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The name of the company is Nazara tech which is involved in

customer support for fund transfer and assets management
of retail investors. The customer service is deteoriating
according to customer and rating dropped to 2 stars. We
need to find a solution and improve customer appreciation.

A. Challenges:
As a new supervisor, you'll face challenges such as putting an end
to poor customer service replies right away, building a customer
review feedback data collection system to isolate customer service
concerns, and developing an improvement strategy for improving
customer service.
1. Adjusting to Managing People and Displaying Authority. ...
2. Developing Managerial and Personal Effectiveness. ...
3. Leading Team Achievement. ...
4. Managing Internal Stakeholders and Politics. ...
5. Motivating Others. ...
6. Managing Performance and Accountability.

Overcoming the challenges : My previous relationships will assist me in

improving the service. My understanding of various profiles will aid me in
selecting the best staff for specific responsibilities.
If an employee refuses to follow me, I will give him the opportunity to justify
himself; if his misgivings are well-founded, I will attempt to correct myself; if
they are not, I will terminate the employee.

B. Rebuilding the department:

Customer centricity is also known as "client centricity," which refers to a
defined organisational strategy and culture of conducting business practises
(and transactions) that consistently maintain an underlying philosophy of
putting the customer first, with the goal of providing the best possible
customer experience. This is the actual strategy.
1. Address the Problem. The breakdowns of office teams can often be traced to
an initial complication or coworker argument. ...
2. Start Slowly. ...
3. Capitalize on Strengths. ...
4. Encourage Cooperation. ...
5. Analyze the Progress.

C. Communication:
Communication with people both inside and outside the company may
provide two completely different perspectives on what an issue entails. An
internal issue, for example, could be related to a larger issue generated by
this contribution with the addition of an external complication that only the
client is aware of. This kind of response would be comparable.
1. Use clear language. ...
2. Understand differences in body language. ...
3. Practice reflective listening or paraphrasing. ...
4. Be open and inclusive of other cultures.

D. Managing Diversity:
To earn the workers' trust, I'll ask them to participate in decision-making meetings
that don't require the participation of my superiors. I'll let them set their own working
circumstances without influencing our policies, and I'll allow them offer ideas before
we come up with the finest answers together.
 More benefits to having diversity in the workplace: ...
 Prioritize communication. ...
 Treat each employee as an individual. ...
 Encourage employees to work in diverse groups. ...
 Be open-minded. ...
 Hiring. ...
 Documentation of Policies and Procedures. ...
 Zero-Tolerance Policy.

To build a customer-centric culture, I will

1. Link employee culture to customer outcomes managers will be more motivated and
equipped to build a customer-centric culture if they can see how it affects results, therefore
companies should guarantee that the link between culture and customer effect is
established and tracked.
2. Communication is the glue that holds plans and actions together. It's crucial for boosting
employee morale, assuaging employee fears, and expressing ideas and opinions.
3. To earn the workers' trust, I'll invite them to participate in decision-making sessions that
don't require the participation of my superiors. I'll let them set their own working
circumstances without influencing our policies, and I'll allow them offer ideas before we
come up with the finest answers together.
4. Employees will be trained on a regular basis and given the authority to find and implement
solutions for their consumers.
5. Customers who have defected will receive a personal phone call from the company, in which
they will be offered a heartfelt apologies for their previous bad experience as well as the
opportunity to receive unique incentives for returning service. Customers who return will be
managed by a specialist department separate from ordinary customer service departments,
with people who will maintain the customer's contentment and work to prevent service-
related issues that may cause the customer to become dissatisfied.
6. Minorities will be treated fairly under my management and are valued employees
depending on their individual performance. Women are also treated decently and remain
important contributors to the company.

I am an Indian citizen who now resides in the city of Guwahati. As a recent college graduate, I plan to
continue my studies while simultaneously looking for internship opportunities to supplement my
income. My family is from the working class, and there are four of us in all. My family has struggled
to pay for my tuition and maintain a respectable standard of living. My parents did everything they
could to help me, but due to my family's low income, I only received little financial assistance. I don't
want them to keep funding me because it's already a great load for them. As a low-income student, I
understand how a lack of financial resources restricts one's options and keeps them from reaching
their full potential. I'm working hard to gain skills, information, and expertise in order to boost my
university applications, and the edX courses can be really beneficial to my career. One of my seniors
recommended this course to me. I looked over the syllabus and saw that it has the ability to improve
my skill set and profile. Aside from that, it's a fantastic opportunity to learn from some of the top
academics in the world.However, in order to obtain a certificate, I must pay a fee in order to receive
access to the verified certificate, which I am unable to do. As a result, I'm in desperate need of cash
aid to meet my requirements.

For this act of kindness, I will be grateful.

My parents did everything they could to help me, but due to my family's low income, I only received
little financial assistance. I don't want them to keep funding me because it's already a great load for
them. As a low-income student, I understand how a lack of financial resources restricts one's options
and keeps them from reaching their full potential. I'm working hard to gain skills, information, and
expertise in order to boost my university applications, and the edX courses can be really beneficial to
my career. One of my seniors recommended this course to me. I looked over the syllabus and saw
that it has the ability to improve my skill set and profile.The certificate I earn from this course will
gain credibility if it is confirmed. As in past Signature Track Courses, I intend to finish all assignments
on or before the deadline. I also plan to participate in Discussion Forums, which I've found to be a
great way to enhance my learning in the other Coursera online courses I've completed. I also plan to
grade assignments that are to peer-reviewed which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity.

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