I think it's worth a new version. From now on I will
try incrementing the version with every bug fix or enhancement.
Changed the CreateGridFilter function of the IGridFilterFactory to allow
easier customization of the filter creation process (sorry for any broken custom
Refactored the IGridFilter implementations to make use of a common
GridFilterBase class and also separated the GUI of the NumericGridFilter
and DateGridFilter from the filtering logic.
Filter controls are now allowed to be placed outside of the grid and are
independent of the created IGridFilters. This is used by the new
IGridFilterFactory implementations (like the
FullTextSearchGridFilterFactory based on a request from Carlso) and
generally gives a huge bunch of new possibilities for customization.
Some namespace refactorings.
A new property AutoRefresh accessible in the GridFilterExtender or
FilterableDataGrid. For very large tables this property can be set to false after
which the view will not get updated with every change to the filter controls until
RefreshFilters is called or AutoRefresh is set to true again.
Added some more support and descriptions for the designer.
Included compiled help file in the downloads. An NDoc project file is also included
containing the settings to build the help file as well as a HTML documentation
(which is not included in the downloads).
Several minor bug fixes and refactorings.

January 14th, 2006 - Version 2.1:

Added a new property GridMode which controls whether the grid is filtered or
matching rows just get highlighted. This is based on a request from Muhammad
Waqas Butt.
To achieve the highlighting I added the new class DataFilter which wraps the
internal DataFilter class contained in the .NET Framework. Because this class is
internal I needed to build a wrapper which uses it with reflection mechanisms.
Corrected LeftToRight behaviour which was totally screwed up. Thanks to arashr for
pointing this out.

April 22nd, 2006 - Version 2.2:

Fixed that the HandleEnumerationTypes property on the

DefaultGridFilterFactory was ignored.

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

Fixed that the SetFilters and GetFilters calls would sometimes not work on
Added a new IGridFilter implementation with the name NullGridFilter and
a corresponding factory named NullGridFilterFactory. This is based on a
request from HITMUS.
Added a new IGridFilter implementation with the name
DistinctValuesGridFilter and a corresponding factory named
DistinctValuesGridFilterFactory. Also added functionality to the
DefaultGridFilterFactory to allow usage of this filter in standard situations.
This is based on a request from HITMUS and anandcts.
Extended Sample1 to show the new functionalities.
Wrote some more unit tests.

May 7th, 2006 - GridViewExtensions - Version 1.0:

Added a DataGridView version of the component, and a new section in the article
shortly describing it.

May 20th, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.1 - GridExtensions 2.2:

Added support to more easily change the filter settings programmatically. This was
already in my head several weeks, and because of a request from rEgEn2k, I finally
implemented it. In detail, the changes are:

Public properties on all IGridFilter implementations to get and set the

current settings.
A GetGridFilters function which returns all the currently shown
IGridFilters. The returned collection class has functions to filter by type
and access IGridFilters by several means.
Added a TextBox along with a Button to Sample 1 which demonstrates how
to set all the values on IGridFilters of a special type.

June 5th, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.2 - GridExtensions 2.3:

Added a new operator for date and numeric columns to filter for values in between
two given values. When selected, two DateTimePickers/TextBoxes will appear
and wait for user input. This functionality is by default off, and can be explicitly
turned on every filter separately, or by setting either
DefaultShowDateInBetweenOperator or
DefaultShowNumericInBetweenOperator on the
DefaultGridFilterFactory. Many thanks to Luis Carlos Gallego on this one. He
not only provided the idea but also most of the code for this.
Added four properties: BaseFilters, BaseFilterEnabled,
BaseFilterOperator, and CurrentTableBaseFilter. With them, it's possible
to define a filter criteria which gets concatenated with the filter criteria generated
by the control before applying it as a row filter. Again thanks to Luis Carlos Gallego
for providing the idea and some code.
Added several unit tests (only DataGrid version) for the 'in between' regular
expressions, and reorganized them into several files because the old one just got
too big (a total of 87 tests now integrated).

July 2nd, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.3:

Added support for using BindingsSources and DataSets which can now be
directly assigned to the DataSource property of the DataGridView. Furthermore,
the DistinctValuesGridFilter can now work with such data bindings. Thanks
to smatusan and Aventura for pointing that out and also helping me with the
Fixed a bug in the DateGridFilter. Thanks to macus for reporting.

October 1st, 2006 - GridExtensions 2.4:

Fixed bug where a manual call to RefreshFilters wouldn't show the desired
results when there are no filters currently set.
Added redirection of events from the embedded grid of the FilterableGrid so
that they can be used within the designer as you would normally do. I've done this

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

for MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseEnter, MouseLeave, MouseHover,

KeyUp, KeyDown, and KeyPress. This is based one a request made by Marcelo
Miorelli. All other events can be reached by using the EmbeddedDataGrid
property. If someone needs more than this, feel free to post requests.
Replaced the property AutoRefresh with AutoRefreshMode which now allows
several settings instead of only on/off. This includes refreshing the filter only when
pressing Enter and/or when the focus leaves a filter control. This is based on a
request made by georg_werner. Added a new combo box to the first sample to test
Some minor code reorganization.

October 1st, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.4:

Added the same enhancements as in the GridExtensions.

Added full support for any data source implementing IBindingListView. The
only requirement is that it must allow complex filters.
Added a IBindingListView implementation which works as a wrapper around
any given IList. Thus, this component now also works with list classes. Because of
this implementation, sorting on lists is now supported by the grid. Have a look at
the new sample 6 to see how this works. This feature was requested by several
users, so I hope you'll appreciate it. As I haven't tested this in any real world
scenario, I'll need feedback if it lacks something.

October 15th, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.4.1:

Fixed a bug reported by georg_werner where an internal refresh wouldn't apply the
correct filtering to the grid when all contents were deleted from the filter controls.

November 18th, 2006 - GridViewExtensions 1.5 and GridExtensions 2.5:

Fixed bug that the BaseFilterEnabled property was ignored. Thanks again to
georg_werner for reporting and even fixing the bug.
The DoubleClick event should now function as expected in both
FiltarableGrid and FiltarableGridView.

This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project
Open License (CPOL)

Robert Rohde
Web Developer

No Biography provided

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DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

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HOW TO ADD TO MY PROJECT Member 9689056 17-Dec-12 3:45

I am a beginner!

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Control Not Displaying In Windows kjward 27-Aug-12 20:57


first please accept my enthusiastic congratulations on producing a most excellent

control...well done, indeed!
we have been using your filterbar successfully for a couple of years within windows forms
applications on xp boxes. we have recently migrated to windows 7 and users are
complaining that the filterbar control is not being displayed in some cases.
have you heard about or experienced this? what could be the cause?

thanks again for providing such a useful tool to the development community.


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DataBindung über Member 7921387 22-Oct-11 18:25


Hallo zusammen!
Erstmal vielen Dank für das UserControl, super umgesetzt!

Hab leider ein kleines Problem beim binden von Daten über ein
Folgendes grundlegendes Interface für andere Klassen hinterlegt:

public interface IEditable : IEnumerator, IEnumerable

Danach eine Klasse erzeugt und von IEditable geerbt.

Wenn ich jetzt automatisch die Daten binden möchte, funktioniert die Filterfunktion
Muss ich noch ein spezielles Interface an die von IEditable vererbte Klasse hängen?
Zum Hintergrund: Hab ein Listeneditor programmiert, welche über Metatags und die
benannten Interface alles weitere alleine ausliest und alle Listen zur Laufzeit editierfähig
macht. Nur leider geht die Filterfunktion flöten...

12 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

'edit' ist in diesem Fall das gecastete Interface 'IEditable' der Klasse, welche ich
bearbeiten will.
Hier der Code zum binden der Liste an das Control. = new BindingSource(); = edit;
grid1.DataSource = bs;

Jemand eine Idee?

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Re: DataBindung über Robert Rohde 6-Nov-11 16:37



die gebundene Klasse muss IBindingListView implementieren. Wenn Du das aber

selbst machst, dann musst Du im Prinzip die ganze Filterlogik implementieren.
Dem Code liegt eine Implementierung von IBindingListView bei, welche eine IList
nimmt und diese sortierbar/filterbar macht. An der Stelle hab ich etwas rumgetrickst
um mir möglichst viel Arbeit zu ersparen. Schaus Dir mal an, vielleicht hilfts ja.


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Re: DataBindung über Member 7921387 13-Apr-12 17:54


Habs hinbekommen! Vielen dank für den super Tipp!

Für alle die es interessiert ein kleines Beispiel:

BindingListView<Person> view = new BindingListView<Person>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
  Person p = new Person();
  p.EMail = "test" + i + "";
  p.Geboren = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
  p.Name = "Name" + i;
  p.Vorname = " Vorname" + i;
grid.DataSource = view;

Filter funzt nun 1a!

modified 13-Apr-12 7:34am.

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Re: DataBindung über Member 7921387 25-Apr-12 21:18


Ist es eigentlich möglich mit der darunter liegenden BindingListView eine

Mehrfachsortierung durchzuführen?

13 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

Quasi nach 3 Eigenschaften sortieren:

z.B. Name ASC, Vorname DESC, EMail ASC

Einzelne Spalte programmatisch mit DataGridView.Sort() ist ja kein Problem.

Habe halt kein DataTable, sondern die generische Liste als Datenquelle.

Würd mich über eine Antwort freuen!

LG Monte

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Re: DataBindung über Robert Rohde 26-Apr-12 3:43


Schau Dir mal die ApplySort-Methode an. Die unterstützt grundsätzlich

mehrere Spalten. Die Methode wird auf vom DataGridView benutzt, aber halt
immer nur mit einer Spalte.
Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich es aber glaube ich nie mit mehreren Spalten
durchgetestet, also viel Glück...

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I expected something different then rvheck 29-Sep-11 19:53

I get

The filter shows me an textGridFilter when I expected a numericGridFilter (the one with
the sign and value posiblities).

I use the extenderExample. What do I have to do to get this right?

What do you need to make my problem beter to understand?

Already thanx.

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Re: I expected something rvheck 30-Sep-11 15:01

different then I get

Found it: the MaximumDistinctValues has to be set to 1 instead of the default 20.

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Nice control Mike Hankey 30-Jul-11 22:43

Good job Robert, very nice control.

0x2B || ~0x2B

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Thanks YZK 31-Mar-11 11:46


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Question regarding Sborsad 4-Oct-10 7:34


14 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject


I am new to C# programming, and am looking for filtering functionality in Datagrid.

I already have an existing Datagrid with its properties and events defined, so I would like
to use DataGridFilterExtender to add the filter to my data grid.

As per the article it says the following

Add the DataGridFilterExtender component to the form and set its DataGrid property to
your instance of DataGrid. You will see an immediate change in the designer which will
show you some dummy filter boxes. You probably have to reposition the grid a bit so that
the added control fits onto the form.

I have added the DataGridFilterExtender control to the form, however I don't understand
how to create an instance of the Datagrid.
My datagrid name is dtagridview. Can you please give me an example?

Thanks a lot in Advance.


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Great Job! M. Niyazi 20-Sep-10 2:59

As a newbie, it was some hard to get how it's working while checking source code but
finally i got it. Anyway, it would be better to make more easy example if you can, for
other newbies especially



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Excellent Work, Thanks TG_Cid 23-Jul-10 20:34

Excellent work, some months ago i made also a filterable grid, among others capabilitys,
but this one is awesome. thanks a lot i will redo my grid basing the filtering in your code.

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Problem using el_bascht 14-Apr-10 19:57

with an

I use the getFilters and setFilters methods in order to restore the filters that were active
when I last closed my application.
This works fine, but when I try to restore the filter of a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn,
the value of the Filter is not set (and the DatagridView is not filtered).
I always make sure that the Strings I put into setFilters are the same as the ones I get
from getFilters, so this can't be the reason for this behaviour.

I guess the problem could be, that the strings in the filter (the valueMembers of the
Comboboxes) differ from the strings in the ComboBoxes of the DataGridView (the
displayMembers of the Comboboxes).

15 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

So here I come to my question:

What am I doing wrong and how can I do better?

Thanks and best regards, Bastian

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Excessive initialization delay with chuckone 14-Jan-10 2:04

large number of columns

When we attach a datatable of, for example, 200 columns to the FilterableDataGrid there
is a delay measurable in minutes before it finishes initializing. This appears to be due to
excessive recursive build-filters and resize-filters methods being triggered at each step
while some outer loop counts up to the final number of columns. These recursive method
calls should be suppressed until the filter count is the same as the number of columns in
the datasource.

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Re: Excessive initialization delay chuckone 8-Sep-10 23:43

with large number of columns

Since the author has not been able to fix this, I figured it out for myself yeilding at
least a 100 to 1 speed improvement!

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Re: Excessive initialization delay FredrikAstrom 29-Nov-10 1:01

with large number of columns

Is it possible to post your solution to the problem? That would be lovely!

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Re: Excessive initialization chuckone 4-Dec-10 2:11

delay with large number of
columns [modified]

In GridFiltersContol.cs make the following change to BOTH the

RecreateGridFilters method and the RepositionGridFilters method:

After the existing first 'if statement', add the following block:

if ((_grid == null)
    (_grid.Columns == null)
    (_grid.Columns.Count == 0)
    (_grid.DataSource == null))
    DataTable DT = _grid.DataSource as DataTable;
    if ((DT != null)
        (DT.Columns != null)

16 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

        (DT.Columns.Count != _grid.Columns.Count))

As you can see, the goal of the modification is to avoid performing the
remaining code in each method until _grid.Columns has counted up to equal

You can modify the 'DataTable' portion as needed if you are using some other
option as DataSource.

modified on Friday, December 3, 2010 5:24 PM

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Re: Excessive initialization pedroneves 6-May-11 16:05

delay with large number of

This will not work if we decide to add columns to the datagrid that do not
exist in the datatable.
Then the datagrid column number will always be diferent from the dt column

Sometimes I add extra columns.

                .DataSource = GetDatatoTable(SQL)
                Dim links As New DataGridViewLinkColumn()
                With links
                    .HeaderText = "Web"
                    .DataPropertyName = "Web"
                    .ActiveLinkColor = Color.White
                    .LinkBehavior = LinkBehavior.SystemDefault
                    .LinkColor = Color.Blue
                    .TrackVisitedState = True
                    .VisitedLinkColor = Color.YellowGreen
                    .Name = "WebLink"
                    .Text = "Link"
                    '.UseColumnTextForLinkValue = True
                End With
                links.DisplayIndex = 
.Columns("ModoExpNome").DisplayIndex + 1

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Re: Excessive chuckone 27-Jul-11 2:03

initialization delay with
large number of

Did you remember to reset the DataSource property after you added the

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Re: Excessive initialization rvheck 30-Sep-11 16:07

17 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM
DataGrid with built-in filter functionality - CodeProject

delay with large number of

columns [modified]

This code doesn't make the initialize quicker for my program.

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How to print Data from datagrid gateshahaji 26-Dec-09 18:37

Can I print the data from datagrid in jsp.

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datagridview combobox column smraj1503 16-Dec-09 12:44

value changes using arrow keys

In datagridview combobox column change selected value using down arrow key and up
arrow key in

Thanks and Regards


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Add ShowHiddenColumns Property Polymorpher 30-Sep-09 2:42

To LayoutedGridFilterFactoryControl

I added this property so that hidden columns could be hidden.

"Keyboard not found. Press < F1 > to RESUME. "
Source unknown (appears in many common BIOSes as a real error message)

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18 of 18 23/08/2013 12:59 PM

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