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1º Tarea: Grabar un video o un audio sobre una presentación personal,

es decir, os tenéis que presentar incluyendo datos como nombre y

apellidos, edad, nacionalidad/ localidad, estudios cursando, trabajo (si lo
hay) y hobbies. Para ello podéis echarle un vistazo a la tarea anterior
que va sobre esta información. Es aconsejable hacer la presentación
utilizando presente simple y presente continuo según convenga. No hay
mínimo ni máximo de expansión. La podéis hacer tan corta o tan larga
como consideréis; siempre y cuando incluya al menos la información
descrita anteriormente.

(Este tienes que adaptarlo para grabarlo por voz en audio)

My name is Francisco Talavera. I am thirty two years old, I live in Spain

and I am studying for Chef at the Institute Higher of Gastronomy in
I´ve been working in some restaurants during summers as cooker in
order to continue training in the world of gastronomy.
As regards my hobbies, I love music, running in nature and specially
creative writing.
I´m interested in creative and thoughtful activities, that´s why I´m
always watching videos on Youtube and reading books on any subjects
in particular about cooking and agriculture since I have a vegetarian diet
so I try to update it everytime.
2º Tarea: Escribir una redacción de un suceso pasado en un restaurante.
Por ejemplo 'Last Saturday I had dinner in a very popular restaurant...'
Como es un suceso pasado, los verbos tienen que ir en pasado simple y
pasado continuo según convenga.

Last Sunday I had dinner in one of the most popular restaurants in the
city that a friend of mine had recommended to me. It was of Chinese
I arrived there about ten o´clock. I was waiting to be greeted, and a waiter
told me that I had to wait fifteen minutes more for a free table. I walked to
the bar and then I took a fresh beer while I was waiting to sit down.
The waitress at the bar was talking to me about restaurant food and we
were exchanging opinions about the local dishes.
Moreover, we were talking about desserts when her colleague called me
and finally I could sit down. He handed me the menu while he went to the
kitchen looking for the entrees.
At table, I ordered three delicacies fried rice, spring rolls, grilled pork with
oyster sauce, sweet and sour beef as well.
To be honest, the service was extremely fast since while I was eating the
first course the waiter kept bringing the rest with high-speed.
It was a very comfortable experience that I would like repeat one day.

Francisco Talavera Vera

Dirección de cocina
Instituto Superior de Gastronomía

Escribir una redacción de un suceso pasado en un restaurante los verbos

han de ir en pasado simple y pasado continuo.

Last Sunday I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I sat at a table and saw
while I was reading the menu, the waiter brought Chinese dumplings to
another customer.
Therefore, I told him to bring me a delicious portion while I was thinking
what I was going to order for the main course. When I proved it, I decided
to order a dish with fish and potatoes and a chicken teriyaki dish.
Afterwards, I told the waiter that he was ordering the second course while
he was bringing the meat. When I finished, I reminded him that the chicken
was missing and he told me he was ready in five minutes more or less.
As I was bringing him to my table, the waiter slipped and the plate fell and
broke… He apologized to me and consequently he brought me some
Gyoza to compensate for everything. Then he ran to the kitchen to ask me
for the chicken again.
When I finished dinner I was heading to pay in cash and, to my surprise,
my friend Sebastian was there too so I was talking to him for five minutes
while the waiter got the bill.
After paying, I remembered that I wanted to watch a fantastic movie so I
took my car quickly and drove at home.
Finally, I arrived early and I started to watch the amazing film while I was
eating my forgotten dessert. Then I went to bed and put on my “pijama”
thinking about how good it had been that night.

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