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The Pre-Nicene Ekklesia

Training for the Priesthood

The Major Orders

Re edited from an original document
Tau Cephas©
Training for the Priesthood



The degree of sub-deaconate is the time when the candidate is able to

recapitulate the teaching of the minor orders, to review progress and
development, and to assess whether or not the priesthood is their true
vocation. It will be a time of preparation for the greater orders of deacon
and priest, when serious thought is to be given to the qualities and gifts
held by the candidate and those areas where further work and
development is required.

The following recaps the steps taken in the Minor Orders with the
symbols presented at each stage.

Cleric (White Robe) Preliminary step.

Intention to give up worldly attachments.
Body the temple of the Living God to be
kept healthy and used in harmony and

DOORKEEPER (Key) Key to heart. Control of Emotions.

READER (Book) Development of mental capacity, control

of thought.
Seeing the good in others.

HEALER (Mortar & Pestle) Discrimination to choose only those

things that are of the Spirit and avoid the
worldly practices that build up negative

ACOLYTE Empty self, sacrifice.

(Empty Cruet & Candle) Intuitive capacity to kindle divine love
and wisdom, to help others

Within the Sub-Deaconate the requirement is to know and understand the
import of the disciplines of the Minor Orders: the necessity of control of
the personality through the physical, emotional and mental vehicles, and
an understanding of the intuition are the pre-requisites. These then have
to be taken a step further, to cultivate a deeper understanding of these
qualities in order that guidance may be given to others. By the application
of the discipline required to enable the soul to express its self through the
personality, the fruits of this work will become apparent, thus giving to
the candidate confidence in the spiritual laws. Joy in service should
become a characteristic that is cultivated – it is not just a duty that is
being carried out, but a service given in love for the people.

Within this grade of probation for the greater orders of the deaconate and
priesthood, the candidate should receive greater strength and steadfastness
of purpose to dedicate their lives to Christ and the service of His people.
The responsibilities of the priesthood are great and the orders should not
be entered into lightly or unadvisedly – it is a solemn undertaking.

The sub-deacon traditionally provided water for the service of the altar,
ministered to the deacon, washed the altar cloths and corporals, to present
to the deacon the chalice and paten to be used at the sacrifice, guarded the
church doors or the gates of the sanctuary, and read the epistles before the
people. It is important to willing fulfil with neatness and diligence such
of these visible ministries, showing reverence for the invisible things they
may be said to typify. It will be noted that these recapitulate the various
stages of the Minor Orders and therefore the Sub-Deacon is expected to
embody the requirements of these orders. During the ordination to
Sub-Deaconate the candidate handed an empty chalice and paten, cruets
and lavabo bowl with towel.

The altar represents the throne of Christ, and those who minister before it
should walk circumspectly and realise the honour laid on them of its
guardianship. The sub-deacon is a watchful sentinel of the heavenly
warfare that, by detachment and discernment, virtue will grow. By
striving to follow the pattern of our divine Master, one is enabled to
minister effectively at the divine sacrifice - in the invisible sanctuary of
the heart as in the visible sanctuary of holy church.

The requirement of those who enter this order is that they strive to acquire
certain virtues of character, such as are typified by the vestments
delivered unto them.
By the amice, control of speech; by the maniple, the love of service or
diligence in all good works; by the tunicle, the spirit of joy and gladness,
or freedom from care and depression, that is to say, confidence in the
good law, which may be interpreted as a recognition of the plan revealed
by almighty God for the perfecting of his creation.

Write a paper to answer the following questions:

What do you understand the different degrees of the Minor Orders to be?

How are they applicable to daily life, and the ministry to which you

What specifically has been helpful to you, and what do you need to
cultivate further?

How would you teach the spiritual discipline to others?

Explain your understanding of the ministry of Priesthood.

Additional Reading:

The Nag Hammadi Library

The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
Pistis Sophia
The Divine Pomander of Hermes Trismegistus
Gerald Massey’s Lectures


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