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Self Awareness

React on what window do you struggle most or what to work on

The Johari window that I struggle the most is the unknown area. For the past
existence of me in this earth I’ve always second guessed myself afraid in trying new
things even new experiences that might open up to many opportunities in me
discovering my talents and capabilities or even new qualities I have. Having a
mindset of failure without even trying is one of my problem that I have to work with
thus me resulting to having difficulties with the unknown area in the windows.
Discovering self-actualization as of today with my subject Care of Clients with
Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior, Acute and Chronic paves a way for me
to know my insufficiencies as a person and helps me plan to overcome
the mentality I have to discover my true capabilities and potentials.

1.what is mental health

2.What do you mean by mental illness

Mental health for me can be described in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that

in order to achieve not only a healthy body but also the mind, we must
remind ourselves of the daily needs of a person like basic fundamental
needs which includes the food, water, sleep, the safety and security of the
person, love and belonging, self-esteem where a person is praised and
respected within his/her achievements, self-actualization within ourselves
what must be corrected and changed to become better. Having a sense of
belonging, safety security and having a state of awareness with ourselves
just like in Maslow’s hierarchy I know within me as a person that I have a
healthy mind to function and do the roles that I am expected to do in the
society only we can know what aspects in the Maslow’s hierarchy what we
are missing in order for us to correct it and go further in life to achieve a
good mental health. For me as a student the key factor is to adapt in an
environment that no matter the pressure’s that is put on me I can recover
through adapting to changes and the importance of it actually is self-
actualization within myself on what changes to make to disperse the
problems I’m encountering and also through the rest of Maslow’s hierarchy
like love and belonging, safety and security I know that I can surpass

Mental illness to me comes from a person through so many years not being
able to adapt to a situation / problem or even finding difficulties in solving it.
In the news were we might hear that someone is raped not having a sense
of belonging and love within the family members, a person can spiral into
insanity not having a good support system to surpass that traumatic
experience . As a student of course we some minor mental health problems
like anxieties when we feel stressed out with the school subjects even
financial issues when paying for a tuition fee but having remind ourselves
that we have our family to talk about our problems, having a strong support
system and the security of feeling loved we can easily express ourselves
and release the burdens that has been bothering us. As a person and a
nursing student we must set an example to share the problems other
persons have not carry it for themselves because having someone support
you will ease our mental problems we are fighting and recover from in
being a strong person not only physically but also mentally. Just remember
to share and consult the problems when it became too unbearable to keep.

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