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Comparison of equality (as…as)

When you want to express that two nouns are

equal, it is possible to use 
“as + adjective/adverb + as".
Noun 1 + verb to be + as + adjective + as + Noun 2
Bill is as concentrated as Sonia.

When the nouns you are comparing are not equal, you can use the negative

Ryan isn’t as serious as Steve.

Comparison of equality is a tool that you can use at
the moment of buying, consuming, examining or
choosing the best options for you.
In this activity you will have to look at a picture and use the information given
to complete a table of similarities and differences as this one:

Red Bull Comparison Chart

No. Similarities Differences

1 Red Bull Total Zero 8.4 oz. contains The sugars in Red Bull sugar free 8.4 oz. aren’t
acesulfame K as in Red Bull Sugar Free 8.4 oz as bad as in Red Bull 8.4 oz.
2 The sodium in Red Bull 8.4 oz. is as same as in The crabs in Red Bull 8.4 oz. are not as bad as
Red Bull sugar Free 8.4 oz. Red Bull sugar free 8.4 oz.
3 The caffeine in Red Bull total zero 8.4 oz. is as Carbs in Red Bull Total zero 8.4 oz. are not as
much in Red Bull 8.4 oz. bad as Red Bull 8.4 oz.
4 The fat in Red Bull 8.4 oz. is as much as in Red The calories in Red Bull total zero 8.4 oz. are
Bull sugar free 8.4 oz. not as bad as Red Bull 8.4 oz.
5 The protein in Red Bull 8.4 oz. is a much as ia The sodium in Red Bull Total Zero 8.4 aren’t as
Red Bull sugar free 8.4 oz. bad as in Red Bull 8.4 oz.
6 The sugars in Red Bull Total Zero 8.4 oz. are The calories in Red Bull 8.4 oz. are not as bad as
as much as Red Bull Sugar Free 8.4 oz. Red Bull sugar free 8.4 oz.

Read the following example, so you have a better idea of what to do in this

Carbs in Red Bull Total Xero 8.4 oz. are not as bad as Red Bull 8.4 oz.

We are not very different

Traveling is one of the most enriching experiences. Can you imagine finding
similarities in places that you never imagined?

In the following activity you will listen to Priyank who loves traveling and
getting a glimpse of different lifestyles. Having lived in India for 25 years, he
is talking about two countries: Mexico and India.

Decide if the following statements are true or false by choosing the

appropriate option.

1. Busses in India are as crowded as in Yucatan. True

2. When Mexicans do not know something you ask, they answer
something anyway.
3. According to Priyank, Chichen Itza is as overwhelming as the Taj
4. Mexico's chillies are the same as in India. False
5. Delhi is noisier than Mexico. False
6. Wheat is as popular in Mexico as it is in India. True
7. Priyank's family is as big as any other big family in Mexico. False
8. Priyank is as unpunctual as Mexicans. True
9. Russians talk as much as Hindus. True
10. Hindus eat fruit with chilly as a dessert. True
Luis Eduardo González Hernández QPC-4ª

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