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Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn (H∴O∴G∴M+R∴), also known as Aurora Nascente in Hyperborea, constitutes the very
basic activity of our brotherhood by administering a fully authorized Mother Temple in Sweden that provides initiatory teaching
and training. This Mother Temple has also attached to itself a Nordic College of Adepts. The Hermetic Order of the Dawning
Redness and its Mother Temple constitute the First or Outer Order. The College of Adepts constitutes the Second or Inner Order
which in turn forms the link to the Third Order, whose true name is hidden from the outer world. Even the name of our Inner
Order is known only to our initiates. However, we leave it unsaid whether our Order has such a connection with a "Third Order"
or not. Unlike many other orders, we do not consider the issue of "Secret Leaders" to be a matter for the external and profane

The Order's official seal

"The Third Order" is an accepted designation (deck name) within the Golden Dawn tradition of a Hermetic Brotherhood with
many thousand years of tradition and continuous operational activity, with roots in Chaldea and Egypt, and which during the
Hellenistic era spread further to Greece and later to the Apennines peninsula (Roman Empire). By some modern Rosicrucian
writers it has been referred to as "The Great White Brotherhood". Since the days of Late Antiquity, this brotherhood has been
active throughout the European continent and since the Renaissance has been behind various forms of external instruments in
the form of Hermetic and Rosicrucian organizations, such as the Italian and German Golden Rosicrucians ( Rosae et Aureae
Crucis) in the 16th–18th centuries and the Italian and French Egyptian Freemasonry (also known as the Rite of Misraïm) in the
18th and 19th centuries.

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Rosicrucian Temple



Fraternitate Rosae et Aureae Crucis (R. et AC) is the oldest known Rosicrucian organization whose documented existence
extends as far as the year 1580 and in Italy. R. et AC was a loosely composed organization active in several European countries
besides Italy, such as in France, Germany and Sweden. It has become best known to posterity in Germany in the 18th century
through die Gold und Rosenkreutzes ("The Golden Rosicrucians"). In this later version, the brotherhood carried out a general
reformation in 1777 that merged the Rosicrucian tradition with Freemasonry and henceforth called it  Gold und Rosenkreutz des
alten Systems . It was also this German branch of R. et AC that was eventually transferred to Sweden.

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Gold and Rosenkreutz Order

From Gold und Rosenkreutz crystallized another important Masonic organization that has strongly influenced the modern
Rosicrucian tradition, called the Asian Brethren (short form for "Evengelist St. Johannes Bröder in Asia and Europe"), originally
known as Fratres Lucis (short form for "Ritter und Bruder des Lichts”). The most important contribution that came out of this
society was its ability to channel and present in a Hermetic form the Qabalistic tradition created by Isaac Luria (1534–1572) in
the later 16th century, and further developed through Nathan of Gaza (1643–1680) and Sabbathai Zevi (1626–1676) around
1666, as well as in Poland and through Jacob Frank (1726–1791) in the mid-18th century.

Jacob Frank

Within the specific Golden Dawn (G∴D∴) tradition, three generations of Adepts can be seen who have been behind or enabled the
activation of the three different Orders that are today attributed to or recognized by the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness,
namely Kenneth MacKenzie in a first generation (First Order), Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers in a second (Second Order),
and Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David John Griffin in a third (Third Order). These three generations of Adepts have served as
pavers, mediators and channels for each of these three levels within the G∴D∴.

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H∴O∴G∴D∴ seal in original


The English Adept Kenneth MacKenzie (1833–1886) was initiated into the Hermetic tradition by an emissary from the Third
Order, the Hungarian Count Apponyi, to whom MacKenzie referred as a "Rosicrucian Adept". This inauguration took place in
Austria, a nation saturated with several operative Rosicrucian Lodges at this time, i.a. belonging to Gold und Rosenkreutz and
Asiatic Brothers ( Fratres Lucis) . Another important Rosicrucian Lodge particularly active during this time was the Loge sur
Aufgehenden Morgenröthe , whose Hebrew name was Chevrah Zerach Bequr Aur and to which Count Apponyi was attached, in
addition to Gold und Rosenkreutz .

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Kenneth McKenzie

Loge sur Aufgehenden Morgenröthe ("Dawning Morning Redness"), which early on was also known as L'Aurore Naissante , was
a Masonic Lodge in Frankfurt-am-Main which, like the Asiatic Brothers, allowed Jews in its membership. The founders of this
Lodge Gryende Morgonrodnaden were members of the Asiatic Brethren and therefore this too took a Hermetic-Qabalistic form
so typical of the German Rosicrucian tradition at this time, and it was also in this tradition that Kenneth MacKenzie was initiated
and cast. This German Lodge is traditionally considered to constitute Temple No. 1 in G∴D∴.

Cipher from Trithemius Polygraphiae

With him from these Austrian inaugurations, MacKenzie had, among other things, with him a manuscript written in a cipher that
used a key taken from Trithemius Polygraphiae , which today is referred to as the "Cipher Manuscripts". These manuscripts laid
the foundation for a new Order within this Hermetic Qabalistic tradition which in the text has been given the Hebrew name
Chevrah Zerach Aur Bequr . Once back home, MacKenzie founded a society he called Fratres Lucis , to which the circle "The
Society of Eight" in London was connected. MacKenzie founded another circle in Bristol, led by Major FG Irwing (1828–1892).
This English society is traditionally considered to constitute Temple No. 2 of G∴D∴.

The first leaf of the cipher manuscript


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Kenneth MacKenzie was a personal friend of both Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854–1918) and Dr. William Wynn
Westcott (1848–1925), and after MacKenzie's death the Ciffer manuscripts were handed to Westcott who, with MacGregor
Mathers, developed the notes therein into full rituals in 1887. The following year, SL MacGregor Mathers, WW Westcott and Dr.
William Robert Woodman (1828–1891) Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a name which became the English translation of
the Hebrew "Chevrah Zerach Bequr Aur" and the German "Loge sur Aufgehenden Morgenröthe". The Temple thus founded in
1888 was Isis-Urania Temple No. 3, which was a direct reference to MacKenzie's Fratres Lucisand that Golden Dawn was in fact
a continuation of this. This was also the year of a general reformation according to the traditional Rosicrucian cycle of 111 years.

Privilege letter for the Isis-Urania Temple

All three of the founders, like Kenneth MacKenzie, were members of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), an order
opened in London in 1867 by Robert Wentworth Little (1840–1878) after he had been initiated into the Societas Rosicruciana in
Scotia , which in turn was founded some or a few decades earlier in Scotland. The origin of this organization is very obscure but
the fact is that they use the same degree system and titles as Gold und Rosenkreutz, information which, however, was already
public due to German publication. Therefore one must assume this word as inspired by rather than derived from the German
version. After Little's death, Woodman became the Supreme Magus of the SRIA, and after Woodman's death, Westcott took over
this office.

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Robert Wentworth Little

The influences from the SRIA to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn are quite substantial when it comes to the
administration of the Order, for example in the name of the Degrees, the division of three Orders, the use of a "Vault of the
Adepts", etc. But the fact that both Woodman and especially Westcott was both Supreme Magi and also Adepti Exempti (7°=4°),
the latter constituting a controlling Degree within the Golden Dawn tradition and which gives the respective a legitimate right to
found a Temple, one can also argue the reverse; that the SRIA received a specific and legitimate descent from the G∴D∴. Westcott
in particular brought certain typical Golden Dawn related teachings to the SRIA and its rituals. But the first impulse came from
the SRIA to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

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Westcott as Supreme Magus in SRIA

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In 1888, only the Outer or First Order had been founded thereby, that which constitutes the actual Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn (H∴O∴G∴D∴), from the Neophyte degree (0°=0°) to the Philosopher (4°=7 °). No operative Second Order existed initially,
beyond what is today called the "Portal to the Vault of Adepts", at least not until MacGregor Mathers again met an emissary from
the Third Order in Paris in 1891, to which MacGregor Mathers referred as "Lux ex Tenebris”. This "Secret Leader" gave
MacGregor Mathers all the material he needed to lay the foundation for the operational activities of the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et
Aureae Crucis or RR et AC, which was implemented the following year in the form of the Grade Adeptus Minor (5°=6°).

SL MacGregor Mathers

In 1900, Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 and its Adepts from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and continued under the name
Hermetic Order of the Morgenröthe, renouncing all connections with SL MacGregor Mathers. In 1903, the latter Order
underwent a schism, one group of which gathered around Dr. RW Felkin (1853–1926) under the name Stella Matutina, which
continued the Golden Dawn tradition in a largely intact form. WW Westcott took no part in the revolt against MacGregor
Mathers but does not appear to have initially actively opposed it either.

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Dr. RW Felkin

Arthur Edward Waite (1857–1942) now assumed control of Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 and formed the Holy Order of the Golden
Dawn in 1903, which later developed into the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross (FRC) in 1915 which was active until 1942. At that
time the FRC had several members from the SRIA (not least Waite himself who joined SRIA 1902), which meant that the lineage
of the FRC (and Isis-Urania Temple No. 3) survived within a special college of high-ranking members of the SRIA Later, in 1968,
the FRC was revived by these Fratres under the leadership of their Supreme Magus WR Semken, also Waite's estate owner , and
is still active today.

AE Waite


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Between 1910–14, RW Felkin maintained contact with Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) and his unique German Misraïm system
which he called the Misraim-Dienst (Misraim Service), which originally constituted the Ordo Templi Orientis-affiliated Lodge
Mystica Aeterna in Berlin . During these years the Misraim service formed part of the esoteric section of the Theosophical
Society in Germany. In 1906 Steiner had obtained a letter of privilege from Theodor Reuss to work with this esoteric Masonic
system and reformed it from 97 to 9 degrees, which by Felkin came to correspond with G∴D∴ as follows: I° with the entire Outer
Order (ie 1°= 10° to 4°=7°), Portal to the Vault of Adepts with II°, 5°=6° with III° , 6°=5° with IV°, 7 °=4° with V°, 8 °=3° with
VI°, etc. RW Felkin soon claimed to have obtained the Magister Templi 8 °=3° Degree through the VI° of Misrim service and his
wife Harriet Felkin claimed the Adeptus Exemptus 7 °=4° Degree through Steiner's V°.

Rudolph Steiner

Thus the Theosophical OTO formed the Misraim-Dienst/Mystica Aeterna Stella Matutina "Third Order", which had nothing to
do with the Third Order which constituted the Hermetic Order of G∴D∴ and the Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ through SL
MacGregor Mathers person. However, it must be made clear here that from Theodor Reuss and his predecessor Carl Kellner
(1851–1905) , as founders of the OTO, it is possible to trace a descent in direct descending lines to the Asiatic Brothers ( Fratres
Lucis ) through Max Théon (1848–1927) ) and ultimately to Paschal Beverly Randolph (1825–1875) and the enigmatic Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light. This was the same occult trend that was behind the founding of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (HB of
L.) in England in 1884.

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Paschal Beverly Randolph

In 1906 MacGregor Mathers began using the name Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega (A∴O∴), although the new name was in
some cases used in parallel with the old "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn", and by that time he had developed the system
further to include the Adeptus Major (6°=5°) and Adeptus Exemptus (7°=4°) Degrees operationally and initiatory. Realizing that
Alpha Omega was a direct and uninterrupted continuation of the H∴O∴G∴D∴, Westcott, who had initially stayed out of all strife
within the Order, eventually chose to return to active membership in MacGregor Mather's Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴. However,
the untimely death of MacGregor Mathers in 1918 meant that the Order's initiatory system was never completed beyond the
Adeptus Exemptus. John William Brodie-Innes (1848–1923) was appointed by MacGregor Mathers to take over the Order's
highest office, Archon Basileus, but in practice ruled over the A∴O∴ together with MacGregor Mathers' widow Moïna Mathers
(1865–1928). After a few decades, the Order began to slowly transition into an increasingly inactive phase.

GW MacGregor Reid
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MacGregor Reid (1862?–1946) as a hybrid between the
Golden Dawn and the Druidic tradition, who practiced Golden Dawn rituals (both Outer and Inner Orders) alongside Celtic
rituals in Chapman, London. MacGregor Reid had initiated this synthesis over a decade earlier with SL MacGregor Mathers after
founding An Uileach Druidh Braithreachas (The Druid Universal Bond) and giving SL MacGregor Mathers the title of Arch- 11/39
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Druid. The latter gave GW Reid the title "MacGregor" as the fruit of this collaboration together with the Grade Adeptus Exemptus
(7°=4°) and thus the right to found Temples and make Grades within the tradition of the Golden Dawn. MacGregor Reid's
personal secretary was also initiated into the G∴D∴/A∴O∴ of the Grade Adeptus Minor 5°=6°.

Paul Foster Case



In 1922 two new schismatic orders were formed from the Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴, the Builders of the Adytum (B∴O∴T∴A∴) in
America founded by Paul Foster Case (1884–1954) and the Fraternity of the Inner Light in England founded by Violet Firth
(1890–1946), better known by her pseudonym "Dion Fortune". Both had been expelled by Moïna Mathers after they had been
admitted to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6°. Case had at the time been installed as First Adept of the Second Order in America. After
his death, Ann Davies (1912–1975) took over as "Prolocutor General" of the B∴O∴T∴A∴. Within the framework of the Builders of
the Adytum and its predecessor the School of Ageless Wisdom, PF Case produced a wealth of teaching material of the highest
quality in correspondence form, mostly covering the Hermetic qabalah and Tarot.

Dion Fortune

The Fraternity of the Inner Light had initially been created in Moïna Mather's good memory as an outer court of the Rosicrucian
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her own Secret Leaders on the the inner plane. After the break with the A∴O∴, Fortune instead began collaborating with Hermes
Temple No. 28 in Bristol, the only remaining English Temple in Stella Matutina. In 1965 Walter Ernest Butler (1898–1978), a
senior member of the Fraternity of the Inner Light, founded his own occult school called Servants of the Light (SOL) which 12/39
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developed the British Occult Tradition further in a magical direction after its predecessor had adopted a more mystical
orientation. In 1978, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (1929–) took over management of SOL

Dr. Israel Regardie

In 1933, Israel Regardie (1907–1985) was dedicated to Stella Matutina's only remaining Temple in Great Britain, the Temple of
Hermes in Bristol. According to the affidavit, Dion Fortune was present at his admission. Barely two years later, Regardie was
admitted to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree and the Second Order of the Temple of Hermes. Between the years 1937 and 1940,
he chose to publish the main part of all the documents he had had access to up to the Degree of Adeptus Minor in the now classic
work The Golden Dawn: An account of the teachings, rites, and ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In the
wake of Regardie's publication and in the shadow of World War II, the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega, led by Dr. WE
Carnegie-Dickson (d. 1954) and Maiya Tranchell Hayes (d. 1949), to wind up their business. Later in the 1950s, a collaboration
began between what little was left of Alpha Omega and Stella Matutina, with the Hermes Temple in Bristol as a common base
and Carnegie-Dickson as leader. However, the Temple of Hermes ceased all operations in 1972, and with it the Temple Flame of
Alpha Omega was extinguished. However, one remaining Stella Matutina Temple in New Zealand, Whare Ra, continued to
operate until 1978 when this Temple also closed its doors permanently.

The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie


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Whare Ra was actually an alternative and later more commonly used name for Smaragdum Thalasse's Temple No. 49, which had
been founded by Dr. RW Felkin as early as 1912 in the Hastings suburb of Havelock North at Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.
Although the Temple had closed in 1978 after a long period of inactivity, various sub-groupings scattered across New Zealand
continued to work with the tradition of the Order with varying emphasis. One of these operative groups was led by Whare Ra
Temple's last Daemonstrator (the official who in Stella Matutina was responsible for teaching in the Temple) Frank Salt (1917–
1994), who was also an Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4° through the hand of the Felkin family and had also served the Temple as
Cancellarius (archivist). Salt was initiated as a Neophyte in Stella Matutina as early as 1936 and got to experience the Order's
most creative phase in New Zealand. As a Daemonstrator, he produced a number of written lectures of a very high quality. Salt's
group was active well into the 1980s and performed regular initiations from 0°=0° to 7°=4°. One of those who have received
Salt's initiations and oral teachings throughout the system is the Englishman Tony Fuller (1948–), a legitimate Adeptus
Exemptus and recognized G∴D∴ (S∴M∴ and A∴O∴) historian writing under the pseudonym ' Anthony Fleming'.

Frank Salt

Another famous writer in the Golden Dawn tradition is the Australian Patrick Zalewski (1948–) who in 1979 came into contact
with Jack Taylor, a former Hierophant of the Whare Ra Temple and Adeptus Exemptus, who at the time led the Order of the
Table Round (OTR) and taught self-initiate Pat Zalewski the Whare Ra's oral teachings and initiated him into 6°=5° and 7°=4°.
Based on this teaching, Pat Zalewski has published a number of books on the subject, further developing the Golden Dawn
tradition on his own and Taylor's personal research into OTR. In particular, Zalewski's writings regarding Golden Dawn
initiation rituals and his own in-depth analyzes of these have had a major impact in the entire Golden Dawn community,
including in Sweden, since they were published in the 1990s. He also founded Thoth-Hermes Temple No.

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Pat Zalewski
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One of England's more famous occultists Madeline Montalban (d. 1982) founded in 1956 a society she called the Order of the
Morning Star, or Ordo Stella Matutina (which should not be confused with Felkin's Stella Matutina) which still exists today. In
this Order, Desmond Bourke (1918–2005) advanced to the degree of Adeptus Maximus, while as a high dignitary within the
British Druid movement he also possessed a genuine Alpha Omega lineage as 7°=4° through GW MacGregor Reid, which was
transmitted to him from the son Dr. Robert AF MacGregor Reid. Bourke was also a Magus (IX°) of the SRIA and active in its later
version of the Waites Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, where he received the Degree of Magister Templi (8°=3°) immediately upon
admission in recognition of his combined origins within the Golden Dawn's tradition.

Madeline Montalban

In the early 1960s, Countess Tamara Bourkoun (1911–1990) founded an Order that worked with the initiatory and magical
systems of the Golden Dawn, loosely based on Israel Regardie's books and personal correspondence, which she called the Order
of the Pyramid and the Sphinx (O.P+S ). Eventually a genuine Alpha Omega (and Golden Dawn) lineage was passed down to
Countess Bourkoun who descended from Miss Tranchell Hayes, who was Imperatrix of Alpha Omega, mediated through an
English Masonic Lodge which also contained members of Stella Matutina and Waites Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. Bourkoun
was also an official representative of and member of L'Eglise Universelle de la Nouvelle Alliance (EUNA) founded by Roger Caro
(1911–1992), Imperator of the Frères Aînés de la Rose+Croix(FAR+C). Two important members of O.P+S in the late 1970s were
Marquis Nicholas Tereschenko (1920–2001) and Jean-Pascal Ruggiu (1954–), the latter also initiated into the alchemical
tradition according to FAR+C.

Jean-Pascal Ruggiu

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he was its Imperator until 1986. Together with his brother of the Order in the O.P+S, Nicholas Tereschenko (who was also the
Adeptus Maximus in Montalban's Order of the Morning Star), in 1992 Ruggiu resurrected MacGregor Mather's old Ahathôor
Temple No. 7, which was the original Mother Temple of the Alpha Omega Order, after a trip to Bristol, England, where they both 15/39
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met Robert Andrew Gilbert (1942–), SRIA archivist and one of the most respected scholars of Golden Dawn history, and from
him received the Ahathôor -the temple's old meeting minutes. Ruggiu and Tereschenko were initiated as Adeptus Exemptus in
1993 in the Serapis Temple in London. During this promotion, Apollon Leontas was Imperator and Desmond Bourke
Praemonstrator of Serapis Temple of the Ancient Magical Order of the Golden Dawn, the latter transferring through his person
legitimate lineages from Stella Matutina, Alpha Omega and AE Waites Fellowship of the Rosy Cross to Adepti Exempti
Tereschenko and Ruggiu. With them to Paris they also brought with them a formal authorization to operate the newly revived
Ahathôor Temple within the framework of Ordre Rosicrucien de l'Alpha et Omega .

Nicholas Tereschenko


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Alongside Nicholas Tereschenko and Jean-Pascal Ruggiu, the American Robert Word also received the 7°=4° Degree of Adeptus
Exemptus in the Temple of Serapis, the Degree within the Golden Dawn tradition that authorizes the Adept to be able to found a
Temple within the tradition. With this Degree also comes older Rosicrucian esoteric transmissions from Gold und Rosenkreutz ,
Asiatiske Bröderne and Sigismund Bacstrom's Societas Rosae Crucis. With this authorization, Robert Word thus founded a new
Order in America which called itself the August Order of the Mystic Rose (AOMR). This Order was affiliated with Ahatoor
Temple No. 7 in Paris and acted as its representative in the New World. It should also be noted here that Word also possessed a
minor lineage to the Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴, through the Builders of the Adytum (B∴O∴T∴A∴) and Ann Davies who admitted
him to the 5°=6° Degree of Adeptus Minor, which in turn had received this Degree from Paul Foster Case, who himself received it
in 1921 during his time in Thoth-Hermes Temple No. 9 of the A∴O∴.

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The Golden Dawn from 1969

In the wake of a new edition of Israel Regardie's book The Golden Dawn in 1969, the Anglo-Saxon world saw a renaissance in the
Golden Dawn tradition. The 1970s saw a new generation of solo magicians and self-styled Adepts within this tradition and
Regardie corresponded with a number of them. Towards the end of the 1970s, Regardie took on a woman who called herself Cris
Monnastre as his personal disciple and gave her personal instruction in the magical system of the Golden Dawn. In 1982
Regardie consecrated a newly built Vault of the Adepts, constructed by Chic Cicero (1936–) in Florida following instructions in
Regardie's The Golden Dawn, and in this he initiated two candidates for the Adeptus Minor, his disciple Cris Monnastre and one
Adam Forrest. In the same year, Cris Monnastre together with Laura Jennings (1938–) founded the Osiris Khenti-Amenti
Temple in Los Angeles, under the direct supervision and guidance of Israel Regardie, and with this the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn was revived in the United States.

Chic Cicero's Vault in Florida

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In 1992, David Griffin (1955–) was initiated into the Osiris Khenti-Amenti Temple and underwent the entire Outer Order
initiatory process under Monnastre's personal guidance. In 1994, Griffin was initiated into Adeptus Minor in the same Vault in
Florida that 12 years earlier had been consecrated by Israel Regardie. In the same year, Cris Monnastre authorized Griffin to
found the first Swedish Temple within the Golden Dawn tradition, the Isis-Nuit Temple in Stockholm belonging to the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn. During this time Robert Word of AOMR had also come to affiliate with the Osiris Khenti-Amenti
Temple in Los Angeles, and with his letter of recommendation David Griffin came into contact with Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and
Nicholas Tereschenko in Paris in 1997. This meeting resulted in also the Isis-Nuit Temple became part of the Rosicrucian Order
of Alpha et Omega, which now received the number No. 8 assigned to him. In connection with this, David Griffin was promoted
to Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4° Degree; with this, the Rosicrucian transfers listed above were also imported to Sweden.

David Griffin

In the same year that the Golden Dawn in Sweden became the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega (R∴O∴A∴O∴), David Griffin
authorized another Temple in Sweden to be founded by Tomas Stacewicz (1965–), which had been taken up in Isis-Nuit Temple
and Neophyte 0°=0° Degree during the month of February, 1995. Stacewicz had since 1993 been a member of the B∴O∴T∴A∴,
something he would continue to be throughout his initiatory process through the Outer Orders until he 1999 became a Lord of
the Portals; PF Case's correspondence courses would prove a good complement to the traditional study material of the
G∴D∴/A∴O∴. Stacewicz's new Temple, which he himself named Thoth Ter Maximus as active in western Sweden, became the
ninth in descending order to Ahatôor Temple No. 7; it eventually became officially known as Alpha et Omega Temple No. 9 of
Gryende Morgonradnaden. During the previous two years that Stacewicz had been active in the Order, he had gone monthly to
the Isis-Nuit Temple in Stockholm to attend as an official and receive oral instruction in the practice of ceremonial magic. During
1996 a senior member of SOL and personal friend of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki acted as Hierophant in the Isis-Nuit Temple and
under his scepter secret formulas for astral work in the Hall of Neophytes and the formulation of a Temple "not made by hands"
were orally imparted. In 1998, when the Swedish Alpha et Omega Order was sanctified by Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and Tomas
Stacewicz was installed as its Imperator, oral instructions were given to produce the secret fire and the alchemical Salt, the first
step in the wet path of alchemy used to be The The Red Dragon according to the tradition in F.

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Tomas Stacewicz



In 1999, the two Temples in Sweden and the Ahathoor Temple in Paris, as well as the AOMR in America, carried out a general
reformation exactly 111 years after the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The reformation meant that much of
the Theurgical material reserved for Adepts since the 1888 reformation was now also available and requested by members of the
Outer Orders; The Golden Dawn in the Outer now became a magical training Order which prepared the member for the reformed
version of RR et AC, which now included operative work with elements of the older German Rosicrucian alchemical traditions as
well as the French FAR+C. A milestone in the Order's Swedish jurisdiction was the establishment of the first Swedish college of
Adepts. The year 2002 saw a number of aspirants who had waited long enough as Lords of the Portals. The Very Venerable
Leaders of the Second Order, Adepti Exempti Jean-Pascal Ruggiu, Robert Word and David Griffin decided to gather for an
annual and traditional celebration of Corpus Christi in June of the same year, on location in Stockholm. Tomas Stacewicz
undertook the task of making a Vault of the Adepts, which was assembled in Stockholm and duly consecrated by Ruggiu, Word
and Griffin. During this Convocation of the Adepts, Tomas Stacewicz, together with several aspirants from Sweden, France and
America, were admitted to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree, after which they were instructed by Ruggiu in a secret Rosicrucian
alchemical process to create a Tomas Stacewicz undertook the task of making a Vault of the Adepts, which was assembled in
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Adepts, Tomas Stacewicz, together
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with several aspirants from Sweden, France and America, were admitted to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree, after which they
were instructed by Ruggiu in a secret Rosicrucian alchemical process to create a Tomas Stacewicz undertook the task of making a
Vault of the Adepts, which was assembled in Stockholm and duly consecrated by Ruggiu, Word and Griffin. During this 19/39
3/11/23, 11:21 AM Ancestry | Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn

Convocation of the Adepts, Tomas Stacewicz, together with several aspirants from Sweden, France and America, were admitted
to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree, after which they were instructed by Ruggiu in a secret Rosicrucian alchemical process to
create aaurum potabile (potable gold). This was a singularly historic occasion; never before had a Convocation of Adepts
gathered these Adepti Exempti on one occasion, an event that would never be repeated again.

The Mountain of Initiation

The year 2002 saw another milestone in the history of the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega. Exactly 111 years after MacGregor
Mathers had met a representative of the Continental Brotherhood he referred to as the "Third Order", a meeting of what was
believed to be the same Third Order was called again in Paris, with a representative who once again introduced himself as "Lux
ex Tenebris” for David Griffin and Jean-Pascal Ruggiu. The Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega had now come full circle and
now regained its direct authorization of the original source of the Rosicrucian tradition. As part of this, the Second Order was
now formally made a forecourt to the Third Order. However, it would take another seven years before the College of Adepts
would gather in a new Convocation, this time in Paris, to promote Tomas Stacewicz to the next Degree, that of the Adeptus Major
6°=5°. Officiating Adepts this time were, among others, Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David Griffin. Three years later, Stacewicz
joined thePahrump, Nevada, to complete his initiatory cycle in the Second Order and be promoted to the Adeptus Exemptus
7°=4° Degree. Since David Griffin had by then developed new and reformed promotion ceremonies for both the 6°=5° and 7°=4°
Degrees, revision work that had taken place at the initiative of the Third Order and Lux ​ex Tenebris, Tomas Stacewicz was the
first person ever to go through both ceremonies again on one and the same occasion, in the same Vault which he himself had
constructed and was now permanently set up in America.

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Vault of the Adepts in Nevada



The Hermetic Order of the Dawn is a direct descendant of the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega, a completely autonomous
body which, under the leadership of Tomas Stacewicz, administers a Swedish Mother Temple, the only one of its kind in the
Nordic region (Hyperborea). Through his initiations, which culminated in 2012 with the obtaining of the Adeptus Exemptus
7°=4° Degree, in the person of Tomas Stacewicz, an authority and authorization has been gathered to independently found and
dismantle Temples in the First Order and independently lead a College of Adepts in the Second Order; a right to admit and
promote all suitable candidates regardless of gender through all the Degrees of the First and Second Orders, from 0°=0° to 7°=4°
in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (G∴D∴) and the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega (A∴O∴). With this authority,
Stacewicz has permanently closed and dismantled the former Alpha et Omega Temple No. 9 of Gryende Morgonrodnaden as
forming part of the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega, and thus instead opened and founded a completely new independent
Mother Temple in an independent Outer or First Order. The Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness, which has thus received
all the initiatory lineages to authorize its independence and status as a separate order, today offers an initiation path in the
magical arts and in addition teaches the highest and original Hermetic tradition and trains the initiates in the Inner Alchemy's
operative practice – to find through the Great Work the Quintessence, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom, Perfect Happiness,
the SUMMUM BONUM. 9 of Gryende Morgonrodnaden as forming part of the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega, and thus
instead opened and founded a completely new independent Mother Temple in an independent Outer or First Order. The
Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness, which has thus received all the initiatory lineages to authorize its independence and
status as a separate order, today offers an initiation path in the magical arts and in addition teaches the highest and original
Hermetic tradition and trains the initiates in the Inner Alchemy's operative practice – to find through the Great Work the
Quintessence, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom, Perfect Happiness, the SUMMUM BONUM. 9 of Gryende
Morgonrodnaden as forming part of the Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega, and thus instead opened and founded a completely
new independent Mother Temple in an independent Outer or First Order. The Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness, which
has thus received all the initiatory lineages to authorize its independence and status as a separate order, today offers an initiation
path in the magical arts and in addition teaches the highest and original Hermetic tradition and trains the initiates in the Inner
Alchemy's operative practice – to find through the Great Work the Quintessence, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom, Perfect
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Happiness, the SUMMUM BONUM. and thus instead opened and founded a completely new independent Mother Temple in an
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independent Outer or First Order. The Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness, which has thus received all the initiatory
lineages to authorize its independence and status as a separate order, today offers an initiation path in the magical arts and in
addition teaches the highest and original Hermetic tradition and trains the initiates in the Inner Alchemy's operative practice – 21/39
3/11/23, 11:21 AM Ancestry | Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn

to find through the Great Work the Quintessence, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom, Perfect Happiness, the SUMMUM
BONUM. and thus instead opened and founded a completely new independent Mother Temple in an independent Outer or First
Order. The Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn, which has thus received all the initiatory lineages to authorize its
independence and status as a separate Order, today offers an initiation path in the magical arts and in addition teaches the
highest and original Hermetic tradition and trains the initiates in the Inner Alchemy's operative practice – to find through the
Great Work the Quintessence, the Philosopher's Stone, True Wisdom, Perfect Happiness, the SUMMUM BONUM.

*The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn split in 1900 and both phalanxes called themselves by the same name for the next few
years. The original group (founded in 1888) changed the name "Golden Dawn" to "Alpha Omega" in 1906 and represented the
original Order. The schismatic group Hermetic Order of the Morgenröthe, which operated clandestinely and without
authorization, only changed to this newer name in 1902. In 1903, AE Waite took over leadership of the Hermetic Order of the
Morgenröthe from Dr. RW Felkin and used this name for a few years until he reformed the Order and renamed it "Holy Order of
the Golden Dawn" or "Independent and Rectified Rite". The Adepts who accompanied Felkin were gathered under the name
"Stella Matutina".

A red rectangle marks the place of the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness on this family tree, as being an offshoot of the
Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega.

"Direct descent" (solid arrow) means a group formed on a regular or authentic basis, by someone initiated with the privilege or
dispensation to do so from a previously derived organization. "Esoteric transmission" (broken or dashed arrow) refers to a group
that has received a recorded and oral tradition from an initiate who does not formally have the privilege or dispensation from the
parent organization to found or transmit it. In unclear cases where the esoteric transmission must be considered obscure or
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It must also be observed that the lineages that converge at Hermes Temple No. 28 in Bristol has come through different phases of
the Temple's 56-year history. It was originally sanctioned by Stella Matutina in 1916 and as an addition received its Alpha Omega
lineage ca. 40 years later, i.e. roughly 20 years after Israel Regardie had been initiated into the Temple. Thus, there is no descent 22/39
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from the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega through Regardie to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded by him in
1982 in America. Thus, this broken line (shown in red) from Hermes to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn can be
somewhat misleading.

One "?" with a solid line is added the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness only to clarify that our Mother Temple holds
Hermetic lineages and authorizations of an essential nature not known to the outer world. These will forever be hidden from the
public to have any knowledge of and also be unknown to our members until they have reached a sufficient seniority in our Order.

The lineages charted in the family tree represent those who have come to the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness through
the provision of the continental Rosicrucian Order, Alpha et Omega, during a time when H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ constituted a Nordic
Jurisdiction to the R∴O∴A∴O∴ and these were made public; these thus constitute "exoteric" origins which, however, are good
enough in themselves. In connection with and after the Hyperborean H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ has detached itself from the international
mother organization, it has independently acquired secret or "esoteric" origins which will never be the subject of such a public
account and mapping as the one reported above.

On an analysis of the above text it appears clear that one character in particular in the drama is a key figure in the transference of
descent from SL MacGregor Mathers and his Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ to the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness, namely
Desmond Bourke . This has come through George Watson MacGregor Reid and the Golden Dawn druid hybrid Nauda Temple, as
mentioned and described in Ithell Colquhoun's eminent MacGregor Mathers biography  Sword of Wisdom(1975). Ithell
Colquhoun (1906–1988) was a practicing occultist in the Golden Dawn tradition and a prominent member of Tamara Bourkoun's
O.P+S. What is interesting about Colquhoun and what makes her so credible as a source is that she was the cousin of Edward
John Langford Garstin (1893–1955), one of the leaders of the Temple of Isis founded by Moïna Mathers, and was herself under
his tutelage. This fact places Colquhoun closer to the highest hierarchy of the Rosicrucian Order of the A∴O∴ (which was the only
authentic continuity of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) than any other modern or postmodern writer on the history of
the Golden Dawn. This is what she wrote in her Sword of Wisdom about these conditions (on pages 117-128 & 246):

Mystified by certain similarities in structure and wording between the Druid rituals and those of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, I once asked Dr. Robert AF MacGregor Reid, late Chosen Chief of An Uileach Druidh Braithreachas (= The
Druid Universal Bond) what connection there was between the two fraternities. He replied: 'Doesn't it occur to you that the
Druid Order is the survivor of the Golden Dawn?' Later he passed on to me the rumor of a more intriguing survival, that of 'a
very strict GD Lodge [Nauda Temple] in the Regent's Park area working in the manner of the Jesuits', although he was unable
to discover more about it.

This Temple [Nauda] operated in Clapham, SW4, and a photograph of its interior exists (or until recently existed) showing
the Hierophant's Throne, the Altar and the Two Pillars. Ariovistus [Robert AF MacGregor Reid] told me that 'the Sanctuary',
which I gathered was another structure within the temple, was then in the possession of a Unitarian minister unwilling to
surrender it. Was this Sanctuary a Vault of the Adepts, on the orthodox GD model, for the use of Nauda's Second Order

A Vault was housed [by Nauda] (though not used since the 1930's) at Narbonne Road, SE, until some twenty years later at

GW MacGregor Reid was the Archbishop of a Universalist (Culdee) Church with which Nauda had a close connection, both
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On the occasion of the GD Schism of 1900, according to Amenophis, the Grove of Mount Haemus [An Uileach Druidh
Braithreachas] stood aside from controversy in an attempt to avoid the consequent dissensions and splinterings. It had lost
many supporters to the GD in the latter's hey-day and they did not return, although many now left the Golden Dawn as well. 23/39
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By 1907 Mount Haemus had severed its last links; this date, or one soon after it, may indicate the founding of Nauda even if
this was a revival of some differently-named and earlier Temple. I suspect that a certain amount of pre-Schism material came
to it through Charles Rosher, though Nauda apparently owed something also to AE Waite: the colors of the regalia in An
Uileach Druidh Braithreachas's Ovate Og[0°=0°] ceremony are those prescribed for Officers in Waite's Fellowship of the
Rosy Cross…

What An Uileach Druidh Braithreachas works as inner ritual it probably took over from Nauda .

By 1953 the Druid Order had a threefold structure in the Golden Dawn tradition:

A Third or Innermost Order, The Mound-Builders –also called the Hendeka so presumably consisting of eleven members–
styled Druids. This claimed direct descent from the Grove of Antiquity, Mount Haemus; the tradition of the Hendeka is
associated with Mount Haemus from its earliest years;

A Second or Inner Order, An Uileach Druidh Braithreachas properly so called, the members being styled Chaired Bards and
having passed the 5°=6° Grade ( Adeptus Minor in the GD);

The First or Outer Order, which had adopted the name of AODH (Mrs. Ansell's Ancient Order of the Druid Hermetists ), the
members being of Grades 1°=10° to 4°=7° and styled Bards.

Outside of this, the Central Collage of Mount Haemus ran a correspondence course of three 'Steps' for scattered members
who were styled ovates; it seems that candidates had to pass through this course before presenting themselves for the First

Independent sources, while skeptical of Colquhoun's thesis of the connection between the British Druid movement and the
Golden Dawn, at least admit that GW MacGregor Reid had a personal secretary who was initiated into the G∴D∴ as Adeptus
Minor 5°=6° and that MacGregor Reid for a limited time celebrated certain feasts with  An Uileach Druidh Braithreachas  by
performing a certain G∴D∴ ritual called “Golden Dawn” which began their regular ceremony. Despite this, there have been
persistent attempts by some counter-traditional Golden Dawn writers since the last decade to undermine Colquhoun's
authorship and credibility as a source on historical matters, particularly regarding the existence of the Nauda Temple which is
implied to be a figment of Dr. Robert AF MacGregor Reid, George Watson's son, a theory advanced by researchers Ronald
Hutton and Adam Stout. The latter is said to have said the following to an equally critical Golden Dawn writer regarding Robert
Macgregor Reid:

Ronald Hutton and I were musing about the Nuada Lodge, and came to the conclusion that the whole thing was invented by
Reid junior as part of his policy of erasing all traces of GW Smith from druidic history while at the same time annexing his
achievements. You'll notice that Ithell Colquhoun mentions Smith's journal The Pendragonseveral times, which he had
published from his home address in Narbonne Avenue and designated as "the official organ of Mount Nuada of the Ancient
Order of Druid Hermetists". My guess is that she (Colquhoun) asked Robert about this magazine, and he cooked up the
'Nuada Lodge' story as a plausible-sounding explanation. Colquhoun's claim for a connection with Waite seems to be based
on similarities between Waite's regalia and that of the later ADUB, which if anything confirms the suspicion that Robert was
at the root of it all. She tells us (pp. 129-30) that a complete set of rites from Waite's fellowship appeared on the open market:
Ronald suggests that Robert might simply have bought them! In short, Nuada Lodge never existed, and that answers your
other question about Desmond Bourke, who incidentally I've never heard of…

Adam Stout is a researcher at the University of Wales and Ronald Stutton is a professor of history at the University of Bristol.
Stout specializes
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emphasizes academic research over any oral tradition, and strongly polemicizes against the traditionalist school which
emphasizes the oral tradition and claims a living pagan tradition and link to ancient paganism. Thus, two camps have been
formed that either support his polemical research (the reconstructionists) or that seek to refute his theses (the traditionalists). 24/39
3/11/23, 11:21 AM Ancestry | Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn

One cannot therefore say that Hutton is impartial, but rather that he has a preference for supporting and confirming the
reconstructionist worldview in his polemic against traditionalism. Both of these scholars harbor a keen skepticism towards any
claims of authentic ancestry of any kind. In our view, they both, but Hutton in particular, represent a counter-traditional current.
It is therefore not surprising that counter-traditional writers within the Golden Dawn community base their own conclusions on
the conjectures and speculations expressed by Stout in his private letter, categorical statements and conclusions that would
hardly have been viable in an academic thesis. Both of these scholars harbor a keen skepticism towards any claims of authentic
ancestry of any kind. In our view, they both, but Hutton in particular, represent a counter-traditional current. It is therefore not
surprising that counter-traditional writers within the Golden Dawn community base their own conclusions on the conjectures
and speculations expressed by Stout in his private letter, categorical statements and conclusions that would hardly have been
feasible in an academic thesis. Both of these scholars harbor a keen skepticism towards any claims of authentic ancestry of any
kind. In our view, they both, but Hutton in particular, represent a counter-traditional current. It is therefore not surprising that
counter-traditional writers within the Golden Dawn community base their own conclusions on the conjectures and speculations
expressed by Stout in his private letter, categorical statements and conclusions that would hardly have been viable in an
academic thesis.

Ithell Colquhoun

Thus, by claiming the authority of these biased academics, one seeks to disprove Bourke as any real transmitter of Golden Dawn
descent to our modern revival of R∴O∴A∴O∴ and through this to H∴O∴G∴M+ R∴, although in private conversations with
Nicholas Tereschenko, Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and Robert Word he has been very clear about the authenticity of this descent from
the Ahathôor Temple in Paris and the London-based Temples of Nauda and Serapis in various generations, with himself as
intermediary link. In 2007, Robert Word reproduced parts of the background to this initiatory link, thus:

MacGregor Reid the father and founder of Nuada obtained the title for the name "MacGregor" from MacGregor Mathers, in
addition to giving the authorities of 7=4 for working the GD rite. Reid was one of 4 who were "MacGregored" by Mathers, and
all fully involved in GD ritualism! One of Reid's main projects, though, was legalizing the celebration of the Druid summer
solstice at Stonehenge. His GD was carried out under cover of Druidism. Bourke the Druid personally knew MacGregor Reid
the younger and participated in his ritualism including GD rituals. Gerard Noel, an associate of Bourke's, also received the 7-
4 Druid
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The main evidence against this that the detractors and detractors have sought to produce is a letter purportedly written by
Desmond Bourke himself in which he allegedly denies any claim to descent or rights to the G∴D∴ and A∴O∴ and altogether
downplays his role as a key player in the British occult scene. This letter which is written to an unknown "Frater" (probably some
curious brother in the SRIA or Fellowship of the Rosy Cross where you call yourself "Frater" instead of "Brother") and dates itself
to "15/10/03, ” i.e. exactly a decade after said trio were initiated into the Adeptus Exemptus degree 7°=4° and received all
transfers to G∴D∴ and A∴O∴ from Desmond Bourke in the bargain, which were subsequently transferred to Tomas Stacewicz and
the Hermetic Order by The Dawning Morning Blush by David Griffins, Jean-Pascal Ruggius and Robert Word's hands. Bourke's
letter was partially published as a scanned copy only in 2013 as follows:

The scanned first page of Desmond Bourke's letter first appeared on the Internet at the winter solstice of 2013, probably in
response to the news that H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ had formally seceded from R∴O∴A∴O∴. The publication of this scanned version (which
is missing a full page) was preceded by the circulation of a transcription which first appeared in 2006, which we reproduce here
in its full and original form:

Dear Brother,
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Thank you for your letter dated 6th October.
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My memory is bad (I am now over 85) but I will try and help. One thing is certain: I've never had any contact with the
Hermes Temple in Bristol. 26/39
3/11/23, 11:21 AM Ancestry | Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn

However, your reference to Felkin struck a note. I think Richard Jac de Palatine made such a claim regarding the Order of the
True Rosy Cross: although he also claims to have received that Order from America.

As you know I have done some research. Firstly regarding Martinism and secondly about Yarker, both involving Richard. The
first led ultimately to the formation of a Martinist Lodge by me, John Emerson, David Walker, and others which led to the
formation of the Hermetic Order of Martinists.

The second led to me acquiring a number of "charters" and things which I wanted for my research and to illustrate my work.
However, after I had acquired a large amount of material, I was pre-empted by another study and lost interest. It is these so-
called "charters" which may have led to confusion as some included "The Order of the True Rosy Cross" and recipients may
claim to have received an authority from me, which I did not and could not give.

Three friends from that time may have had my "charters": - John Fitzpatrick, Howard Doe, and Apollon (?spelling?).

John F. is inaccurate. Howard Doe has also received the same sort of things (some but not all through me) from Dr. Crow
including he claims the Ancient and Arcane Order of the Rosy Cross. Both have contacts in France.

Apollon was a member of an active group and expressed interest in my charters. I told him he could have one but don't
remember if he accepted the offer, and if he did I don't remember if I wrote a covering letter or MS. I went to one of his
meetings in the Neophyte Grade conducted by a lady whose name I forget. I met Pat Zalewski and the one who went to
Australia once or perhaps twice in the company of John F. and Howard Doe.

In my time the True Rosy Cross has only met as a Study Group and not conferred any grades but if I or they did, it could only
be valid within that Order. In my opinion initiation can only be conferred by someone who has himself received it in person,
which is why I might & could only say that the True Rosy Cross is in the GD Tradition or system.

All good wishes

I hope this helps,

Unfortunately, we don't know what the original questions are from whoever Bourke is corresponding with, making the message
incoherent. However, the attentive reader will notice that no references are made either to GW MacGregor Reid, the Nauda
Temple, the Serapis Temple or the Ancient Magical Order of the Golden Dawn, but only to "The Order of the True Rosy Cross"
and an "Ancient and Arcane Order of the Rosy Cross”. In the letter, Bourke is alleged to say that “Apollon [Leontas] was a
member of an active group and expressed an interest in my letters of privilege. I greeted him that he could have a…”, which could
be a reference to the Temple of Serapis but need not be. What speaks against this being a reference to Serapis is that in the letter
Bourke links his "letters of privilege" to the freemason John Yarker, which was something of a trader in origins to extreme
Masonic systems, for example the Rosicrucian Memphis-Misraïm system. Yarker had nothing to do with the Golden Dawn
tradition. So what Bourke describes is that he gave a letter of privilege that originated with Yarker and was probably about some
obscure Masonic Rosicrucian system.

Another argument against the letter of privilege being a reference to Serapis and the Ancient Magical Order of the Golden Dawn
is the following statement that Bourke "went to one of his [Leonta's] meetings in the Neophyte Degree which was conducted by a
woman whose name I have forgotten". This constant reference to his poor memory is curious considering that a decade earlier he
was described by Robert Word as being very sharp and easy to recall in minute detail all the facts concerning his Golden Dawn
origins, which was also confirmed by the other leaders in the Temple of Serapis. In addition, the trio of Adepti
ExemptiTereschenko, Ruggiu and Word testified that Bourke was a Praemonstrator in the Temple and that he had extensive
correspondence with all of them over a period. Either Bourke is giving a reference to another organization or he is deliberately
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Jean-Pascal Ruggiu & David Griffin, March 2009

Nowhere in this letter can we read any evidence that Desmond Bourke would deny his Golden Dawn related ancestry, only that
he has difficulty remembering the details of some of his ancestry and whether or not they relate to the Golden Dawn, which he
therefore a decade earlier have been able to do without problem orally to those who have received them. In the letter, Bourke is
deliberately vague as if trying to sweep up the traces of his Golden Dawn origins. In the letter, he suggests that a transfer of a
lineage has taken place i.a. to Apollon Leontas. However, we cannot deduce from the letter exactly what these origins are.
Nothing here in the letter says that these even have anything to do with G∴D∴ or A∴O∴. The only orders mentioned have "Rosy
Cross" in their names, not "Golden Dawn" or "Alpha Omega" as has been claimed by the detractors.

A later argument, which has come in connection with the appearance of the scanned first page of Bourke's letter, is the
publication of a letter from Robert Word dated "June 24, 1994," in which he clarifies certain details regarding the Temple of
Serapis and the lineages transmitted there to Tereschenko, Ruggiu and Word a year earlier. Let us quote relevant parts from this

The English conferral was inter-Order rather than Intra-Order; thus I received the degree as a visiting Head of an Order
[August Order of the Mystic Rose] rather than as a Student of the previous Order [Ancient Magical Order of the Golden
Dawn]. The intent of the conferral was to transmit the authorities of the 7=4 grade as received through the four Orders or
lineages: 1) The Stella Matutina; 2) The Secret college of SRIA; 3) The Order of the Sacred Word; 4) The Traditional Golden
Dawn Order. The combination of the various lineages is due to the ubiquitous activities of a certain Initiate [Desmond
Bourke] in the various Bodies. Since the Initiates whom I contacted are impeccably connected with the various Inner Orders
and Occult Schools, and connection with them reached me through numerous channels independently,

For the present, without quoting names without permission, I shall simply state that Frater A. [Bourke] received the 7=4 in
the Stella Matutina; that he was a member of the Hermes Temple which closed in 1972; that he is in possession of the original
warrants of Dr. Felkin; that he is a member of the SRIA and the Secret Collage of the SRIA; that he formerly governed access
to the manuscripts room in the British Library; that he is Druid; that he holds Charters also for the Rite of Memphis in
Britain; that he is recognized as an Initiate by the Heads of various occult Orders in Europe. GH Frater A. was a member of,
and actually at the head of, quite a number of Occult Orders in Britain, and was active in several Golden Dawn type Orders.
Then in the early 1980's, GH Frater A. ceremoniously conferred the grade of 7=4, incombined lineages cited above, upon a
certain GH Frater B. [Apollon Leontas], who was himself never at any time a member of the Stella Matutina, but who had
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a successful OccultBy continuing
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Golden Dawn youlines
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[Ancient use. Order of the Golden
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Dawn]. Thus, Frater A. intended to transmit the full authorities of the Grade of 7=4 which he had acquired in the Stella
Matutina and elsewhere on Frater B. 28/39
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Then in 1993 GH Frater B ceremonially conferred the Grade of 7=4 on me, with the intent of transmitting simultaneously the
authorities of the four lineages cited above.

The same lineages were transmitted at the same time to the Chiefs [Nicholas Tereschenko & Jean-Pascal Ruggiu] of at third
Temple [Ahathôor] located in another country [France]. Thus, at the present there are three Temples [Serapis, Ahathoor &
AOMR], in the three countries [England, France & USA], which share fraternal relations and lineage. This of course includes
the Temple with which I am currently working.

We have identified the various persons, orders and countries that logic dictates to us, although we cannot be absolutely certain.
About "GH Frater A." really is Desmond Bourke then a contradiction arises in relation to the alleged letter from Bourke that we
quoted above, regarding his claim that "One thing is certain: I have never had any contact with the Temple of Hermes in Bristol".
If we assume that the alleged letter from Bourke was written by himself and that it is correct to identify "Frater A." with him it is
evident that he has lied either to the mysterious "Brother" to whom he has addressed the letter, or to Robert Word. We do not
know to whom Bourke is writing and how close to him he is, or in what context they are communicating;Adeptus Exemptus to
another. Word himself notes about this more than 20 years later:

I spoke directly with Desmond Bourke in London in September of 1993, and he acknowledged to me at that time that he
possessed 4 (four) distinct lineages of the Golden Dawn, with authorities to confer the Grades of the Order.

Such an ancestry is not something you talk about with anyone, because it is sealed by the strictest confidentiality obligations, at
least if you are traditionally minded and we know that the English at this time were very traditional and still are today. A bearer
of such an exalted ancestry has nothing to gain by lying about his ancestry to his initiates because he cannot talk about it with
very many and very rarely passes it on to others. Old age is a good reason to pass the torch to a new generation of Adepts and at
Words, Ruggius and Tereschenko's feeding to 7°=4° Bourke was over 75 years old (he would live only 11 more years). On the
other hand, he has all the more reason to lie to someone who has nothing to do with what ancestry he possesses,

The four distinct lineages that Robert Word mentions in his 2014 commentary are obviously a reference to the four he mentions
in his 1994 letter. "The Secret Collage of the SRIA" is guaranteed to be a reference to AE Waite's The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross
which was revived by an inner circle of Fratres in the SRIA in 1968 at the instigation of its Supreme Magus WR Semken,
possessing a legitimate lineage to the Order of Waites which had been abolished in 1942. It is well known that Bourke held the
highest Degree in the SRIA and that he also was in Waite's revived Fellowship. However, the reference to "The Order of the
Sacred Word" is more obscure. There has existed a society with this name between the years 1957 and 1971, which originated
from the Ordo Aurum Solis and worked with the so-called "othe Gdoatic tradition”. Ithell Colquhoun writes the following about
The Hermetic Order of the Sacred Word in Sword of Wisdom (on pages 197-198):

The Hermetic Order of the Sacred Word appeared recently in London claiming descent from the Stella Matutina ; one would
suppose it to have come through Merlin [a Stella Matutina Temple founded by RW Felkin, as well as the Mother Temple
Amoun] but this was denied. The only remaining alternative is that it is derived from scattered remnants of Amoun – if in
fact its SMaffiliation is genuine. Its moving spirit was a Doctor of Music named Roger Hunt who was at one time closely
linked with the dissident Bardic and Druid Order, several adherents belonging to both organizations. The Sacred Word met at
the Bardic and Druid Order's premises and wore the same type of robe and head-dress. It had a checkered career with several
upheavals and shifts in leadership, during the course of which it changed its name to the Order of the Light and of the
Darkness. It severed relations with the Bardic and Druid Order, itself a dissident from ADUB [An Druidh Uileach
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What the detractors highlight in Word's letter, written a year after his promotion to 7°=4°, is that it completely lacks any
reference to MacGregor Mather's Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ and that this descent to A∴O∴ through Bourke and from GW
MacGregor Reid's Nauda Temple would be a later 'fabrication' which has been highlighted in particular by Tereschenko and
Ruggiu in connection with the revival of Ahathôor Temple No. 7 and Ordre Rosicrucien de l'Alpha & Omega. What the detractors
miss, however, is the reference to "The Traditional Golden Dawn Order". What else is this but a reference to the original
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded and led by WW Westcott and SL MacGregor Mathers? It is a fact that the later
reference to the "Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴" was only a name change within the same Order, which was still led by MacGregor
Mathers and Westcott after 1906, the year the name change became a fact.

Ahathôor Temple Leaders gathered on the Podium March


Thus the words "Golden Dawn" and "Alpha Omega" are synonymous and common to the same Order which had a continuous
existence in England from 1888 until the outbreak of the Second World War. In contrast to this, it is customary to make
references to Stella Matutina as its own Order, distinct from G∴D∴ and A∴O∴, which is not to be wondered at as Stella Matutina
schismed from the Order, then known as the "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn", as early as 1900. Also note that Robert Word
in the letter enumerates a specific lineage to "The Stella Matutina" alongside "The Traditional Golden Dawn Order".

If Desmond Bourke was honest with Robert Word about all his parentage, which we have no reason to doubt, and Word had
correctly understood that Bourke was initiated into 7°=4° in the Temple of Hermes, then this means that he thereby received an
additional genuine lineage to the G∴D∴ and A∴O∴, besides that of the Nauda Temple, because Dr. WE Carnegie-Dickson as the
sole successor of John William Brodie-Innes (who in turn had succeeded SL MacGregor Mathers) had transferred these lineages
to the Temple of Hermes when he had been appointed its supreme leader. However, we do not rule out that Bourke was actually
referring to Madeline Montalban's Ordo Stella Matutina(in which he was de facto 7°=4°) and that Word may have mistaken this
to be synonymous with the Bristol Temple, alternatively Bourke himself has not been careful to clarify the difference between
Felkin's and Montalban's organizations. If this last supposition is true, and as we cannot be sure in this case, we have omitted it
from our Order's family tree.

Source material
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The above description of the origin of the Hermetic Order of the Dawning Redness constitutes our current view of it, which may
be revised if new facts are presented by independent researchers who have no qualms or if they do not originate from anonymous
sources. We are well aware that the question of authentic descent to the Hermetic Order of the G∴D∴ and the Rosicrucian Order 30/39
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of A∴O∴ is an academically uncertain one, subject to constant change as new information emerges in serious research. It can be
said that the last fully authorized and legitimate Temple with formal charter in this tradition was Hermes Temple No. 28 in
Bristol, although not in the capacity of having been originally founded by RW Felkin as forming part of Stella Matutina. The so-
called "Stella Matutina" or "Whare Ra lineage" to G∴D∴ is a dead end as it is based on a schism that originally extended to the
Theoricus Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree. Everything that has been added to Stella Matutina after 1900 constitutes, from a strict
Golden Dawn perspective, a "clandestine" reconstruction in combination with foreign elements taken from Rudolf Steiner and
his unique German Misraïm system (Misraim-Dienst / Mystica Aeterna) .

The Magicians of the Golden Dawn by Ellic Howe

The original spiritual lineage and esoteric transmission is authorized by an Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4° alone, originally constituted
by WW Westcott and SL MacGregor Mathers, and at a later stage by Moïna Mathers, JW Brodie-Innes, Isabel Morgan Boyd ,Dr.
WE Carnegie-Dickson and Maiya Tranchell Hayes. Carnegie-Dickson was the last of these regularly installed Adepti Exempti
during the time when the G∴D∴ was an operational continuous business. After the last A∴O∴ Temple closed in 1939, he
subsequently transferred this lineage to the Temple of Hermes sometime in the 1950s when he became its leader, a Temple that
was formally closed in 1972. No Temple to our knowledge has been authorized by Carnegie-Dickson after Hermes; nor do we
know that he has transferred his 7°=4° authorization to any successor. Thus, no letters of privilege exist in G∴D∴ or A∴O∴ after
1972 and claimed lineages back to this tradition are vague and uncertain at best, being based largely on anecdotal knowledge, not
academic research.

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RA Gilbert's The G∴D∴ Scrapbook

Our sources regarding the official history of the Hermetic Order of the G∴D∴, Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ and Stella Matutina
during the years 1888–1972 (from Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 to Hermes Temple No. 28) come from relevant published literature,
mainly Israel Regardie, Ellic Howe, Robert A. Gilbert, Francis King and Ithell Colquhoun, which has been supplemented by
private research carried out by Tony Fuller. Colquhoun is also one of the sources for our presentation of George Watson
MacGregor Reid and the Nauda Temple, which is corroborated and substantially developed by an oral tradition descended from
Desmond Bourke and passed down to us through Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David Griffin. The connections between the G∴D∴ and
the Loge sur Aufgehenden Morgenröthe(M+R) in Frankfurt-am-Main, and through this to the Asiatic Brethren and Gold und
Rosenkretuz , originally comes from an oral tradition transmitted by Ruggiu and Griffin, which has however been largely
confirmed by independent research, mainly Gershom Scholem, Christopher McIntosh, Gerald Suster and Olen Rush. The
information about Kenneth MacKenzie as the mediating link between M+R and G∴D∴ through the Fratres Lucis forms our oral
tradition transmitted by Ruggiu and Griffin, although information regarding the Society of Eight and MacKenzie's connection to
the Cipher Manuscripts is confirmed by independent research, primarily Carroll” Poke” Runyon .

Secrets of the Golden Dawn Cypher

Manuscripts by Poke Runyon

The information we possess regarding the descent of our Order to the Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ and which was communicated
by the Temple of Serapis in London in 1993 through Desmond Bourke, which can be traced back to George Watson MacGregor
Reid, has come to us orally through Robert Word, Jean-Pascal Ruggiu and David Griffin. The lineage to the A∴O∴ as conveyed by
the Order of the Pyramid and the Sphinx through Tamara Bourkoun, which can be traced to Miss Tranchell Hayes, constitutes an
oral tradition conveyed by Ruggiu and Griffin. The modern history of the revived Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the
Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega has been retold to us by Griffin and Ruggiu, which also includes these gentlemen's dealings
with the Secret Leaders. The Third Order's relationship with MacKenzie, MacGregor Mathers and Ruggiu and Griffin have been
communicated to us orally by the latter two. None of this information can be verified by us in any way, as we base this on first
and second hand sources, but we have no doubts about the authenticity of this. Regarding the existence of a Third Order and
Secret Leaders, we ourselves are unable to either confirm or deny the authenticity of Ruggius and Griffin's account, but we have a
strong conviction of its veracity.
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Francis King's Ritual Magic in England

The only thing we can confirm with absolute certainty about the history of our Order is what we ourselves have experienced in
Hyperboera, Europe and America since 1995 and the account of the transmission of all relevant lineages to our own Archon
Basileus Tomas Stacewicz, through Robert Words, Jean-Pascal Ruggius and David Griffin's hands between the years 2002-2012.
Our descent back to Hermes Temple No. 28, through Israel Regardie (1934), Cris Monnastre (1982) and David Griffin (1994), is
confirmed by independent sources connected to Chic Cicero who, along with Adam Forrest and Monnastre, witnessed Griffin's
promotion to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree. However, this minor descent cannot in itself formally and traditionally authorize
our Order, although it certainly carries with it a certain spiritual initiatory descent.

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Israel Regards My Rosicrucian Adventure

Regarding the greater descent of our Order to the A∴O∴ and the Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4° Degree, this cannot be confirmed by
independent sources, but the fact that Robert Word confirms Nicholas Tereschenko's and Jean-Pascal Ruggius' statements that
all three received this The 1993 degree of Appolon Leontas and Desmond Bourke in the Temple of Serapis lends great credence to
this source. But the lack of independent sources is not to be wondered at since the transfer took place ceremonially by sworn
initiates; the English Temple was, as it should traditionally be, a secret business. As to the credibility of Desmond Bourke's own
claim to this Degree and its descent back to the A∴O∴, we can only rely on his own word, as secondhand from Word and Ruggiu.
Again, we have no reason to doubt the authenticity of Bourke's claims, despite the alleged letter in which he expresses himself
very vaguely about his Masonic, Rosicrucian and Martinist origins (see previous section). We choose to trust our secondary
sources in these cases as we as traditionalists have no reason to mistrust our ancestors in the Tradition.

Sword of Wisdom by Ithell Colquhoun

In summary, this gives a somewhat unclear picture of our Order's origins back to the Hermetic Order of the G∴D∴ and the
Rosicrucian Order of A∴O∴ from a purely academic point of view; however, we must remember that esoteric origins and
transmissions are by their nature a shadowy story and traditionally not allowed to form the subject of academic research. This
situation is thus typical of all other orders that claim some form of authentic descent back to the G∴D∴. The descent which we
share with some other Societies as a guaranteed minimum is originally from Stella Matutina, either from Whare Ra or Hermes
(as in our case), and is limited to the Adeptus Minor 5°=6° Degree. Thus, we do not place much emphasis on this particular
lineage, which can be corroborated by independent sources and therefore recognized by the Golden Dawn community at large,
choosing to emphasize the allegedly authentic descent of the G∴D∴ and A∴O∴ through the Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4° Degree,
which has been recognized us through the oral tradition descended from Word, Tereschenko and Ruggiu. While we admit that
the Bourke line cannot be proven by documentation or other independent sources and that there are strong attempts to disprove
it (albeit with political overtones rather than academic ones), it is at the same time the most interesting as well as legitimate of
them all. However, neither Bourke nor his initiator are with us anymore and they took the secret with them to the grave; in the
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including howBourke's
to controlclaims, wesee:
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Cookie our soothsayers and initiators, which is customary in
esoteric contexts, and believe in the oral tradition which has traditionally been handed down to us and which we here reproduce
in full. It is now up to the reader to decide for themselves the credibility of this based on our own reproduced story. 34/39
3/11/23, 11:21 AM Ancestry | Hermetic Order of the Dawning Dawn

The necessity of descent

In our post-modern age, it may seem strange and outdated to emphasize the importance of ancestry as we have expressed here
on our website. But the reader must remember that H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ constitutes a traditionalist order. As such, we emphasize
Traditionand have taken upon ourselves the task of preserving and protecting it against the counter-tradition. Traditionalism's
main thesis is that there is a Primordial Tradition that is passed down initiatory from initiator to initiate through a temporal
tradition that seeks to imitate the Primordial. This is the custom and the way in which the Tradition is passed on to the next
generation, which makes it a living principle and not a dry science that can only be read; the oral knowledge and this practice
constitute the very essence of the Tradition. As traditionalists, we are aware of our history and honor our ancestors and
predecessors. Thus initiation and descent constitute two inseparable principles, where the one cannot be without the other and
where the one presupposes the other; as they are two sides of the same coin.


As traditionalists, we recognize that there are legitimate and authentic religious orders that transmit a true temporal tradition
through initiation, which reflects the Primordial Tradition, but also that there are counter-traditional organizations that rather
convey counter-initiation, especially in these modern and postmodern times of the Iron Age. Legitimate and traditional religious
orders represent an unbroken initiatory lineage that leads in direct descent back to the Primordial Tradition in prehistory.
Illegitimate and counter-traditional organizations are those that either represent a broken link back to the Primordial Tradition
or constitute temporal traditions that have been created or reconstructed in the modern or postmodern era,

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Counter tradition 35/39
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H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ believes that the Hermetic Temporal Tradition that goes by the designation of "Golden Dawn" or "G∴D∴" in our
postmodern age constitutes one of the few remaining authentic traditions compiled and developed by true initiates, who have
had the Tradition passed on by older Adepts and are therefore worth preserving by all available means. Our Order, however,
believes that this recognition and appropriation of G∴D∴ is not sufficient if it has been merely obtained through published
literature. We believe this type of tradition needs to be passed on through a genuine initiation; G∴D∴ is essentially an initiatory
system and is intended to be imparted within a ceremonial context. Moreover, temporal traditions such as G∴D∴ are not mere
manuscripts which can be published in public literature; it also constitutes an oral tradition which contributes to unlocking the
mysteries of the manuscripts in order to be applied in an optimal way. This oral tradition can only be transmitted within an
initiatory context. Hence the importance of an authentic initiatory generational line.


Here we can make a comparison with a traditionalist exoteric religion such as the Western Catholic Church or the Eastern
Orthodox Church, both of which emphasize the "apostolic succession" mediated solely by the Church's bishops or patriarchs.
Likewise, a corresponding "apostolic succession" is given equal importance in esoteric initiatory systems such as the Golden
Dawn. The apostolic succession in G∴D∴ and thereby in H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ can only be conveyed by an Adeptus Exemptus 7°=4°.
The succession can thus only be passed on from an Adeptus Exemptus to another Adept, who can only pass the succession on
when he reaches 7°=4° himself. Therefore we see descent as essential to the preservation and transmission of the Tradition, and
therefore we believe that initiation and descent are intimately connected;

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Apostolic Succession

But with descent and initiation also come real changes in the initiate. There is not only a tradition and esoteric transmission in
the form of knowledge transmitted through an initiation, but also a tradition and esoteric transmission in the form of occult
energies that activate the initiate's energy body and its energy centers. The initiator, who himself in turn has had these energies
transferred and activated by his own initiator, awakens these in the initiate as a catalyst; just as transferred knowledge and
experiences help the initiate to structure and put his own knowledge and experiences in a new context, which deepens them, so
initiatory energies will be transferred to the initiate to assist his own energies and put them in a new context, which brings it to a
new level that under normal circumstances could not be developed on its own. In our alchemical tradition, we call this energetic
function that the initiator constitutes a "yeast" for the initiate. This "yeast" is an energetic state that is also matched by a
corresponding state of consciousness.

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Initiation of the energy body 37/39
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The reader needs to understand here that our Order represents a spiritual discipline and that its initiatory system aims to
mediate changes in the initiate which are represented by both energetic (physical) and consciousness (spiritual) components.
That is why we place so much emphasis on the spiritual and initiatory lineage because this "leaven" can only be passed on in this
context, from initiator to initiate in a long chain of generations stretching back to the individual who was first able to pass on the
Primordial Tradition to man . This can be compared to Zen Buddhism's practice of Dharma transmission, which partly
represents a transmission of tradition but also of illumination, which is likened to the transmission of a flame from one candle to
another. The Vedic Tantric tradition, which is very close to the Hermetic, lays equal emphasis on descent and venerates its
former masters, which in the same way through generations has transmitted the initiatory leaven. What we are discussing here is
something very profound that fully intends to transform the initiate into body, soul and intellect.

Tantric ancestry

Thus, initiation into H∴O∴G∴M+R∴ entails not only a transmission of esoteric documents and oral transmission of tradition, but
also a profound change of the entire being of the initiate. However, this presupposes that his initiator has in turn been
reinvigorated initiatory by a previous generation of initiators, which in turn were initiated by an even older generation of
initiators, in an unbroken succession back to the Golden Age of humanity. In our post-modern society, which thus far constitutes
the most fallen and degenerate form of the Iron Age, it is of the utmost importance that this "golden" yeast - this "hermetic
dharma"- preserved and protected from counter-traditional elements and counter-initiative activities, in order to redeem the
Iron Man from his enslaved existence and awaken the gold in his soul. This can only be done, we believe, through the
maintenance of such an authentic initiatory lineage. This, preserving the succession inviolable, is also the only vaccine against
the counter-traditional pandemic's constant attempts to annihilate the authentic Tradition.

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