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Release 3

Healer (Magic-User Subclass)

Copyright © 2015 Martín Serena (Dimirag)
All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the terms of the Open Game
A Basic Fantasy RPG Supplement License version 1.0a

Basic Fantasy Website:

This supplement provides information for playing Healers, a Magic-User subclass, under the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing
Game rule system. If you do not already have a copy of the Basic Fantasy RPG rules, please visit the website and
download a copy.
NEW CHARACTER CLASS cast healing spells.
The new class described in this supplement is The Prime Requisite for a Healer is Intelligence. The
considered a subclass of the Magic-User. As such, it has Healer is required to have an Intelligence score of 13 or
the same attack bonus and saving throws as a Magic- higher. Healers are poor fighters, with fighting ability
User of the same level. It should be treated as a Magic- equivalent to normal Magic-Users. Thanks to their healthy
User for all purposes, unless otherwise noted. lifestyle they roll a d6 for their Hot Points. They may not
wear any armor but can use shields. Like other Magic-
Healer Users, they can utilize a walking staff or dagger, and of
Exp. Hit course, they may use magical weapons of those types.
Level Points Dice Diagnosis Heal Gather Otherwise, Healers can generally be treated as equivalent
to Magic-Users for any situation not covered here.
1 0 1d6 50 1 1d4-2
Because of their exposure to toxins and diseases Healers
2 2,000 2d6 53 1 1d4-2 always gain an additional +2 on saves vs. any sort of
3 4,000 3d6 56 1 1d4-1 poison or disease.

4 8,000 4d6 59 1 1d4-1 Because Healers dislike killing their opponents they are
able to do non-lethal damage with their attacks without
5 16,000 5d6 62 1 1d4 incurring in penalties.
6 32,000 6d6 65 1d2 1d4 Healers produce magic much like other types of Magic-
7 64,000 7d6 68 1d2 1d6 Users, but have different spell choices. They can only learn
spells from other Healers and only a Healer can learn a
8 120,000 8d6 71 1d2 1d6 spell from a Healer spell book. Unlike other Magic-Users
9 240,000 9d6 74 1d2 1d6+1 their spells don't require to Read Magic, a first level Healer
begins play knowing one spell of first level, recorded within
10 360,000 9d6+1 76 1d2 1d6+1 a spell book. The GM may roll for the spell, assign it as he
11 480,000 9d6+2 78 1d4 1d6+2 or she sees fit, or allow the player to choose it, at his or her
option. See the Healer Spells section for more details.
12 600,000 9d6+3 80 1d4 1d6+2
Healers have a chance to Diagnose an ill affecting an
13 720,000 9d6+4 82 1d4 1d8+2 individual. The base chance is increased by the use of a
14 840,000 9d6+5 84 1d4 1d8+2 Healing Kit.
15 960,000 9d6+6 86 1d4 1d8+3 Healers are able to use Healing Kits to heal damage,
remove poisoning and cure diseases.
16 1,080,000 9d6+7 87 1d6 1d8+3
When used to Heal damage each turn used Heals an
17 1,200,000 9d6+8 88 1d6 1d10+3 amount of HP as showed on the Healer Table as long as
18 1,320,000 9d6+9 89 1d6 1d10+3 the damage has not happened more than his level in turns
19 1,440,000 9d6+10 90 1d6 1d10+4
Each use of the Healing ability requires the use of
20 1,560,000 9d6+11 91 1d6 1d10+4 Medicines, each Kit has a limit on the amount of
Healers are individuals that dedicated their lives to the Medicines that it can contain.
study of physical wellness. They study the arcane arts in Poisoned and diseased individuals can be treated by
combination with the medicinal arts and thus are able to expending an amount of medicines equal to half the HD of

the poison's creator. Doing this takes 3 turns for the first Sixth Level Healer Spells
medicine used (which halts the poison) plus 1 turn per
extra medicine. Note that this ability has the same time 1-2 Heal
limit and effect as the Neutralize Poison spell. 3-4 Raise Dead
A Healer can buy his medicines or gather medicine-like 5-6 Regenerate
herbs on the wild. Each hour spent allows the Healer to
gather an amount as showed on the Healer Table. Healing Kits
Normally medicines gathered this way are considered
Standard quality. Category Bonus Limit Weight Cost

Healers are able to create magical items with healing Basic +0 1d4 1lb 50gp
powers, in this cases the Healer requires 50% of gold or Standard +5 2d6 1lb 65gp
time expenditure; is treated as double level for any level
requirements or has double chances of success. Advanced +10 1d8+4 1.5lb 115gp

Healer Spells Premium +25 5d10 3lb 230gp

Below are listed spells available to the healer subclass Medicines

described above.
Category Effect Cost
First Level Healer Spells Poor 50% of not working 5cp
1-2 Cure Light Wounds Standard Normal 10cp
3-4 Healing Herbs Doubles HP healed
5-6 Sleep Counts as 2 medicines against
Good poison and diseases. 2gp
Second Level Healer Spells Description of New Spells
1-2 Cure Disease Healing Herbs Range: touch
3-4 Cure Moderate Wounds Duration: permanent
5-6 Water Breathing The Healer gains 1d6+2 medicinal herbs.
Cure Critical Wounds Range: touch
Third Level Healer Spells Duration: instantaneous
1-2 Cure Serious Wounds This spells works exactly like Cure Light Wounds, save
that it heals 3d6 points of damage plus 1 point per caster
3-4 Cure Blindness level.
5-6 Darkvision Cure Light Wounds, 10' radius Range: 10'
Duration: instantaneous
Fourth Level Healer Spells
This spells works exactly like Cure Light Wounds, save
1-2 Cure Critical Wounds that it affects everyone inside a 10' radius.
3-4 Neutralize Poison Cure Moderate Wounds Range: touch
Duration: instantaneous
5-6 Cure Light Wounds, Mass
This spells works exactly like Cure Light Wounds, save
Fifth Level Healer Spells that it heals 2d6+1 points of damage.

1-2 Stone to Flesh

3-4 Polymorph Self
5-6 Animate Dead


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