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Lorin W.

Carolina Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina (USA)

Bio and Research Interest

Professor Anderson spent his entire academic career at the University of South Carolina, arriving in
August, 1973, and retiring in August, 2006.  During his career at the University he taught graduate
courses in research design, curriculum development, assessment, and evaluation.  Since his
retirement, he has spent his time consulting with educators and policy makers on the revised
Bloom’s Taxonomy, curriculum development, and effective teaching strategies for children of poverty
in the United States, Eastern Europe, and South America.   His primary research interests are the
nurturing of young educational researchers, the allocation and productive use of school time, and
improving the quality of education for economically-disadvantaged children and youth.  In 2003, he
co-founded the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty, which is located at
Francis Marion University.  He has established an endowed fund at the University of South Carolina
to support first-generation college students who aspire to become educators.

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