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DOCENTE: Esther Castañeda
GUIA: No. 2
PERIODO: 1 GRADO: 11°-01-02 MARZO - 1 - 2021
 Logro: Intercambia información acerca de sus metas y sueños.
JUNIO - 4 - 2020
1.- Read the people’s plans. Match them with the pictures.

a. When I grow up, I hope to be a dentist. 

b. What do you want to do with your life after this holiday?

c. Five years from now, I see myself as a famous actress.

d. A: My short-term plans? I plan to eat another crisp! B: Ha,

ha. Very funny.

2. - Read the comments in exercise 1 again. Which words or phrases talk about future plans?

3. - Go around the class. Ask your classmates about their plans.


a.… plans to work and study. b.… plans to work before studying.
c.… plans to study, but not work. d.… wants to be a doctor.
e.… wants to be an artist. f.… doesn't know what they want to do.
g.… has a similar future plan to yours. h.… has a completely different plan to yours.

4. Read the texts. Which words and phrases do they use to talk about their plans and intentions?

5. Read the texts again. Write T (true) or F (false).

a. Angela wants to help people with medicine after she is 25.

b. Carlos plans to travel the world with his family.
c. Both teenagers have a plan for the future.

6. Read the text. Answer the questions.

a. What kind of text is it?
b. Do you send and receive a lot of messages?
c. Who do you usually send messages to?
7. Read the message again. Answer the questions.

a. Who is Jairo Suárez?

b. Where does he live?

c. How does he feel about

his future? d. What
is his main ambition?

e. What is his main fear

about the future? f. How
could he get money for his

8. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words in the box. Then write five sentences about your
own goals using these words.

goal ▪ ambition ▪ short-term ▪ long-term ▪ part-time ▪ hope ▪ aim ▪ intend ▪ keen ▪ scholarship

9. Think about your short-term (ST), medium-term (MT) and long-term (LT) goals. Copy the table in
your notebook and put a mark (X) in the columns.

10.-Choose one of your goals.

Make your plan.

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