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Pulse Business - Vocal For Local

Vocal for Local is the need of the hour for all of us to come together and
encourage local businesses and products. When you buy local, everyone wins.
Every purchase you make is an investment into your community. You get
unbeatable quality and the local economies get much needed revenue to
sustain and grow the communities they serve.

Even though we have apps like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra where most of the
goods that are sold and brought are of high-end brands, there is no space for
the local brands. That is why, I have decided to develop an E-Commerce
Company /website called "Pulse Business" that will help encourage buying and
selling of local products among the community.

Pulse Business will be an E-Commerce website where one can promote, sell and
buy from local brands and products at affordable prices. The main motive of this
app, as you know so far, is to promote and help local businesses grow. So what
are the reasons Pulse Business believes about promoting local products?

• Quality - Nothing compares to fresh local produce and locally crafted goods.
• Price - Buy directly from the local seller with NO inflated costs like other
services charge.
• Impact - Every purchase puts money directly in the hands of local sellers and
their community. You are supporting the local economy every time you buy!
• Selection - From your own backyard to half-way across the globe you can find
what you want, when you want, and hidden gems you would have missed
without the Local Products App.
What does Pulse Business sell?
After tying up with all the various kinds of local businesses, Pulse Business will
be selling accessories, home-grown beauty products, handmade clothing,
handlooms, art, paintings, tools… you name it, we've got it all.

So how does our website/app work?

On both the website and app (which is available in both play store and app
store), we first ask if the person is a customer or a vendor. If they choose
customer, then based on their location, a curated list of local businesses will be
shown and they will be allowed to search for what they want either through the
search bar or categories option and then order.

If the person is a Vendor, then we ask for details like their business/shop name,
the location of the same, the products they're offering/willing to sell, etc, and
then they can proceed to upload pictures and provide descriptions, listings of
the products thar they're selling.

With Pulse Business, we hope to promote awareness, stand firmly and play our
part as we continue this initiative to reach out to local businesses that need help
and help them grow more.

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