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This is a big deal for many people with curved bodies, but I'm joking,
even for non-curved bodies. Many people often find it difficult to measure
themselves. Especially when your body shape cannot represent those in
the book, the video that guides you to do so, so I made a small guide to
help you.
Before we start adjusting our way of dressing (especially if we make a dress
for ourselves), if you are not sure about your body shape, do we need
these measurements?

Take a picture of yourself in a swimsuit in front of the mirror and compare.

Tip 1: Before starting the measurement, put on a thin layer of tights,

tights, and Spanx. Anything that makes your bra smooth can be worn
under beautiful clothes.

Tip 2: Stand up straight but don't stand up straight, keep a natural

posture, don't suck, and separate your legs about 30cm.

Tip 3: When you stand in front of the mirror, ask someone to measure
for you. So you can see if it is possible, if you have no one to do it for you.
Do it yourself, but again, standing in front of the mirror helps a lot.

Tip 4: When measuring the bust circumference, keep your elbows

close to your body to prevent the chest cavity from swelling. , Any age.
You’re beautiful! If you have some physical insecurity like 99.9% of
women! At the end of this workshop, you will experience a huge
transformation of loving yourself and your body! Yes you will.
Maybe you will immediately recognize your body type in this
category list, maybe not.

If you need a little help, you can always take measurements and use these
numbers to guide you. Your measurements are also useful for buying
general clothing; no matter what "type" it may belong to. Here is how to
accurately measure your measurements:-


You will need help in this regard. Have a friend or someone you trust
measure your back from the edge of one shoulder to the other. Place one
end of the measuring tape on the fullest part of your bust and wrap it
around you. Make sure to get under the armpits and around the shoulder


Use a tape measure like a belt around your natural waist, the area above
your belly button but below your chest cavity. If you are measuring the
correct point, tilt it slightly to the side. You may see a small crease shape,
which is your natural waist circumference.

Place one end of the measuring tape in front of one of your hips, and then
wrap the measuring tape around you. Make sure to spend most of the hip

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