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Siberian Huskies/,,,,

B11 Three thousand years ago, the Chukchi people of  SURVIVE

northeastern Siberia depended on Siberian
Huskies for their ……………………….
B12 These cheerful dogs pulled sleds and herded CHALLENGE
reindeer in a
very ……………………… environment.
B13 In the 1900s, fur traders took huskies to North  GLOBE
America. They
gained ……………………… recognition when
they rushed urgent medicine to sick Alaskans in
1925. Consequently, they became well known
for their speed and endurance.
B14 However, it is the huskies’ gentle and sociable  EXCEL
character that makes
them ……………………… family pets. If you
are looking for a guard dog, however, then this
breed is not for you, as huskies tend to like
everyone. excellent
B15 Also, if huskies are left alone, they can become  BEHAVE
bored and ………………………. They show
their boredom by howling like a wolf!
B16 It is better to get a husky when it is a puppy so  SURE
that you can train it and show it who is boss.
This will ……………………… that your husky
becomes a wonderful pet. surely

Portuguese Water Dogs

B11 The Portuguese Water Dog, or ‘Portie’, is a  INSTRUCT
muscular, medium-sized dog that is very
sociable and loyal. It is an extremely intelligent
dog that is quick to learn and
understand ………………………. instructions
B12 As the name suggests, CHARACTER
another ……………………… of these dogs is
that they love to swim. In fact, Porties were used
by Portuguese fishermen for many centuries to
catch fish, carry messages between fishing
boats, guard the boats when they were in port
and get back anything that fell overboard.
B13 Porties were so ……………………… on board  USE
the fishing ships that the fishermen considered
them to be part of the crew and always gave
them a share of the fish that had been caught.
B14 But technology ……………………… replaced  EVENTUAL
Porties. The fishermen began to use radios to
send messages between ships and machines to
pull up nets. By the 1930s, Porties were almost
extinct. eventually
B15 Luckily, however, a rich man called Vasco  SUCCESS
Bensaude took an interest in the Portie. He
began a breeding programme to try to save the
breed. The programme was
very ……………………….
B16 Today, although the Portie is still quite  COMMON
a(n) ……………………… breed, it is no longer
in danger of disappearing. uncommon

The Trans-Siberian Railway

B11 Travelling on the Trans-Siberian Express is an  CONTINUE
extraordinary journey. It is the
longest ……………………… railway in the
world — 10,000 kilometres long, or one third of
the distance around the globe. continued
B12 Travellers on the Trans-Siberian railway  AMAZE
describe the journey as
a(n) ……………………… adventure; seven
days or more of exotic travel from Moscow to
Vladivostok. Amazing
B13 However, many travellers say that it is  CONVERSE
the ……………………… with other passengers
that makes the journey special. You can spend
many hours making new friends and discussing
the landscape of the Ural Mountains and Siberia.
B14 You can either stay on the train for the whole ADVENTURE
journey or, if you are feeling
more ………………………, you can arrange
stops along the way. A stopover at Irkutsk is
recommended for a few days
B15 Here you can explore the city and visit  BEAUTY
the ……………………… Lake Baikal; the
deepest lake in the world. beautiful
B16 The journey ends on the east coast of Russia in  MEMORY
Vladivostok, whose name means “Lord of the
East”.However you decide to spend your time on
the Trans-Siberian Express, it will be an
extremely ……………………… experience.

Fyodor Dostoevsky
B11 Fyodor Dostoevsky was born in Moscow in 1821.  GOVERN
He was the son of a doctor who worked in a
hospital for the poor.
The young Dostoevsky went to military school and
held ……………………… posts until he resigned
to become an author. He became one of the most
important and influential writers that has ever lived.
B12 Dostoevsky admired the works of the English INDUSTRY
writer Charles Dickens who wrote about difficult
times during the ……………………… Revolution
in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Dostoevsky also wrote novels about social issues.
B13 One of Dostoevsky’s most significant works  EMPLOY
is Crime and Punishment. The main character in
the novel is Raskolnikov, a
poor, ……………………… university drop-out.
B14 The novel tells the story of how Raskolnikov plans  GREED
to murder a(n) ……………………… moneylender
to solve his financial problems. greedy
B15 Another major work is The Brothers Karamazov,  POSSIBLE
which was Dostoevsky’s final novel
and ……………………… even his best. possibly
B16 The novel focuses on a murder again but this time  REACT
Dostoevsky examines other
characters’ ……………………… to the crime.
Fyodor Dostoevsky died in 1881 and is buried in
the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.

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