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What is an online relationship? An internet relationship is a relationship between two people

who have met online. This relationship can be romantic, platonic, or even based on business
affairs. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible to develop a genuine and meaningful connection with
another person over the internet. Some online relationships eventually transition to long-term
in person partnerships or marriages. Just like any relationship, they can last if you're both
willing to put in some work. As a matter of fact, about three-in-ten or more online dating users
say someone continued to contact them on a dating site or app after they said they were not
interested (37%), sent them a sexually explicit message or image they didn’t ask for (35%) or
called them an offensive name (28%). About one-in-ten (9%) say another user has threated to
physically harm them. Similarly when two people communicate via text, snap chat, Facebook
and never speak in person to each other.

An online relationship is not a joke. It’s not something you can use to kill time nor play with
someone’s feelings. You can possibly be attachment to a certain person even when they are far
away. At this point, it’s more likely to happen nowadays because we are stuck in quarantine
since we are experiencing a pandemic and we can’t seem to have human interactions due to
the policies we must follow.

At the stage of adolescence, fluttering feelings are what they crave for they are new to this type
of emotion that adults go through. Today’s youth is nothing more than just newly and tongue-
tied descendants who’s nothing more capable of what they feel. The yearning of touch and care
is rather miserable and irritating if ignored that’s why some people depend on the internet in
case they find their other half. This can also something that can start from just talking and will
eventually grow into something more than what they can control. It can end in a serious
relationship that’ll continue as marriage. Even so, this cannot escape the fact that it might
result on something sorrowful. It can be one sided love where you feel attachment to a person
yet they don’t feel the same way. Or worse, when they are just using you for makeshift delight
instead, the other might disappear without any reason.
2 Timothy 2:22

So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those
who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

It was told in the scriptures that the immature must be free and be guided by the Lord as they
chase their desires. It was also said that they should be aware that our Lord is looking upon
them. It connects to my topic for online dating might also be something the youth will
experience once in their life. By that, they are introduced to love. Love or what the adolescence
is involved in can be heavy if you are not careful.

“It’s complicated” says a Catholic preacher as he/she was asked about this tough topic. As it
was encoded in the website, some people sign up to online dating because they want to find
their preferred looks or personality. It was also mentioned that “I think what’s missing for
young adults is the comfort of knowing what comes next,” Cronin says. “Years ago you didn’t
have to think, ‘Do I need to make a sexual decision at the end of this date?’ The community had
some social capital, and it allowed us to be comfortable knowing what you would and wouldn’t
have to make decisions about. Her mother once told her that her (the author’s mother) biggest
worry on a date was what meal she could order so that she still looked pretty eating it. Today,
she says, young adults are bombarded with hyper romantic moments like viral videos of
proposals and over-the-top invitations to the prom or hyper sexualized culture, but there is not
much in between. The major challenge posed by the dating world today Catholic or otherwise is
that it is just so hard to define. Most young adults have abandoned the formal dating scene in
favour of an approach that is both more focused and more fluid than in the past. 

For someone who is a writer and a person who is probably good at expressing emotions, it was
hard for me to not cry while encoding this for I have experienced it. What happened? You may
ask. Well, I’ve met this guy named Kegan and we would talk nonstop for days and nights, even
schoolwork couldn’t stop us, but of course, we supported each other. We would talk about
weird stuff, you know, comfortable talking. Days and days passed and I notice that I was feeling
some type of excitement towards him yet I never spoke to him about it because I knew that he
wouldn’t feel the same thing, that was what I knew at least. He would always force me to say it
since it kept bothering me and I can’t seem to hide my facial expression to him but I would
always find ways to avoid it. I was positive that he had very attractive friends in view of the fact
that he is living in the US and maybe someone might have gotten his heart. So I stayed silent.
Earlier today, we were talking about how good friends we would become if we were able to see
each other, and the he mentioned that he was going to be busy. He wasn’t usually pushing me
away because we would do everything together instead of sleeping because the standard time
is different from here to there. So I asked why, he then told me that he got a girl, and that’s
when I knew, I was standing still in my bedroom as chills crawled up to my back. I wanted to
cry, but I was stopping myself because I know what he’ll feel bad about it and ask me why. I
didn’t want to ruin his happiness so I just smiled and I told him to take care of her. After that,
we still haven’t talked but I could still see his stories on his social media. He would go out with
Lily (the girl) and they would take long walks on the park, he would take her out to get ice
cream which he mentioned was his favourite snack, and he would even study with her. I knew I
had my chances and I could’ve been where she was standing. That’s what hurts the most, I was
so close to tell him everything but every time I try to say it, I freeze and never get to do it, my
tongue gets tied and all my words are trashed. The butterflies still come alive when I see his
smile and I couldn’t ruin it because I saw how he was mesmerised by her. I would hold my tears
every single time I remember everything and my chest would hurt so had and I would get chills
trying to get a grip of it in. Until last night, I couldn’t stop myself from breaking down while
looking at the image of Jesus in the altar. There i was, on my knees sobbing while my hands
where in my chest. Luckily, no one was in the same room as I am, and if there was, they were
far away to even get a glimpse of me. I talked to God on how it bruised me too much because
I’ve never cried over a boy before. I knew Jesus was listening and I could feel the way he looks
at me, he knows.

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