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Price: 20 DKR/4$ THE NRG MAG Hello there! Welcome to the Ist of hopefully ma- ny issues of the NRG Mag, In this the first issue we have tried to be as open minded as possible and tried to cover alot of different music styles, and not being categorised on: ly as a death metal mag or just a hardcore mag. We hope that we've succesed in making a magazine which alot of people with different taste of music will enjoy. We also hope that you will of course read the articles and interviews with the bands you like, but also read the ‘ones with the bands you obviously at first don’t like, but try to keep an open mind. We will of course like to hear your opinion of the mag. Enjoy and cheers! Bolea Bofea! Yours Kennie Deigaard. Editor: Kennie Deigaard. Cao, editor: Brian Jensen Guest writers: Jacob Hansen, Lars Krogh. THE NRG MAG c/o Kennie Deigaard P.O. Box 11 ‘Tarvegade 30 7330 Brande Denmark Fax: +45 97 18 32.33 (ory Death Angel Dark Throne 6 Demo Reviews 8 Vicious Rumors 10 Bidetic ce n Hyste'riah sn 12 Thanatos oe 15 Invocator .. 16 Record Reviews m4 Forbidden ..nnnnnnnnees 28 Asphyx 31 Maceration sos 32 Massacra 4 Cover photo: Kennie Deigaard Poster drawing: Paw Nielsen Playlist Keanie Drgoors 1 Deicide Deicide 2 Obituary -»Cause OF Death 5. Scatterbrain nFlee Comes Troubles 4 Benediction -wSubeonscioas Tero Cancer To The Gory Ends 6 Olive = »Fieton OF Veractys~ demo + Entombed »Left Hand Pathe 8. Grave" nAnatomia Corprs Humani«- demo 9: Napali Deth = Harmony Corruption 1 Danzig -»Danaig I - Luefuges 11. Cannibal Corpse 9 12° Mougoth-» The Exera 15: Daron Orcs Expsbespoghylas 14, Nuclenr Death Bide OF Insete 15, Prong "Beg To Diller Brion Jemen Paradise Los - Lost Paradisee 2. Deicide - Deicide 3. Death «Spiritual Healings 4 Death Angel =»Act Me 5 Entombed = Left Hand Path Totsam and Jesu -»When The... Prong "eg To Diller Forbidden = Twisted into Forms Suda Tendencies Lights « 10, Cancer To The Gory Ends 1, Soothasyer- »Have A Good Times 12, Exodus lmpact Is Imminent 1, Dark Ange Live Seas 14 Danaig = »Danzig I~ Lucitges 15, Pini Killers flaunting Seasons - demo Thanx!!! ‘Thanx to the following great peop- Ie for their support and friends- hip: Niels Hedegaard. The Deigaard Fa- mily. The Jensen Family. Jacob Schultz, Jacob Hansen, Jesper (Black Winds) M. Jensen and Per (Tradi nal Sodomizer) M. Jensen of INVO- CATOR, Lars (Basse) Bangsholt and Rune Hansen of MACERATION Paw Nielsen. Lars Krogh and Simon Nielsen (MOSHABLE). Deron Kim of Death, Hell and Pentagram (GODZ!). Keld Gillen) Nielsen. Peter Larsen and EIDETIC. Keld Braun, Sanne (Naesten Bruun), Ivan, Gobo, Yoghurt, Gonzo and the rest of the Koiding Death Punks. Thomas Van Der Aa Kithleand his completely insa- ne dad: Henning. Nicole) Jespersen. Jimmy Petersen. Lars Holdensen Perle and EAGLES PREACH, Simon (Sumpe) and SINISTER (DK). Kent Baden (Laceration Mag). Martin of SQUIRM. Morten Rahm and MORTTOR RAHM (Ha - ha - ha), Dan (Abnormal Mag). »Splatter« Thomas. Kasper (ogsi kendt som den. ny Ole Ritter). Kim and Birthe (Roc- kauglen). Debbie Abono. Tom & Jerry (ex) of HYSTE'RJAH G.5 C. Anders and PIXIE 2S, Thorkild and RONIMG | acs of CONSPIRA- nd DEADHEAD DEMIC. MOR. MUTILATOR. OBLIVE- STATION. DEATH AN- ON. DEV GEL. FORBIDDEN. THANATOS. MASSACRA. — DARKTHRO! ASPHYX. VICIOUS RUMORS. All disteibuters, You for buying this and everybody we might have forgotten adh Brian Jensen Pilevenget 12 7330 Brande Denmark 2 Jr haven't seen Death Angel live before, s0 imy expectations were really huge, ween T heard they would come to Denmark. As very know Death Angel are out avith their 3rd album »Act IIT and defi- netely thei best albu, if you Ask me (50 don't KD). Be sure to get Act Ie! Their gig in Copenhagen was really gre- at, They sure didn’t disappoint me or all the others, who saw them at Pumpehu- set. A pity for those who mised this gre~ at show! We got hold of Andy Galeon jor an in- NRG: You recently changed record label and signed to Geffen, what happend? ‘Andy: I'm not really suppose to get into that. We just got on Geffen, we were lucky enough to secure a re- cord deal. ‘There's a lot of other things involved, Pm going to get in- to that, you know politics and stull ‘The music business sucks, but you gotta go through it. NRG: What's the main difference bet- tween «Frolic. ..« and rAct I~? Andy: »Frolic. «was lke a expe imental thing for Death Angel in order to define their style. »Act ITl« is very experimental and alot of di {erent influences and styles are ex- pressed on that album, but »Frolic “s was like a stepping stone to get toe Ile. T think »Act Tl as an album is very strong, and the songs have individually a strong structure. Besides the fact that we spent a lot of time writing for the album, like 8 months or something, we also con sentrated on the songwriting. We are really happy the way teame about. 1 tei ei a hard oy te the song songs are filed with a lot of emotions and feelings ~ its lke diferent moods thal ae were in. For one thing, Rob was really into playing acoustic guitar and he wanted to n= corporate the guitar ‘cause a lot of bands doesn’t really use acoustic guitars anymo- re in the genre of thrash or int the thrash scene, It not that we want to break away from the thrash scene, But we want to reach a wider audience, its just the ‘music that we play. The ballads came about, well they are not really ballads, they are songs in their own right, we just felt it was cool. We wrote 35 songs for Act HIT, s0 there's a helluca songs to chosse fram, but ave knew which songs twere gonna be on the albure for sure. It's not like we just wrote »A Room With A Views and it was going tobe our fist single and have a video. This is our bal- lad, just lke every other band. It was ti- re io have a ballad, we have been gre- wing up eer since the end of the »Ultra Violence tour, and »Frotic outgrowing process, and about the time when »Act Ul« came along wwe had a lot of different ideas and feelings that had to bbe expressed, and the slower songs fit in there NRG: What are your musical roots, do ‘you listen to other things than thrash? ‘Andy: Personally myself and I can peak for everyone else in the band, wwe don’t really follow the thrash sce- ne. [ know alot of bands are everyt- hing, but what i like to listen to is older heavy metal and older rock... The roots you know. I consider DE- ATH ANGEL a heavy rock band, land don't think we're thrash or ha- ve to play thrash and we kinda ex plained that with Frolic. . «and now with Act Ill«, our thing is being heavy, no matter what itis, and the crocks (what?) of the Death Angel sound is the heavyness no matter what style we are trying to play. It’s gotta be heavy and have a lot of feeling and emotion, because without the feeling and us backing Up the songs we wouldn't put anyt- hing out, We feel strongly about these songs and that’s why they are on the album. NRG: Could you tell abit about the y- rics on wAct IIl«? Andy: The majority of the lyrics are inspired of diflerent experiences we had during touring and stuff. You go through something and it sticks in your brain, Sometimes whether you think about or not, it can be a subconcious thing or it can be deli- berate, and you just write about it, because a lot of this stulf sticks with you. Alot of them are put onto pa per and corporsted into songs, but some of them are just fieticious stories in which the person writing the songs in particular was sadden by something, angry or frustrated. ‘The material on the album is really dark - i’s not happy its gloomy. But it's in a positive way, because all the frustrations and all the hard times _ we had to enjure, all the feelings we- “Te put into the writing. And during ‘the period we were writing we had. tego through alot of bullshit, That's why »Act Hl« isheavy and ‘dark, aggressive in it’s own way. NR did the title wet He come Howe ja i a "Andy: I's like dillerent meanings, ‘but the most apparent one woul probably! bbe that, on the album co- _ ver ee ‘old the ‘about to begin. I ‘you are | Eoin trough your pro i one its Act HT, that's the whole RG album, which pefuly will make you saisfid til the. Tate Re De peia eed Photo: Kennie Deigaard, ‘Anssoer: Andy Galeor NRG $$$” 5 DARKTHRONE from Norway played in Esbjerg, Denmark in june tether ‘with Maceration and Tri-China (both from Denmark). Twas DARKTHRONE'’ first gig out side Norway, but they must have played lots of gigs in Norway as they were quite tight and really good. DARKTHRONE played all the tracks from their fortheaming Ip. which will be released on Peaceille Records, so watch cout for it, “cause I really think i'l be a real killer. The material they played in Ecshjerg was something that really made the Kids jump around headbanging, mos hing and sweating just as much as a marathon runner would have done if he ‘had runned tioo marathons in a row: The time was 1.30 a.m. Friday night the 8. june 1990 when Gyloe were almost ‘answering the following questions in ones sleep. Now over tothe interview with Gyloe RG: Plait me our bandon? Gyive: Yes, in December 1987 we Eine DARKTHRONE with me on drums, Ivar Engel on rhythm guitar, Dag Nielsen on bass and another guitarist who isn’t impor tant, Then i February 1988 we ma- de our first shitty demo called Land Of Froste which we want everyone to forget. Right afier the release of the »Land Of Frost de- ‘mo we quit playing the songs from that demo, and thats a sign that ys the songs weren't good enought. We made some new songs after that, and we replaced the other guitarist (the nameless one) with Ted in June 1988, and then we made som new songs again. After having trouble getting a reher- sal room and having rehersed in a church, we got a place, and we ma- de a lot of new songs and a few re hersals tapes. Then in autumn 1989 ‘we released a live demo called. »Cromlicks, and then we started spreading the name DARKTHRO- NE and everyone seemed to like the demo. ‘Then i January 1990 we got some offers ffom labels about 10, where some of them were for a demo or an cep. so we signed with Peaceville, »vcause they gave us the best offer and thats the goal of my life, and I'm really proud of being on the sa- me label as AUTOPSY and PARA- DISE LOST ‘cause they are some of the bands who have inspired us. ‘That must be the bandstory till, NRG: You have made alot of songs, how iny have you dropped? Gylve: We have dropped about 20 songs, we played our songs until we got really pissed of them and then wwe just stopped playing them, NRG: What does your lyrics deal with? Gylve: They used to deal with pea- «e, $0 I progressed of course. Now they are more personal, I’m inspi- red by Tom Warrior’ lysics on CELTIC FROST’s »To Mega The- rion« album. I dont see any horror movies or read horror books, but I read poems and are also writing som myself. So our lyrics are more personal now, but you have to read them and see if you like them. The lyrics are very important to me, I write the lyrics before the song is written otherwise it would limit me totally ifT had to fit in the words af- ter the song was written. So I just write what I really feel, and then Ted just have to take the words as they are. This way of making songs, the words dont fit in perfectly, he wouldn't get any points in a contest, NRG: You sai earlier tonight that your didnt liked playing live, howeome?” Gylve: LP’sis the ultimate for me, ‘cause is art album sounding great. Almost every time we play live we get a shitty sound and thats one reason, another rea son i that [had to take 1 day of work and spend the week-end to get here, where I could have relaxed. and answered my mail, [really ne- ed that ‘cause I've got full time work! ‘The only reason for me doing it, is because the other guys wanted it badly. J think playing live is commercial, “cause I just have to sit there enter- taining people and then feel bad myself, i’s only a matter of selling records, The record company’s says that if you're not playing you're not selling any records so go out and play, but that’s bullshit “cause if eve- rybody was into the underground they would get the album anyway. ARG: Do you have anything special to say about the album which will be out soon? Gylve: Anything special I dont know, yes the album will be relea- sed on cassette and ed foo, and the- re’s bonus track on the ed version which we really dont like anymore, we liked it when we said to Hammy that we've got the perfect song for the bonus track on the ed. The al- bum will contain 5 new songs and 3 old songs. I just want to make an a bum with no effects on like AUTO- PSY did it, ‘cause it’s kindda fake to put som synthezisers on even if tis art you still can’t play it ive, can you? Only if you have a big budget. We'll also release a maxi single with 3 songs on, 1 old and 2 new songs. Hammy will also release a compila- jon Ip with cover versions done by the bands he have signed, and we'll do a cover of CELTIC FROST’s »Dawn of Mengelos from the »To Mega Therion album, I think it’s going to sound like a reproduction “cause the CELTIC FROST music isn't that far away from the music we're playing, but Hammy want us so badly to do it so NRG: So have you got any last words? Gylve: Thank you for the interview and good luck to you in the future. All you death metal guys buy our record when it's out, you wont reg ret it. Thanks to a ver tired frontman and druramer Gyloe for his answers and the ‘best of luck to you in the future, I guess a lot of people are looking forward to hear the debut album but in the meantime crite lo DARKTHRONE at the jllo- wing address and ask for their demo's, T dont know if they're still available but ty anyway, OK? ‘ADRESS: DARKTHRONE c/o Gylve Nagell Nostvetfeltet 1A, 1400 Ski Norway Intro: Kennie Deigaard. Interview: Kennie Deigaard. Photo: Kennie Deigaard. Answers: Gyloe Nagell i eee dd emo REVIEWS All bands interested having their demo reviewed, send demo/infosheet/photo to the NRG mag. CCONSPIRAZY| Whats there to say about this demo GRAVE send me, than i's fucking heavy, Thisis Gra ve's 3rd demo, and the only one I've heard This demo contains tracks of dark brutal de ath metal with some CARCASS influences he- re and there but just much mote gory. The sound and the cover is also OK though there aren't any lyrics printed, Jongen have manag to make the most brutal vocal I've eves hear’ so brutal that you can’t hear what hs singing but it doesn't matter. Al of you who only buy records, wake up! ‘cause unfortunatly is no! always the great band's who get's deal and GRAVE is until now one of ther, MERCHANDISE: GRAVE Anatomia Corporis Hursani« demo Dir 40— 65 T-shiet Dk. 70 — 105 ADDRESS: AVE c/o Jorgen Sandstrémn Lyegater 10 621-43 Visby Sweden * Rennie De GONSPIRAZY fs a danish band formed in 1989, Two of the members: Lars Ortesen (bass) and Allan Andersen (guitar) used to playin ano her danish band called MENTAL DECAY. TL. Quade (drums) joined the band after having played in FURIOUS TRAUMA and before that HELFIELD, the vocalist is Peter Jorgen This demo contains 5 quality Ton liketheway that Petersin ery boring. The drums are very loud on this ngs, in good sound- {demo which is definetely a minus cause it’sa hrash band - not an african tribe dance with bbongodrums (no, just kidding) butthe next ti ‘me they should keep the drums tore in the background and make the guitar and bass 2 little louder, that would probably help a bit CONSPIRAZY play thrash with some techno netal in but somichow this dosnt make me go ompletely bananas. Some of the songs 8 though good but ial get's very boring ilguess that alot of thrasher's wil find this ve 2y interesting, 'cause thie idea's are good, Theirnextdemowill probably also beatot bet. er, in the meantime buy this and judge your sel. CONSPIRAZY demo Dir 40 —6$ + IRC ADDRESS: c/o Lats Ortesen Mich Beringvang 10,20 2650 Hvidovre Denmark * Rennie Digaard econkaae head and fas MUCKY PUP and DEAD KEN: NEDYS. More precise I woud say that the funny things on this demo reminds me alot This stag ardeore in of MUCKY PUP and the speed ofthe music is definitely DEAD KENNEDYS who've in spired the band. This demo contains 20 of them is cover versions of DEAD KENNEDYS »Naot Punks Fuek Offe and ANGRY SAMOANS »Light Outs. And to gether with comes ia 10 page booklet wth ities, comi Tike band has go wo singers who makes thei songs much more varied, intersting ny listening to than lots of other ha d phew al these great things like a along book-let and stickers the bund have made to give away fr free when you buy the demo, is simply an offer you cat refuse to The best hardcore P've hear fora long time ‘pow that garage punk and death met sp thing GERONIMO. A Couple Of Words For You demo Die. 40 — 68 IDDRESS: GERONIMO c/a Totkld Thellefien Molleskoven 9260 Gisteup Denmark * Rennie Dei 8 pn MUTILATOR is quitean unknown band from Sweden, The band describes their mu sic as thrash with death metal vocals and T aggrce with that. The musi is a bit too sin ple for my taste, Lust say. The songs are tery boring and simple. This demo contains 3 songs "Why, »Big Brother and »No Re actions, The sound is quite good on this ta De and the cover i also ok, though there ae Tyres printed The band know ht this ist the best, bu he only thing that matters for the band isto Play music, have fun, drink and get drank, {0 that’s oe by me, ADDRESS: MULTIALTOR c/o Kristian Hasselhuhn PL2287 441 96 Alingsis Sweden * Brian Jonsen PiXiE_ LLERS This a pretty impressive demo, PIXIE KILLERS are for some of you better known as ATRO CITY, a danish techno- thrash band founded in 1987, T has heen changed since ATRO: hhave got a new vocalist and a new dimmer: The line-up is now Jan Borsing - bass, Tue Madsen - guitar, Morten Finnerup - vocals and Anders Gyldenohr - érums. The music hasn't changed that much since heir great ATRO CITY demo, This na bit better than their fist and shows a definite improvement overall in what the band try 10 accomplish. I think they're quite outstan= ding «tape that gets beter the more you heart this demo contains axort ofa ballad, whieh they ger away with pretty good, I think Ayn sgt you get this demo to your MERGANDISE: PIXIE KILLERS Aro City demo Pinie Killers deme! Tshirt - Pixie Killers: Dir. 40— 68 Dkr. 40— 66 Dk. 80 — 125 NDDRESS: PIXIE KILLERS: c/o Tue Madien Heibergaade 10 st th 8000 Arius Denmark * Brian Jensen. NRG ——— rr 9 EPIDEMIC is five piece band from the San Francisco bay-area, They ply fast and straight ahead hardeore thrash This demo is in avery high quality, both co ver and the sound on it, that's maybe why Metalcore Records is releasing this demo on an ep. The band have released two demos by now, the first one called »imnortal Mi noritye which sold about 200 copys, this de ‘mo have sold about 2500 copys worldwide They were placed as number six on the list ot best dent's of 1989 in Metal Forces Ma- zine. They've opened for numerous of big "bands as EXODUS, SLAYER, TESTA MENT, DEATH, SEPULTURA and many more. With all the copys they've sold of Demo '8 there's a chance that you might already have it by now, if not gett on the tp. released on Metalcore Record or buy the demo tape from the band. EPIDEMIC »Demo 89% 68 ADDRESS: EPIDEMIC 4546 El Camino Suite B10 os Altos Ca 94022 Usa * Kennie Digaard ‘Ata gig in Enbjerg (DK) with DEADHEAD GERONIMO and EIDETIC, Kennie got this live/demo tape from DEADHEAD. He was supposed to review tis, Dut he was 109 lazy (busy - KD) to doi, s0 I had to review it DEADHEAD are rom Holland and they play aggressive thrash inthe vein of SLAY. ER, KREATOR and POSSESSED and they ‘do it very well, The sound on this tape is ve fy good, DEADHEAD isa four piece cons sting of: Tom - bass/voeals, Rone - guitar Robbie guitar and Hans~ drums, but snmehow Torn doesnt play the bass an this tape. DEADHEAD are also featured on ‘ccompilation with 8 other bands from Holland, but unfortunately is sold out by The lve/demo is definetely worth buying DEADHEAD| Deadhead lve/demo Dice 40 — 68 ADDRESS: DEADHEAD, /e Robbie Woning Lecuweriastraat 11 8262 AH Kampen Holland * Brion Jensen Tye just heard that OBLIVEON has signed with Active Records, ifs right About time they gota deal cause this demo they've send me is really grea. OBLIVEON is a four piece band from Ca nada, with only two members left from the ‘original line-up and that's Martin Cagne (Guitar) and Stephane Picard (bass-vocals, the two other members are Perse Rémnillard (guitar) and Alain Demers (drums) Everything aboul ths band seems tobe very professional and this demo has a # colour over and iyries with it, and the sound i 59 food that it could just as well have been rele fed on a lp. I dont know if this demo is stil fvalable,ifnot watch ovt for their debut a: bbum on Active Records, out soon T guess, They've got some tshirts fr sale so write to them: MERCHANDISE: OBLIVEON » Fiction Of Veracitye- demo 6 Tahir Design "1-4 colour fon Design "2-[ealour fon colour back... 108 2eolour back |. 108, ADDRESS: OBLIVEON c/o Naney Chasland Suce, Jacques ~ Cartier PO Box 21004 Longueuil Quebes Canada, Ja] 5}4 + Kennie Deigoard THE BIRTD DEFECTS - demo 90 seting our ovn path quite an impressive debut tape here ftom THE BIRTH DEFECTS. 8 varied roduced punk-roc trax with 2 lot fof speed-changes and good melodic voeals. I an really pin-point their influences but I think there’ few hints of SNFU now and then, To say that a band have a style oftheir ‘own isa clchee these days, but I honesty hhavent heard anything like this belore. The Iyries are mostly good and some personal li Ie ie. »Stucl inthe wall, which is also the Dest track, if have to wear my critical glas- see Td say that tis tape sometimes could ne ced a spark of aggressiveness, but that's it. So if speed isnt everything, thi catchy tape may appeal to you. 6 from: THE BIRTH DEFECTS 295 4° Rue Laval Quebec Canada, HTN 26 * Lar Krogh Open minded you might callus, when a 50 called power metal band is turning up in this magazine where everything seems to bein the hardeore/thrash vein Anyway, afer we had made interviews ‘with FORBIDDEN and DEATH AN- GEL, and were ready to go home and gel some sleep before coming back to see the show, Geoff Thorpe from VICIOUS RUMORS turned up and he seemed very intrested in making an interview. So he {ake us into making one, but as we didn't knew that much about the band and had’ prepared any questions for this, Geoff Thorpe and Dave Star just told us about the band, where onky afew questions were asked from our side during ther fr us to see endless talking. Ti must be said that we gota long poit- cal talk about what is happening in East Germany and the other east country’s at the moment, ‘cause they weren't that good informed about that in U.S.A., they must have enough problems themsel- es over there Geoff; We are here on tour doing a full tour of Europe. Tonight in Den- mark isthe first show of us joining the tour and we are excited to be here. We have been to Europe once belore, where we played the Ards- chok Festival together vith MEGA- DEATH, FLOTSAM AND JET- SAM, TESTAMENT and NUCLE- AR ASSAULT and it was great. We did a few shows in England at that time too. but this is actually our third album intitled »Vicious Ru- mors«. It’s on Atlantic Records. We have been on tour in the US for a month already, doing the whole ‘west coast and then we flew over he- re from Las Vegas and from here we go back, doing 8 weeks in the east coast and the mid west in the US, followed by a trip to Japan, so we are actually in the middle of a full world tour right now. ‘The band line-up is myself Geoff ‘Thorpe - guitar, Dave Starr - bass, Larry Howe - drums, Carl Albert ~ vocals and Mark McGhee - guitar Dave do you want to tell them a bit? Dave: We are réally glad to be here ‘night and this being the first show for us. I guess the other bands have done 3 or 4 shows. There's alot of people, who got to know us by the first two records »Soldiers Of the Night and »Digital Dictators (Both con Roadrunner). So you know, the- re are probably alot of people, ac- cording to the mail, we have gotten from Europe, who's been waiting to see us since 1985. So the people who didn’t saw us at the Ardschok Festi- val, when we made our european debut two years ago, alot will be seing us for the first time. This is our third album out, I hope there will be alot of people out there to see us and we are excited to be here. Geoff: It’s a real fun thing for us right now, because FORBIDDEN, DEATH ANGEL and VICIOUS RUMORS are all from the same area, (Northern California). We all kind of know each oher and we live around each other. So there is a real 00d feeling on this tour, there's oing to be alot of fun for everybo- dy. One of the also positiv aspects on this tour, is that, there's real good variation of metal. You got FORBIDDEN, doing their thing and what they are doing and what we are doing and what DEATH ANGEL is doing, it’s all very heavy and powerful, but in the time it’s ve ry different. So i think, there's alot for the listeners to enjoy and all three band will put on a great show. So we are looking forward to a great tour and we will be back and look for our second album on Atlantic sometime in the beginning of the next jear. NRG: How did you get signed to Atlan- ie? Geoff: Well, what happend was, ‘when we finished our contract with Roadrunner/Scrapnel, at the of Digital Dictator« that Roadrunner wanted to sign us right away and we almost signed with them. Infact we shopped for a year in the US to ma- jor labels and we had some interest here and some there, but it never re- ally came through, altough Atlantic had come to sce us three times, they showed the most interest. What ha- pened was, when we finally nailed down a professionel manager, At- lantic became very interested. They came out to sce us opening for Paul Stanly of Kiss on his solo tour in our hometown in front of about 1200 people. When they saw this show and realised, we had pro, ma- nager they said »Yes, lets do its. So twas kind of rock'n roll history, we sign our management contract and 24 hours later, we had the deal. That’sa true story, it’s really ama- zing. And then we shooted our vi deo for »Don't Wait For Mec it’s getting a real good rotation in Ame= rica right now. We have also plans to release »Ships Of Fools« for our second video, this song is also featu- red on our new album. NRG: What do you think of the food ‘you get here? ‘Geoff: | miss America for the food, man (HA - HA- HA), to be perfectly honest. I’ just when you come from certain place, where you are use to eat certain things we are not use to it. love the culture and the country - side here and almost everybody we met here has been nice to us. 10 ire So it’s been good, real good! NRG: Thanx for the interview guys. Geofl: Thank you, we appreciated it guys. So that was the socalled interview with VICIOUS RUMORS, some would pro- ‘ably prefer to call it a band info. Anyway thanx again fo the guys of VI- CIOUS RUMORS, it was really fun so here's the address to write to if you want to say a fewo nice things to these gus. ADDRESS: Vicious Rumors Atlantic Recording Artist 1506 Webster St. Alameda, CA 94501 USA Intro: Kennie Deigaard. Interview: Kennie Deigaard/Brian Jensen. Photo: Kennie Deigaard. Answers: Geoff Thorpe/Dave Starr be recorded and released in septem- - MERCHANDISE: ber: EIDETIC Tsuggest that you buy their demo »Non Conspicuos Warning« which I'm sure will be very good. = demo, .. Dkr. 40— 68 You might as well when you're T-shirt Dir. 80 — 128 about stealing some money from your little sisters guinea pig to buy ADDRESS: yourself this demo take a few dollars Eidetic Eidetic is a new techno metal band more to buy yourself one of Eide- c/o Peter Larsen from Denmark, formed in the start tic’s very fashionable T-shirts, Solvangen 16 of 1988 by Jonas Rendbo. 6715 Esbjerg N Before changing the name to Bidetic * Kennie Deigaard. Denmark 1 year ago and at the same time be- coming more seriouswith their mu- sic, they played about ‘4 year under the name ODD BALD MEN. ‘The line-up is the same since they started, but they've now got a voca- list who joined the band in june 1990, so the line-up is Jonas Rend bo (bass), Peter Lassen (drums), Dan Andersen (guitar) and Morten Knak (vocals). Morten has already debuted live in august when they’ played together with DEADHEAD (NL) and GERONIMO (DR), befo- re that the band had played a gig with INVOCATOR (DK) and HECTIC (NL) without any vocalist. It’s hard to compare their music with any other band’s, ‘cause it’s so weird, Lactually don’t like the way Morten sings, but itl hopefully get better ‘on the demo which are planned to NRG $$ 11 HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. T have here mad an intr Tom Hallbick jrom HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. HYISTE'RIAH C.B.C. isa thrash me- talband from Sweden, the band is compo- sed oftwo other bands - HYSTE’RIAH andGOD B.C. Before compounding these wo bands they ve each released some demo's andGOD B.C. have also released an al- boumcalled »Eargasms In Edens on Wild RagsRecords As the compounding of tivo bands isa ve- ‘unusual thing to do, I made this inter iewnith one of the most beer drinking men ‘neath to get to know a litle more about thismysterious (HYSTE'RIOUS) band, Wether Thom » Beer Bongs Hallbick ‘wasdrunk or sober when he made his an- ser’ ean’ tell, but I surely wish that all band would make their answers as long and interesting as Tom has. NRG: Please tell me your band history! ‘Tom: Read the fucking bio! I starte- dout with a band called GOD in B6and we got a permanet line up in smid87 and we did one demo in De ccember87 chich we never released offi cially(the sound was great though!) Thenin april of 88 we did a new de- mowhen we had a new guitarist and wercleased that tape as »Four Wise- Mens, we played som shows and- WILD RAGS wanted us to do afulllp so we said OK and recorded the »Eargasms In Eden album in january of 89, at that time we also had changed our name to GOD B.C. in the meantime there was a band i Lanskrona called HY- STE'RIAH and they had released two demos, »Ateempt The Lifes in 87 T think where Seehagen was the drum- mer (Whom I later did the army with, ‘but he was sent home!!! Great guy though!!!) but he got kicked out of the band (That's what Jerry says!) and the 2nd demo they did was » Jere tmiad OF The Livinge where they were only 2 members, Klas Ideberg and Jerry Jerry asked me if I wanted to Join the band ‘eos they couldn't find any dryrmer that could play this Kind of music but I said no ‘cos he didn't offer me enough money But when we got some problems in GOD B.C. called Jerry and asked him if they were stil looking for a drummer and he said yes! (With his cavemen voice!) s0 I met up with hirn and Klas and we played some songs and it happened to sound great there was no turning back! Then 1 told them that we have to change the name to HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. (Hy- sie tiahs God B.C. that is) if we were gonna do anything and also we had to play the GOD B.C. songs aswell. So ‘we rehersed and drank alot of fucking cote! We went looking for a singer and dus ring the recorings we got hold of a litle tiny man called RAY who joined \with us in late November of 89, So we finished the album in early 90 when Jerry (bassist) told us that he'd leave the band so we got hold of Laeppen to play the bass and drive the car (He ‘managed to play the bass but not to drive the car!!!) he was like an old fan of ours, he’d seen GOD B.C. live twi- ce and HYSTE’RIAH aswell and all the HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. shows so that's about it right now our line up is: Tom Hallbiick; drums, vocals, Klas Ideberg; guitar, vocals and boy-rapist! RAY; lead vocals and heavy drugs and beer bong! And also Laeppen; bass and fuck-ups! NRG: Tell me about your lyrics on the Jortheoming album »Snakzworld« Tom: I wrote 5 of the songs and Jerry ‘wrote the other 2. He wrote »Conless A\ Liew which is about a bastard that is rapped somewhere for not doing anything, torture and shit that Jerry likes!! »flow Does Tt Feele is about a ‘man that is going to the eletric chair or the gas chamber, whatever! He slowly understands that this i it. Pm not going to survive this, I have lived my extra hours, it’s time to kiss mol- her earth goodbye in other words!! I wrote nls The Coffee Ready Yet« and that's about some weird people run- ning around early mornings knocking at your door, religious people you know, all they want is to come in and drink some coffee and babble about their lord etc. etc. .. »Rope For Ra- pe« is about people that get away with rapes and such nasty things. Things definetely have gone a litle too far he- re, Instead of putting all these crimi- nals in prison we should just kill them immediately! How about every satur day morning at 10 PM there is an execution for everyone to see! That should be great, just like in the old days! So instead of putting these birdbrains in prison which cost a lot money we can kill them! And the money can go to better school food instead!!! Land Of Democracys is a song which in a way is the same as RFR. Before Palme the clown was killed everybody went; »Can't happen here« and now it’s part of our daylife, every day you read about crime, murder etc. ete in the papers, and nobody lift their eyes any longer because we're so used to it!!! If someone built a ‘mosque in the garden next to mine then I definetely would put a bomb in it, Mosques don't belong in Scandina- via, Neither do Allah or Buddah, This is the land of the Vikings and Odin and Thor, no fucking Afro- Gods!!! (And if somone thinks I'm ‘wrong, why don't you go move to AF rica???). »Sakesw is a funny rock’n roll song about a guy who loves to lie in the grass whit a six pack of Bjorne- bryg when the sun is shining, But! there might be snakes around . ..»Ca- {of Hope (Slowly ...}« isa slow nice cone where Ray changes his vocals and it turned out great! When chaos is all cover and they're looking for You all over the town, there's only one place to go where time stands still and eve- rybody isin a perfect mood! ARG: What music syle were both bands laying before becoming one band? “Tom: Basically the same music like now in a way. [think that GOD B.C. played a funnier thrash with some re- ally slow parts init too. HYSTE'RI- ‘AH was playing more technical on the first tape than on the 2nd, the 2nd ‘was also their best one judging from reviews and I think the songs were more straight ahead and more power ful on the 2nd tape nJecemiad, But I ‘wasn't afraid that it wouldn't work out “cos when we played the first song, to- gether (Which was nll Systems Go!) we all knew that this was going to be fucking powerfull! Maybe GOD BC. wasn't just playing total thrash cither but more rock mixed like on >»Eargasms In Eden is which one of my fave albums!! NRG: Was it had to put two bands toget- ‘ead then fide ou al wanted to fe Not at all, We knew what both ‘bands were about so there was never a problem, Maybe we're a little more HYSPRIAH than GOD B.C. but I'm pretty sure that all three fof us atthe time were putting a bit of ‘each one on the songs which made it sound like HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. or GOD B.C. and that’s the way it should be. One thing is sure though, we're better now than we were when wwe were the old bands! NRG: Is the God B.C. album »Bargasms in Edene still available and were you satis- fed with tat the tie it was released? “Tom: As far as I know it’s still avai- lable from WILD RAGS, write and ask, the Ip is on clear vinyl. We're satisfied with the album, it was re~ corded on like 4 days or so maybe the mix could’ve’been better but it’s still a great release so far as I think. If we didn't like it we would never release it. The thing that fucked us up though was the record company ‘who promised all the things and fai- Jed totally! The album should've been out in may of 89 and was out in December 89 which is terrible “cos then we'd been HYSTE’RIAH G.B.C. for some time, and our gui- tarist is called Manck and not Ma- ruck, Plus there should've been a photo on the sleeve etc. etc. And it ‘was supposed to be out on ed too but of course the asshole fucked that up too!! It may secem hard because remember how nice he was before ‘we has signed with them and after that, total shit!!! All we can say is that he’s a fucking asshole! Richard Compost! I could go on forever with things he didn’t do but it would tax ke all day! NRG: So hace you still got anything to do with Wild Rags after your debut Ip. And the new ip, who's going to release that? ‘Tom: We've got nothing to do with WILD RAGS any longer and the new album will not be out on his label whatever he says! Even if they were the only company on earth we'd rat- her be without a record company than release it on WR! We're still ne- gotiating with some companies for the »SNAKEWORLD« album so we'll see what happens. It should be out la- te this year though. We've got everyt- hing ready so it’s just a matter of put- ting pen to paper and release the fuc- king album!!! Reviews from the few ads. tapes that have been sent out hax ve been great so let’s see what hap- pens!!! NRG: You talked about a compilation you ‘are going tobe on, tell me about that! ‘Tom: Well we're still negotiating but it'sa German label that wants us with ‘ovo songs for a compilation that should be out around X-mas so we'll see if we'll do that or not, frst we want the »SNAKEWORLD6s album to be released 'cos it's unfair to release ‘ovo songs from »SWe and then put them on the full Ip too so we haven't yet decided. It’s also a bit stupid to re- lease two new songs and then the al bum which actually is older! NRG: Haven't you sil got «logo? (This tne is from Schulz) ‘Tom: No comments NRG: Is the rumours tre that when you ‘layed together with INVOCATOR iey didn’t drink any strong ber at all? And is it true that Schultz puked afer one light beer? (This question was made by Tam himself). ‘Tom: Yes those rumours are true! Schultz was like a maniac, he was ly- ing in the dressing room sereming mommy, mommy ..« It was terri ble to see him lying there you know .. But I think it was the first time he ‘drank a beer so... It was good for us “cos we took all the beers (He - He)!" NRG: Why did your old bast leave the band? ‘Tom: Jerry left the band in March "90 cos he was fed up with the rehersing I think. Also, now it was a democratic band which it wasn’t when it was little Klas and him. He also work 5 shift at ‘a tough work and he's got his oh so lovely girliiend to kiss and hug, as- well asa bunch of cats, and he was getting old too! But you know we're stil good friends and he actually left the band before the »SNAKE= WORLD« album was finished but he still helped us out with the bass so it’s OK. We don’t make a bigger deal of it NRG: Have you found a new one? ‘Tom: Yeas as said in the start we've got a new bassist now called Laeppen, he’s a mad buther and a playboy'! So there’s absolutely no problems if anyone thought so! He played at the show in Esbjerg in March 90 NRG: You are playing in Denmark soon ‘when? ‘Tom: Soon!!! (Is that enough as an nswer??) We're doing some shows in ‘october together with INVOCATOR (By the way, a terrible band!!) and that should be nice, lets see if Schultz will puke this time too! As you know there's tons of shows this autumn so we're just playing on the weekends “cos that’s smarter and NRG A err 13 From Rotterdam in Holland I here have an interciw with deathtrashers THA NATOS guitarist and vocalist Stephan Gebedy. THANATOS must now be known to every underground thyasher as they have been around since 1984 where they made a couple of succesfull demota- es after having been through some tine- ‘yp changes. Twas frst after THANATOS released their detrack demo »Onnicotere, in april ’89 that Shark records opened their «es and ears for THANATOS and six months after, they got signed. Before allthis about them getting a deat they played about 50 gigs where some of them was together with bands like KREATOR, DEATH ANGEL, NA- PALM DEATH and HOLY MOSES. NRG: Why did you get a name like THANATOS, and does it mean anyt- hing? Stephan; THANATOS means »de- ath« or mgod of deaths it’s an old greek mythology, we wanted a na- me which had something to do with death, whitout using the word de- ath. NRG: How would'you characterise your muse style Stephan: It’s @ mixture of technical thrashmetal and brutal deathmetal. ARG: What does your lyrics deat with? ‘Stephan: With all kinds of things li ke war, death, horror, religion, ev , sick thoughts ete. ‘Are you satisfied with your Ip? jephan: We're pretty satified with the Ip, the sound could have been a bit heavier but i’s O.K. Allin all we like the Ip, but the next one will ha- ve a better production, NRG: How have it been received until Stephan: Until now it's doing pretty ‘well, we sold about 5000 Ip’s in the first 2 month, which is not bad NRG: How is it to be on Shark records, it sems like they're realy doing aot of work and uses alot of money on each bands release? Stephan: Well, they gave us a good studio and they paid for everything include the fantastic artwork of Eric Philippe, but I think they should promote the album better, more ad: vertisements ok. NRG: The ceath-thrash seene is ‘growing so fast at the moment, do you think you can survive with your style between all these new bands ‘comming up each day? Stephan: We have already suvived § years and our popularity is growing so I think we can make it slowly step by step. NRG: How is the scene in Holland? Stephan: It's pretty good, there is alot of good bands like: SINISTER, DEADHEAD, PESTILENCE, GO- REFEST and many others. NRG: Do you play gigs often? Stephan: Yes, in the last 2/ month we played about 15 gigs NRG: How many people normally shows ip to your gigs? Stephan: It depends on the city 200-500 people when we play alone and when we play together with ot her bands there is usually more. NRG: At the end of this interview do you lave anything weird t say? Stephan: Yes, »Jaap Schaap is een bokkelul!« — I hope thats weird enough! Support death/ thrash me- tal and buy our album! Tes, thanx: fo Stephan Gebedy for his Here's the address to write (o if you want to buy some of the fllowing merchandise or just would like to say hel MERCHANDISE: T-shirts »Emerging M/L/XL Old shirts Black or white slp. cover design . $13 M/UXL And remember 1o send ire too. Only cash accepted. 313, ADDRESS Thanatos P.O. Box 5650 3008 AR Rotterdam Holland Intra: Kennie Deigaard. Interdew: Kennie Deigaard Answers: Stephan Gebedy. NRG ADD AAa_awmoo oor 15 Incocator is a four piece death thrash band from Eshjerg, Denmark The band was formed under the name BLACK CREED in 1980, then in 1987 the line-up was changed, so only to on: ginal members was left and that was Jacob Hansen (guitar/vacal) and Sion ‘Melsen (drums), the new members was Jakob Schultz (guitar) and Otto Han- Sen (bass) A long withthe line-up chan- age the name was changed to INVOCA- TOR and with this line-up they recorded their first demo » Genetic Confusions in september 1988 In december 1988 Simon Melsen left the ‘rand, and were replaced by Erik Zoega (drums). Also Otto Hansen lft and the new man on bass was Mikkel Henssel Tn 1990 after having played a few gigs with this line-up Per M. Jensen (drums) joined the band when Eric Zoega was ‘icked out because he was to lazy. Mikkel Henssel left the band a few we- ks later and were replaced by Jesper M. Jensen (bas. Per and Jesper were before joining IN- VOCATOR both playing in another nish thrash band called EXTREME FEEDBACK. With the line-up consi- sting of: Jacob Hansen (guitar/vocal), Jacob Schultz (guitar), Per M. Jensen (arums) and Jesper M. Jensen (bass) the band released their second demo »Al- terations« in 1989, We here have an interview with the band which is probably in almost in every un derground mag and are currently on the ‘Metal Force demo chart as no. 7 with their demo »Alterations-. We here at the ARG mag still wonder why record com- patines except for Wild Rags records ha- ‘en’t showed any interest in this great outstanding band, NRG: How has your second demo »Alte- ratons- been received? Schultz: Pretty good. jacob: And very positively too. ‘Schultz: We sold about 500 copy’s in the first 3 months it was out. er: And it was only in 3 towns. Schultz: Now we have sold over 1100 copy's NRG: Have you send the tape to some record companies and how has their res- once been so far? Schultz: Yes, we have send it out and one of the interested so far has been Wild Rags Records? He's going to release the »Alte- rations« demo as an ep. with a re- recorded version of »Insurrected Despair« from the first demo »Ge- netic Confusions And later we will probably release a full album. Schultz: Rock Owl Records from Denmark have also been interested, but we haven't heard from him sin: cce we wrote to him and told him that we have interested in hearing more about he's idea’s and so. jacob: We dont actually think it’s a ‘good idea to sign with Rock Owl “cause his releases only comes out here in Denmark, he dont distribute his releases. Schultz: Just look at »SLICED PIMPLES«, nobody knows them outside Denmark although they've got two albums out now. lacob: We could just as well make a ‘new demo instead it would be bet- ter distributed than an album from Rock Owl. NRG: On Wild Rags you have to pay Jor the recording yourselves, do you think ‘that all bands get the sare offer like you did? Per: Yes, I think all bands get the same offer, Wild Rag isn't able to of fer that much but the other bands seems to be very happy for the label. NRG: Alle these line-up changes you've ‘een through, what have they meant to ‘you the lat 1 year? ‘Schult: It has just gone forward, except the time when we han Mik- kel and Erik in the band but it kept us going, Jacob and I. Jacob: It was in a way great that “Mikkel and Erik was with ws for a while “cause I dont think that Schultz and I could just walk around for over halla year not doing anything. We did also play li ve with Mikkel and Erik to keep ourselves going although we knew it didn't sound great. Then I must say that it gave us a push forward when Per and Jesper 16 4A joined ‘cause they've also got some ideas for the arrangements of the songs where before it was only Schultz and I who made them. NRG: You've said that you were lucky ‘when you got Per on drums and Jesper ‘on basin the band, isthe reason that the danish underground has a lot of in- breeding, “cause there’s not coming that many new musicians in Denmark? . a : _ - — _ _ — — _ _ — a | ee Jacob: No, it looks like there’s co- ‘ming some new bands all the time, of course some of them goes down again, but it’s right that Copenha- gen bands is changing their line- up's all the time so they dont know what is happening themselves. It’s right that Schultz and I have said that we were lucky to get Per and Jesper in the band ‘cause all the good musicians plays in other bands and so did Per and Jesper, but they decided to leave the other band EXTREME FEEDBACK "cause they didn't play the music they was into at the moment. NRG: On your new demo it’s especially the bass and the drums which have beco- sme Beller compared tothe likes on the first demo »Genetic Confusion, where the bass was very so-so? Jacob: I's right. We had to keep the ‘bass low on the first demo ’cause our old bass player didn't play very tight, where as I think it’s great that the bass is much louder on the new demo and Jesper is also able to play it, so that’s just great. Per: I've also made som changes on the drums. ARG: We have to talk about your bries, NRG ———$___ rn 21 “cause you've got alot of kriik for them, because they are so strange and you have to sit down and read ‘em carefully to un- derstand ‘em. Why have some people r- acted so negative on ther, do you think? Per: The ones who talks shit about our lyrics isthe people who only want's SEX PISTOLS lyrics, ‘cause they cant stand bands who are put- ting alot of work in the lyries and are making lyries with a deeper me- aning in. These guys should try to sit down and read our lyrics and. then they will find out that there's something in them that you can perhaps compare with your own li- fe, instead of just looking at the words and then laugh. Schultz: People who just laughs at them is the ones who don't under- stand the words and then it’s also a Jot easier just to laugh at them, Per: For some people it’s maybe hhard to understand another mans ‘way of thinking and that’s ok, but then they shall not say some bad things about them “cause then they don't know what they deals with, Jacob: I write lyrics about things 1 get sad or happy about. I can also understand if some people dont un- derstand the lyrics, but we can’t wri- te under each song that this song was about... That would also be stupid. NRG; Who has inspired you to write ‘these strange byris? Jacob: I dont know, that must be DARK ANGEL. They has still got this weird way of writing their lyries ‘where you have to really sit down and read them, i’ like reading a book by Stephen King. If people ‘want's these simple lyrics they might as well buy themselves some ixi books (danish childrens books - cd) ‘Schultz: There's not that many who understand DARK ANGEL’ lyrics either and are therefore saying that we suffer by the DARK ANGEL sindrome, Jacob: Yes, or the dictionary sindro- ime. NRG: How do you think the future will 4 jor the danish underground, ‘cause it seems like there ha been some fights ‘etaeen some bands. Some bands are constantly criticising other bands? Per: Just read MOSHABLE (danish hardcore mag written in english - ced.), where another danish thrash band called RIGID DOMAIN are saying alot of shit about our lyties and they obviously know our way of thin- ng better than we do ourselves. We ought to sit here screaming alot of shitty things about them, but instead of doing that we are behaving more grown up and are just saying that they must be the most sheepish thras- hers around when they are saying things like that about us. Schultz: And how will the atmosphe- re be like the next time we meet them, it will simply be cold. Per: Claus from RIGID DOMAIN has also been spreading a rumour about my drums on the »Alterations« ‘demo have been speeded up in the studio ‘cause T wasn't able to play them that fast, and now the people in ‘Odense believes what that idiot have said about me and the rest of the band ‘There are som bands who use more time and energy to run down eachot- her instead of being one strong unity ‘where we could help eachother. Jacob: T've always seen us as being ‘open and nice to others when we come's to other places. NRG: Have you got anything weird fo say, Before we end this introiew? Jacob: What would other bands ha- ve said - oh... . they would have said, buy our new demo/album it’s the best release ever: No, thanx alot for this interview and good luck with the mag, Per: 2++2, that's weird enough, isn't it? OK, Look out for our ep. which, will be out sometime in October. Thanx alot to you guys for this and the best of luck to you in the future Thanx to the INVOCATOR gues for their time and ansuvers fo this interview, which we hope you liked and have enjoy~ ed. ‘As already mentioned the INVOCATOR (b. with the »Alterations» demo on and 4 re-recorded version of »Insurrected Des pair will be out on Wild Rags Records in October, 50 watch out for that and be sure to buy i Intro: Rennie Deigaard Interview: Kennie Deigaard Photo: Kennie Deigaard Answers: Jacob Hans Per M. Jensen (Jakob Schulle/ Yavacetaa, clo Jakob Schultz Tervogad 7,2, 6800 Varde Denmark MERCHANDISE: T-shirts: Alterations design. Black or wihite (white shirt wi two coloured print). Lor XL only. . 128 »Blossom And Decay« design. L only (big size) .... 108 ‘Alterations demo 6s Stickers, 2 for 18 Pictures, 4 for 38 All prices includes postage. ‘io availble: Sacroformly danish zine, o. 2 out now wi interdiews/evens on such bands fs: Walentower,Pestlenco, Deaton, flood, lasohemy, Bunt Oferng, Ca case, The Gu, Hysterian GBC, Tibula tion Ftual Series, Morgan, Banadic tion, and ions of more po printed in RS an glossy paper wth 8 coloured tontpa- 2, 48 pages, ee Morb Angel sticker fd 2 posters with Paradise Lost and [Abomination The zie is witton in dar righ. Tho pce is 250k /48.No 1. costs 15 Okr/28. Bangs send your stor e- |also distribute recrds for WidRags Re Cords. write and ask what's avaiable T-shirt Llele a ES with white print lem te If the interest for NRG sweat-shirt is possitively good we'll soon print some. Write and ask for further details. THE MAG RECORD REVIEWS The marks are given from a 1 - 10 point scale. RECORD REVIEWS SACRED REICH as aly appointed me this time with their new album, They know exatly what theyre playing and bow to dot but anyway this bhuan smnchow get verry Boorrng after ha sing listened oi fw times ease there’ not that many changes and break 3 is very m0 notone, and wher’ the speed and agares nes they showed on the debut alburh gna rancew? SACRED REICH ought to get ant her preducer next time (maybe that would help) “ause Bll Meter ave manage to give SACRED REICH's album ATROPHY's »Vio- Tent By Nature album the sme sound, so 10 Sorat tarred eee LU CCICHRIST days fst of al the nen ardcre speed is gone and instad they’ve se wed dow and are naw paying a more exper mental form of inky hardcore crsover with Some great teal ifs ere and there athe ike fon the Power album, Tommy Chris an hve also manage to kep the orginal they hhad as LUDICHRIST. One ofthe reasons for ‘inking that thie sounds alt ike LUDICHRIST Jeprobably because Tou iil singing like he did in LUDICHRIST, bt ike the musi he has Slowed down to. The happy eng hate they a a kep. This album does ato contain cover Bis dean mel om Bogland This is realy great, CANCER re- minds me ofa mix between IMMMOLA- TION and ATHEIST, though they are not as technically ax ATHEIST This abuts is mixed by Scott Burns (who el se) at Morrsound studios in Florida (where ls) 9 songs are on this album and they are all very grea the best tracks must be »Blood Bathe, onto the Acid, »To the Gory Ende and »Die Diew where John Tardy from OBI TUARY is singing back-up vocals on can't really understand why CANCER got 7 DEVASTATION fom Corus Cri in Texas USA have send me 4 copy oftheir second Ip »Signs OF Life, the first Ip called »Violent Terminations was re leased on their own independent Zambo ls bel 1986, the debut album was only presed in 10.000 copys This pis out on Combat Records in the USA, and are now distributed by Under ‘One Flag here in Europe DEVASTATION plays thrash in the vein of SLAYER and early KREATOR, infact they ‘soured alot lke SLAYER but DEVASTA- TION don’t get as boring as other bands SACRED REICH dovent sound very original snymore. One thing tat can make this album such biter is reading the foreword Ph ‘writen and before ering this Ip. in this fore ‘word he el’ you about the changes there een made and that they very happy for them. the main thing is that he know that 9 re people like me) are going to dite these ‘hangs, but that there's hopefully also alot of people who's going to like this beter So check this outand see you like t and dont mind ‘what Ue said eaute Pm us another no: ‘penminded death the Kean Degoard versa of Cheeth and Chong »Earache Mp Eye ehich sounds ike it might ax wel could ha heen one of SCATTERERAIN' own songs Jotn Connelly from NUCLEAR ASSAULT = ing on the teak Goodbye Freedom, Hel So can tink ofan reston fr LUDICHRIST fans not to ge ald of this album ight now to the guys wh always sy of got na money mst say sulle stealer fom your mom wert eventhough you get rouble), maybe the Title nHere Comes Troubles meant to bey then you steal your moms money, who know? * hemi Digan ‘bad review in Metal Forces, where they ‘were accused for being DEATH ripoll, 9 ‘how is the question who's right me or the ee ‘ewer from Metal Forces, there's only one ‘vay o find out and thats to buy this lero abu ‘who aren't that orginal These guys have though made a good album here and they realy know what they'e doing and how to play it but litle more originality would Trt the bund “eause their ideas are good, you're into thrash this Ip would really be ‘worth buying An old album nov, but t sill sounds ike {good thrash album in my ears and it eatres Slot of power, so why not buy thie album now tha it must be salable in almost every record shop (yours toa), ater Under One flag have started dstbuting it * Keamie Deigoord Ge A now HERE, with one now track and two oldies. The tile track really rages, in the trie HEXX vei, bbut maybe bit more extreme than onthe Quests EP 1 think the two old ones are (OK, but theyre rom the very beginning of HEXX, so its not inthe thrashy vein. May bbe Wild Rays should've spent a it more money on the cover, cot looks a ite un professional, but maybe thats the point! What the hell if you're a real Hexwfanati, buy or suffer * jac Honen Q) herein he ong vate low upto the vey sucesfll debt ae bum »Slowiy We Rote, Not much has changed since »Slvly ‘except for the sound which is more lean, now, also the lead guitar by James Murphy Is better than on the debutalburn John Tare y's vocals ae also better on this slbum than, fon »Slowly. «though scenes impossible Bat rit. ‘This album contains 9 tracks where one of them isa cover version of CELTIC FROST's Girdle OF The Tyrants The cover artis the best I've ever seen, the 97 This ORYPTIC SLAUGHTER’ Jong awaited new albu, They har ve certainly change. First of al thsi almost 8 whole new band, only Les Evans i et from the original lineup. The line-up is now Les Evans (guitar), Bret Davis (ass), Brian LLehfldt ex- Wehrmacht) (rams) and Dave Hollingsworth (vocals). The music has chan {ge alot to, Asan old CRYPTIC SLAUGT: HEER fan T was really disappointed when I heard this album, at fist it ha absolutely nothing todo with old CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER (then it can only have beco: ime better, right KD) no speedore here 7 Seon album fom DEVIATED (9 INSTINCT. I havent heard their First bat his is really great, Is not death ‘metal eventhough they're on Peacevile ‘What is it then? Ie slow murky and gloomy crossover with a powerfull vol, and i's de finitely interesting think they are very n= fluenced by the crossover kings CRUMBSUCKERS but judge yourselves, What else ean Fell you? DEVIATED IN- STINCT isa thre piece band consisting of Snapa (Bass), Mid (Guitar/vocals) and ‘Adam (Drm ‘The track vThe Resurrection Encores fiom Geman dean me gode MOR GOTH have released their second ddemo »Resurrecon Absurd on a mini Ip on the geen label Century Media, This s probably one of the most brutal de- ath metal releases ever, They sometimes Sounds like DEATH but in a more unpoli hhed way and also mach more bra | must say think they're one ofthe best de ath metal bands around, The cover also ‘ery good a” gor, i ells you that these guys is dealing with the more brutal kind of death hole idea ofthe drawing reminds me aot Of the cover drawing an the move called Catacompsn, The OBITUARY covers just much beter drawed Twas probably a ite disappointed the fist few times I hear this album cause it wasn't much dillrent than slowly show I must say that is fucking great but for what reason schould they change thelr ste When alot of people seemed to love thir first, sibur. Lovers of OBITUARY’s »Slowly We Rote, ‘won't be disappointed + Keane Digoard But when I heard it a few times more i act ally turned out to be good, Isl prefer old CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER: The musics a kind of thrash - core with sor sme VOIVOD iniuences here and thee Allin all hi isa good album. * Brian Jensen. this album ean also be heard on the Peace- tile sampler nVileVibese ‘There ae diferent opinions about this band, but I really ike them eventhoug’ they're bit gloomy. (Cheat i out! * Brian Jensen So do you like fast and brutal death metal then this must be what youre looking for: "Keane Digna QBs setse om MOR f0ing tobe a ful album, which if they follow GOTH is sadly enough also justa the sume line chey've done until now will be ‘nip whieh contains 8 tracks ate killer, Refore crying your eyes out after having read For those of you who liked the Fit mini Ip that this also just a mini ip, Team tell you thieie leo tecord which belong in your that this is much beter than thet debut mi-—_clletion, bilp. The sound have been more polished * Revie Deigaard And they've sed more ellects vo make it found more hortying This sa very good follow up to »Resurec Sion Absurd. The covers ot ss good a= the fine but ist the cover you shal hea = isi Tsure hope they're now finished sha King mini p's and that the next release is 4, Loss cusius io hearthes ves, especially because one of may fave ath metal vocalists Matt (CARNAGE was singing on this one. T guess I got a bit fisappointed. CARBONIZED sound far too ‘messy to me, and their ils and ideas aren't very good, Of course Matis vocaliing helps atl, but this really noc the best band De heard out of Sweden. They broke up, s0 T don't know itis one's avallable anymore * Jasob Hann Son abu fom Bay-Atca Back to VIO-LENCE, this album is ely ‘hrashers VIO-LENCE, good. One thing that makes VIO-LENCE Alot of thrashers got iow VIO-LENCE quite outstancing i Sean Killan's wie, by theic debut album Eternal Nightmares, which i special and erginal which I think wasabicofa success forthe” »Oppressing The Massess ave packed with band. This album is sil inthe same dree- good tracks like oI Pref, »Oficer Nice, ‘ion, bt isnot that much ike EXODUS, it »World In A World and Liquid Courages. has got more oftheir awn sound, Lovers of Bay-Area thrash should get this Speaking of EXODUS, VIOLENCE are "Ban Jno going on tour with FLOTSAM AND JET SAM and EXODUS herein Europe, So THE NRG MAG can almost promise you an ineview with each ofthese bad, so be Suze to get THE NRG MAG no. 2 Q___EXTOMBED ex NIILISTco- rel ile lbur which wil make you ru nes from Sweden, cally sailed fora while. Try not to listen They have their debut album out now, and too much wo it'eae it hen ges Boring, so isa killer musts. ityou follow the instructions above you here ‘They play doomed death metal (not as doo- have (think a lifetime of music enjoyment. med as PARADISE LOST) with some CAR- 10 tacks ean be heard on this ip. The ed ‘CASS ideas here and there, especially the version contains 2 bonus track sound isclose © CARCASS. ENTOMBED By the way, the cover art is fucking brilliant have though manage to bring up their own * Keane Deigaard brutal style witha ery brutal vocal that so rmetimes seas to hea is ake bt the rest of the vocals sok Soi you're able olive with the sometimes bad voeals, you have here found yourself a Bsa oat death meta wih 2 dear DEATH/ MASSACRE in Atuence! I believe the sound could have been abit beter on this 7 EP, but its easy to he Acwhat's going on, and is easy to fea that REVENANT know what they re dang! Ti really kilo hear om new recordings with this bands, coe I bet tips. T don't know it they've got deal or not, but I hope they ha \e, tor these dudes deserve i alight. Get hold ofthis ripping 7" 1s really worth * jacob Hansen A, Fromh AGRESSOR recent ele sea their debut album T have never heard AGRESSOR's matic be- fore this, and this is really a disappointment ‘my cars, AGRESSOR play thrash metal with very lite to offer that hasnt been done a million times before and better. They re tind me of KREATOR and old EXODUS, Bnd in some places they get abit to close to those bands (One eelly positive thing isthe vocals who's oie great, aw and dark, but that doesn't really change my opinion, An album Tex: not recommend "Brian Jem 6 1/, Dist Barche' re '9 thrash metal release, HELLBASTARD offers very fast thrash me {al that’s not heavier or more technical than mest thrash bands, buat i really great t sen to same ies, This is their second al bum and is produced by Colin Richardson, wo a also worked with NAPALM DE= ATH, CARCASS and DISCHARGE, 8 songs and 2 acoustic guitar tacks are on this album, the acoustic guitar tracks are = bivboring, don’t get me wrong they're very \ellpayed but i's just an overdone thing these days, Best racks most be nnterrogate 77 Seehof sveness and many changesin i what, ATROPHY stands fr. lat of people seemed o ike their debut Socialized Hates very much, but 2s havent got that one ean of oure not co fate them, bt only say that hi albur was lly a good surprise eventhough speed thrash not ‘shat Tm nto the moment. Lets sar withthe food things this record ha offer. Ther’ ot ff meaning in the ics that deals with war and people being inoncencely punished ete And Frealready sod there's alot of agresvenss and ‘anges in the music A bad thing he cover ‘whi reminds me lot of SACRED REICH,’ 4, Bh thn cet extreme bo ring! I've not realy ben into ANTHRAX since their nAmong The Li ing alburm, so ties really not my eup of {eal They seem to have los the charm and agressive sound they had on »Spreading anid »Among «and it sem ike ‘theyre stuck in real boing tle, where no fone actually gives shit about them: Once I though they were alot of fun and theashing like on their cour with OVERKILL and AGENT STEEL, but anyway, how they sound now is realy not worth anything 5 Jeuob Hansen 7/, PHANSTOS afr ize dein '9 thrash band from Holland, who has just Feleased their debut album afer having been around as band since 1984, st wat also about dime they go signed. The album is ako good, but sl i's massing something like more power and aggresiveness and a ‘more brotal vice, the sound is also abit’ thin. Allin all is avery good debut for this h thrash band who I'm sure of as alot of good ideas 19 make their second album ‘much better and to give it a beter sound than this. So do you like death thrash, this rust be it So run doven in your local record “Theme, of Beg In Bloode and »Enslavers. Anyway, if you wanna listen to 30m ood "rah with nothing new in, you should check this out ‘An album over average * Bron Jose also made by Paul Stotler. Now it might ok ke [ATROPHY and SACRED REICH susng ex ‘hother ides, ft ATROPHY by having 2 cover that loo’ like SACRED REICH’ follow upto the surf Niearagua cove, and then SACRED REICH by having the same sound as ATROPHY (atthe guys ony had one iden each, twas of ‘ours a good idea for bth bands to mix the) “Anyway, think ATROPHY came up withthe ‘bes rest sof you think he new SACRED [REICH album is good bat ha atendence to get boring then thi most be the album you oo king fr " Kemie Dagan shop and buy this, but before doing that you should probably read the THANATOS in- terview elsewhere in this magazine, to find fut more about this band. * Kewnis Deigsard. PuRsivveN Like the last time FORBIDDEN play- ter and it sounded a litle less cliché ed in Copenhagen, Denmark. They were and we would definetely have been this time also playing support ta bigger categorised as a lame death metal and Death Angel. Like last time it band but obviously we are not dddn't seem to be a bad thing for FOR- NRG: The new album is not out yet, 50 BIDDEN to support ‘cos the audience an yon tell usa litle about it? ‘was just as much into their music as the Paul: Sure, the new album is called headlines. »vTivisted Into Forme, well what can We got hold of Pay! Bostaph the drum= i say about it, in comparesing to the mer in Forbidden who seemed very happy first album it’s heavier, it’s darker, tobe here, to talk about the band and it’s more melodic and the lyrics are what has happened since they were here much better and they will also be last year and the new album » Teisted printed on the album this time and Into Forme which wasn’t out at that t- ‘we finally found a certain direction me right now which we all can go toget- her, it ook us 3 years to write the last album because we just took our time and wrote a few songs her and a few songs there and then we got signed and it was all more serious, the new album was written in 3 month so we were in a big hurry getting the album out and it's a ‘much better album than the first NRG: Please tellus your band story? Paul; Okay, we used to be called FORBIDDEN EVIL, we were for- med in 1985 by Russ, Craig and wo ‘other members there are no longer in the band and the old bass player, cone of the old members Rob Flynn is in VIO-LENCE now, then we picked up Glenn Alvelais who were fone of the guitar players on the first album, when we got home from the tour last year the group split with Glen and we picked up a new guitar player named Tim Calvert and that's the goup history in summery uptil now, NRG: Why did you change the name to FORBIDDEN from what you used to be called FORBIDDEN EVIL? The main reason why is be- ‘cause at that time death metal and satanic bands were in and we are not at death metal or a satanic band we don't sing about that stuff and wwe didn’t want to be confused with people who didn't listen to death ‘metal they would probably not un- derstand FORBIDDEN EVIL be- ‘cause the EVIL part made people think that’s what we were about and ‘we didn’t want to scare away people who did'nt neccesarely at frst like speed metal so we felt that FOR BIDDEN was more a universal type ‘Pauli Thanx for saying the first one was of name and we liked ita little bet- ‘good. 28 $$ RG ‘have read another magazine ‘where you said that » Twisted Into Form: is a very ad album compared to ‘your fist album which had a sort of hap ‘by feeling in t? Paul: Who said that? You did, in Metal Haramer. ‘OH, yes you'll get a happy feeling you heart, but what we mean by ‘moody is another way to describe dar- keer, take for examble SLAYER they are a dark band playing dark and moody Tiff, we like to vogue a motion to eve~ ryone listening to us and we haven’ Jbten up the music is heavier than be- re and we like to keep playing heavy music and getting heavier every album and sill stay eatchy and melodic and al- so be a darker band, In coparasing to the first album [find the new one more happy NRG: After having released a so god debut album as you hace, wasn’ i hard for you to five upto that onthe mew one? When

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