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Strategies to reducing the issue include the following:

1. In addition, a discharge planner or manager may assist in developing and establishing
processes that guarantee standard discharge practices.
2. Position may also monitor results and seek ways to enhance the facility's discharge
procedure on a continual basis
3. According to PayScale, this job is often filled by a nurse and earns $20 per hour
(American University Online, 2021).
4. Workplace safety issues: -
The issue:
1. When working in a hospital, there is the possibility of danger.
2. These incidents often raise the danger of harm for providers, who may be struck with
surgical instruments, fall, or have angry patients or visitors assault them.
3. Additionally, there is always a danger of infection.
4. Health risks such as these obviously also related to patients' well-being.
5. OSHA states that hospitals are among the most dangerous places to work.
6. In 2011, hospitals suffered 6.8 work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-
time employees.
Strategies to reducing the issue include the following:
1. As part of their job, technicians in occupational health and safety gather data on
working conditions and assess risks (American University Online, 2021).
5. Aging hospital facility issues: -
The issue:
1. Often, health care organisations are housed in ageing facilities that are not built to
meet today's health care requirements
2. Bad ventilation or floor patterns that don't match current requirements may result in
illnesses and injuries.
3. Buildings and renovations are built with patient safety in mind as safety engineering
improves (Lee, 2021).
Strategies to reducing the issue include the following:
1. In 2014, general maintenance and repair workers had a median salary of $36,000,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The median income for health and
safety engineers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $81,000.

6. Reprocessing issues: -
The issue:
1. Surgery tools and other objects used to diagnose or treat diseases are reprocessed
correctly to prevent the transmission of disease or injury to patients. Improperly
processed goods may transmit disease or cause injury to patients.
2. However, single-use instruments cannot replace multi-use instruments.
3. A recent statement jointly issued by CDC/FDA urges health care providers to review
their policies/procedures regarding the reuse of medical devices (Managed Healthcare
Executive, 2021).
Strategies to reducing the issue include the following:
1. Reprocessing operations will be carried out by front-line personnel, such as surgical
technicians or sterilization technicians. Those in management roles may audit
policies, make adjustments, and instruct techs on appropriate reprocessing techniques.
7. Sepsis: -
The issue:
1. Because of the body's powerful reaction to infection, sepsis is a life-threatening
disease that destroys the body's tissues and organs.
2. There were 621,00 cases in 2000 and 1.1 million in 2008, according to the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) (Managed Healthcare Executive, 2021).
3. Even those who survive it may continue to have problems.
Strategies to reducing the issue include the following:
They supervise an organization's attempts to reduce sepsis by implementing improved
processes and procedures in their daily operations. reports that the typical yearly
salary for infection control coordinators is $74,875 (Managed Healthcare Executive, 2021).

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