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Book important?
I ching
I ching is the oldest known book in old Chinese history and one of the most
important philosophy book in the world. It helps us understand ourselves better
and help us to see the balance between opposite events. It also explains to us
how to understand the evolution process. There are more than a billion people
have read it throughout the history. There is no better book can demonstrate
500 years ago Chinese wisdom and philosophy so well.

Book interesting?
Harry potter.
Harry potter is undoubtly a famous book but most people think it is a book for
children or teenagers. I have to say it is an interesting experience to read harry
potter even for adults. In the book it describes a whole magic world and there
are so many mysterious things, for example magic and spells, people can fly…
but the fiction developed with very logical endings. I love this book because it
was written in an easily-understood language and it inspired my imagination so

Admired people ?
My grandfather.
He is not tall, a little bit fat but in good health even at age of 80. He used to be
a professor in astronomic university for the course of theoretical dynamics. He
is very professional in his academic field and a lovely old man at home. He is
an accurate person being precise on anything, on his calculation, his lab work
and even on cooking. My grandpa is very kind to me and my brother yet he can
be very restricting when checking our schoolwork because of his accuracy.

important Ceremony or event?

I’ll never forget my graduation ceremony.
It was held in 2004 in ***** University. In that ceremony, I achieved my master
of sciences degree in Biochemical Engineering. It was a wonderful reward of
my two years hard study and also a perfect start of my future work. At the
ceremony, I was like a superstar receiving everyone’s flowers, congratulations,
being shot by tens of cameras simultaneously and celebrate our success with
all of my classmates. We deserve such a happy party.

Favorite Place?
La pure café
My friends and I often go to la pure café in our spare time. It just locates in our
neighborhood so it’s very convenient for us to go there. We can enjoy its
famous cappuccino coffee or chocolate ice cream, the cherry cake and
cookies are also delicious. There are nearly hundreds taste of coffee and ice
cream worthy to try, most important, they are not expensive. It is a quite place
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at where I can talk with my friends, share our happiness, or play some chess.
There also serve some fashion magazines that people can read for free.

Best Gift ?
It was a gift from my boyfriend to congratulate my graduation two years ago.
Although its model is a bit out of date its work performance is still in good
conditions. I spend at least 5 hours in front of my laptop everyday. It is the most
important tool for my study and work. I need it to finish my paper, make
presentation slides, and do the lab data analysis, simulate the Chemical
Engineering model. In my spare time, I use the laptop to surf on the internet to
read news or find useful information, chat with friends.

Important characteristics of friend

I think a good friend should be first of all honesty. There’s no friendship can last
long if it builds on lies. And a good friend should also be frank, he should
pointed out my weakness if I’m wrong instead of pricing me all the time. And a
good friend should be the best support of mine, who is always willing to help
me, listen to me, share our happiness or sorrow. It says that a friend in need is
a friend indeed.

Famous Activity in your country?

There are many popular sports in China, for example soccer, volleyball, table
tennis, badminton etc. Among these games I think the most popular one is
table tennis. Chinese has won nearly all the top prizes of table tennis in world
championship competition and in Olympics games. I think this is the most
important reason that table tennis is famous in China. It’s a competitive game
and it can improve people’s quick reaction as well as flexibility. Even primary
school students can play it very well.

Describe A difficulty experience and how to solve it

Last week I installed my laptop by my own, it may not be considered as a
problem by others but it was really a big difficulty to me. I never installed a
whole operating system before. Last week my laptop got virus and crashed,
unfortunately I was in urgent need of my computer to prepare my TOEFL exam.
I have to get all the software CDs, print out some install instructions from
internet, carefully follow the protocols, backup all my important information and
data before formatting the hard disk…there was so many unknown things to
me, but fortunately I finally managed them all and get my computer recovered.

Small group discussion or lecture?

In larger lecture, you may feel boring with professor’s speech or become
sleepy after a while so your understanding will decline. But this will not happen
during group discussion. Group discussion is more efficient for carry on a
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project, everyone are forced to give their own opinion and thinking. Group
discussion can inspire creativity and brainstorming, in discussion you will
automatically find your knowledge become more systematically and improved
during the group talks.

Eat out with friends or eat at home?

We would prefer to eat in restaurants. First reason is that we usually are
exhaust after a whole day work and have no energy to cook. And we often feel
starve after work so we want to find something to eat as soon as possible, to
cook by myself is too time consuming, so definitely to eat out is a quick solution.
And there are many good restaurants locate around my company and my
neighborhood, it’s not expensive but very delicious food. We can easily choose
anyone of those, finish our dinner within an hour and enjoy the rest of the

Describe a Public visiting

Sagarada familia
I’ve been to Barcelona twice, and have been to Sagarada Familia twice. I was
shocked by the great architecture even though it’s not finished yet. The
architect Mr. Antoni Gaudi made it a perfect fusion of the natural elements and
every piece of block in this church. You will find the inspirations of pillars are
come from the trees and leaves, the tower shape are come from corns and
flowers. It was amazing that Gaudi can design such a complicate church as an
artwork and the Barcelona people’s great patience in building it.

Large city university or small city university

I would prefer the university in a small city. Small city is quiet and peaceful, it is
a perfect place for study. I used to study in a famous university locates in a
small city of Europe for several years, and I enjoyed the academic atmosphere
very much. I will not be bothered about noise or traffic jam. We can easily get
to campus by bicycle within 10 minutes so we’ll not waste our time on traffic,
there’s always fresh air and beautiful flowers outside my window, so we’ll not
worry of air pollution.

Prefer live with roommates or alone?

I would like to live with one or two roommates. First of all by sharing room with
others it will reduce the rent. Second I will not feel lonely because the
roommate’s existence, we can talk to each other, share information and cook
together. And it is a good way to get to know more friends, we can take the
chance to know each other’s friends. I used to have a roommate who is a very
capable girl. She is now one of my best friends. I learnt a lot from her, and we
still keep in touch even we’ve moved apart for two years.

Prefer poem, magazine or novel?

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I would prefer to read a novel. Poem and magazines are very good literatures
but for me they are too short and easily can be forgotten. But a novel is a
relative long and a complete story, it is more attractive by the story’s
developing pace. So the story is easy to be remembered. And in different
novels we can experience variety styles of life, those we may not have
chances to make it by our own life. There can be romantic stories like <gone
with the wind>, magic worlds like in the <Harry potter>, and even some history
novels by which we can easily understand the world evolution……

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