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Institución Educativa Liceo Pivijay

DOCENTE: Esther Castañeda De La Cruz
GUIA: No. 5 Preposición Collocations and relative clauses
PERIODO: 3 GRADO: 11°-01-02-03 Agosto - 8 - 2021
 Logro: Elabora textos escritos haciendo buen uso de las cláusulas relativas, los adjetivos, las preposiciones
y las frases verbales.

1- Look at the following sentences. Answer the questions below the table.
a. Which words are in bold? Who, that, which

b. How many sentences are there in number 1.a? 2 sentences

c. How many sentences are there in 2.a? 1 sentence

d. What word does who replace in sentence 2.b? who

e. What words does that replace in 2.c? that

f. Does who describe people or things in sentences 2.a and 2.b? describes people

g. Do that and which describe people or things in sentences 2.c and 2.d? describes objects
2- Join the sentences with who or which / that.

a. A friend is a person which is always there to help you.

b. I have a bedroom that I share with my brother.

c. My best friend is someone who has the same hobbies as me.

d. A relationship is something that most kids my age don’t have.

e. I only have online follower that are people I know.

f. My home town is a city which has lots of places to go out with my friends.

3- Look at Hannah’s home page. Translate the words in bold into your language.

■ I’m the only one of my friends who’s punctual. I

always arrive on time!

■ I’m really outgoing at school. I want to talk to

everyone about everything, except sports!

■ I’m shy around adults who I don’t know. I can’t say


■ My cat is the most attractive person I know. She’s beautiful! What do you mean She’s not a person?

■ My parents think I’m not very responsible. I lose things all the time – my bag, my house keys, my smart

■ Our grandma lives with us and she is lovely. She always cooks my favourite food on Sunday, lasagne.

■ I’ve changed schools six times in my life so I’m always friendly to new kids in our class.

■ My parents say I’m smart but my Maths teacher doesn’t agree. I got 22% in my last exam!

■ Everyone in my school is really generous. I organised a collection of food for needy families in our area,
and people brought in 200 kilos of food.

■ My best friend is Charlotte. She is so funny. We laugh and laugh and laugh.

■ There’s only one household chore that I like. Cleaning the bathroom. That’s when I feel happy.

■ People say I’m honest but not everything I say is true. There’s one lie that I put in my 12 facts. Which one
could it be?

4. Look again at Hannah’s home page. Find three similarities and three differences between her and you.

three similarities three differences

1 My parents think I’m not very responsible 1 im not punctual sometimes I arrive early o late

2 Our grandma lives with us and she is lovely 2 I don’t have a cat

3 3 im shy with everyone I don’t know

5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences about Hannah.

1. I’m always on time, but I often need to wait badly / patiently for my friends because they’re always late.

2. I spent a lot of time on my profile photo because I wanted to take the picture quietly / well.

3. I do the chores carefully / loudly so I only need to do each job once.

4. My parents get really angry when I play my music correctly / loudly in my bedroom. Were they never

5. I always talk to the new kids at school so I make new friends easily / patiently.

6. My grandma is amazing. She cooks fast / quietly. She makes dinner for six people in ten minutes!

7. If I go out, my baby sister is usually in bed so I need to come in easily / quietly.

8. I can never do my maths homework correctly / well. I always make lots of mistakes.

9. I play tennis really badly / correctly. I can’t even hit the ball!

6. Listen to the questions and choose the best answer for each one.

7. Write five characteristics that describe the kind of person you are and your skills or capabilities as a
human being. Look at the examples in exercises 3 and 5.


Sometimes lazy Kinda attractive

Shy with everyone very impatient

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