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How to write a good essay : Paraphrasing the question

Jika menjawab suatu pertanyaan don’t copy. Improve yourself and your answer by changing this
wording. How to make these changes :

Going to paraphrase. Pharaphrase it means we take a sentence and change it into our own words.
Change maybe the sentence structure, but keep all the same meaning. Meaning from the sentence you
copy, it stays the same, same meaning but different words and different sentence structure.

How can put this into new words or own words that keep the same meaning ?

- We can use synonyms. Need to use different synonyms to have words that have the same
meaning but are different words. Example education > schooling.

“ education is the single most important factor in the development of a country” > schooling is the single
most significant aspect in the evolution of a nation”

- Changing the structure of the sentence is mean changing placement of the words

Verbs <> nouns <> adj

Ex. “ education is the single most important factor in the development of a country” > the most essential
element of a nation’s development is education.

- Use concession, change some words and have also changed the structure a bit but there’s one
other thing have added. Concession is where you say what the opposite opinion is and then you
say what your opinion is. Ex. “ although many would argue that the economy is most important
factor in nation-building, I think education has a far greater impact
5 tips to improve your writing

First , do not use contractions. (this is for academic writing). Example : don’t is the contraction of “do

Don’t – do not

Can’t – cannot

Shouldn’t – should not

Couldn’t – could not

Wouldn’t – would not

Isn’t – is not

Haven’t – have not hasn’t – has not

Don’t use these

-The second tip : avoid there is / there are. Because when write, we want to write our ideas clear and
concise, meaning don’t want these long sentences, sentences to be to the point.

For the example : “there are many issues thet students face at university” if you want to make it a better
sentence, we can change it “students face many issues at university” . don’t need there is or there are.

By getting rid of there Is or there are, sentences become stronger and to the point.

-The third tip, don’t use words in academic writing such as “ really, very, a lot and so” because the
writing is not as strong if use these types of words.

Example : “many student think university is very hard” become “many students think university is

“Bill 399 is really controversial”, “a lot of the students……” change became to “many students”

-fourth tip, do not use the passive voice, use the active voice.

For the example :

Passive voice : Healthcare reforms were implemented by Obama

Active voice : Obama implemented healthcare reforms.

Obama implemented healthcare reforms.

-last tip, use strong verbs don’t use weak verbs.

Weak verb : he gave assistance to my friend

Strong verb : he assisted my friend

So, he gave assistance should become he assisted. Sentence assintance is a noun, for a better way to
write this sentence.

Weak : made an objection.

Verb noun

to make it strong, get rid of “made” and turn objection into its verbal form objected, because objected is
better. So, for the strong verb is “ objected “

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