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Cosmic Breathing

Cosmic Breathing ~ An Aid For Ascension

October 19, 2011 by Margarit Brigham

Sacred Connections

Connecting back to Mother Earth and all our Relations

October 19, 2011 by Margarit Brigham

I first introduced The Cosmic Breath back in Sept 2009 for the First National Yoga month. I
blogged during that month I did it and encouraged others to join such as: The Cosmic
Breath during 09/09/09  and a blog with an instructional video for the Fall Equinox…now
I’m bringing them forth again during the days leading up to 11/11/11.  In the meantime you
are welcome look up Cosmic Breath in the Search field to read more on you own. 

Why is this energy tool, I sometimes call the Yoga Cosmic Breath, useful to us at
this moment in Time?

Breathing Through the Worlds Labor Pains

As a Mother I had a choice about learning to breathe through Labor pains or not... I chose
to learn the different breathing techniques.  It has occurred to me the same thing is
happening in our world right now. We have a choice. We can breathe through the World’s
Labor Pains right now to assist us with an easy or painful transition.


I found the Cosmic breathing in a Yoga book my departed Mother passed on to me.
The book was written by Indra Devi (A Yoginni who lived until 102) who published
the book in 1963 Titled: “Renew Your Life Through Yoga”

Indra wrote;

“My own initiation into the practice came from someone far advanced along the
path of spiritual development who was eager for me to pass it on to others by
describing it in my books…..I hope it may benefit countless men and women I shall
never know, and to whom it will serve as a connecting link between the earth and
the great cosmos beyond.”

 This Breath Charges the whole being with energy directly from the Cosmos
bringing more vitality and power to the body.

 Establishes a harmonious balance within your organism & an overall spiritual

affinity between yourself and the surrounding world.

 Brings about an exhilarating, happy and harmonious feeling that will enable you to
meet calmly any situation.

 Will help you bring radiance and hope to the lives of others.

Last but not Least:

 “You will come to realize that you are not merely a poor helpless human
imprisoned in a body like a bird in a cage, but are in effect an integral part of the
entire universe, where all fears and tensions are dispersed in the light of the

Yoga Cosmic Breath – Connecting your heart to the energy of the sun, moon, stars,
Sky, Earth, Planets, angels, the Divine, Loved Ones who have passed … etc.

 Lying down, Sitting or Standing visualize your Heart as a center from which, with
every inhalation You send love to  the cosmos, then with every exhalation the
love returns, into your Heart centre.

 Whenever doing the Cosmic Breath, your love should flow out to just one
particular place which you visualize each time.

For example-Begin by focusing on the sun, whether you can see it in the sky or not,
visualize it for a moment and then bring your attention to your heart. Inhale send your love
to the sun, exhale and bring the sun’s love into your heart. Do this 3 to 5 times

Then move on to something else in the Cosmos, such as the sky and breathe the same
pattern with the sky 3 times.

I invite you to join me to do this cosmic breathing to fill you with Hope  leading up to
11/11/11. I’ve set up a radio episode to Guide those who are attracted to doing the
Cosmic Breath that day at 11:00 am. I’ll Keep posting, this blog is long enough…

***Caution*** I was hesitant to Share the Cosmic Breath again because of the intense
feelings and extreme changes I experienced in life.

***Solution***However, since then I discovered that if I ground myself first I, or you, will
not have to go through a similar shift.

***Grounding Tip***The quickest way I have learn to ground is by using the image in the
Movie Avatar:  I imagine I have a tail, that  I can plug into the center of the Earth.

What grounding techniques do you use?


Margarit Brigham

1. on November 1, 2011 at 7:36 pm | Reply Mieke

My image is the tree with its roots in the ground and its leaves in the air.
The leaves respond to the law of the least resistance, when they fall off, effortlessly
reaching the ground, playing with the wind, having the capacity to recycle from the roots of
the tree through its branches to re-appear.
Blessings from Mieke 

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